Results for 'Health services research'

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  1.  51
    Health service research: the square peg in human subjects protection regulations.L. S. Gittner, M. J. Roach, G. Kikano, S. Grey & N. V. Dawson - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (2):118-122.
    Protection of human participants is a fundamental facet of biomedical research. We report the activities of a health service research study in which there were three institutional review boards (IRBs), three legal departments and one research administration department providing recommendations and mandating changes in the study methods. Complying with IRB requirements can be challenging, but can also adversely affect study outcomes. Multiple protocol changes mandated from multiple IRBs created a research method that was not reflective (...)
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    Public Health Service Research in Guatemala: Toward New Scholarship.Kayte Spector-Bagdady - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (4):3-3.
    A commentary on “‘Ever Vigilant’ in ‘Ethically Impossible’: Structural Injustice and Responsibility in PHS Research in Guatemala,” from the May‐June 2013 issue.
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    Why health services research needs bioethics.Lucy Frith - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (10):655-656.
    It is nearly 20 years since Tony Hope wrote an editorial in this journal on Empirical Medical Ethics,1 arguing for both a recognition of the increasing amount of work being done in ‘empirical ethics’ and for its importance as a new direction for medical ethics research. Since then empirical ethics has flourished, with debates over the role of ‘empirical’ data in ethical reasoning producing a growing body of literature and the JME and other bioethics journals regularly publishing empirical studies. (...)
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    Recent progress in health services research: on the need for evidence‐based debate.A. Miles MSc MPhil PhD, P. Bentley Phd Frcp Frcpath, A. Polychronis Mb Chb, J. Grey Phd Mrcp & N. Price Ba - 1998 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 4 (4):257-265.
  5.  23
    Health services research: an expanding field of inquiry.Marilyn J. Held PhD & Kathleen N. Lohr PhD - 1995 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 1 (1):61-65.
  6.  31
    Health services research and systemic lupus erythematosus: a reciprocal relationship.Daniel A. Albert - 1997 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 41 (3):327-340.
  7.  29
    Health services research: an expanding field of inquiry.M. J. Field & K. N. Lohr - 1995 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 1 (1):61.
  8.  47
    Why we should not seek individual informed consent for participation in health services research.J. Cassell - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (5):313-317.
    Ethics committees now require that individuals give informed consent to much health services research, in the same way as for clinical research. This is misguided. Existing ethical guidelines do not help us decide how to seek consent in these cases, and have allowed managerial experimentation to remain largely unchecked. Inappropriate requirements for individual consent can institutionalise health inequalities and reduce access to services for vulnerable groups. This undermines the fundamental purpose of the National (...) Service , and ignores our rights and duties as its members, explored here. Alternative forms of community consent should be actively pursued. (shrink)
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    The conceptualization and operationalization of race and ethnicity by health services researchers.Susan Moscou - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (2):94-105.
    Racial and ethnic variables are routinely used in health services research. However, there is a growing debate within nursing and other disciplines about the usefulness of these variables in research. A qualitative study was undertaken (July 2004 – November 2004) to ascertain how researchers conceptualize and operationalize racial and ethnic data. Data were derived from interviews with 33 participants in academic health centers in differing geographic regions. Content analyses extracted manifest and latent meanings to construct (...)
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    Is it time to abandon paper? The use of emails and the Internet for health services research – a cost‐effectiveness and qualitative study.Jennifer Hunter, Katherine Corcoran, Stephen Leeder & Kerryn Phelps - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5):855-861.
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    Involuntary Commitment as “Carceral-Health Service”: From Healthcare-to-Prison Pipeline to a Public Health Abolition Praxis.Rafik Wahbi & Leo Beletsky - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (1):23-30.
    Involuntary commitment links the healthcare, public health, and legislative systems to act as a “carceral health-service.” While masquerading as more humane and medicalized, such coercive modalities nevertheless further reinforce the systems, structures, practices, and policies of structural oppression and white supremacy. We argue that due to involuntary commitment’s inextricable connection to the carceral system, and a longer history of violent social control, this legal framework cannot and must not be held out as a viable alternative to the criminal (...)
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  12.  20
    Book Review: Encyclopedia of Health Services Research, Practice under Pressure: Primary Care Physicians and Their Medicine in the Twenty-First Century: Designing Care: Aligning the Nature and Management of Health Care. [REVIEW]Alan C. Monheit, Ronald T. Rozett & Henry G. Dove - 2010 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 47 (3):262-267.
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  13.  19
    Compensation and reparations for victims and bystanders of the U.S. Public Health Service research studies in Tuskegee and Guatemala: Who do we owe what?Susan M. Reverby - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (9):893-898.
    Using the infamous research studies in Tuskegee and Guatemala, the article examines the difference between victims and bystanders. The victims can include families, sexual partners, and children not just the participants. There are also the bystanders in the populations who are affected, even vaguely, decades after the initial studies took place. Differing reparations for victims and bystanders through lawsuits and historical acknowledgments has to be part of broader discussions of historical justice, and the weighing of the impact of racism (...)
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  14.  28
    Unstable Inferences? An Examination of Complex Survey Sample Design Adjustments Using the Current Population Survey for Health Services Research.M. Davern, A. Jones, J. Lepkowski, G. Davidson & L. A. Blewett - 2006 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 43 (3):283-297.
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  15.  36
    Implementing the district hospital recommendations for the National Health Service Research Ethics Service in England.J. Wisely & J. Lilleyman - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (3):168-168.
    Science and Ethics inextricably intertwinedDawson and Yentis argue that research ethics committees have an obligation to consider the science of applications because this is inextricably entwined with ethics. They lament the fact that the recent English ministerial review of RECs suggests that science should be assessed by others for RECs and not by the committee members themselves. In fact, these views are not as incompatible as they might first appear.The plain truth of the matter is that in a maximum (...)
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  16.  29
    Mental health services within the new York state department of correctional services: An examination of best policies and practices.William J. Morgan Jr - unknown
    A significant number of inmates with mental illness reside within the New York State Department of Corrections (NYSDOCS). New York State has taken the initiative to provide mentally ill inmates with necessary services through a collaboration of the New York State Department of Correctional Services and the New York State Office of Mental Health (NYSOMH). The collaboration results in a mental health delivery system that provides many essential services to mentally ill inmates. This paper focuses (...)
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    Implications of the accuracy of MEPS prescription drug data for health services research.Steven C. Hill, Samuel H. Zuvekas & Marc W. Zodet - 2011 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 48 (3):242-259.
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  18.  36
    A State Health Service and Funded Religious Care.Chris Swift - 2013 - Health Care Analysis 21 (3):248-258.
    This paper analyses the role chaplaincy plays in providing religious and spiritual care in the UK’s National Health Service. The approach considers both the current practice of chaplains and also the wider changes in society around beliefs and public service provision. Amid a small but growing literature about spirituality, health and illness, I shall argue that the role of the chaplain is changing and that such change is creating pressures on the identity and performance of the chaplain as (...)
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  19. Accessing health services through the back door: a qualitative interview study investigating reasons why people participate in health research in Canada. [REVIEW]Anne Townsend & Susan M. Cox - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):40.
    Although there is extensive information about why people participate in clinical trials, studies are largely based on quantitative evidence and typically focus on single conditions. Over the last decade investigations into why people volunteer for health research have become increasingly prominent across diverse research settings, offering variable based explanations of participation patterns driven primarily by recruitment concerns. Therapeutic misconception and altruism have emerged as predominant themes in this literature on motivations to participate in health research. (...)
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  20.  32
    Ethics in municipal health services: working systematically with, and developing competence in ethics.Lillian Lillemoen & Reidar Pedersen - 2013 - Clinical Ethics 8 (1):19-28.
    The Norwegian Parliament has decided to give priority to ethics in municipal health services. This priority is supposed to raise competence in ethics within municipal health services. As part of the national project, the participating municipalities were encouraged to develop and carry out local projects. In this article, we present a local ethics project in one of the participating municipalities in central eastern Norway. The local project for raising competence in ethics was carried out in cooperation (...)
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  21.  42
    Evaluation of Health Service Quality in City Hospitals.Mehmet Yorulmaz - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    In Turkey, city hospitals play a significant role in the provision of healthcare services. This survey looked at the level of satisfaction with various hospitals. In the study, social media was one of the tools. The hospitals' websites were used to compile satisfaction ratings. After that, content analysis was used to look at the hospitals' indicators for technological, communicative, and physical quality. The study considered hospitals with 1200 beds or greater as a sampling factor in hospital selection. Hospitals are (...)
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  22.  12
    Adoption of mobile health services using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model: Self-efficacy and privacy concerns.Yizhi Liu, Xuan Lu, Gang Zhao, Chengjiang Li & Junyi Shi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Mobile health services have been widely used in medical services and health management through mobile devices and multiple channels, such as smartphones, wearable equipment, healthcare applications, and medical platforms. However, the number of the users who are currently receiving the mHealth services is small. In China, more than 70% of internet users have never used mHealth services. Such imbalanced situation could be attributed to users’ traditional concept of medical treatment, psychological factors and privacy concerns. (...)
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  23.  70
    Ethics reflection groups in community health services: an evaluation study.Lillian Lillemoen & Reidar Pedersen - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):25.
    Systematic ethics support in community health services in Norway is in the initial phase. There are few evaluation studies about the significance of ethics reflection on care. The aim of this study was to evaluate systematic ethics reflection in groups in community health , - from the perspectives of employees participating in the groups, the group facilitators and the service managers. The reflection groups were implemented as part of a research and development project.
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  24.  20
    Planning a ‘negligible risk’ national health service survey? Counting the cost and strategies for success: a short report.Laura Cooper, Kylie Johnston & Marie Williams - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (1):128-135.
    Many countries, including Australia, have established a national scheme that supports the recognition of a single ethical review for multi-centre research conducted in publicly funded health services. However, local site-specific governance review processes remain decentralised and highly variable. This short report describes the ethics and governance processes required for a negligible risk national survey of physiotherapy-led airway clearance services in Australia. We detail inconsistencies in research governance document preparation and submission (platforms, processes, forms and signatories) (...)
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  25. " Socialized" health services in saskatchewan.Milton I. Roemer - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  26.  39
    Conflicting demands on a modern healthcare service: Can Rawlsian justice provide a guiding philosophy for the NHS and other socialized health services?Zoë Fritz & Caitríona Cox - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (5):609-616.
    We explore whether a Rawlsian approach might provide a guiding philosophy for the development of a healthcare system, in particular with regard to resolving tensions between different groups within it. We argue that an approach developed from some of Rawls’ principles – using his ‘veil of ignorance’ and both the ‘difference’ and ‘just savings’ principles which it generates – provides a compelling basis for policy making around certain areas of conflict. We ask what policies might be made if those making (...)
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  27.  31
    Ethics in Health Services and Policy: A Global Approach.Dean M. Harris - 2011 - Jossey-Bass.
    Machine generated contents note: Introduction. -- Acknowledgments. -- The Author. -- 1 Ethical Theories and Bioethics in a Global Perspective. -- Theories of Ethics. -- Are Theories of Ethics Global? -- Can Theories of Ethics Encourage People to Do the Right Thing? -- 2 Autonomy and Informed Consent in Global Perspective. -- Ethical Principles and Practical Issues of Informed Consent. -- Does Informed Consent Really Matter to Patients? -- Is Informed Consent a Universal Principle or a Cultural Value? -- 3 (...)
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  28.  15
    Exploring Barriers to Mental Health Services Utilization at Kabutare District Hospital of Rwanda: Perspectives From Patients.Oliviette Muhorakeye & Emmanuel Biracyaza - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Barriers to mental health interventions globally remain a health concern; however, these are more prominent in low- and middle-income countries. The barriers to accessibility include stigmatization, financial strain, acceptability, poor awareness, and sociocultural and religious influences. Exploring the barriers to the utilization of mental health services might contribute to mitigating them. Hence, this research aims to investigate these barriers to mental health service utilization in depth at the Kabutare District Hospital of the Southern Province (...)
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  29.  53
    Privacy and occupational health services.A. Heikkinen - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (9):522-525.
    Privacy is a key ethical principle in occupational health services. Its importance is emphasised in several laws, in ethical codes of conduct as well as in the literature, yet there is only very limited empirical research on privacy in the occupational health context. Conceptual questions on privacy in the occupational health context are discussed. The baseline assumption is that, in this context, privacy cannot be approached and examined only from the employee’s vantage point but the (...)
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    Research ethics in practice: An analysis of ethical issues encountered in qualitative health research with mental health service users and relatives.Sarah Potthoff, Christin Hempeler, Jakov Gather, Astrid Gieselmann, Jochen Vollmann & Matthé Scholten - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (4):517-527.
    The ethics review of qualitative health research poses various challenges that are due to a mismatch between the current practice of ethics review and the nature of qualitative methodology. The process of obtaining ethics approval for a study by a research ethics committee before the start of a research study has been described as “procedural ethics” and the identification and handling of ethical issues by researchers during the research process as “ethics in practice.” While some (...)
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  31.  67
    Recognition as a valued human being: Perspectives of mental health service users.Kristin Ådnøy Eriksen, Bengt Sundfør, Bengt Karlsson, Maj-Britt Råholm & Maria Arman - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (3):357-368.
    The acknowledgement of basic human vulnerability in relationships between mental health service users and professionals working in community-based mental health services (in Norway) was a starting point. The purpose was to explore how users of these services describe and make sense of their meetings with other people. The research is collaborative, with researcher and person with experienced-based knowledge cooperating through the research process. Data is derived from 19 interviews with 11 people who depend on (...)
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  32.  57
    Research Challenges and Bioethics Responsibilities in the Aftermath of the Presidential Apology to the Survivors of the U. S. Public Health Services Syphilis Study at Tuskegee.Vickie M. Mays - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (6):419-430.
    In 1997 President Clinton apologized to the survivors of the U.S. Public Health Service Syphilis Study. Since then, two of his recommendations have received little attention. First, he emphasized the need to remember the shameful past so we can build a better future for racial'ethnic minority populations. Second, he directed the creation in partnership with higher education to prepare training materials that would instruct biomedical researchers on the application of ethical principles to research with racial/ethnic minority populations. This (...)
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    Making Research Consent Forms Informative and Understandable: The Experience of the Indian Health Service.William L. Freeman - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (4):510.
    The mission of the Indian Health Service affects what research is done and how It is reviewed and managed and in turn affects the forms and process used to obtain informed consent. Consent forms must be Informative and understandable to American Indian and Alaska Native potential volunteers; the process used to obtain informed consent must minimize any institutional pressure to participate. The IHS Institutional Review Boards developed seven research Model Volunteer Consent Forms.
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  34.  40
    Research Misconduct Involving Noncompliance in Human Subjects Research Supported by the Public Health Service: Reconciling Separate Regulatory Systems.Barbara E. Bierer & Mark Barnes - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (s3):2-26.
    Over the past three decades, two separate federal regulatory structures have emerged, each seeking to assure separate aspects of the integrity and ethics of research conducted using federal funding. One set of regulations is described in the Public Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct and relates to research misconduct, defined as consisting of fabrication of data or results, falsification of data and results, or plagiarism, in accordance with the federal‐wide definition adopted by the Office of Science (...)
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  35. A Mixed-Methods Study Exploring Colombian Adolescents’ Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services: The Need for a Relational Autonomy Approach.Julien Brisson, Vardit Ravitsky & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (1):193-208.
    This study’s objective was to understand Colombian adolescents’ experiences and preferences regarding access to sexual and reproductive health services (SRHS), either alone or accompanied. A mixed-method approach was used, involving a survey of 812 participants aged eleven to twenty-four years old and forty-five semi-structured interviews with participants aged fourteen to twenty-three. Previous research shows that adolescents prefer privacy when accessing SRHS and often do not want their parents involved. Such findings align with the longstanding tendency to frame (...)
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  36.  22
    ‘Medicine’s Next Goldmine?’ The Implications of New Genetic Health Technologies for the Health Service.Michael Calnan, David Wainwright, Peter Glasner, Ruth Newbury-Ecob & Ewan Ferlie - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (1):33-41.
    There is considerable uncertainty about the implications of the new genetics for health services. These are the enthusiasts who argue that molecular genetics will transform health care and others argue that the scope for genetic interventions is limited. The aim of this paper is to examine some of the questions, tensions and difficulties which face health care providers particularly in developed countries as they try to come to terms with the dilemmas raised by new genetic (...) care technologies (NGHTs). It identifies questions for research which may help the development of robust and flexible strategies for implementation. (shrink)
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    Power and Participation: An Examination of the Dynamics of Mental Health Service-User Involvement in Ireland.Liz Brosnan - 2012 - Studies in Social Justice 6 (1):45-66.
    Discourse and rhetoric of service-user involvement are pervasive in all mental health services that see themselves as promoting a Recovery ethos. Yet, for the service-user movement internationally, ‘Recovery’ was articulated as an alternative discourse of overcoming and resisting an institutionalized and oppressive psychiatric model of care. Power is all pervasive within mental health services yet often overlooked in official discourse on user-involvement. Critical research is required to expose the unacknowledged structural and power constraints on participants. (...)
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  38.  40
    What are the most common reasons for return of ethics submissions? An audit of an Australian health service ethics committee.Caitlin Brandenburg, Sarah Thorning & Carine Ruthenberg - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (3):346-358.
    One of the key criticisms of the ethical review process is the time taken to decision, and associated resource use. A key source of delay is that most submissions are required to respond to at leas...
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  39.  30
    Understanding the recruitment and retention of overseas nurses: realist case study research in National Health Service Hospitals in the UK.Terri O’Brien & Stephen Ackroyd - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (1):39-50.
    O’BRIEN T and ACKROYD S. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 39–50 Understanding the recruitment and retention of overseas nurses: realist case study research in National Health Service Hospitals in the UKThis paper illustrates one of the possible applications of critical realist ideas to the analysis of health services, in the use of comparative case study research design, to elucidate the causal social processes underlying events. In the research reported here, a comparative research design was (...)
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    “I'm Not Your Typical ‘Homework Stresses Me Out’ Kind of Girl”: Psychological Anthropology in Research on College Student Usage of Psychiatric Medications and Mental Health Services.Eileen P. Anderson-Fye & Jerry Floersch - 2011 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 39 (4):501-521.
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    Ethical dilemmas in occupational therapy and physical therapy: a survey of practitioners in the UK National Health Service.R. Barnitt - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (3):193-199.
    OBJECTIVES: To identify ethical dilemmas experienced by occupational and physical therapists working in the UK National Health Service (NHS). To compare ethical contexts, themes and principles across the two groups. DESIGN: A structured questionnaire was circulated to the managers of occupational and physical therapy services in England and Wales. SUBJECTS: The questionnaires were given to 238 occupational and 249 physical therapists who conformed to set criteria. RESULTS: Ethical dilemmas experienced during the previous six months were reported by 118 (...)
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  42.  54
    Acceptability of compulsory powers in the community: the ethical considerations of mental health service users on Supervised Discharge and Guardianship.K. Canvin - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (8):457-462.
    Objectives: To explore mental health service users’ views of existing and proposed compulsory powers.Design: A qualitative study employing in-depth interviews. Participants were asked to respond to hypothetical questions regarding the application of compulsory powers under the Mental Health Act 1983 for people other than themselves.Setting: Community setting in Southeast England.Participants: Mental health service users subject to Supervised Discharge/Guardianship.Results: Participants considered that the use of compulsory powers was justified if there were some ultimate benefit, and if there was (...)
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  43. Colombian adolescents’ preferences for independently accessing sexual and reproductive health services: a cross-sectional and bioethics analysis.Julien Brisson, Bryn Williams-Jones & Vardit Ravitsky - 2022 - Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare 100698 (32).
    Objective Our study sought to (1) describe the practices and preferences of Colombian adolescents in accessing sexual and reproductive health services: accompanied versus alone; (2) compare actual practices with stated preferences; and (3) determine age and gender differences regarding the practice and these stated preferences. -/- Methods 812 participants aged 11–24 years old answered a survey in two Profamilia clinics in the cities of Medellin and Cali in Colombia. A cross-sectional analysis was performed to compare participants’ answers based (...)
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    Ethical Responsibility in Healing and Protecting the Families of the U.S. Public Health Service Syphilis Study in African American Men at Tuskegee: An Intergenerational Storytelling Approach.Edward P. Wimberly - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (6):475-481.
    This essay is a reflection on how ethical violations continue to have an impact across generations within families of vulnerable populations that have experienced significant breaches in biomedical research. The focus is on the surviving family members of the United States Public Health Service Syphilis Study at Tuskegee (USPHS). Emphasis will be on responsible ethical practices in research and the use of an unique approach narrative storytelling to address the needs of family descendents who have been impacted (...)
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  45. Atención después de la investigación: un marco para los comités de ética de investigación del National Health Service (NHS) (borrador versión 8.0).Neema Sofaer, Penny Lewis & Hugh Davies - 2012 - Perspectivas Bioéticas 17 (33):47-70.
    Resumen Ésta es la primera traducción al español de las guías “Atención después de la investigación: un marco para los comités de ética de investigación del National Health Service (NHS) (borrador versión 8.0)”. El documento afirma que existe una fuerte obligación moral de garantizar que los participantes enfermos de un estudio clínico hagan una transición después del estudio hacia una atención de la salud apropiada. Con “atención de la salud apropiada” se hace referencia al acceso para los participantes a (...)
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  46.  42
    The Legacy of the U. S. Public Health Service Study of Untreated Syphilis in African American Men at Tuskegee on the Affordable Care Act and Health Care Reform Fifteen Years after President Clinton's Apology.Vickie M. Mays - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (6):411-418.
    This special issue addresses the legacy of the U.S. Public Health Service Syphilis Study on health reform, particularly the Affordable Care Act. This article offers readers a guide to the themes that emerge in this issue. These themes include individual consent interrelated to consequences in populations issues, need for better government oversight in research and health care, and the need for overhauling our bioethics training to develop a population-level, culturally driven approach to research bioethics. We (...)
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  47.  6
    The Impact of Nurses Completing their Educational Attainment on the Health Services Provided to Patients and Reviews in Health Centers.Madiha S. Almalayo, Aishah G. Alotibi, Ghadi M. Albshri, Hajar G. Almohmadi, Mona T. Alnemari, Zainab H. Alhowsawy, Badur M. Albeshri, Noor M. Albshre, Bandar J. Alharbi & Lamya M. Bakhsh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:423-429.
    This current study aims to know the impact of a nurse completing his educational attainment and its impact on the health services provided to society in general. It is also important to know the effect of completing his educational attainment on the quality of work and better dealing with patients and medical staff. It is also important to know its impact on increasing the organization of his time at work. Knowing its impact on increasing his efficiency in his (...)
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    Addressing the Legacy of the U.S. Public Health Service Syphilis Study at Tuskegee: Optimal Health in Health Care Reform Philosophy.Rueben C. Warren, Luther S. Williams & Wylin D. Wilson - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (6):496-500.
    This article is guided by principles and practices of bioethics and public health ethics focused on health care reform within the context of promoting Optimal Health. The Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care is moving beyond the traditions of bioethics to incorporate public health ethics and Optimal Health. It is imperative to remember the legacy of the ill-fated research entitled Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro (...)
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    Alexithymia as a Factor in Changing Ethical Positions: An Empirical Study on Student of University Health Services Vocational Schools in Turkey.Selda Yildiz & Nilufer Demirsoy - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (3):467-487.
    Ethical decision-making is often evaluated in the literature through deontological and teleological approaches, commonly referred to as ethical positions. Ethical decision-making requires an awareness of ethical sensitivity and ethical dilemmas. It involves understanding the emotional experiences of others and assisting them. In cases of alexithymia, where there is difficulty in understanding and expressing emotional experiences, empathy may be limited, and emotions may not be effectively used. In this research, the impact of the level of alexithymia on ethical positions in (...)
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    Analyzing State Autism Private Insurance Mandates for Allied Health Services: A Pilot Study.Henry Carretta, Teal W. Benevides & Megan D. Douglas - 2017 - OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health 37 (4):218-226.
    Due to the prevalence, severity, and costs associated with autism spectrum disorders, it has become a public health issue. In response, state governments have adopted ASD-specific private insurance mandates requiring coverage of ASD screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Despite rapid uptake of these laws, differences exist in the type and levels of coverage, especially for allied health services including occupational therapy. We piloted a structured legal research methodology to code ASD insurance mandates that impact allied health (...)
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