Results for 'Humboldt University'

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  1. University of HumboldtUniversity of Berlin, Germany translated by Andrea Engel.Michael Parmentier - 1997 - In Helmut Danner, Hermeneutics and educational discourse. Johannesburg: Thorold's Africana Books [distributor]. pp. 75.
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  2. On language: On the diversity of human language construction and its influence on the mental development of the human species.Wilhelm Humboldt (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Wilhelm von Humboldt's classic study of human language was first published in 1836, as a general introduction to his three-volume treatise on the Kawi language of Java. It is the final statement of his lifelong study of the nature of language, exploring its universal structures and its relation to mind and culture. Empirically wide-ranging - Humboldt goes far beyond the Indo-European family of languages - it remains one of the most interesting and important attempts to draw philosophical conclusions (...)
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  3. Book notices-cosmos. A sketch of a physical description of the universe.Alexander von Humboldt - 1998 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 20 (3):376.
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    The generation of the GDR: Economists at the Humboldt University of Berlin caught between loyalty and relevance.Till Düppe - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (3):50-85.
    The German Democratic Republic was in existence for 41 years. A single generation spent its whole professional life there – namely those born in the early 1930s who carried this state’s hopes. With Karl Mannheim’s notion of generations as a unit in the sociology of knowledge in mind, this article describes this generation’s typical experiences from the point of view of a particularly telling group: economists at the Humboldt University of Berlin. I present their socialization in Nazi Germany, (...)
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  5. " I will show up. Hegel"-Documents on Hegel's academic effectiveness on the University Archive of the Humboldt University in Berlin.S. Grune - 2003 - Hegel-Studien 38:11-59.
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  6. Humboldt's Philosophy of University Education and Implication for Autonomous Education in Vietnam Today.Trang Do - 2023 - Perspektivy Nauki I Obrazovania 62 (2):549-561.
    Introduction. Higher education plays a particularly important role in the development of a country. The goal of the article is to describe the development of concepts about education in general and higher education in particular to explain the role of education in social life. Humboldt sees higher education as a process toward freedom and the search for true truth. Humboldt's philosophy of higher education is an indispensable requirement in the context of people struggling to escape the influence of (...)
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    Humboldt revisited: the impact of the German university on American higher education.Gry Cathrin Brandser - 2022 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    Humboldt Revisited offers a fresh perspective on the contemporary discourse surrounding reform of European universities. Arguing that contemporary reform derives its basis from pre-constructed truths about the so-called 'Humboldt-university,' this monograph traces the historical descent of these truths to the American reception of Humboldt's ideas from the mid-19th century up until the 1960s. Drawing from a rich selection of historical sources, this volume offers an alternative to conventional explanations of the forces behind the ongoing reform of (...)
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  8. Her latest book is titled, Daughters of The Goddess, Daughters of Imperialism: African Women, Culture, Power and Democracy (London: Zed Books, 2000). Sibylle Benninghojf-Liihl, visiting Professor at the Institute of German Literature at Humboldt-University of Berlin. Research and teaching in Nigeria and Brazil. DFG-scholarship on" The Aesthetics of the Wild. People-Shows in Germany. [REVIEW]Ulrike Bergermann - 2002 - In Insa Härtel & Sigrid Schade, Body and representation. Opladen: Leske + Budrich. pp. 6--223.
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    Humboldt's model: the future of the universities in the world of research: conference report.Bernd Henningsen, Jürgen Schlaeger & Heinz-Elmar Tenorth (eds.) - 2013 - Berlin: BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag.
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    On a universal alphabet - a letter of W. Von humboldt to G. Bancroft (sept. 17, 1821).Jean Rousseau - 1985 - Topoi 4 (2):171-180.
    With an unpublished letter by W. von Humboldt about the possibility of establishing a uniform phonetic alphabet as a starting point, we investigate the ideological assumptions shared by such a project and by some attempts of Universal languages or Pasigraphies at the end of the eighteenth century. The almost unanimous dismissal of these attempts among philologists and linguists aiming at comparison seems to be responsible for their suspicion about phonetic studies, while the history of problems of transcription in (...)'s writings ends up with a condemnation of any transfer of foreign sounds on the ground of the uniqueness of the genuine articulated sound in every language. (shrink)
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  11. Pragmatism and academic freedom: the university as intellectual experiment station from Humboldt to Peirce and Dewey.Shannon Dea - forthcoming - In Robert Lane, Pragmatism Revisited. Cambridge University Press.
    Charles Sanders Peirce and John Dewey’s thinking on universities, their function, and what is required in support of that function was deeply influenced by University of Berlin founder Wilhelm von Humboldt’s reform of the Prussian educational system. This chapter traces that influence and describes Dewey’s role as one of the founders of the modern American conception of academic freedom. It concludes with a consideration of threats posed to universities and academic freedom by authoritarianism, and possible responses to those (...)
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  12.  43
    Humboldtian science: Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland: Essay on the geography of plants. Edited with an introduction by Stephen T. Jackson and translated by Sylvie Romanowski. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago Press, 2009, xv+274pp, $45.00 HB.David Oldroyd - 2010 - Metascience 20 (3):581-584.
    Humboldtian science Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9480-6 Authors David Oldroyd, School of History and Philosophy, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2052 Australia Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    Alexander von Humboldt: Counternarrative of a dissenter? : Laura Dassow Walls: The passage to cosmos: Alexander von Humboldt and the shaping of America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009, xv+404pp, US$35.00 HB. [REVIEW]Andreas W. Daum - 2010 - Metascience 20 (3):577-579.
    Alexander von Humboldt: Counternarrative of a dissenter? Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9514-0 Authors Andreas W. Daum, History Department, 570 Park Hall, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260, USA Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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  14.  25
    Alexander von Humboldt. By L. Kellner. Pp. 247. Oxford University Press, 1963. £1 5s.Herbert Dingle - 1964 - British Journal for the History of Science 2 (2):171-171.
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  15.  37
    Heidegger, Von Humboldt and the Idea of the University.Mark Sinclair - 2013 - Intellectual History Review 23 (4):499-515.
  16. Universities from an Epistemological Point of View.Daniel Stoljar - forthcoming - Humanities Review.
    Abstract: What is the nature and social function of universities? In this article I consider the well-known Humboldtian answer to this question, with a view not just to its inherent plausibility but to how it has changed over time. I pay particular attention to how different versions of the Humboldtian answer make different epistemological assumptions and conclude with a suggestion about how best to develop that answer in the future.
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    The university as microcosm.Byron Kaldis - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (5):553-574.
    This paper puts forward the model of 'microcosm-macrocosm' isomorphism encapsulated in certain philosophical views on the form of university education. The human being as a 'microcosm' should reflect internally the external 'macrocosm'. Higher Education is a socially instituted attempt to guide human beings into forming themselves as microcosms of the whole world in its diversity. By getting to know the surrounding world, they re-enact it intellectually. Such a re-enacting is a guiding theme in certain philosophies of education studied here. (...)
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  18.  24
    Back to the university’s future: The second coming of Humboldt Back to the university’s future: The second coming of Humboldt, by Steve Fuller, Springer, 2023, 171 pp., USD43.50 (e-book), ISBN 978-3-031-36327-6. [REVIEW]Sharon Rider - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
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    Universität, Geistes- und Sportwissenschaften zwischen Humboldt’schem Ideal und spätmodernem Nutzenkalkül – Ein wissenschaftstheoretischer Beitrag zur aktuellen Diskussion / The University, the Humanities, and Sport Science between Humboldt’s Ideal and the Realities of Late Modern Utilitarianism – A Contribution to the Current Discussion from the Perspective of Science Theory.Werner Hägele - 2010 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 7 (2):91-114.
    Zusammenfassung Im ersten Teil des Beitrags wird die Forderung nach Einheit und Zweckfreiheit der klassischen Humboldt’schen Universität mit den gegenwärtigen Tendenzen zu anwendungsorientierter Drittmittelforschung, interdisziplinärer Kooperation sowie universitärer Profil- und Schwerpunktbildung konfrontiert. Im zweiten Teil wird erörtert, welche Legitimationsprobleme die Nützlichkeitsdebatte in den Geisteswissenschaften ausgelöst hat, die in der Vergangenheit als offizielle Vertreter des humanistischen Bildungsideals auftraten. Im abschließenden dritten Teil wird das Verhältnis von Einheit und Vielheit sowie von Theorie und Praxis in der Sportwissenschaft re-thematisiert sowie deren wissenschaftstheoretischen (...)
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  20.  23
    Alexander von Humboldt. Political Essay on the Island of Cuba: A Critical Edition. Edited by, Vera M. Kutzinski and Ottmar Ette. Translated by, J. Bradford Anderson, Vera M. Kutzinski, and Anja Becker. xxvi + 519 pp., tables, bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2011. $65. [REVIEW]Pedro Pruna-Goodgall - 2012 - Isis 103 (4):799-800.
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    Myron Echenberg. Humboldt’s Mexico: In the Footsteps of the Illustrious German Scientific Traveller. li + 236, figs., map, tables, bibl., index. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017. $39.95 . ISBN 9780773549401. [REVIEW]Tobias Kraft - 2019 - Isis 110 (3):614-616.
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  22.  26
    Alexander Von humboldt, cosmos: A sketch of the physical description of the universe, translated by Elise C. otté, 2 vols. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins university press, 1997. Pp. 375 and 367. Isbn 0-8018-5502-0, £13.00, $15.95 ; 0-8018-5503-9, £13.00, $15.95. [REVIEW]Thomas Rohkrämer - 1999 - British Journal for the History of Science 32 (3):363-378.
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  23.  38
    Alexander von Humboldt. Views of Nature. Edited by Stephen T. Jackson and Laura Dassow Walls. Translated by Mark W. Person. viii + 313 pp., tables, index. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014. $45. [REVIEW]Alison E. Martin - 2015 - Isis 106 (4):939-940.
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  24.  51
    Alexander von Humboldt;, Aimé Bonpland. Essay on the Geography of Plants. Edited by, Stephen T. Jackson. Translated by, Sylvie Romanowski. xx + 274 pp., illus., tables, bibl. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2010. $45. [REVIEW]Andreas W. Daum - 2011 - Isis 102 (4):781-782.
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  25.  39
    Alexander von Humboldt. Views of the Cordilleras and Monuments of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: A Critical Edition. Edited by, Vera M. Kutzinski and Ottmar Ette. Translated by, J. Ryan Poynter. xxxv + 618 pp., illus., bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2012. $65. [REVIEW]Nicolaas Rupke - 2014 - Isis 105 (1):233-234.
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    Translational Universality: The Struggle over the Universal.Saša Hrnjez - 2019 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 21 (2):118-137.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate the idea of universality through the lens of translation, in an attempt to sketch out what can be called a translational universality. As the starting point, I will take into consideration the recent Étienne Balibar's works on the universals, and especially his strategy of translation, i.e. the strategy of enunciating the universal by means of translational process. In the next step, I will analyze political consequences of the universalizing practices of translation, which (...)
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  27. Armstrong, SJ (ed.)(2004) Animal Ethics. Essays in Philosophy 5.2< www. humboldt. edu/-essays/archives. htm l> Carruthers, P.(1992) The Animals Issue, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DeGrazia, D.(1998) Taking Animals Seriously: Mental Life and Moral Status, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [REVIEW]E. McKenna, A. Light & E. Pluhar - 2008 - In Susan Jean Armstrong & Richard George Botzler, The animal ethics reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 63.
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    The normative foundations of research-based education: Philosophical notes on the transformation of the modern university idea.Barbara Haverhals - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 26 (5):419-432.
    The current reorganisation of universities is part of a European policy aimed at strengthening Europe’s position with regard to the emerging global knowledge economy. The transformations in view of this overall goal are hardly accompanied by a critical discussion about the function or role of universities within and for society. The common assumption that universities offer a specific ‘general education’ by linking teaching to research, goes back to the modern university idea as conceived by Wilhelm von Humboldt. This (...)
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  29. The university in the Twenty-first century: teaching the new enlightenment in the digital age.Yehuda Elkana - 2014 - Budapest: CEU Press, Central European University Press. Edited by Hannes Klöpper & Marvin Lazerson.
    Introduction -- The idea of the university -- The aims of the university, or Humboldt then and Humboldt now -- Principles for undergraduate curricula -- Rhetoric, arguments, episteme metis and phronesis -- Some thoughts for curricula in the natural, social and human sciences and the establishment of new disciplines -- Research, teaching, publications, admission, assessment -- Democracy, higher education and the philosophy of education -- Doctoral education -- The university at the dawn of the digital (...)
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    Should Universities File Patent Applications?Gilles Capart - 2006 - Ethical Perspectives 13 (2):221-230.
    The filing of patent applications by universities remains a debatable issue in Europe more than 25 years after the Bayh Dole Act in the U.S.A. The European Commission and several national governments are currently exerting pressure on universities to take a more active part in the innovation process.The importance of university research as a source of technology is increasing in the knowledge economy, which is characterized by open innovation. The funding of research may eventually be at stake. Patent applications (...)
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  31. Visiting the neo-liberal university: new public management and conflicting normative ideas. A Danish case.Asger Sørensen - 2015 - Journal of Educational Controversy 10 (1):1--49.
    At Danish universities, the governance structure is regulated by law. This structure was radically changed in 2003, abolishing the republican rule of the senate consisting of academics, students, and staff in favour of an authoritarian system assigning all executive power to the vice-chancellor, or as we say in Denmark, the rector. To introduce the current situation at Danish universities, in the first two sections of this article, I will compare them with more well-known counterparts in other countries. This situation is (...)
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  32.  10
    Book Review: Back to the University’s Future: The Second Coming of Humboldt[REVIEW]Finn Collin - 2024 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 54 (2):181-183.
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    Classroom as Crucible in the Humboldtian University: Reply to Collin.Steve Fuller - 2024 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 54 (3):226-230.
    This reply to Finn Collin’s critically sympathetic review of my Back to the University’s Future: The Second Coming of Humboldt, addresses some of the tensions involved in realizing “Humboldt 2.0” in today’s higher education environment. Its focus is largely on the academic’s sense of researcher as being one of learner. In other words, the Humboldtian sees research as the necessary complement to teaching, not something radically distinct from it.
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    Philosophy as a Way of Life, the System, and the Advent of the Research University: Contributions Toward an Unwritten Chapter of the History of PWL.Matthew Sharpe - 2024 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 8 (3):42-68.
    This paper forms as it were a draft for an as-yet-unwritten, decisive chapter on the history of philosophy as a way of life (PWL). It closely examines the texts by Schleiermacher, Fichte, Humboldt, and Schelling on the foundation of the modern research university, and the place of philosophy within it, written in the years surrounding the formation of the University of Berlin. Part 1 contends that these texts represent studies of great significance for the history of PWL, (...)
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    Wilhelm von Humboldt and transcultural communication in a multicultural world: translating humanity.John Walker - 2022 - Rochester, New York: Camden House.
    Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835) is the progenitor of modern linguistics and the originator of the modern teaching and research university. However, his work has received remarkably little attention in the English-speaking world. Humboldt conceives language as the source of cognition as well as communication, both rooted in the possibility of human dialogue. In the same way, his idea of the university posits the free encounter between radically different personalities as the source of education for freedom. For (...)
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    Laura Dassow Walls. The Passage to Cosmos: Alexander von Humboldt and the Shaping of America. xv + 424 pp., illus., bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2009. $35. [REVIEW]Michael Dettelbach - 2011 - Isis 102 (1):197-198.
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    Laura Dassow Walls, The Passage to Cosmos: Alexander von Humboldt and the Shaping of America. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2009. Pp. xv+404. ISBN 978-0-226-87182-0. £24.00 .H. Walter Lack, Alexander von Humboldt and the Botanical Exploration of the Americas. London: Prestel, 2009. Pp. 278. ISBN 978-3-79134142-2. £125.00. [REVIEW]Deborah Coen - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Science 43 (2):302-303.
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    Romantic Empiricism: Nature, Art, and Ecology from Herder to Humboldt, By Dalia Nassar. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022, xvii +308 pp. ISBN: 9780190095437; hb: £47.99. [REVIEW]Daniel Whistler - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):849-852.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Alison E. Martin. Nature Translated: Alexander von Humboldt’s Works in Nineteenth-Century Britain. (Edinburgh Critical Studies in Literary Translation.) 280 pp., figs., bibl., index. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018. £80 (e-book); ISBN 9781474439350. Cloth and paperback available. [REVIEW]Spencer Hawkins - 2020 - Isis 111 (4):890-891.
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    Science and Society Margarita Bowen, Empiricism and geographical thought: from Francis Bacon to Alexander von Humboldt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. 351. £25.00. [REVIEW]Roy Porter - 1983 - British Journal for the History of Science 16 (3):301-302.
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    Kutzinski and Ette , Alexander von Humboldt. Political Essay on the Island of Cuba: A Critical Edition. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2011. Pp. xxvi + 519. ISBN 978-0-226-46568-5. £45.00. [REVIEW]Alison Martin - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Science 45 (4):686-687.
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    A Place From Where to Speak: The University and Academic Freedom.Graham Badley - 2009 - British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (2):146-163.
    The university is promoted as 'a place from where to speak'. Academic freedom is examined as a crucial value in an increasingly uncertain age which resonates with Barnett's concern to encourage students to overcome their 'fear of freedom'. My concern is that the putative university space of freedom and autonomy may well become constricted by those who would limit not just our freedom to speak but also our freedoms to be and to do. Without academic freedom students and (...)
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    Alexander von Humboldt und die Berufung Jacob Jacobis an die Wiener Universität.Herbert Pieper - 2005 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 13 (3):137-155.
    On February 5, 1850, the Austrian emperor Franz Josef appointed C.G. Jacob Jacobi to the position of full professor at the University of Vienna. Thanks to the efforts of Alexander von Humboldt, however, the world-famous Prussian mathematician remained in Berlin and continued in his position as a salaried member of the Academy of Sciences.This paper describes the history of Jacobi’s appointment in Vienna and his ultimate rejection of it.
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  44. LA CONOSCIBILITÀ DEL MONDO SECONDO ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT: L’ESPERIENZA DEL PAESAGGIO.Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo - 2015 - Rivista Geografica Italiana 122:1-14.
    The cognizability of the world according to Alexander von Humboldt: the experience of landscape. According to Alexander von Humboldt, geography ought to aim to go beyond the modern attitude of seeing knowledge as being the result of a spatial and temporal abstraction from the real world. Von Humboldt wishes to create a new theory of knowledge, one that instead of just simplifying, schematizing, and categorizing reality is able to highlight its multiple meanings, its diversity of perspectives, and (...)
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    Impacting the University: An Archeology of the Future.Éric Méchoulan & Roxanne Lapidus - 2013 - Substance 42 (1):7-27.
    In memoriam Bill ReadingsIt is generally agreed that the modern university originated in early 19th-century Prussia, under the inspiration of Wilhelm von Humboldt. Thus it was stamped with the seal of idealism and of German Romanticism. Today the entrepreneurial model that seems to be imposing itself on universities around the globe confounds this former ideal, particularly by requiring academia to report on its economically quantifiable "impact." But an impact on what, exactly? On knowledge in general? On society at (...)
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  46. New Trading Zones in Contemporary Universities.Svetlana Shibarshina - 2019 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 49 (6):510-527.
    This article aims to distinguish and depict the features of communications and collaborations in contemporary universities through the concept of trading zones. The author also considers the role that the idea of a digital university might play in shaping interactions in transforming local context where different actors can find a common ground of exchange. The new contexts, including the pragmatic orientation of contemporary society and new technologies and environments, contribute to reconsidering the idea of the classical university, in (...)
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  47. „Keine Energie ohne Individualität “. Kontext und Aktualität der Bildungstheorie Wilhelm von Humboldts.Dieter Thomä - 2006 - Studia Philosophica 65:199-220.
    Wilhelm von Humboldt’s concept of Bildung is opposed to mechanical or organic readings of human development, but also to an idealized account of human autonomy . His account of situated individuality also refl ects the relationship between generations, which comes under scrutiny in a «fatherless world» reigned by the «invisible hand» . Humboldt’s and also Schleiermacher’s treatises on the German university are based on their notion of situated individuality. They defend «academic freedom» by instigating individual «energy» and (...)
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  48. Humboldt meets Spivak? : Reflections on Teaching a Philosophy of Practice under Precarious Conditions.Antje Schuhmann - 2016 - In James Arvanitakis & David J. Hornsby, Universities, the citizen scholar and the future of higher education. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Feeling at home: Bildung and the clash between nostalgic and universal values: singing together in a plural world.Merete Wiberg - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 58 (5):606-620.
    The article explores the tensions of belonging by focusing on the clash between nostalgic and universal values. Because of the inherent tension that they share, the concepts of Bildung and nostalgia provide an opening for understanding human belonging as ranging between nostalgic rootedness and the search for universality. Johann Gottfried Herder’s and Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig’s theories of Bildung, exemplify this clash between nostalgic and universal values. Wilhelm von Humboldt’s thinking offers a theory of Bildung that transcends nostalgic values (...)
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    Transformation of Knowledge and a University “Crisis” in Japan.Hisashi Nasu - 2014 - Schutzian Research 6:11-25.
    This essay aims to interpret Japanese university reform plans in terms of knowledge. For this aim, a history of attempts at university reform after Second World War is described briefly, and the underlying tone of these reform plans is explored by asking why the university had to start attempts at reforming their education and research system, what these plans signify, and what results from them. Then, it is asked where such reform plans lead the Japanese university, (...)
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