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Henrique F. Cairus [9]Henrique Fortuna Cairus [1]Henrique Cairus [1]
  1. A luz e a hipóstase na tradição ortodoxa grega.Tatiana Oliveira Ribeiro & Henrique F. Cairus - 2024 - Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira 84 (327):85–105.
    This article aims to make public part of the research on the concept of ‘light’ in the theological and, above all, liturgical tradition of the Greek Orthodox Church, based on its representation of the concept of ‘hypostasis’. Taking as a point of departure the interpretation of the expression ‘light of light’ [φῶς ἐκ φωτός (phôs ek phōtos)] of the text of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Symbol, the article presents a proposal for the interpretation of the concept of ‘representation’ for this specific case, (...)
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    Demetrius and style.Henrique Fortuna Cairus & Marina Albuquerque de Almeida - 2020 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 30 (30):03025-03025.
    The modern concept of ‘style’ – from which ‘stylistics’ is derived, a discipline that witnessed the quarrel between Linguistics and Literary studies in the 20th century – has inherited from Ancient Rhetoric its substance and was largely used as a direct translation from the Latin concept ‘_elocutio_’ and also as a translation for Greek concepts, such as ἑρμηνεία, λέξις and φράσις. There are still some other concepts that seem intimately connected to ‘style’, for instance ‘_ornatum_’ and ‘_decorum_’. Considering that classical (...)
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  3.  15
    A ciência da poesia da ciência em Augusto dos Anjos.Henrique F. Cairus & Sabrina Alves dos Santos - 2021 - Navegações 14 (1).
    This article presents a study on the dialogue between the ideas and the aesthetics of Augusto dos Anjos. What is meant to be postulated is that the Paraiba’s poet puts his vigorous aesthetic to the service of ideas that were expurgated from the literary and academic scene under the label of vitalism, in favor of the hegemony of mechanism. Aesthetic images, the use of a nearly completely denotative scientific language, and morbidity, as paroxysms of this aesthetic project are not really (...)
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    A história na obra de Eudoro de Sousa.Henrique Cairus - 2012 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 8:81-86.
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    A natureza degenerante: o Brasil de Hipócrates.Henrique F. Cairus - manuscript
    In the 18th century, Guilielmus Piso arrives in Brazil as the archiater in the court of John Maurice of Nassau. Upon his return to Europe, he takes on the task of writing a descriptive treatise of these Western Indies. For this purpose, he makes use of the mental framework bequeathed by his education, setting up therefore the treatise On Airs, Waters and Places about Brazil. In the same manner and by the same means found in the homonymous treatise of the (...)
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    A phýsis no Corpus hippocraticum: proposta de dois temas para o mesmo objeto.Henrique F. Cairus & Julieta Alsina - 2015 - Classica - Revista Brasileira De Estudos Clássicos 28 (1):73–93.
    O conceito de phýsis no Corpus hippocraticum parece ter dois níveis: um mais e outro menos específico. Nas passagens em que o termo phýsis não apresenta qualquer determinante ou adendo, o conceito é menos específico. Ele é mais específico, no entanto, quando o termo leva consigo adjuntos como “do homem”, “da criança”, “da mulher”, etc. Apesar de parecer esta uma questão dicotômica, há razões para crer que ela possui maior complexidade. Isto nos motivou a apresentar algumas questões que expõem um (...)
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    Canguilhem’s Hippocratic vitalism.Henrique F. Cairus & Livia Gallucci - 2019 - PHYSIS - Revista de Saúde Coletiva 2 (29):e290209.
    Canguilhem’s vitalism is not obvious, neither does is consist of a more known form of this type of thinking; it does not come from the old diatribes that, coming from the 19th century, are still relevant to the 20th century’s discussions. Canguilhem reclaims vitalism from a unique ontological approach, and does not hesitate to allude to the classics and, most of all, to a Hippocrates that, read mainly through the perspective of the history written by Charles Singer, brings to light (...)
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  8.  14
    Hýbris contra naturam.Henrique F. Cairus & Tatiana O. Ribeiro - 2021 - SAPERE AUDE - Revista de Filosofia - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC Minas) - ISSN: 2177-6342 1 (23):27-40.
    Hybris, the concept which is briefly discussed in this article, is frequently looked upon, in archaic and classical Greek culture, as an outrage against mortals or immortals. For a hybris to exist, an excess is required regarding a given thresholdand a retaliatory counterpart, from a themistosynē, a specific sense of justice, a little different from dikaiosynē. This article proposes to think of hybris against physis (a concept which is also briefly discussed here), as a way of understanding both the punitive (...)
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  9.  17
    Nature of man Corpus hippocraticum.Henrique F. Cairus - 1999 - História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinho 2 (6):395-431.
    Commented translation of the Hippocratic Treatise On the Nature of Man.
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    "Et in Florentina ego": Luigi Fiacchi e o "Locus amoenus".Henrique F. Cairus & Jeannie Bressan Annibolete de Paiva - 2019 - Letras 1 (S1):265–280.
    In this paper, we aim to bring to discussion the concept of locus amoenus, a common denomination of locus communis (topos, for the greeks), that makes reference to the ideal landscape according to the norms of the ancient idyllic poetry. We will describe and analyze the locus amoenus from an 18th century Italian poetry perspective, more specifically from the fables of Luigi Fiacchi, a poet and Catholic priest of that century. The analysis will focus on the references, either direct or (...)
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    Textos hipocráticos: o doente, o médico e a doença.Henrique F. Cairus & Wilson Alves Ribeiro - 2005 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil: Editora Fiocruz.
    A obra apresenta pela primeira vez e na íntegra, alguns dos mais importantes tratados recolhidos sob o nome de Hipócrates na coleção de textos gregos chamados Corpus Hippcraticum. Os tratados escolhidos apresentam importantes conceitos e preceitos desenvolvidos há mais de dois milênios e que, até hoje, estão presentes na prática médica ocidental. O leitor encontra textos sobre a importância da medicina hipocrática, tratados deontológicos, que estabeleceram os alicerces práticos da ética médica, e sobre o universo da prática médica antiga.
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