Results for 'Holism '

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  1.  88
    Part 1 Rethinking Holism.Rethinking Holism - 2010 - In Ton Otto & Nils Bubandt, Experiments in holism: theory and practice in contemporary anthropology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 17.
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    How to Find Joy in the Practice of Holistic Law: Edited Version of an Address.John Kelly & International Alliance of Holistic Lawyers - 1999 - Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory.
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  3. Science looks at spirituality.Barbara A. Strassberg, Gordon D. Kaufman, Norbert M. Samuelson, Llufs Oviedo, John F. Haught, Ursula Goodenough Reductionism, Chance Holism, James F. Moore & Mind Interreligious Dialogue as an Evolutionary - forthcoming - Zygon.
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    How uncertainty can save measurement from circularity and holism.Sophie Ritson & Kent Staley - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 85:155-165.
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    Norming COVID‐19: The Urgency of a Non‐Humanist Holism.Jeffrey P. Bishop & Martin J. Fitzgerald - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (3):333-348.
  6. Why one model is never enough: a defense of explanatory holism.Hochstein Eric - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (6):1105-1125.
    Traditionally, a scientific model is thought to provide a good scientific explanation to the extent that it satisfies certain scientific goals that are thought to be constitutive of explanation. Problems arise when we realize that individual scientific models cannot simultaneously satisfy all the scientific goals typically associated with explanation. A given model’s ability to satisfy some goals must always come at the expense of satisfying others. This has resulted in philosophical disputes regarding which of these goals are in fact necessary (...)
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  7. An African Theory of Moral Status: A Relational Alternative to Individualism and Holism (repr.).Thaddeus Metz - 2019 - In Munamato Chemhuru, African Environmental Ethics: A Critical Reader. Springer Verlag. pp. 9-27.
    Reprint of an article that initially appeared in _Ethical Theory and Moral Practice_ (2012).
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    Slingerland, Edward, Mind and Body in Early China: Beyond Orientalism and the Myth of Holism: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, xi + 385 pages.Jim Behuniak - 2019 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 18 (2):305-312.
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    A Phenomenological Revision of E. E. Harris’s Dialectical Holism.James Schofield - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    The purpose of this work is to critically assess Errol E. Harris’s process philosophy in the face of contemporary research in the special sciences. Harris devoted his life to grappling with the big questions concerning the relationships between nature, mind, and knowledge. His 70-plus year career was distinguished, his texts on the history of philosophy, philosophy of science, political philosophy, philosophy of religion, and consciousness were widely published, and yet his metaphysics has until now remained excluded from mainstream discussions. This (...)
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  10. Holism, entrenchment, and the future of climate model pluralism.Johannes Lenhard & Eric Winsberg - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (3):253-262.
    In this paper, we explore the extent to which issues of simulation model validation take on novel characteristics when the models in question become particularly complex. Our central claim is that complex simulation models in general, and global models of climate in particular, face a form of confirmation holism. This holism, moreover, makes analytic understanding of complex models of climate either extremely difficult or even impossible. We argue that this supports a position we call convergence skepticism: the belief (...)
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    Holism in Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Physics.M. Esfeld - 2001 - Springer Verlag.
    The topic of this book is a comparison between holism in the philosophy and language and social holism on the one hand and holism about space-time and quantum systems on the other hand. The main claim is that holism in the humanities and holism in fundamental physics come under the same substantial, general conception of holism. That is to say: arguments to the effect that the holism of the mental is unscientific or that (...)
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    The holistic curriculum.John P. Miller - 2019 - Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
    Used as the basis of the program at the Equinox Holistic Alternative School in Toronto, The Holistic Curriculum advocates for an integrative approach to teaching and learning with a focus on developing a deep connection between mind and body.
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    Rethinking lexical semantic fields: relevance and local holism.Filomena Diodato - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (260):153-177.
    This paper aims to single out some pathologies of current lexical semantics, which suffers from both the trauma of immanence and the opposite anxiety of rooting all knowledge in the pre-semiotic dimension, or entrusting sense-making entirely to context. To untangle these pitfalls, the dialogue with a phenomenological cognitive semiotics may prove fertile to focus on the lexicon as a type of storage and a type of memory; that is, a type of accumulated and sedimented knowledge based on the dynamical re-pertinentization (...)
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  14. Mystical Experience and the Scope of C. G. Jung's Holism.Roderick Main - 2021 - In Edward F. Kelly & Paul Marshall, Consciousness Unbound: Liberating Mind from the Tyranny of Materialism. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    The Swampman Puzzle and Diachronic Holism.Yujian Zheng - 2016 - Philosophical Forum 47 (2):171-193.
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    Beyond Conceptual Dualism: Ontology of Consciousness, Mental Causation, and Holism in John R. Searle's Philosophy of Mind.Giuseppe Vicari (ed.) - 2008 - Rodopi.
    This book is a systematic analysis of John R. Searle's philosophy of mind. Searle's view of mind, as a set of subjective and biologically embodied processes, can account for our being part of nature qua mindful beings. This model finds support in neuroscience and offers reliable solutions to the problems of consciousness, mental causation, and the self.
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  17. Holism without meaning: A critical review of Fodor and Lepore's holism: A shopper's guide.Christopher Gauker - 1993 - Philosophical Psychology 6 (4):441-49.
    Abstract In their book, Holism: A Shopper's Guide, Jerry Fodor and Ernest Lepore fail to distinguish between two kinds of holism. One of these is holism about meaning, which is indeed problematic. The other is holism about translation, which is not so clearly problematic. Moreover, the problem with the first sort is that it renders communication unintelligible, not that it rules out psychological laws. Further, Fodor and Lepore's criticisms of various contemporary holists are based on serious (...)
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    An African Theory of Moral Status: A Relational Alternative to Individualism and Holism (repr.).Thaddeus Metz - 2025 - In Kenneth Abudu, Kevin Behrens & Elvis Imafidon, African Philosophy and Deep Ecology. Routledge. pp. ch. 5.
    An abridged and slightly modified version of an article first published in Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (2012).
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    Weakening Religious Belief: Vattimo, Rorty, and the Holism of the Mental.Nancy K. Frankenberry - 2006 - In Santiago Zabala, Weakening Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Gianni Vattimo. Ithaca: Mcgill-Queen's University Press. pp. 273-296.
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  20. The Relational Self and Processual Holism in Education.Alessia Marabini - manuscript
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  21. Semantic Holism and Language Learning.Martin L. Jönsson - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (4):725-759.
    Holistic theories of meaning have, at least since Dummett’s Frege: The Philosophy of language, been assumed to be problematic from the perspective of the incremental nature of natural language learning. In this essay I argue that the general relationship between holism and language learning is in fact the opposite of that claimed by Dummett. It is only given a particular form of language learning, and a particular form of holism, that there is a problem at all; in general, (...)
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  22. From a critique of cognitive internalism to a conception of objective spirit: Reflections on Descombes' anthropological holism.Robert Brandom - 2004 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 47 (3):236 – 253.
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    Practical Holism and Nomadic Thought.Carlos Pereda - 2023 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book presents practical holism as a framework for understanding the ways in which our society and individual lives are affected by moral, legal, political, economic, and other considerations. Only nomadic thought is able to capture the interactions among all those crucial aspects.
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  24. Meaning holism and interpretability.C. J. L. Talmage & Mark Mercer - 1991 - Philosophical Quarterly 41 (July):301-15.
    The authors argue that while meaning holism makes massive error possible, it does not, as Donald Davidson fears, threaten interpretability. Thus they hold, in opposition to Davidson, that meaning holism need not be constrained by an account of meaning according to which in the methodologically most basic cases the content of a belief is given by the cause of that belief. What ensures interpretability, they maintain, is not that speakers' beliefs are in the main true, but rather that (...)
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    Gestalt Psychology in German Culture, 1890-1967: Holism and the Quest for Objectivity. Mitchell G. Ash.Hans Pols - 2000 - Isis 91 (4):827-828.
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    A beginning of the end of the holism versus reductionism debate?: Molecular biology goes cellular and organismic.Peter Schuster - 2007 - Complexity 13 (1):10-13.
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    Matter, man, universe: the ontology of human openness to the cosmic holism.Javier Monserrat - 2019 - Pensamiento 75 (283 S.Esp):131-170.
    El universo que conocemos es un producto de la mente humana. En la experiencia fenomenológica primordial, que el hombre tiene de si mismo, se imponen dos hechos fenomenológicos: la experiencia de un mundo estable de objetos y la experiencia de un mundo de campos de realidad. El ejercicio de la razón, que le viene dada al hombre evolutivamente, lleva a preguntar cuáles son las causas reales que producen esos dos mundos. Igualmente, cuál es la verdad última del universo. La ciencia (...)
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  28. Holism, mental and semantic.Ned Block - 1996 - In Edward Craig, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Genealogy to Iqbal. New York: Routledge.
    Mental (or semantic) holism is the doctrine that the identity of a belief content (or the meaning of a sentence that expresses it) is determined by its place in the web of beliefs or sentences comprising a whole theory or group of theories. It can be contrasted with two other views: atomism and molecularism. Molecularism characterizes meaning and content in terms of relatively small parts of the web in a way that allows many different theories to share those parts. (...)
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  29. Holism, organicism and the risk of biochauvinism.Charles T. Wolfe - 2014 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 43 (1-3):39-57.
    In this essay I seek to critically evaluate some forms of holism and organicism in biological thought, as a more deflationary echo to Gilbert and Sarkar's reflection on the need for an 'umbrella' concept to convey the new vitality of holistic concepts in biology (Gilbert and Sarkar 2000). Given that some recent discussions in theoretical biology call for an organism concept (from Moreno and Mossio’s work on organization to Kirschner et al.’s research paper in Cell, 2000, building on chemistry (...)
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  30. "System" and "lifeworld": Habermas and the problem of holism.James Bohman - 1989 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 15 (4):381-401.
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    Russian Intelligentsia in Search of an Identity: Between Dostoevsky’s Oppositions and Tolstoy’s Holism.Svetlana Klimova - 2020 - Brill | Rodopi.
    This monograph considers the problem of the Russian intelligentsia’s self-identification in its historic-philosophical aspect and compares the spiritual and biographical opposition of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy in the 19th and 20th century.
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    Taking Ontology Seriously : Quine's Thesis of Holism and Underdetermination Applied to the Sciences in the Age of Technoscience.Victoria Höög - unknown
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    Comments on John Skorupski’s Holism and individualism in Ethics.Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen - unknown
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    Holism, conceptual role, and conceptual similarity.Joey Pollock - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (3):396-420.
    Holistic views of content claim that we each speak and think in distinct and idiosyncratic idiolects: although we may often entertain thoughts with similar contents, the content of our thoughts can...
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  35. Evidential holism.Joe Morrison - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (6):e12417.
    Evidential holism begins with something like the claim that “it is only jointly as a theory that scientific statements imply their observable consequences.” This is the holistic claim that Elliott Sober tells us is an “unexceptional observation”. But variations on this “unexceptional” claim feature as a premise in a series of controversial arguments for radical conclusions, such as that there is no analytic or synthetic distinction that the meaning of a sentence cannot be understood without understanding the whole language (...)
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  36. Quantum Holism.Elizabeth Miller - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (9):507-514.
    Quantum mechanics allegedly supports a holistic metaphysical moral: it is not the case that the intrinsic characters of all entangled wholes supervene on intrinsic properties and spatiotemporal arrangements of proper parts. According to one influential line of reasoning, such holistic supervenience failure follows more or less directly from quantum theory itself. One advertised consequence is the defeat of a natural, broadly reductive worldview commonly linked to Lewis's philosophical doctrine of Humean supervenience. However, the situation is more complicated, in both this (...)
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    "Meaning Holism".Henry Jackman - 2014 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    A general introduction to the issues surrounding the question of semantic holism.
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    Brentano on Phenomenal Unity and Holism.Barry Dainton - 2017 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142 (4):513.
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  39. More, and Deeper, Dogmas of Empiricism: Towards a Holism without Scepticism.L. Bouritsas - 1989 - Filosofia 19:410-423.
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  40. Immunology in the Clinics: Reductionism, Holism or Both?Ilana Löwy - 2008 - In Kenton Kroker, Jennifer Keelan & Pauline Mazumdar, Crafting Immunity: Working Histories of Clinical Immunology. Ashgate. pp. 165--76.
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  41. Holism: A Shopper's Guide.Jerry A. Fodor & Ernest Lepore - 1992 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. Edited by Ernest LePore.
  42. (1 other version)Quantum holism: nonseparability as common ground.Jenann Ismael & Jonathan Schaffer - 2020 - Synthese 197 (10):4131-4160.
    Quantum mechanics seems to portray nature as nonseparable, in the sense that it allows spatiotemporally separated entities to have states that cannot be fully specified without reference to each other. This is often said to implicate some form of “holism.” We aim to clarify what this means, and why this seems plausible. Our core idea is that the best explanation for nonseparability is a “common ground” explanation, which casts nonseparable entities in a holistic light, as scattered reflections of a (...)
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  43. Holism, Emergence and the Crucial Distinction.Julie Zahle - 2014 - In Julie Zahle & Finn Collin, Rethinking the Individualism-Holism Debate. Cham: Springer. pp. 177-196.
    One issue of dispute between methodological individualists and methodological holists is whether holist explanations are dispensable in the sense that individualist explanations are able to do their explanatory job. Methodological individualists say they are, whereas methodological holists deny this. In the first part of the paper, I discuss Elder-Vass’ version of an influential argument in support of methodological holism, the argument from emergence. I argue that methodological individualists should reject it: The argument relies on a distinction between individualist and (...)
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    Meaning holism and intentional content.Arnold Silverberg - 1994 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 75 (1):29-53.
    In this essay I defend meaning holism against certain criticisms that Jerry Fodor has presented against it. In "Psychosemantics" he argued that meaning holism is incompatible with the development of scientific psychology given the ways in which scientific psychology adverts to intentional content. In his recent book "Holism" (co-authored with Ernest Lepore) he indicates that he still upholds this argument. I argue that Fodor's argument fails, and argue in favor of the compatibility of meaning holism with (...)
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    Taming Holism: an Inferentialist Account of Communication.Haruka Iikawa - 2023 - Acta Analytica 38 (4):593-612.
    Robert Brandom’s inferentialism notoriously entails meaning holism, which has often been seen as unacceptable because it seems to make communication impossible. This paper aims to improve Brandom’s conception of communication as “navigation-across-perspectives” to reconcile meaning holism and the possibility of communication. The conception proposed here entails keeping track of speakers’ own and the other’s scores of commitments and entitlements. I argue that the whole of commonly endorsed inferences in each practice should determine the contents of utterances and those (...)
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  46. Relational Holism and Quantum Mechanics1.Paul Teller - 1986 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 37 (1):71-81.
    One can give a strong sense to the idea that a relation does not 'reduce' to non-relational properties by saying that a relation does not supervene upon the non-relational properties of its relata. That there are such inherent relations I call the doctrine of relational holism, a doctrine which seems to conflict with traditional ideas about physicalism. At least parts of classical physics seem to be free of relational holism, but quantum mechanics, on at least some interpretations, incorporates (...)
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  47. The holistic presumptions of the indispensability argument.Russell Marcus - 2014 - Synthese 191 (15):3575-3594.
    The indispensability argument is sometimes seen as weakened by its reliance on a controversial premise of confirmation holism. Recently, some philosophers working on the indispensability argument have developed versions of the argument which, they claim, do not rely on holism. Some of these writers even claim to have strengthened the argument by eliminating the controversial premise. I argue that the apparent removal of holism leaves a lacuna in the argument. Without the holistic premise, or some other premise (...)
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  48. Methodological Individualism and Holism in Political Science: A Reconciliation.Christian List & Kai Spiekermann - 2013 - American Political Science Review 107 (4):629-643.
    Political science is divided between methodological individualists, who seek to explain political phenomena by reference to individuals and their interactions, and holists (or nonreductionists), who consider some higher-level social entities or properties such as states, institutions, or cultures ontologically or causally significant. We propose a reconciliation between these two perspectives, building on related work in philosophy. After laying out a taxonomy of different variants of each view, we observe that (i) although political phenomena result from underlying individual attitudes and behavior, (...)
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    Semantic Holism Without Semantic Socialism: Twin Earths, Thinking, Language, Bodies, and the World.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1989 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 14 (1):101-126.
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    Subjective Holism and the Problem of Consciousness.Siamak Abdollahi & Mansour Nasiri - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 26 (3):135-150.
    How does unconscious matter become conscious? How does our physical part, which lacks consciousness, have such a subjective quality? This is the explanatory gap in the problem of consciousness or the hard problem of consciousness which comes from a physicalist (eliminativist physicalism) point of view. From the opposite point of view, i.e. dualism, the mind-body problem has led to the problem of consciousness and the explanation of how our unconscious physical (matter) part (substance) is related to our conscious mental part (...)
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