Results for 'Gökhan Baş'

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  1.  22
    Bāul philosophy.Pūrṇadāsa Bāula - 2003 - New Delhi: A.P.H. Pub. Co.. Edited by Selina Thielemann.
    () Baul sadhana: introduction The word 'baul, in popular interpretation, is generally equated with singing: with folk song of Bengal or, more concretely, ...
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    (1 other version)Figurative uses of the head-denoting words baş and kafa in Turkish idioms.Melike Baş - 2017 - Pragmatics and Cognition 24 (2):138-163.
    This study analyzes the metaphoric and metonymic nature ofbaş/kafa‘head’ in Turkish idiomatic expressions from a cognitive linguistic perspective. The database for the study is composed of idioms containing the two head-denoting wordsbaşandkafa. Idioms and their definitions are analyzed in terms of their figurative uses of abstract concepts, and the conceptual metaphors and metonymies are identified. Findings are examined under five categories: head as the representative of the person, the seat of mental faculties, the locus of emotions, the sign of superiority/power, (...)
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  3. Dbu maʼi zab gnad sñiṅ por dril baʼi legs bśad Klu sgrub dgoṅs rgyan: a treatise reconciling various philosophical traditions on the basis of Madhyamika dialectic based on the exegesis of A-mdo Dge-ʼdun-chos-ʼphel. Zla-ba-bzaṅ-po - 1982 - Leh: D.T. Tashigang. Edited by Dge-ʼdun-Chos-ʼphel.
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  4. Bāṃlādeśa Darśana Samitira biśa bachara smāraka saṃkalana, 12 Agrahāẏaṇa 1399/26 Nabhembara 1992.Muhammada Ābadula Bārī & Śarīpha Hāruna (eds.) - 1992 - [Ḍhākā]: Bāṃlādeśa Darśana Samiti.
    Twentieth anniversary souvenir of the Bangladesh Philosophical Association, comprises articles chiefly on Bangladesh philosophy; includes activities of the Association.
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    al-Qīmah al-maʻrifīyah lil-istiqrāʼ: dirāsah muqāranah bayna Kārl Būbir wa-Muḥammad Bāqir al-Ṣadr.Manāl Bāqir - 2021 - Bayrūt: Dār Rawāfid lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  6. Śrī Dhanajibāpunā sānnidhyamāṃ: lekhaka ane emanā mitronā Śrī Dhanajībāpu sāthenā vārtālāpo. Dhanajībāpu - 1990 - Amadāvāda: Vikretāo Navabhārata Sāhitya Mandira. Edited by Māvajī Ke Sāvalā.
    Dialogues with Dhanajībāpu, b. 1922, philosopher from Gujarat, India.
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  7. Bāzan ʼenemalas.Kirubél Bašāh - 1969 - ʼAdis ʼAbabā: Čémber mātamiyā bét.
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    Samarasya: studies in Indian arts, philosophy, and interreligious dialogue: in honour of Bettina Bäumer.Bettina Bäumer, Sadananda Das & Ernst Fürlinger (eds.) - 2005 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    This Inspirational Guide To An Open, Critical Exchange Between India And The West Is Framed As A Tribute To Dr. Bettina Baumer, An Eminent Scholar Of Indology. Comprising 32 Essays, Segregated Into Three Sections Indian Philosophy And Spirituality, Indian Arts And Aesthetics, And Interreligious And Intercultural Dialogue.
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  9. Mājhyā taruṇa mitrānno: Śrī Dattābāḷa yāñcī muktacintane. Dattābāḷa - 1996 - Kolhāpūra: Sĩhavāṇī Priṇṭarsa, Pabliśarsa. Edited by Subhāsha Ke Desāī.
    Transcript of speeches by a Hindu philosopher, chiefly on Hindu philosophy and Hinduism.
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  10. Ḥāshiyat al-Bājūrī ʻalā al-Sullam.Ibrāhīm ibn Muḥammad Bājūrī - 1966 - Edited by ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad Akhḍarī.
  11. The Empirical Stance.Bas C. Van Fraassen - 2002 - Yale University Press.
    What is empiricism and what could it be? Bas C. van Fraassen, one of the world’s foremost contributors to philosophical logic and the philosophy of science, here undertakes a fresh consideration of these questions and offers a program for renewal of the empiricist tradition. The empiricist tradition is not and could not be defined by common doctrines, but embodies a certain stance in philosophy, van Fraassen says. This stance is displayed first of all in a searing, recurrent critique of metaphysics, (...)
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  12. Bas Van Fraassen, the empirical stance.Bas van Fraassen - manuscript
    Projet En développant son « empirisme constructif », Bas Van Fraassen est devenu une référence incontournable pour la philosophie des sciences contemporaine. Après la vague de critiques qui, vers les années 1960, avait fait perdre à l'empirisme logique sa prédominance dans le champ des idées, le réalisme scientifique semblait s'être imposé comme le seul compte rendu acceptable du travail et des orientations de la recherche. Quine avait beau énoncer ce que pourrait être un empirisme affranchi de ses deux « dogmes (...)
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  13.  83
    The logic of conditional obligation.Bas C. Fraassen - 1972 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 1 (3/4):417 - 438.
  14. Ibn ʻArabī fī ufuq mā baʻda al-ḥadāthah.Muḥammad Miṣbāḥī (ed.) - 2003 - [al-Rabāṭ]: Kullīyat al-Ādāb wa-al-ʻUlūm al-Insānīyah bi-al-Rabāṭ.
  15. Grub mthaʼ kun śes nas mthaʼ bral sgrub pa źes bya baʼi bstan bcos bźugs so.Stag-tshaṅ Lo-tsā-ba] - 1999 - In Stag-Tshaṅ Lo-Tsā-Ba ŚEs-Rab-Rin-Chen, Grub mthaʼ kun śes kyi rtsa ʼgrel. Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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  16. Śrī Śrījī Bābā abhinandana grantha.Śrījī Bābā & Vinaya (eds.) - 1988 - Bambaī: Śrī Śrījī Bābā Abhinandana Samiti.
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    Posṭamôrṭam: saḍetoḍa gappā Ḍô. Ravī Bāpaṭa yāñcyāśī.Ravī Bāpaṭa - 2011 - Puṇe: Manovikāsa Prakāśana. Edited by Sunīti Jaina.
    Critical analysis of the commercialization and malpractice current in the profession of medicine.
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  18. Bkaʼ bstan dgongs ʼgrel khyad ʼphags lta baʼi yang snying zhes bya ba bshugs so. Zla-Ba-Tshe-Ring - 2016 - Mundgod: ʼBras Blo-gling Dpe-mdzod-khang.
    Study on Pratītyasamutpāda, theory of relativity and causality in Buddhism with reference to canonical literature.
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  19. al-Akhlāq: uṣūluhā al-dīnīyah wa-judhūruhā al-falsafīyah.Muḥammad ʻAlī Bārr - 2010 - Jiddah: Kursī Akhlāqīyāt al-Ṭibb.
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    The Early Growth of Logic in the Child: Classification and Seriation.Bärbel Inhelder - 1964 - London, England: Routledge. Edited by Jean Piaget.
    First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    De-westernizing film studies.Saër Maty Bâ & Will Higbee (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    The book combines a series of chapters considering a range of responses to the idea of 'de-westernizing' film studies with a series of in-depth interviews with filmmakers, scholars and critics.
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    The Scientific Image.Bas C. Fraassen - 1983 - Mind 92 (366):291-293.
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    Syntactic Gradience: The Nature of Grammatical Indeterminacy.Bas Aarts - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This is the first exhaustive investigation of gradience in syntax, conceived of as grammatical indeterminacy. It looks at gradience in English word classes, phrases, clauses and constructions, and examines how it may be defined and differentiated. Professor Aarts addresses the tension between linguistic concepts and the continuous phenomena they describe by testing and categorizing grammatical vagueness and indeterminacy. He considers to what extent gradience is a grammatical phenomenon or a by-product of imperfect linguistic description, and makes a series of linked (...)
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  24. Imposing Duties and Original Appropriation.Bas Vossen - 2014 - Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (2):64-85.
  25.  69
    Rational Belief and Probability Kinematics.Bas C. Fraassevann - 1980 - Philosophy of Science 47 (2):165-.
    A general form is proposed for epistemological theories, the relevant factors being: the family of epistemic judgments, the epistemic state, the epistemic commitment , and the family of possible epistemic inputs . First a simple theory is examined in which the states are probability functions, and the subject of probability kinematics introduced by Richard Jeffrey is explored. Then a second theory is examined in which the state has as constituents a body of information and a recipe that determines the accepted (...)
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    The Geometry of Opinion: Jeffrey Shifts and Linear Operators.Bas C. Fraassevann - 1992 - Philosophy of Science 59 (2):163-.
    Richard Jeffrey and Michael Goldstein have both introduced systematic approaches to the structure of opinion changes. For both approaches there are theorems which indicate great generality and width of scope. The main questions addressed here will be to what extent the basic forms of representation are intertranslatable, and how we can conceive of such programs in general.
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    Aṭfālunā - qādatunā: dalīl al-ʻāʼilah al-Muslimah al-ʻamalī li-tarbiyat aṭfālihā fī al-waṭan wa-al-mahjar.Hishām Khalīl Rībā - 2013 - [Chicago?]: Dr. Hicham Khalil Riba.
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  28. The False Hopes of Traditional Epistemology.Bas C. Van Fraassen - 2000 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60 (2):253 - 280.
    After Hume, attempts to forge an empiricist epistemology have taken three forms, which I shall call the First, Middle, and Third Way. The First still attempts an a priori demonstration that our cognitive methods satisfy some criterion of adequacy. The Middle Way is pursued under the banners of naturalism and scientific realism, and aims at the same conclusion on non-apriori grounds. After arguing that both fail, I shall describe the general characteristics of the Third Way, an alternative epistemology suitable for (...)
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  29.  24
    Classical Humanism and the Challenge of Modernity: Debates on Classical Education in 19th-Century Germany.Bas van Bommel - 2015 - De Gruyter.
    This book challenges the common view that classical education in 19th-century Germany was dominated by a progressive ideal called neohumanism. The prevailing ideal of education at the German Gymnasien was emphatically traditional and is best described as classical humanism. Moreover, this 19th-century classical humanism dynamically related to modern society and should therefore be seen as the continuation of a living tradition.".
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    Aristotle's theory of predication.Allan Bäck - 2000 - Boston: Brill.
    This book claims that Aristotle followed an aspect theory of predication.
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  31. The charybdis of realism: Epistemological implications of bell's inequality.Bas C. Fraassen - 1982 - Synthese 52 (1):25 - 38.
  32. Armstrong, Cartwright, and Earman on Laws and Symmetry.Bas C. Van Fraassen - 1993 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53 (2):431--44.
  33. Kun mkhyen ʾJam-dbyaṅs-bźad-paʾi-rdo-rjes mdzad paʾi blo rig gi rnam gźag ñuṅ gsal legs bśad gser gyi ʾphreṅ mdzes kyi mchan ʾgrel gser gyi lde mig.ʾbaʾ-Laṅ Dkon-Mchog-Chos-ʾphel Gyis Mdzad - 1999 - In Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho, Rje Guṅ-thaṅ Blo-gros-rgya-mtshoʾs mdzad paʾi blo rtags mthaʾ dpyod sogs kyi dkaʾ gnas daṅ. Lanzhou: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
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  34. Bunka kachi to seiji keizai.Haruo Ōba - 1980
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    Muqaddimah fī al-falsafah al-Islāmīyah.ʻUmar Muḥammad al-Tūmī Shībānī - 1976 - Tūnis, al-Jumhūrīyah al-Tūnisīyah: al-Dār al-ʻArabīyah lil-Kitāb.
  36. Analogical priming of semantic relations in a lexical decision task.Ba Spellman & Kj Holyoak - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):497-497.
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    Tarbiyat-i dīnī bar mabnā-yi rūykard-i hirminūtīk: bā takyah bar andīshahʹhā-yi hirminūtīkī-i Muḥammad Mujtahid Shabistarī va Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd.Bābak Shamshīrī - 2018 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Kavīr. Edited by Zahrah Humāyūn.
    Thoughts of Muḥammad Mujtahid Shabistarī and Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd about Quranic hermeneutics and philosophy.
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  38.  90
    Rational Belief and Probability Kinematics.Bas C. Van Fraassen - 1980 - Philosophy of Science 47 (2):165-187.
    A general form is proposed for epistemological theories, the relevant factors being: the family of epistemic judgments, the epistemic state, the epistemic commitment, and the family of possible epistemic inputs. First a simple theory is examined in which the states are probability functions, and the subject of probability kinematics introduced by Richard Jeffrey is explored. Then a second theory is examined in which the state has as constituents a body of information and a recipe that determines the accepted epistemic judgments (...)
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    Appreciating Global Validity.Bas Kortenbach - manuscript
    This paper clarifies and defends the global approach to defining logical validity for meta- and higher-level inferences. This is contrary to an emerging consensus in favour of local validity. Prevalent recent arguments claim that global validity is either superfluous in virtue of collapsing into local, or else untenable because it overgenerates validities, compromises the formality of logic, or breaks symmetry with regular validity. Accordingly, the literature on higher inferential logic has come to focus almost exclusively on local validity. Many key (...)
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    Generalizing the constrained equal awards rule.Bas Dietzenbacher - 2022 - Theory and Decision 95 (1):131-150.
    This paper studies axiomatic characterizations of the constrained equal awards rule for bankruptcy problems. We show that many results apply in a much more general context than for which they are originally formulated. In particular, we generalize several axiomatic characterizations based on symmetry, sustainability, and consistency to the domain of bankruptcy problems with nontransferable utility.
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  41. Parallel search in retrieval from short-term-memory.Ba Dosher & B. Mcelree - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):502-502.
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  42. Backward reinforcement and invariance in reinforcements to acquisition.Ba Williams - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):343-343.
  43. Brahmasūtrāṇi. Bādarāyaṇa - 1933 - Bambaī: Khemarāja Śrīkr̥ṣṇadāsa. Edited by Mauktikanātha.
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  44. Las razones de Ortega o la filosofía del vivir humano.Leopoldo Santos Báez - 2014 - In Salmerón Jiménez, María Angélica & Viridiana Platas Benítez, Reconstrucción de "razones" hispanoamericanas: racionalidad y filosofía en lengua española. Xalapa, Ver., México: Universidad Veracruzana, Dirección Editorial.
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    Literaturwissenschaft als Kulturpoetik der Literatur und Medien.Moritz Baßler - 2015 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 89 (4):505-509.
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    Hiding from Humanity: Disgust, Shame and the Law.Zenon Ba|[Ntilde]|Kowski - 2006 - Contemporary Political Theory 5 (2):226.
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    Constructive Empiricism vs. Naturalism: A conversation with Bas van Fraassen.Jure Zovko & Bas van Fraassen - 2022 - Distinctio: Journal of Intersubjective Studies 1 (1):9-16.
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    Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Ortak Eylem Odaklı Yaklaşıma Göre Sınıf içi Hedef ve Etkinliklerin Hazırlanm.Deli̇baş Murat - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 10):241-241.
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    Death in Sezai Karakoc’s Poetry.Münire Kevser BAŞ - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:774-818.
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  50.  12
    Asuhan budi menerusi Islām: mengandungi sepuluh bahath yang berguna darihal beberapa pihak latihan perangai dan budi pekerti yang dimaqsudkan daripada ajaran-ajaran agama Islām. Zaʻba - 2020 - Kuala Lumpur: Akademi Jawi Malaysia.
    On Islamic ethic and its relation with religious practices of Muslim.
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