Results for 'I︠A︡. K. Odinaev'

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  1. Filosofii︠a︡ ozarenii︠a︡: Khikmat alʹ-ishrak.I︠A︡. K. Odinaev - 2004 - Dushanbe: Irfon.
  2. Dialektika kategorialʹnykh form poznanii︠a︡--kosmos Aristoteli︠a︡ i nauka novogo vremeni.K. A. Sergeev & Ia A. Slinin - 1987 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta. Edited by I︠A︡. A. Slinin.
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  3. Rigebis ševseba: kʻalebis, rogorcʻ dedebis, samxedro mosamsaxureebis, pʻeministebisa da modis dizainerebis militarizacʻia.Sintʻia Enlou & Mariam Čančaleišvilis tʻargmani - 2018 - In Tʻamar Cʻxadaże, Etʻuna Noġaideli, Adrienne Rich, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Nadine Taub, Susan Moller Okin, Uma Narayan & Cynthia H. Enloe, Pʻeministuri sakitʻxavi: debatebi kulturis, kanonisa da sekʻsualobis šesaxeb = Feminist anthology: debates about culture, law, and sexuality. Tʻbilisi: Heinrich Böll Stiftung South Caucasus.
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    Adamiani, goni, ġirebuleba.Akaki Bregaże, G. Pʻacʻacʻia & D. Kʻerkʻaże (eds.) - 1991 - Tʻbilisi: "Mecʻniereba".
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  5. Chelovek v mire khudozhestvennoĭ kulʹtury: priobshchenie k iskusstvu, prot︠s︡ess i upravlenie.Boris Andreevich Grushin, A. Ia Zis & Iu U. Fokht-Babushkin (eds.) - 1982 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka,".
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  6. Markʻsistul-leninurĭ pʻilosopʻia--sabunebis-metqvelo da sazogadoebriv mecʻnierebpatʻa metʻodologia.Xariton Kʻoriże - 1976
  7. Adamianis pʻilosopʻiuri koncʻepʻcʻia kʻartʻul mxatvrul literaturaši.Revaz Balančʻivaże - 1977 - Tʻbilisi: Mecʻniereba.
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    I∑hΓopia and Πapph∑ia (K.A.E.) Enenkel, (I.L.) Pfeijffer (edd.) The Manipulative Mode. Political Propaganda in Antiquity. A Collection of Case Studies. (Mnemosyne Supplementum 261.) Pp. vi + 318, ills. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2005. Cased, €95, US$128. ISBN: 978-90-04-14291-6. (I.) Sluiter, (R.M.) Rosen (edd.) Free Speech in Classical Antiquity. (Mnemosyne Supplementum 254.) Pp. xii + 450. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2004. Cased, €120, US$162. ISBN: 978-90-04-13925-. [REVIEW]Sian Lewis - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):85-.
  9. M. RUBIN On La ia complete extensions of complete theories of Boolean algebras 571 A. ROStANOWSKI• S. SHELAH Sweet & sour and other flavours of ccc forcing. [REVIEW]X. Li, M. Mostowski, K. Zdanowski, Mr Burke & M. Kada - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (5):720.
  10. Does film weaken spectator consciousness?Robert Boyd & Spencer K. Wertz - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (2):73-79.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.2 (2003) 73-79 [Access article in PDF] Does Film Weaken Spectator Consciousness? R.D. Boyd and S.K. Wertz The role of spectator is crucial for an actor, for there are "no actors without spectators." 1 At times the success of the actor depends upon the role taken by the spectator. Thornton Wilder's "Our Town" depends upon an active,creative, involved audience. Other artists expect their audience (...)
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    Mtʻxleobis emanacʻia: antimetapʻizikuri ganazrebebi "Kʻartʻvel pʻilospʻostʻa lekʻsikonze", "Oazisi", Tʻbilisi, 2000 c. ; sevdiani varianti.Badri Ambrosis-çze ésarvaçze - 2001 - Tʻbilisi: Akolasia.
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    Mtʻxleobis emanacʻia: antimetapʻizikuri ganazrebebi "Kʻartʻvel pʻilospʻostʻa lekʻsikonze", "Oazisi", Tʻbilisi, 2000 c. ; sevdiani varianti.Badri Ambrosis-że Šarvaże - 2001 - Tʻbilisi: Akolasia.
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    Internet Addiction and Emotional and Behavioral Maladjustment in Mainland Chinese Adolescents: Cross-Lagged Panel Analyses.Xiaoqin Zhu, Daniel T. L. Shek & Carman K. M. Chu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Adolescence is a developmental stage when adolescents are vulnerable to addictive behaviors, such as Internet addiction, which refers to pathological use of the Internet. Although there are views proposing that the links between IA and adolescent problem behavior may be bidirectional in nature, few studies have examined the reciprocal relationships between IA and other maladjustment indicators, and even fewer studies have simultaneously employed both emotional and behavioral maladjustment indicators in a single study. To address the above research gaps, the present (...)
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    Gr'ce à l’IA, la BD se découvre dépositaire du savoir humain.Ilan Manouach - 2024 - Multitudes 96 (3):201-203.
    Contrairement à ce que beaucoup imaginent, l’usage de l’intelligence artificielle est devenu banal dans le monde de la bande dessinée. Mieux, le développement des BD en ligne, la quantité de données sur des BD du monde entier que l’IA générative met à disposition des publics et les « bandes dessinées synthétiques » comme Out Side (de K Allado McDowell et Ilan Manouach, 2024), permettent d’appréhender l’importance de ce genre, de ses techniques et du patrimoine qu’il représente pour l’humanité.
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    Andrei iakovlevič borisov and his studies of medieval arabic philosophy. •A.ia. Borisov, materialy I issledovaniia po istorii neoplatonizma na srednevekovom vostoke [=materials and studies on the history of neoplatonism in the medieval east], ed. by K. B. starkova, pravoslavnyi palestinskii sbornik, issue 99 , st. petersburg, 2002, 256pp., Isbn 5-86007-216-3.: Essay-review: Borisov and his studies. [REVIEW]Alexander Treiger - 2007 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 17 (1):159-195.
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    Dans les imaginaires de l’IA.Ariel Kyrou - 2020 - Multitudes 78 (1):75-83.
    Du film Her de Spike Jonze à 2001 L’Odyssée de l’espace de Stanley Kubrick, et des androïdes de Philip K. Dick à l’utopie intergalactique de la Culture de l’écrivain Iain M. Banks, il est impossible de comprendre aujourd’hui l’intelligence artificielle sans s’intéresser à ses puissants imaginaires. Ceux-ci, nourrissant bien des fantasmes de la Silicon Valley, sont essentiels à décrypter pour ne pas les subir, voire pour se les approprier et mieux les détourner, en faire des antidotes contre les multinationales du (...)
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    The Concept of Person in St. Thomas Aquinas: A Contribution to Recent Discussion.Horst Seidl - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (3):435-460.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE CONCEPT OF PERSON IN ST. THOMAS AQUINAS: A Contribution to Recent Discussion* ST. THOMAS AQUINAS accepted and consistently defended Boethius' definition of person: "persona est substantia individua rationalis naturae." St. Thomas' analysis of this definition necessarily involves metaphysical questions because of the implications of the terms " substance" and " nature" and moreover it manifests the inescapahle imprint of the theological problematics which surrounded the issue (e.g. the (...)
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    On the transition from classical to quantum mechanics in generalized coordinates.Gary R. Gruber - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (1):111-113.
    The classical Hamiltonian in generalized coordinates is given asH=1/2 Σ i.k p i g ik p k . We show that there is no operator of the formP i= −iA(qi) (∂/∂qi)+Gi(qi) (note that the Hermitian momentum operatorP i H is of this form) such that the quantum Hamiltonian operatorH Q is given asH Q =1/2 Σ i,k P i g ik P k or1/2 Σ i,k g ik P i P k , etc. In order to maintain a direct transition (...)
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    The Hume Literature for 1977.Roland Hall - 1978 - Hume Studies 4 (2):86-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:86. THE HUME LITERATURE FOR 1977 In my recently-published book, Fifty Years of Hume Scholarship: A Bibliographical Guide (Edinburgh University Press, 1978; ^ 5.50), the reader will find a thorough coverage of the Hume literature from 1925 to 1976, with lists of the main earlier writings on Hume, all indexed by author, language, and subject. What follows here will bring the record up to the end of 1977.· Readers (...)
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    A New Fragment of Sophocles and Its Schedographic Context.John J. Keaney - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (2):173-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A New Fragment of Sophocles and its Schedographic ContextJohn J. KeaneyThe General ContextA popular medium of elementary Byzantine education in grammar and orthography was the genre known as.1 The genre is represented by a (larger or smaller) collection of (brief passages of prose [most frequently] or verse). The individual words of the text are accompanied by a fourfold analysis: (1) interlinear glosses;2 (2 and 3) grammatical and etymological/derivational analysis (...)
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    Yablo’s Paradox and Russellian Propositions.Gregory Landini - 2008 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 28 (2):127-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:January 22, 2009 (8:41 pm) G:\WPData\TYPE2802\russell 28,2 048red.wpd russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies n.s. 28 (winter 2008–09): 127–42 The Bertrand Russell Research Centre, McMaster U. issn 0036-01631; online 1913-8032 YABLO’S PARADOX AND RUSSELLIAN PROPOSITIONS Gregory Landini Philosophy / U. of Iowa Iowa City, ia 52242–1408, usa Is self-reference necessary for the production of Liar paradoxes? Yablo has given an argument that self-reference is not necessary. He (...)
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    R.S. Sugirtharajah, The Bible in Asia: From the Pre-Christian Era to the Postcolonial Age, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2013, 303 hlm. [REVIEW]Martin Harun - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (1):91-95.
    Sugirtharajah, seorang pakar biblika kelahiran Sri Lanka, yang mengajar di Universitas Birmingham, U.K., dan dikenal sebagai godfather penelitian pascakolonial dalam bidang Alkitab, menambahkan suatu karya inovatif lagi pada daftar tulisan-tulisannya yang sudah sangat mengesankan. Perhatiannya untuk suara penafsiran pinggiran sudah diketahui dari karyanya yang paling terkenal, Voices from the Margin (1991). Meskipun Alkitab berasal dari Asia, namun kebanyakan peneliti-an tentang Alkitab dan juga tentang pengaruhnya sepanjang sejarah, terfokus pada Eropa dan Amerika, dengan meminggirkan Asia. Itu mendorong S untuk mengadakan penelitian (...)
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    Pʻilosopʻia.Ia Beriże - 2007 - Tʻbilisi: Gamomcʻemloba "Universali". Edited by Nato Gogiašvili.
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    Culture Related Factors May Shape Coping During Pandemics.Ia Shekriladze, Nino Javakhishvili & Nino Chkhaidze - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study aimed to examine how anxiety related to different styles of coping during the COVID-19 pandemic and how these relationships were moderated by the cultural orientations of individualism/collectivism and a person’s sense of meaning in life. A sample of 849 participants from Georgia completed an online survey during the final stage of lockdown. To measure the main variables, we used the State Anxiety Inventory, the Horizontal and Vertical Individualism and Collectivism Scale, the Meaning of Life Questionnaire, the COVID-19 Worry (...)
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  25. Equal Educational Opportunity as a Public Policy.Ia Bunting - 1991 - South African Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):33-36.
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    Reply to Pryor.Juan Comesar'ia - 2013 - In Matthias Steup & John Turri, Contemporary Debates in Epistemology. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Blackwell. pp. 239.
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    Eseuri morale.Petru Creția - 2000 - București: Editura Muzeul Literaturii Române.
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  28. Studii de estetică.C. Dimitrescu-Iași - 1974 - București: Editura Științifică.
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    History of the Development of the Main Ideas of the Frankfurt School.Ia G. Fogeler - 1985 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 23 (4):9-67.
    The Twenty-fifth Congress of the CPSU on the basis of Marxist-Leninist theory, analyzing the experience and results of previous work and defining the tasks of the next period of struggle for the building of communism, stressed that "the problem of ideological struggle increasingly comes to the fore, and the truth about socialism is the most powerful tool in this struggle.".
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  30. La definición del derecho, ensayo de perspectivismo jurídico.Eduardo Garćia Máynez - 1948 - México,: Editorial Stylo.
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    Perception of gait patterns that deviate from normal and symmetric biped locomotion.Ismet Handžić & Kyle B. Reed - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  32. Sommaires Des articles.Dominique Jui-Ia - 1988 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 76:458.
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    (1 other version)Eudoro de Sousa e a presença do mito na filosofia portuguesa.Luís Lóia - 2019 - Linda-a-Velha: DG Edições.
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    San Francisco, California, January 6–7, 1995.Ia Nait - 1995 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 (3).
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  35. Laurence Foss.Ia Hierarchy of Being Paralleled - forthcoming - Foundations of Language.
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  36. Opisanie kursov filosofii i ritoriki professorov Kievo-Mogili︠a︡nskoĭ akademii.Ia M. Stratii, V. D. Litvinov & V. A. Andrushko - 1982 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka. Edited by V. D. Litvinov & V. A. Andrushko.
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  37. The concept of nature in classical judaism.Ia Ben Yosef - forthcoming - Theoria.
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    Contemporary Trends in Cosmology.Ia B. Zeldovich & I. D. Novikov - 1976 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 14 (4):28-49.
    Cosmology is currently a broad and rapidly developing field of knowledge.
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    Into the neural maze.Donald Ia Macleod - 2010 - In Jonathan Cohen & Mohan Matthen, Color Ontology and Color Science. Bradford.
    This chapter surveys a few of the so-called “easy” problems, as referred to by Chalmers, in understanding color perception. The obscurity of psycho-neural isomorphism is highlighted by the difficulties encountered in the domain of color, and while this theme has been discussed extensively, the discussion here at least provides an opportunity to review interesting facts and ideas about color vision. Trichromacy is considered first in this chapter, since it provides the most familiar example of physiological explanation in perception—an explanation generally (...)
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    Early Buddhist Theory of Knowledge.K. N. Jayatilleke - 1963 - Foundations of Language 5 (4):560-562.
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  41. Two Theories of Analogical Predication.Daniel Bonevac & Theologica Ia - 2012 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 4 (1).
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    A computational analysis of colour constancy.Donald Ia Macleod & Jürgen Golz - 2003 - In Rainer Mausfeld & Dieter Heyer, Colour Perception: Mind and the Physical World. Oxford University Press.
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    (2 other versions)Oxford textbook of philosophy and psychiatry.K. W. M. Fulford - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Tim Thornton & George Graham.
    Mental health research and care in the twenty first century faces a series of conceptual and ethical challenges arising from unprecedented advances in the neurosciences, combined with radical cultural and organisational change. The Oxford Textbook of Philosophy of Psychiatry is aimed at all those responding to these challenges, from professionals in health and social care, managers, lawyers and policy makers; service users, informal carers and others in the voluntary sector; through to philosophers, neuroscientists and clinical researchers. Organised around a series (...)
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  44. Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ i izbrannye pisʹma.P. Ia Chaadaev & Zakhar Abramovich Kamenskii - 1991 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka". Edited by Z. A. Kamenskiĭ.
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  45. Is it time for a tri-process theory? Distinguishing the reflective and algorithmic mind.K. E. Stanovich - 2009 - In Jonathan St B. T. Evans & Keith Frankish, In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond. Oxford University Press. pp. 55--88.
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  46. Inner speech and outer thought.K. Frankish - 2018 - In Peter Langland-Hassan & Agustín Vicente, Inner Speech: New Voices. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  47. Indeterminism and indeterminacy.K. Hawley - 1998 - Analysis 58 (2):101-106.
    E.J. Lowe claims that quantum physics provides examples of ontic indeterminacy, of vagueness in the world. Any such claim must confront the Evans-Salmon argument to the effect that the notion of ontic indeterminacy is simply incoherent (Evans 1978, Salmon 1981: 243-46). Lowe argues that a standard version of the Evans-Salmon argument fails quite generally (Lowe 1994). Harold Noonan (1995) has outlined a non-standard version of the argument, but Lowe argues that this non-standard version fails for specifically quantum mechanical reasons (Lowe (...)
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    An expansion of first-order Belnap-Dunn logic.K. Sano & H. Omori - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (3):458-481.
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    Confessions of an Expert Ethics Witness.K. Kipnis - 1997 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 22 (4):325-343.
    The aim of this essay is to describe and reflect upon the concrete particulars of one academician's work as an expert ethics witness. The commentary on my practices and the narrative descriptions of three cases are offered as evidence for the thesis that it is possible to act honorably within a role that some have considered to be inherently illicit. Practical measures are described for avoiding some of the best known pitfalls. The discussion concludes with a listing of the distinctive (...)
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    Platon und die Schriftlichkeit der Philosophie: Teil 1.Thomas Alexander Szlezák - 1985 - New York: De Gruyter.
    [T. 1] Interpretationen zu den frühen und mittleren Dialogen -- T. 2. Das Bild des Dialektikers in Platons späten Dialogen.
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