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Hannah Henderson [3]Hannah M. Henderson [1]
  1. Sensory pleasures and displeasures of the outdoors: Somatic learning and the senses.Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson, Joanna Blackwell & Hannah Henderson - 2024 - The Senses and Society 19.
    Globally, there are calls to increase physical activity levels in relatively sedentary populations, including via physical activity programmes, often targeted at those body-selves deemed at risk of ‘sedentariness’. Despite the salience of sensory pleasures and displeasures in engagement with (and abandonment of) these programmes, the sensory, embodied experiences of participation remain under-researched. Here, we draw on findings from a two-year ethnographic study of a national programme in Wales, which used the aesthetic attractions of ‘natural’ outdoor environments to encourage and sustain (...)
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  2. “Standing out like a sore thumb”: exploring socio-cultural influences on adherence to cardiac rehabilitation.Joanna Blackwell, Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson, Adam Evans & Hannah Henderson - 2024 - Qualititave Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 16.
    Exercise-based rehabilitation forms a key part of the UK National Health Service patient-care pathway for cardiac rehabilitation (CR). Only around half of all eligible patients attend core CR, however, with social inequalities affecting participation. Few qualitative studies have explored in-depth the key factors influencing engagement with CR, specifically from a sociological theoretical, and ethnographic perspective. Utilising an ethnographic approach allowed us to get a sense of the embodied experiences of 10 participants attending or declining core CR, together with a further (...)
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    “I’m so dumb and worthless right now”: factors associated with heightened momentary self-criticism in daily life.Jennifer C. Veilleux, Jeremy B. Clift, Katherine Hyde Brott, Elise A. Warner, Regina E. Schreiber, Hannah M. Henderson & Dylan K. Shelton - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (4):492-507.
    Self-criticism is a trait associated with increased psychopathology, but self-criticism is also a personality state reflecting an action that people do in moments of time. In the current study, we explored factors associated with heightened self-criticism in daily life. Participants (N = 197) received five random prompts per day for one week on their mobile phones, where they reported their current affect (negative and positive affect), willpower self-efficacy, distress intolerance, degree of support and criticism from others, current context (location, activity, (...)
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    We have the time to listen’: community Health Trainers, identity work and boundaries.Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson, Rachel K. Williams, Geoff Middleton, Hannah Henderson, Lee Crust & Adam B. Evans - 2020 - Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 12 (4):597-611.
    This article contributes empirical findings and sociological theoretical perspectives to discussions of the role of community lay health workers, including in improving the health of individuals and communities. We focus on the role of the Health Trainer (HT), at its inception described as one of the most innovative developments in UK Public Health policy. As lay health workers, HTs are tasked with reducing health inequalities in disadvantaged communities by supporting clients to engage in healthier lifestyles. HTs are currently sociologically under-researched, (...)
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