Results for 'Haila Ochs'

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  1.  11
    Textual Reasonings: Jewish Philosophy and Text Study at the End of the Twentieth Century.Peter Ochs & Nancy Levene - 2002
    "Textual Reasoning" is the name a family of contemporary Jewish thinkers has given to its overlapping practices of Jewish philosophy and theology. This collection represents the most public expression to date of the shared work, over a period of 12 years, of this society of "textual reasoners." Although the movement of textual reasoning is diverse and pluriform, it is characterized at bottom by the pursuit of the claim that there are significant affinities between Jewish forms of reading and reasoning and (...)
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    Bard datoghutʻyunneri mijev tramabanakan haraberutʻyunnerě ev drantsʻ dzevakan nerkayatsʻumě.Hrant Kʻochʻaryan - 2011 - Erevan: HH GAA "Gitutʻyun" hratarakchʻutʻyun.
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    Comparative Studies and 'Cross-National Attraction' in Education: A typology for the analysis of English interest in educational policy and provision in Germany.Kimberly Ochs & David Phillips - 2002 - Educational Studies 28 (4):325-339.
    This paper describes a 'structural typology' to assist in the analysis of ways in which policy-makers in one country explore educational provision in another and seek to 'borrow' from it. In this analysis we look specifically at England's 'cross-national attraction' to education in Germany over the past 200 years. The paper aims to provide an analytical programme to use in comparative education and to facilitate exploration of the importance of context in shaping educational phenomena.
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    Peirce, Pragmatism, and the Logic of Scripture.Peter Ochs - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first study of Charles Peirce's philosophy as a form of writing and the first study of his pragmatic writings as a critique of the modern attempt to change society by writing philosophy. According to Ochs, Peirce concluded that his own pragmatism displayed the errors of modernity, attempting to recreate rather than repair modern philosophy. His self-critique - which he called pragmaticism - refashions pragmatism as what Ochs calls a 'pragmatic method of reading': a method of, (...)
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  5. Beyond the nature-culture dualism.Yrjö Haila - 2000 - Biology and Philosophy 15 (2):155-175.
    It is commonly accepted that thewestern view of humanity's place in nature isdominated by a dualistic opposition between nature andculture. Historically this has arisen fromexternalization of nature in both productive andcognitive practices; instances of such externalizationhave become generalized. I think the dualism can bedecomposed by identifying dominant elements in eachparticular instantiation and showing that their strictseparation evaporates under close scrutiny. The philosophical challenge this perspective presents isto substitute concrete socioecological analysis forfoundational metaphysics. A review of majorinterpretations of the history of (...)
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  6. On the strong law of large numbers in quantum probability theory.W. Ochs - 1977 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (1):473 - 480.
  7. Peirce, Pragmatism and the Logic of Scripture.Peter Ochs - 1999 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 35 (2):405-409.
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    Some comments on the concept of state in quantum mechanics.Wilhelm Ochs - 1981 - Erkenntnis 16 (3):339 - 356.
  9.  13
    Determining Why Students Take More Science Than Required in High School.George T. Ochs & Michael Robinson - 2008 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 28 (4):338-348.
    This study reports the results of a survey of 405 high school students in a school district in the western United States. The data were used to determine why so many students take only the minimal science required for graduation. Key areas addressed included how science is taught; science literacy; science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM); science, technology, and society (STS); and who influences students to take science. Results were directed at how to motivate more students to continue science study (...)
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    Reviewing the Covenant: Eugene B. Borowitz and the Postmodern Renewal of Jewish Theology.Peter Ochs, Eugene B. Borowitz & Yudit Kornberg Greenberg - 2000 - SUNY Press.
    This major intellectual response to the leading theologian of liberal Judaism provides a significant indication of future directions in Jewish religious thought.
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    The philosophical dullness of classical ecology, and a Levinsian alternative.Yrjö Haila & Peter Taylor - 2001 - Biology and Philosophy 16 (1):93-102.
    Ecology has had a lower profile in Biology & Philosophy than one might expect on the basis of the attention ecology is given in public discussions in relation to environmental issues. Our tentative explanation is that ecology appears theoretically redundant within biology and, consequently, philosophically challenging problemsrelated to biology are commonly supposed to be somewhere else, particularly in the molecular sphere. Richard Levins has recognized the genuine challenges posed by ecology for theoretical and philosophical thinking in biology. This essay sets (...)
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    Patmutʻyuně ev hermenevtikan =.Ṛomik Kʻochʻaryan - 2016 - Erevan: "Matenadaran".
    Girkʻ 1. Movses Khorenatsʻu patmagitakan hayetsʻakargě --.
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  13.  28
    A Jewish Reading of Trinity, Time and the Church: A Response to the Theology of Robert W. Jenson.Peter Ochs - 2000 - Modern Theology 19 (3):419-427.
  14.  14
    (1 other version)Peirce’s Philosophy of Religion.Peter Ochs - 1990 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 18 (56):16-18.
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    The Sentiment of Pragmatism.Peter Ochs - 1992 - The Monist 75 (4):551-568.
    Scholarly discussion of pragmatism today is pulled in the two different directions of a deconstructive historicism and a semiotic foundationalism. These two directions are co-present in the work of one of pragmatism's founders, Charles Peirce, but accompanied for the most part by a different sentiment. When the two are brought together today it is in debate, and the co-presence is marked by anxiety. In Peirce's work, and in that of the classical pragmatists generally, the copresence was within the work of (...)
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    Re‐socializing Scholars of Religious, Theological, and Theo‐Philosophical Inquiry.Peter Ochs - 2013 - Modern Theology 29 (4):201-219.
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    Rebuttal to?more on sperm acrosomal exocytosis?Aida Abou-Haila & Daulat R. P. Tulsiani - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (2):232-233.
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    Ecology finding evolution finding ecology.YrjÖ Haila - 1989 - Biology and Philosophy 4 (2):235-244.
  19. Making the biodiversity crisis tractable. A process perspective.Yrjö Haila - 2004 - In Markku Oksanen & Juhani Pietarinen (eds.), Philosophy and Biodiversity. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 54--82.
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  20.  45
    Trivialization of Critique in Ecology.Yrjö Haila - 1997 - Biology and Philosophy 12 (1):109-118.
  21. Introduction.Peter Ochs & Rebecca Levi - 2012 - Journal of Textual Reasoning 7 (1).
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  22. Religion without violence: the practice and philosophy of scriptural reasoning.Peter Ochs - 2019 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books. Edited by David F. Ford.
    In 1992, Peter Ochs and a few Christian and Muslim colleagues began to gather small groups, in and outside the classroom, to practice close and attentive reading of the sacred Scriptures of the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian traditions. The hope was that members of different religions could hear one another through the patient, respectful reading of each other's Scripture. Hearing each other, participants might enter into interreligious relationships that might point a way to the peaceful engagement of religions--especially those (...)
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    An African Path to Disability Justice: Community, Relationships and Obligations.Oche Onazi - 2020 - Springer Nature.
    How should disability justice be conceptualised, not by orthodox human rights or capabilities approaches, but by a legal philosophy that mirrors an African relational community ideal? This book develops the first comprehensive answer to this question through the contemporary literature on African philosophy, which is relied upon to construct a legal philosophy of disability justice comprising of ethical ideals of community, human relationships and obligations. From these ideals, an African legal philosophy of disability justice is offered as a criterion for (...)
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  24. "Charles Peirce as Postmodern Philosopher".Peter Ochs - 1992 - In David Ray Griffin, John B. Cobb Jr, Marcus P. Ford, Pete A. Y. Gunter & Peter Ochs (eds.), Founders of Constructive Postmodern Philosophy: Peirce, James, Bergson, Whitehead, and Hartshorne. State University of New York Press. pp. 43-87.
    By definition, “logic of postmodernism" would appear to be a contradiction in terms: philosophic post¬modernism emerged as a critique of attempts to found philosophy on some principle of reasoning and to found reasoning on some formal guidelines for how we ought to think. Nonetheless, there are two reasons why Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) ought to be labeled the logician of postmodernism — the philosopher who, more than any other, etched out the normative guidelines for postmodern thinking. The first reason is (...)
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  25.  51
    Jewish Philosophy in a Secular Age. [REVIEW]Peter Ochs - 1991 - Teaching Philosophy 14 (2):209-214.
  26.  10
    Women and Spirituality.Carol Ochs - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Written by an acclaimed scholar to enrich and complete the vision offered by traditional Western spirituality, Women and Spirituality demonstrates that women, as women, have a valuable contribution to make to religion. This new edition is revised and updated in light of thirteen years of feminism, including new biblical role models and a new chapter on women's special relationship to time. Prodding readers to pay attention to their own experiences, Ochs challenges traditional religious concepts such as solitary struggle, otherworldliness, (...)
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  27. From Descriptions to Prehensions: Mate-R-ealizing Mitterer with Whitehead.C. Ochs - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 8 (2):190-201.
    Context: In recent years, the debates surrounding radical constructivism have increasingly paid attention to the problematic dualist logic of radical constructivism as well as that of realism. Mitterer’s non-dualism is an attempt to overcome such approaches. Problem: Although Mitterer succeeds in identifying the flaws of dualism, he takes a reductionist position that does not account for materiality and is therefore not convincing when it comes to describing epistemic processes appropriately. Method: Having identified the conceptual problematic to be found in Mitterer, (...)
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    Compassionate postmodernism: An introduction to postmodern Jewish philosophy.Peter Ochs - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (1):74-79.
    (1997). Compassionate postmodernism: An introduction to postmodern Jewish philosophy. The European Legacy: Vol. 2, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, pp. 74-79.
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    Epilogue.Peter Ochs - 1995 - Modern Theology 11 (2):219-227.
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    Response: Reflections on binarism.Peter Ochs - 2008 - Modern Theology 24 (3):487-497.
  31.  9
    Putting the shameful body to death: some critiques and a way forward in the soteriology of shame.Christoph Ochs & Simon Cozens - 2019 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 36 (4):233-245.
    The concepts of ‘honour and shame’ have emerged in contemporary missiological discourse as a key tool for ministry among ‘shame cultures’. While a recognition of different cultural values is an important step towards contextualisation, the soteriological models presented in these discussions are primarily based on a number of hidden assumptions which require further investigation: that shame is overcome by an outpouring of honour; that shame is a problem between humanity and God; and that the ‘honour system’ of this world is (...)
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    Responsibility in Childhood: Three Developmental Trajectories.Elinor Ochs & Carolina Izquierdo - 2009 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 37 (4):391-413.
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    Internal Diagrams and Archetypal Reasoning in Category Theory.Eduardo Ochs - 2013 - Logica Universalis 7 (3):291-321.
    We can regard operations that discard information, like specializing to a particular case or dropping the intermediate steps of a proof, as projections, and operations that reconstruct information as liftings. By working with several projections in parallel we can make sense of statements like “Set is the archetypal Cartesian Closed Category”, which means that proofs about CCCs can be done in the “archetypal language” and then lifted to proofs in the general setting. The method works even when our archetypal language (...)
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    J. L. Cowan, "Pleasure and Pain". [REVIEW]C. R. Ochs - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 29 (4):610-611.
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  35. Rabbinic Semiotics.Peter Ochs - 1993 - American Journal of Semiotics 10 (1/2):35-65.
    The German Jewish philosophers Hermann Cohen, Martin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig introduced a critique and extension of Kant's transcendental philosophy that looks to us today like the foundations of a rabbinic semiotics. It is a theory about the semiotic character of our knowledge of the world, of other humans and of God. And it is a claim that such a theory is embedded in the classical literature of rabbinic Judaism. More recently, the American rabbinic thinker Max Kadushin presented a more (...)
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    Aspects of communication related to axoplasmic transport.Sidney Ochs - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):433-433.
  37. Jewish Sensibilities.Peter Ochs - 2006 - Journal of Textual Reasoning 4 (3).
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    Rethinking Business Ethics, A Pragmatic Approach (Book).Peter Ochs - 2001 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 37 (4).
    Reviews the non-fiction book 'Rethinking Business Ethics, A Pragmatic Approach,' by Sandra B. Rosenthal and Rogene A. Buchholz.
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    Vergesellschaftung.Amelie Ochs - 2017 - In Pablo Schneider & Marion Lauschke (eds.), 23 Manifeste Zu Bildakt Und Verkörperung. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 173-182.
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  40. Philosophic warrants for scriptural reasoning.Peter Ochs - 2006 - Modern Theology 22 (3):465-482.
    Scriptural Reasoning (SR) is a practice of philosophic theology that is offered as a rationally warranted albeit fallible response to the inadequacies of modern liberal and anti-liberal theologies whether they are adopted as academic projects or as dimensions of lived religious practice. In terms of everyday religious practice in the West today, SR may be characterized as an effort, at once, to help protect Abrahamic folk traditions (that is, of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) from the cultural and theological effects of (...)
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  41.  7
    Krtʻutʻyuně ev hermenevtikan: krtʻutʻyun aṛ imastutʻyun: krtʻutʻyan iskutʻyan batsʻoroshumě hermenevtikakan metʻodabanutʻyamb.Ṛomik Kʻochʻaryan - 2018 - Erevan: Evroprint.
  42.  53
    On the semiotic dimension of ecological theory: The case of island biogeography. [REVIEW]Yrjö Haila - 1986 - Biology and Philosophy 1 (4):377-387.
    The Macarthur-Wilson equilibrium theory of island biogeography has had a contradictory role in ecology. As a lasting contribution, the theory has created a new way of viewing insular environments as dynamical systems. On the other hand, many of the applications of the theory have reduced to mere unimaginative curve-fitting. I analyze this paradox in semiotic terms: the theory was mainly equated with the simple species-area relationship which became a signifier of interesting island ecology. The theory is, however, better viewed as (...)
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  43.  13
    Introduction: Discourse and Autism.Olga Solomon & Elinor Ochs - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (2):139-146.
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  44. Crisis, Call, and Leadership in the Abrahamic Traditions.P. Ochs & W. Johnson (eds.) - 2008 - NYC: Palgrave Macmillan.
    "Over three years of study and fellowship, sixteen Muslim, Jewish, and Christian scholars sought to answer one question: “Do our three scriptures unite or divide us?” They offer their answers in this book: sixteen essays on how certain ways of reading scripture may draw us apart and other ways may draw us, together, into the source that each tradition calls peace. Reading scriptural sources in the classical and medieval traditions, the authors examine how each tradition addresses the “other” within its (...)
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  45. Reparative reasoning: From Peirce's pragmatism to Augustine's scriptural semiotic.Peter Ochs - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (2):187-215.
    This is a genealogical study that traces a “broadly Cartesian” pattern of argumentation: from Augustine’s scriptural semiotic to the “narrowly Cartesian” practice of foundationalism to Charles Peirce’s pragmatic and reparative semiotic. The essay argues (1) that Augustine transformed Stoic logic into a scriptural semiotic; (2) that this semiotic breeds both Cartesian foundationalism and the pragmatic semiotic that repairs it; (3) that Peirce’s semiotic displays the latter. In sum, Augustine’s inquiry risks foundationalism but also breeds a self-corrective “reparative reasoning.” This reasoning (...)
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  46. Pragmatism and the Logic of Political Messianism.Peter Ochs - 2013 - In Pragmatic Studies in Judaism, (Judaism in Context 14: (Gorgias Press, 2013): pp. 167-192. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press. pp. 167-192.
  47. Behind the Mechitsa: Reflections on The Rules of Textual Reasoning.Peter Ochs - 2002 - Journal of Textual Reasoning 1 (1):43pp..
    After twelve years of productive work, the Society for Textual Reasoning has reason to reflect on the rules of reasoning it has nurtured and tested but has not yet adopted, self-consciously, as the rules of its textual reasoning . This essay illustrates some ways of reflecting on these rules. The first section of the essay presents a brief history of STR. The following section, the focal section of the essay, illustrates the rules of TR as displayed in a recent internet (...)
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  48. Continuity as vagueness: The mathematical antecedents of Peirce’s semiotics.Peter Ochs - 1993 - Semiotica 96 (3-4):231-256.
    In the course of. his philosophic career, Charles Peirce made repeated attempts to construct mathematical definitions of the commonsense or experimental notion of 'continuity'. In what I will label his Final Definition of Continuity, however, Peirce abandoned the attempt to achieve mathe­matical definition and assigned the analysis of continuity to an otherwise unnamed extra-mathematical science. In this paper, I identify the Final Definition, attempt to define its terms, and suggest that it belongs to Peirce's emergent semiotics of vagueness. I argue, (...)
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  49. Rational Rabbis, Introduction to Menachem Fisch.Peter Ochs - 2006 - Journal of Textual Reasoning 4 (2):4pp..
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  50. Pragmatic conditions for jewish‐christian theological dialogue.Peter Ochs - 1993 - Modern Theology 9 (2):123-140.
    How is Jewish-Christian theological dialogue possible today? Assuming that the possibility of dialogue is not something to be envisioned by any individual thinker a priori, I offer here a study of two examples of successful Jewish-Christian theological dialogue: George Lindbeck's dialogue with Jewish sources and Michael Wyschogrod's dialogue with Christian sources. To garner some general lessons from these examples, I try to reconstruct the general conditions of dialogue which they appear to share. Discovering that the two dialogues may share identifiable (...)
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