Results for 'Henk Driessen'

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  1. The quest for truth of Stephen Hawking.Alfred Driessen - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 9 (1):47-61.
    With his bestselling publication, A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking introduced in 1988 a new genre by connecting modern science with the question of the existence of God. In the posthumous publication Brief Answers to the Big Questions, he continues with his quest for the ultimate truth. The current study presents a philosophical analysis of this search in terms of the classical philosophy of Aristotle and Aquinas. Causality is the central concept employed by Hawking. However, its meaning, in the (...)
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    Models of Scientific Development and the Case of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.Henk Zandvoort - 1986 - Springer.
    From the nineteen sixties onwards a branch of philosophy of science has come to development, called history-oriented philosophy of science. This development constitutes a reaction on the then prevailing logical empiricist conception of scientific knowledge. The latter was increasingly seen as suffering from insurmountable internal problems, like e. g. the problems with the particular "observational-theoretical distinction" on which it drew. In addition the logical empiricists' general approach was increasingly criticized for two external shortcomings. Firstly, the examples of scientific knowledge that (...)
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  3. The idiomatic, syntactic and collocational characteristics of received NPs: some basic statistics.Henk Barkema - 1994 - Hermes 13:19-40.
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    Thomas Aquinas and Judaism.Henk Schoot & Pim Valkenberg - 2004 - Modern Theology 20 (1):51-70.
  5. Typed lambda calculus.Henk P. Barendregt, Wil Dekkers & Richard Statman - 1977 - In Jon Barwise (ed.), Handbook of mathematical logic. New York: North-Holland. pp. 1091--1132.
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    Wissenschaftliche weltauffassung -- der Wiener kreis.Henk L. Mulder - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (4):386-390.
    In der Geschichte des Wiener Kreises lässt sich eine private und eine öffentliche Phase unterscheiden. Die private Phase ist 1929 zu Ende. Im Sommer dieses Jahres beschliessen die Mitglieder mit ihrer Philosophie der wissenschaftlichen Weltauffassung vor die Öffentlichkeit zu treten.
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    A compositional approach to discourse representation theory.Henk Zeevat - 1989 - Linguistics and Philosophy 12 (1):95 - 131.
  8. R01: A Van der sandt and Henk zebvat.Walter Kasper & Henk Zeevat - 1992 - Journal of Semantics 9 (4):285.
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  9. Creation and returns of social capital : a new research program.Henk Flap & Beate Völker - 2011 - In Ann Brooks (ed.), Social theory in contemporary Asia. New York, NY: Routledge.
  10. Particles: Presupposition Triggers, Context Markers or Speech Act markers.Henk Zeevat - 2003 - In R. Blutner & H. Zeevat (eds.), Optimality Theory and Pragmatics. Palgrave-McMillan. pp. 91-111.
    This paper discusses two possible formal approaches to the semantic/pragmatic characterisation of a subclass of the modal particles. It may well be that the approaches can be applied to other particles or that they can be applied to certain intonational patterns (e.g. contrastive stress), to morphemes (past tense, agreement) or to words (pronouns), constructions (some uses of definite descriptions, clefts), but I will not try to to show that here. The first approach is based on the optimality theoretic reconstruction of (...)
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    The Life and Work of Dirck Volkertszoon Coornhert.Henk Bonger - 2004 - Rodopi.
    The sixteenth-century Dutch spiritualist and controversialist, Dirck Volckertszoon Coornhert (1522-1590), is increasingly recognized as a pivotal figure in the cultural and political life of the early Dutch Republic. With the appearance of Henk Bonger's widely acclaimed biography (1978), the first complete account of Coornhert's life became available in the Dutch language. Today this biography is still the starting point of any serious research on Coornhert and his circle. This translation now makes this standard biography available in English for the (...)
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  12. Moritz Schlick Philosophical Papers: Volume 1: (1909–1922).Moritz Schlick, Henk L. Mulder & Barbara F. B. van de Velde-Schlick - 1978 - Springer.
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    12: Interview with Tzvetan Todorov.Henk de Berg & Karine Zbinden - 2020 - In Henk de Berg & Karine Zbinden (eds.), Tzvetan Todorov: thinker and humanist. Rochester, New York: Camden House. pp. 236-258.
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    11: Tzvetan Todorov’s Political Philosophy.Henk de Berg - 2020 - In Henk de Berg & Karine Zbinden (eds.), Tzvetan Todorov: thinker and humanist. Rochester, New York: Camden House. pp. 188-235.
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    Sartres filosofie Van het sadomasochisme.Henk Struyker Boudier - 1983 - Bijdragen 44 (4):398-414.
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    Inscriptions peintes en linéaire B à Malia.Jan Driessen & Alexandre Farnoux - 1991 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 115 (1):71-93.
    Lors de la campagne de fouilles de 1990 à Malia, au Quartier Nu, deux inscriptions en linéaire Β peintes sur deux vases à étrier ont été découvertes. Elles proviennent d'un bâtiment détruit au début du MR III B, d'après le matériel abondant trouvé dans la couche de destruction. Elles sont constituées chacune d'un mot, vraisemblablement un anthroponyme. Elles apportent une nouvelle preuve de l'intérêt du MR III maliote.
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    Spinoza's Idea of Idea Doctrine: A Theory of Consciousness.Henk Keizer - 2019 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4:579-599.
    Abstract: This article invalidates a central objection that has been brought up against Spinoza’s idea of idea doctrine as a theory of consciousness. Key point in the argument is that the perfection of ideas of ideas is as variable as the perfection of ideas and corresponds to the perfection of the associated bodies. This allows ideas of ideas to account for various degrees of consciousness. In its application to human beings the theory covers important aspects of consciousness: to know that (...)
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    Eloge: Karin Figala, 1938–2007.Henk Kubbinga - 2010 - Isis 101 (3):603-606.
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    (1 other version)Letters to the Editor.Henk Kubbinga - 2005 - Isis 96 (4):622-623.
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    Korruption im Sport. Mafiose Dribblings, organisiertes Schweigen.Henk Erik Meier & Jens Weinreich - 2007 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 4 (1):79-82.
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  21. Models of Scientific Development and the Case of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.Henk Zandvoort - 1989 - Studia Logica 48 (3):395-396.
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    Editors' Overview Perspectives on Teaching Social Responsibility to Students in Science and Engineering.Henk Zandvoort, Tom Børsen, Michael Deneke & Stephanie J. Bird - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1413-1438.
    Global society is facing formidable current and future problems that threaten the prospects for justice and peace, sustainability, and the well-being of humanity both now and in the future. Many of these problems are related to science and technology and to how they function in the world. If the social responsibility of scientists and engineers implies a duty to safeguard or promote a peaceful, just and sustainable world society, then science and engineering education should empower students to fulfil this responsibility. (...)
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    On the inference of personal authorship: Enhancing experienced agency by priming effect information☆.Henk Aarts, Ruud Custers & Daniel M. Wegner - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (3):439-458.
    Three experiments examined whether the mere priming of potential action effects enhances people’s feeling of causing these effects when they occur. In a computer task, participants and the computer independently moved a rapidly moving square on a display. Participants had to press a key, thereby stopping the movement. However, the participant or the computer could have caused the square to stop on the observed position, and accordingly, the stopped position of the square could be conceived of as the potential effect (...)
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    Althusser over het marxisme.Henk Manschot - 1980 - Nijmegen: Socialistische Uitgeverij Nijmegen.
    Analyse van de positie van de vrouw in gezins- en arbeidssituaties en de rol van de staat daarbij.
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  25. Indicators of research performance: applications in university research policy.Henk Moed & Antony van Raan - 1988 - In A. F. J. Van Raan (ed.), Handbook of quantitative studies of science and technology. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co..
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  26. A Reinterpretation of Syntactic Alignment.Henk Zeevat - unknown
    Harmonic Alignment was proposed by Prince and Smolensky (1993) as a mechanism to establish a correspondence between different harmony scales within the overall framework of Optimality Theory (“OT” henceforth). They specifically address the combination of the phonological sonority hierarchy with the hierarchy of syllable positions. In recent work, Judith Aissen has taken up this idea as a mean to formulate insights from the functionally oriented markedness theory in morphology and syntax within OT syntax (cf. Aissen 1999, 2000). Though based on (...)
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    Goal-directed behavior.Henk Aarts & Andrew J. Elliot (eds.) - 2012 - New York, NY: Psychology Press.
    This volume presents chapters from internationally renowned scholars in the area of goals and social behavior.
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    Classification of One Dimensional Dynamical Systems by Countable Structures.Henk Bruin & Benjamin Vejnar - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (2):562-578.
    We study the complexity of the classification problem of conjugacy on dynamical systems on some compact metrizable spaces. Especially we prove that the conjugacy equivalence relation of interval dynamical systems is Borel bireducible to isomorphism equivalence relation of countable graphs. This solves a special case of Hjorth’s conjecture which states that every orbit equivalence relation induced by a continuous action of the group of all homeomorphisms of the closed unit interval is classifiable by countable structures. We also prove that conjugacy (...)
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    Prospection de l’Anavlochos I.Florence Gaignerot-Driessen, Lionel Fadin, Romaric Bardet & Maud Devolder - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:951-974.
    Enjeux et méthodes de la prospection Le programme d’exploration de l’Anavlochos vise à caractériser l’occupation ancienne du massif en se fondant sur une étude de sa géomorphologie, de sa topographie et des vestiges archéologiques (structures architecturales et mobilier) observables en surface. La première partie de la prospection du massif, programmée sur deux ans (2015‑2016), a été conduite du 27 juillet au 23 août 2015. La dernière semaine de la campagne, du 24 au 28 août, a été consacrée...
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    Cyborg: Myth or reality?Henk G. Geertsema - 2006 - Zygon 41 (2):289-328.
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    The Christian Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd, written by Pierre Marcel.Henk G. Geertsema - 2015 - Philosophia Reformata 80 (2):205-213.
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    Publications and rejections.Henk Ten Have & Bert Gordijn - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (2):167-170.
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    Author and Title Index.Christoph Henke - 2014 - In Common Sense in Early 18th-Century British Literature and Culture: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Politics, 1680-1750. De Gruyter. pp. 304-308.
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    Consciousness, Terri Schiavo, and the Persistent Vegetative State.Rev Donald E. Henke - 2008 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 8 (1):69-85.
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    2. The Ethics of Common Sense.Christoph Henke - 2014 - In Common Sense in Early 18th-Century British Literature and Culture: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Politics, 1680-1750. De Gruyter. pp. 44-94.
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    apologia de Tribvs Locis Qvos Vt Recte Taxatos a Stvnica Defenderat Sanctus Caranza Theologvs: Ix-8 Ordinis Noni Tomvs Octavvs.Henk Jan de Jonge & Jan Bloemendal (eds.) - 2014 - Brill.
    This volume includes the critical edition of five apologias in which Erasmus defended his New Testament translation and commentary against Diego López de Zúñiga and Sancho Carranza. The edition is partly based on manuscript sources never used before.
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    Establishing and Registering Identity in the Dutch Republic.Henk Looijesteijn & Marco Hd van Leeuwen - 2012 - In Looijesteijn Henk & van Leeuwen Marco Hd (eds.), Registration and Recognition: Documenting the Person in World History. pp. 211.
    The Dutch Republic had a broad range of means to establish an individual's identity, and a rudimentary ‘system’ of identity registration, essentially established at the local levels of town and parish. This chapter seeks to provide a description of the ways in which the Dutch established an individual's identity. The various registration methods covered almost the entire population of the Dutch Republic at some stage in their life, and it is argued that on balance identity registration in the Dutch Republic (...)
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  38. Registration and Recognition: Documenting the Person in World History.Looijesteijn Henk & van Leeuwen Marco Hd - 2012
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    Die Dopingfalle: Soziologische Betrachtungen.Henk Erik Meier, Uwe Schimank & Karl-Heinrich Bette - 2007 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 4 (1):88-94.
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    National Pastime: How Americans Play Baseball and the Rest of the World Plays Soccer.Henk Erik Meier, Andrew Zimbaüst & Stefan Szymanski - 2005 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 2 (3):322-328.
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    (1 other version)The Unpublished Introduction to Hugo Grotius' Disquisitio an Pelagiana sint ea dogmata quae nunc sub eo nomine traducuntur.Henk Nellen & Edwin Rabble - 1987 - Grotiana 8 (1):42-79.
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    Door schijn bewogen: naar een hyperkritiek van de xenofobe rede.Henk Oosterling - 1996 - Kampen: Kok Agora.
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    From Interests to Inter-esse: Jean-Luc Nancy on Deglobalization and Sovereignty.Henk Oosterling - 2005 - Substance 34 (1):81-103.
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    From russia with love: Avoiding the subject.Henk Oosterling - 2009 - Bijdragen 70 (2):236-253.
    Žižek’s intellectual endeavor aims at relocating political subjectivity as the foundation of communal life. As a Leninist he anchors the possibility of a revolution in Heidegger’s ‘decisionism’ and in the practice of St Paul,whose conversion is the bottom line of a revolutionary attitude. Current consumerism avoids this subject and in that sense a-voids or empties subjectivity. The revolutionary subject is the very act of affirmatively a-voiding one's current ethical system in order to radically change the coordinates of the system.
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    Bayesian Natural Language Semantics and Pragmatics.Henk Zeevat & Hans-Christian Schmitz (eds.) - 2015 - Springer.
    The contributions in this volume focus on the Bayesian interpretation of natural languages, which is widely used in areas of artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and computational linguistics. This is the first volume to take up topics in Bayesian Natural Language Interpretation and make proposals based on information theory, probability theory, and related fields. The methodologies offered here extend to the target semantic and pragmatic analyses of computational natural language interpretation. Bayesian approaches to natural language semantics and pragmatics are based on (...)
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    Eucharistic Transformation. Thomas Aquinas’ Adoro Te Devote.Henk J. M. Schoot - 2016 - Perichoresis 14 (2):67-79.
    Originally the Adoro te devote was not a liturgical hymn but a prayer, probably intended by Thomas Aquinas for personal use when attending mass. Quoting the at present most reliable version of the poem, the author studies Adoro te devote from the angle of transformation: poetic, Eucharistic and mystic or eschatological transformation. Structure and form are analysed, and a number of themes discussed: two alternative interpretations of adoration, several concepts of truth intended in the poem, the good thief and doubting (...)
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  47. Philosophy of Science and the Social Responsibility of the Scientist.Henk Verhoog - 1982 - Epistemologia 5 (2):327.
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    Transpositions.Henk Visser - 2006 - In Johan van Benthem, Gerhard Heinzman, M. Rebushi & H. Visser (eds.), The Age of Alternative Logics: Assessing Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics Today. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 75--86.
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    Comments on the notion 'empirical claim of a specialization theory net' within the structuralist conception of theories.Henk Zandvoort - 1982 - Erkenntnis 18 (1):25 - 38.
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    The Kantian account of mechanical explanation of natural ends in eighteenth and nineteenth century biology.Henk Jochemsen & Wim Beekman - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (1):1-24.
    The rise of the mechanistic worldview in the seventeenth century had a major impact on views of biological generation. Many seventeenth century naturalists rejected the old animist thesis. However, the alternative view of gradual mechanistic formation in embryology didn’t convince either. How to articulate the peculiarity of life? Researchers in the seventeenth century proposed both “animist” and mechanistic theories of life. In the eighteenth century again a controversy in biology arose regarding the explanation of generation. Some adhered to the view (...)
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