Results for 'Hamho Kihwa'

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    Pojo Chinul’s Influence on Chosŏn Buddhism. 김용태 - 2023 - CHUL HAK SA SANG - Journal of Philosophical Ideas 89 (89):153-181.
    보조 지눌(普照知訥, 1158∼1210)은 한국의 선(禪)을 대표하는 선승이다. 이 글에서는 조선 불교에 미친 보조의 유풍(遺風)을 ‘진화와 확산’의 관점에서 접근해 보았다. 먼저 조선시대 송광사(松廣寺)의 역사와 전통 인식에 나타난 보조 계승의식을 검토했는데, 조선 초의 수선사(修禪社) 작법 회복 주장, 송광사 중창과 16국사 현창, 지눌 저술의 간행과 부휴계(浮休系)의 보조 유풍 선양 등을 다루었다. 이어 조선 전기 고승들의 선의 기풍과 그 안에 보이는 보조 사상의 단편을 추적해 보았다. 선과 교에 모두 정통했던 함허 기화(涵虛己和, 1376∼1433)는 ‘돈오점수(頓悟漸修)’를 중시했다는 점에서, 대혜 종고(大慧宗杲)와 고봉 원묘(高峰原妙)의 간화선(看話禪)을 계승하려 한 벽송 지엄(碧松智嚴, (...)
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  2. The key operative concepts in korean buddhist syncretic philosophy: Interpenetration 通達) and essence-function 體用) in wŏnhyo, Chinul and kihwa.Charles Muller - manuscript
    Korean Buddhism is distinctive within the broader field of East Asian Buddhism for the pronounced degree of its syncretic discourse. Korean Buddhist monks throughout history have demonstrated a marked tendency in their essays and commentaries to focus on the solution of disagreements between various sects within Buddhism, or on conflicts between Buddhism and other religions. While a strong ecumenical tendency is noticeable in the writings of dozens of Korean monks, among the most prominent in regard to their exposition of syncretic (...)
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  3. The buddhist confucian conflict in the early chosôn and kihwa's syncretic response: The hyôn chông non.A. Charles Muller - unknown
    Buddhism became established as a state religion in Korea during the sixth century, and was able to maintain that status with relatively little opposition throughout the Unified Silla and Koryô periods. However, at the end of the Koryô, the Buddhist establishment ended up in a serious confrontation with a rising Korean Neo Confucian polemical movement, a confrontation in which it would end up being the clear loser. The nature of the developing Neo Confucian polemic was twofold. The first aspect was (...)
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  4. Muller, A. Charles, Korea’s Great Buddhist-Confucian Debate: The Treatises of Chong Tojon and Hamho Tuktong : Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2015, 181 pages. [REVIEW]Eric S. Nelson - 2017 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 16 (1):133-137.
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