Results for 'Heini Hediger'

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  1. Biological Glimpses of Some Aspects of Human Sociology.Heini Hediger - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Moving across the Zoo–Field Border: Heini Hediger in Congo.Raf De Bont - 2022 - Isis 113 (3):491-512.
    The twentieth century witnessed the rise of zoo biology. Such a discipline might seem anchored in a specific spatial setting (that of the zoological garden), but if historians want to understand its development they should not limit their view to the confines of the zoo grounds. After all, understanding animals and their behavior at the zoo often involved thinking about them in other spaces as well. Notably, the “artificial” state of animals in captivity invited reflection on their “natural” condition in (...)
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    Reconstructing the Worlds of Wildlife: Uexküll, Hediger, and Beyond.Matthew Chrulew - 2020 - Biosemiotics 13 (1):137-149.
    The theoretical biology of Jakob von Uexküll has had significant conceptual and practical afterlives, in Continental philosophy, biosemiotics and elsewhere. This paper will examine the utilisation of Uexküll in twentieth-century zoo biology and its significance for relating to wildlife in hybrid environments. There is an important though rarely analysed line of inheritance from von Uexküll to Heini Hediger, the Swiss zoo director and animal psychologist. Hediger’s fundamental theoretical position began from the construction of the world from the (...)
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    The semiotics of animal freedom.Aleksei Turovski - 2000 - Sign Systems Studies 28:380-386.
    The works, views and ideas of Heini Hediger (1908-1992), one of the most distinguished and influential zoologist of the 20th century, had and still have an enormous impact on contemporary understanding of animal behaviour. His views on territorial, social, etc. aspects of animal behaviour are based on semiotic concepts derived from Umwelt-theory (J. v. Uexküll) and combined with ideas from modern ethology. Hediger's special attention was devoted to the area of animal-man communications; he treated these problematic phenomena (...)
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    Animal Biography: Re-framing Animal Lives.André Krebber & Mieke Roscher (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    While historiography is dominated by attempts that try to standardize and de-individualize the behavior of animals, history proves to be littered with records of the exceptional lives of unusual animals. This book introduces animal biography as an approach to the re-framing of animals as both objects of knowledge as well as subjects of individual lives. Taking an interdisciplinary perspective and bringing together scholars from, among others, literary, historical and cultural studies, the texts collected in this volume seek to refine animal (...)
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    Toward Justice and Community Empowerment in Genomics Studies on Sensitive Traits.Heini M. Natri & Carolyn Riley Chapman - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (S2):56-65.
    Community engagement and participatory research have been appropriately employed to increase the relevance, rigor, and acceptability of all types of research, but these approaches may be particularly important in genomics and biomedical research on sensitive traits such as neurodevelopmental, psychiatric, and behavioral ones. Here, we provide an overview of past and ongoing efforts in community engagement in genomics studies and consider successes and opportunities for further improvement. Informed by this knowledge as well as one of the author's experiences, we set (...)
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    The brain under the knife: serial sectioning and the development of late nineteenth-century neuroanatomy.Heini Hakosalo - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (2):172-202.
    Major changes took place during the last quarter of the nineteenth century in the ways that the brain tissue was maintained, manipulated and studied, and, consequently, in the ways that its structure, functions and pathologies were seen and represented in neurological literature. The paper exemplifies these changes by comparing German neuroanatomy in the 1860s and early 1870s with the turn-of-the-century view of the brain . It argues for the crucial importance of a method—serial sectioning—to the emergence of the new view (...)
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    Gene, Gehirn, Archiv.Vinzenz Hediger - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 8 (2):11-28.
    "Das Humanethologische Filmarchiv ist eine Sammlung von rund 800 Stunden Filmmaterial und 2000 Stunden Tonaufzeichnungen, zusammengetragen vom Verhaltensforscher Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt und seinen Mitarbeitern über einen Zeitraum von vier Jahrzehn- ten. Die Humanethologie versteht sich als Biologie des menschlichen Verhaltens und fragt nach den phylogenetischen Bedingungen komplexer motorischer Abläufe, die sie in einer kulturvergleichenden Perspektive untersucht. Aber wovon genau ist das Human- ethologische Filmarchiv ein Archiv? Dieser Beitrag geht dieser Frage nach, in dem er nach den operativen Ontologien der menschlichen Natur (...)
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    Critical Thinking As the Objective of Anglo-American Educational Discourse.Heini Hinkkanen - 2000 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 19 (4):7-21.
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  10. Essay Reviews-The Wonder Organ.Heini Hakosalo - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 31 (2):355.
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    Virgil in Seamus Heaney’s Human Chain.Stephen Heiny - 2013 - Renascence 65 (4):304-317.
    After reviewing important manifestations of Heaney’s engagement with Classical literature, this essay examines the poet’s appropriation of Book Six of the Aeneid in several poems from the 2010 collection The Human Chain. Allusiveness to Virgil lets Heaney explore death, loss, memory, guilt, and, ultimately, the affirmation of life. Helpful in the analysis is Heaney’s concept of “translation.”.
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  12. Crossing over : (dis)ability, contingent agency, and death in the marginal genre work of Temple Grandin and Jim Harrison.Ryan Hediger - 2009 - In Sarah E. McFarland & Ryan Hediger (eds.), Animals and agency: an interdisciplinary exploration. Boston: Brill.
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    Illusion und Indexikalität: Filmische Illusion im Zeitalter der postphotographischen Photographie.Vinzenz Hediger - 2006 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 54 (1):101-110.
    Das Filmbild vermittelt die Illusion der Realpräsenz des Dargestellten und ist zugleich Ikon und Index im Sinne von Peirce, so lautet eine Bestimmung der akademischen Filmtheorie, die seit den frühen siebziger Jahren gängig war und durch die Einführung digitaler, das heißt vermeintlich nicht-indexikalischer Verfahren der Bildproduktion in den neunziger Jahren in die Krise geriet. Der Aufsatz vertritt die Position, dass Indexikalität ganz unabhängig von den jeweiligen medientechnischen Bedingungen nicht ausreicht, um die Spezifik des filmischen Bildes zu bestimmen. Stattdessen wird im (...)
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    Nasal Oxytocin Treatment Biases Dogs’ Visual Attention and Emotional Response toward Positive Human Facial Expressions.Sanni Somppi, Heini Törnqvist, József Topál, Aija Koskela, Laura Hänninen, Christina M. Krause & Outi Vainio - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Metal-non-metal transition in silver chalcogenides.P. Junod, H. Hediger, B. Kilchör & J. Wullschleger - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 36 (4):941-958.
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    […] et faciunt inde tabulas saphiri pretiosas ac satis utiles in fenestris. Die Farbe Blau in der ‚Schedula‘ und in der Glasmalerei von 1100–1250.Brigitte Kurmann-Schwarz & Christine Hediger - 2013 - In Andreas Speer (ed.), Zwischen Kunsthandwerk Und Kunst: Die,Schedula Diversarum Artium'. De Gruyter. pp. 256-273.
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  17. Approaching the agency of other animals : an introduction.Sarah E. McFarland & Ryan Hediger - 2009 - In Sarah E. McFarland & Ryan Hediger (eds.), Animals and agency: an interdisciplinary exploration. Boston: Brill.
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    Specific and Non-specific Factors of Animal-Assisted Interventions Considered in Research: A Systematic Review.Cora Wagner, Carmina Grob & Karin Hediger - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Research on animal-assisted interventions has increased massively in the last few years. But it is still not clear how AAIs work and how important the animal is in such interventions. The aim of this systematic review was to compile the existing state of knowledge about the working mechanisms of AAIs. We searched 12 major electronic databases for previous AAI studies with active control groups. Of 2001 records identified, we included 172 studies in the systematic review. We extracted previously published hypotheses (...)
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    Animals and agency: an interdisciplinary exploration.Sarah E. McFarland & Ryan Hediger (eds.) - 2009 - Boston: Brill.
    This collection examines the question of nonhuman animal agency by shifting emphasis from the human perspective toward that of other animals, exploring modes of ...
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    Adam Crabtree, From Mesmer to Freud: Magnetic Sleep and the Roots of Psychological Healing. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1994. Pp. x + 413. ISBN 0-300-05588-9. £30. [REVIEW]Heini-Eliisa Hakosalo - 1995 - British Journal for the History of Science 28 (3):355-357.
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    Consideration and Disclosure of Group Risks in Genomics and Other Data-Centric Research: Does the Common Rule Need Revision?Carolyn Riley Chapman, Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Heini M. Natri, Courtney Berrios, Patrick Dwyer, Kellie Owens, Síofra Heraty & Arthur L. Caplan - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):47-60.
    Harms and risks to groups and third-parties can be significant in the context of research, particularly in data-centric studies involving genomic, artificial intelligence, and/or machine learning technologies. This article explores whether and how United States federal regulations should be adapted to better align with current ethical thinking and protect group interests. Three aspects of the Common Rule deserve attention and reconsideration with respect to group interests: institutional review board (IRB) assessment of the risks/benefits of research; disclosure requirements in the informed (...)
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    Medienkultur und Bildung: ästhetische Erziehung im Zeitalter digitaler Netzwerke.Malte Hagener & Vinzenz Hediger (eds.) - 2015 - Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
    Unsere schnelllebige Medienkultur wurde von der Medienpädagogik bislang vor allem als Quelle sozialer Probleme behandelt. Die Autorinnen und Autoren, u.a. Alain Bergala, Henry Jenkins und Martin Seel, öffnen den Blick auf eine Medienbildung, der nicht nur eine sozialpädagogische Aufgabe zukommt, sondern auch eine ästhetisch-künstlerische. Sie entwerfen eine Programmatik der ästhetischen Erziehung, die zum Ziel hat, das Wahrnehmungsund Urteilsvermögen der Menschen in der neuen Medienkultur zu schulen.
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    Consideration and Disclosure of Group Risks in Genomics and Other Data-Centric Research: Does the Common Rule Need Revision?Carolyn Riley Chapman, Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Heini M. Natri, Courtney Berrios, Patrick Dwyer, Kellie Owens, Síofra Heraty & Arthur L. Caplan - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):47-60.
    Harms and risks to groups and third-parties can be significant in the context of research, particularly in data-centric studies involving genomic, artificial intelligence, and/or machine learning technologies. This article explores whether and how United States federal regulations should be adapted to better align with current ethical thinking and protect group interests. Three aspects of the Common Rule deserve attention and reconsideration with respect to group interests: institutional review board (IRB) assessment of the risks/benefits of research; disclosure requirements in the informed (...)
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    Consideration and Disclosure of Group Risks in Genomics and Other Data-Centric Research: Does the Common Rule Need Revision?Carolyn Riley Chapman, Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Heini M. Natri, Courtney Berrios, Patrick Dwyer, Kellie Owens, Síofra Heraty & Arthur L. Caplan - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):47-60.
    Harms and risks to groups and third-parties can be significant in the context of research, particularly in data-centric studies involving genomic, artificial intelligence, and/or machine learning technologies. This article explores whether and how United States federal regulations should be adapted to better align with current ethical thinking and protect group interests. Three aspects of the Common Rule deserve attention and reconsideration with respect to group interests: institutional review board (IRB) assessment of the risks/benefits of research; disclosure requirements in the informed (...)
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    Insights on Public Health Professionals Non-technical Skills in an Emergency Response (Multi-Team System) Environment.Andrew Black, Olivia Brown, Heini Utunen, Gaya Gamhewage & Julie Gore - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper provides practitioner and academic insights into the importance of examining non-technical skills in a multiteam system emergency response. The case of public health professionals is highlighted, illustrated with unique qualitative field data which focused upon the use of non-technical skills at a meso level of analysis. Results reflected the importance of context upon the multiteam system and highlighted seven non-technical skills used by public health professionals to support an effective response. Recommendations for future research and implications for practice (...)
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    Defining the PTSD Service Dog Intervention: Perceived Importance, Usage, and Symptom Specificity of Psychiatric Service Dogs for Military Veterans.Kerri E. Rodriguez, Megan R. LaFollette, Karin Hediger, Niwako Ogata & Marguerite E. O’Haire - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Wilderness: A Zoocentric Phenomenology-from Hediger to Heidegger.Dennis E. Skocz - 2004 - Analecta Husserliana 83:217-244.
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    Introduction: Reusing Research Film and the Institute for Scientific Film.Anja Sattelmacher, Mario Schulze & Sarine Waltenspül - 2021 - Isis 112 (2):291-298.
    This introduction outlines the threefold contribution that this Focus section on research film offers. First, it introduces the vast collection of films from the former Institute for Scientific Film (Institut für den Wissenschaftlichen Film [IWF]), arguably the most ambitious endeavor ever undertaken to manage the distribution, production, and archiving of research films. At the same time, the institute’s questionable roots in the National Socialist education system and in war research are addressed. Second, the introduction points out that the Focus section (...)
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    Gesetz und Gewalt im Kino.Angela Keppler, Martin Seel & Popp Judith-Frederike (eds.) - 2015 - Frankfurt am Main: Campus.
    Anhand exemplarischer Filme verschiedener Genres – vom Western über den Polizei- und Kriegsfilm bis hin zum Animationsfilm – untersucht der Band, wie die Verzahnung von Recht, Gesetz und Gewalt im Kino dramatisiert wird. Mit Beiträgen von Thomas Assheuer, James Conant, Günter Frankenberg, Lisa Gotto, Julika Griem, Klaus Günther, Vinzenz Hediger, Konrad Paul Liessmann, Verena Lueken, Anja Peltzer, Rainer Winter, Hans-Jürgen Wulff sowie den Herausgebern.
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    Auf die Wirklichkeit zeigen: zum Problem der Evidenz in den Kulturwissenschaften: ein Reader.Helmut Lethen, Ludwig Jäger & Albrecht Koschorke (eds.) - 2015 - Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
    Der Reader versammelt programmatische Ansätze der kulturwissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Problem der Evidenz aus dem Blickpunkt der Sprach-, Geschichts-, Kunst- und Literaturwissenschaft, Medientheorie, Anthropologie und Soziologie. Mit Beiträgen u.a. von Rüdiger Campe, Iris Daermann, Egon Flaig, Peter Geimer, Vinzenz Hediger, Caspar Hirschi, Ludwig Jäger, Albrecht Koschorke, Helmut Lethen, Jakob Moser, Inka Mülder-Bach, Jan-Dirk Müller, Karl Schlögel, Florian Sprenger, Jakob Tanner, Marcus Twellmann, Juliane Vogel und Claus Zittel.
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    Anti-music: jazz and racial Blackness in German thought between the Wars.Mark Christian Thompson - 2018 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
    German jazz and the metronome of race -- The jazz paradox: race and totalitarian politics in German jazz reception -- The jazz machine: Brecht and the politics of jazz -- The monkey's trick: Herman Hesse and the music of decline -- The music of fascism: Adorno on jazz -- Jazz-Heinis: Klaus Mann and jazz ontology.
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