Results for 'Iago Portela-Pino'

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  1.  23
    Initial Motivations for Choosing Teaching as a Career.Myriam Alvariñas-Villaverde, José Domínguez-Alonso, Lucía Pumares-Lavandeira & Iago Portela-Pino - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The objective of the study is to verify the reliability and validity of the Factors Influencing Teaching Choice, as well as to determine the teaching of Early childhood and Primary education students’ motivations and perceptions for the choice of this degree. The sample consisted of 262 student teachers aged between 18 and 27. According to degree, 54.2% of the participants were enrolled in Early Childhood Education and 45.8% in Primary Education. The instrument used in the study was the Factors Influencing (...)
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    Uniformity in the Dynamics of Fiction-making.Iago Mello Batistela - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (2).
    In this paper I defend the claim that the act of writing a work of fiction consists in the performance of a sui generis speech act, and propose a dynamic treatment for acts of fiction-making. Recently, speech act theories of fiction have become targets of the uniformity argument. According to it, in order to account for the myriad of speech acts present in works of fiction, speech act theories of fiction need to propose a similar amount of fiction-related illocutionary forces. (...)
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    Backward-Looking Principles of Climate Justice: The Unjustified Move from the Polluter Pays Principle to the Beneficiary Pays Principle.Laura García-Portela - 2023 - Res Publica 29 (3):367-384.
    Climate change involves changes in the climate system caused by polluting human activities and the social and natural effects of these changes. The historical and anthropogenic grounds of climate change play an important role in climate justice claims. Many climate justice scholars believe that principles of climate justice should account for the historical and anthropogenic sources of climate change. Two main backward-looking principles have been proposed: the polluter pays principle (PPP) and the beneficiary pays principle (BPP). The BPP emerged in (...)
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  4. Moral Responsibility for Climate Change Loss and Damage: A response to the Excusable Ignorance Objection.Laura Garcia-Portela - 2020 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (39):7-24.
    The Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) states that polluters should bear the burdens as- sociated with their pollution. This principle has been highly contested because of the pu- tative impossibility of considering individuals morally responsible for an important amount of their emissions. For the PPP faces the so-called excusable ignorance objec- tion, which states that polluters were for a long time non-negligently ignorant about the negative consequences of greenhouse gas emissions and, thus, cannot be considered morally responsible for their negative consequences. (...)
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    Individual Compensatory Duties for Historical Emissions and the Dead-Polluters Objection.Laura García-Portela - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (4):591-609.
    Debates about individual responsibility for climate change revolve mainly around individual mitigation duties. Mitigation duties concern future impacts of climate change. Unfortunately, climate change has already caused important harms and it is foreseeable that it will cause more in the future, in spite of our best efforts. Thus, arguably, individuals might also have duties related to those harms. In this paper, I address the question of whether individuals are obligated to provide compensation for climate related harms that have already occurred. (...)
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    Two Mutually Exclusive Concepts of Harm? Retrospective and Structural Wrongful Harm at the Bases of a Compensatory-Based Approach for Loss and Damage.Laura García-Portela - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (3):391-395.
    . Two Mutually Exclusive Concepts of Harm? Retrospective and Structural Wrongful Harm at the Bases of a Compensatory-Based Approach for Loss and Damage. Ethics, Policy & Environment: Vol. 21, Geoengineering, Political Legitimacy and Justice, Guest Edited by Stephen Gardiner and Augustin Fragnière, pp. 391-395.
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  7.  29
    Overstating the effects of anthropogenic climate change? A critical assessment of attribution methods in climate science.Laura García-Portela & Douglas Maraun - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (1):1-24.
    Climate scientists have proposed two methods to link extreme weather events and anthropogenic climate forcing: the probabilistic and the storyline approach. Proponents of the first approach have raised the criticism that the storyline approach could be overstating the role of anthropogenic climate change. This issue has important implications because, in certain contexts, decision-makers might seek to avoid information that overstates the effects of anthropogenic climate change. In this paper, we explore two research questions. First, whether and to what extent the (...)
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    Towards an Unfettered Critique: Adorno’s Appropriations and Transformations of Kant’s Enlightenment.Garmon D. Iago - 2020 - Kantian Review 25 (4):631-654.
    Many recent commentators have noticed how Adorno, in his late works, borrows Kant’s definition of enlightenment to define key areas of his own critical practice. These discussions, however, have failed to notice how these late borrowings present an image of Kant’s enlightenment which is diametrically opposed to his previous discussions. By tracing the development of Adorno’s engagement with Kant’s essay, I discover Adorno deliberately sublating Kant’s definition as to enable its incorporation into his own works. Further, the article will examine (...)
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    Can Consumption-Based Emissions Accounting Solve the Problem of Historical Emissions? Some Skeptical Remarks.Laura García Portela - 2022 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 25 (3):367-370.
    The ethics of emissions accounting deals with the following question: When considering who has emitted how much, should emissions be attributed to producers (production-based emissions accounting,...
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    Spirit of Life.Luis Portela - 2003 - Upfront.
    In 'Spirit of Life', Luis Portela talks about his broad range of experiences in several texts, which apparently are not related, but they all search for the truth, in a moralizing, constructive and elucidative way. Sometimes he talks about his trips and the pleasure of being in touch with nature, he makes us feel as if we were with him in these different places. At other times he tells short stories, in such a way that only a very sensitive (...)
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  11.  8
    El Estado como fin político en Hegel y Rousseau.Iago Ramos - 2021 - Studia Hegeliana 4:263-275.
    En este artículo se revisan las coincidencias que genera, entre la filosofía política de Hegel y de Rousseau, el hecho de que estos dos filósofos afirmen que el Estado es el fin que debe alcanzar lo político. Tanto Hegel como Rousseau consideran que la nación es una condición necesaria para que se establezca el Estado; es decir, que debe generarse una identidad compartida en la comunidad para que ésta pueda ser institucionalizada correctamente. De manera que, aunque desde el punto de (...)
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    A comparative user study of human predictions in algorithm-supported recidivism risk assessment.Manuel Portela, Carlos Castillo, Songül Tolan, Marzieh Karimi-Haghighi & Antonio Andres Pueyo - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-47.
    In this paper, we study the effects of using an algorithm-based risk assessment instrument (RAI) to support the prediction of risk of violent recidivism upon release. The instrument we used is a machine learning version of RiskCanvi used by the Justice Department of Catalonia, Spain. It was hypothesized that people can improve their performance on defining the risk of recidivism when assisted with a RAI. Also, that professionals can perform better than non-experts on the domain. Participants had to predict whether (...)
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  13. O papel do estado na economia no capitalismo contemporâneo: O estado regulador E as agências reguladoras independentes como seu paradigma de organização administrativa.Iago Oliveira Ferreira - 2016 - Revista Fides 7 (2).
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    Recepción y proyección emotiva de J. J. Rousseau en el s. XX.Iago Ramos Fernández - 2012 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 39:137-170.
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    Civilization and Disease. Henry E. Sigerist.Iago Galdston - 1944 - Isis 35 (3):220-220.
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    Geschichte der Medizin. Einführung in ihre Grundzüge. Alexander Mette, Irena Winter.Iago Galdston - 1969 - Isis 60 (2):252-253.
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    Kurze Geschichte der Psychiatrie. Erwin H. Ackerknecht.Iago Galdston - 1959 - Isis 50 (3):270-271.
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    Ministry and medicine in human relations.Iago Galdston (ed.) - 1971 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press.
    Contributing Authors Include Otis Rice, Erich Lindemann, Paul Tillich And Many Others.
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    Sigmund Freud: A Critical Summary and Review.Iago Galdston - 1949 - Isis 40 (4):316-327.
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    The Maggid of Caro. Hirsch Loeb Gordon.Iago Galdston - 1952 - Isis 43 (3):272-274.
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    Twenty Years of PsychoanalysisFranz Alexander Helen RossA History of Psychoanalysis in AmericaC. P. Oberndorf.Iago Galdston - 1955 - Isis 46 (1):78-80.
  22.  11
    Dolor y límites.Iago Ramos & Juan J. Padial - 2018 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 23 (3).
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    El pensamiento historiográfico de Rousseau.Iago Ramos - 2013 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 40:171-182.
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    Prospección filosófica del dolor.Iago Ramos, Luciano Espinosa & Ignacio García Peña - 2018 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 23 (3).
    En este trabajo se discute qué puede aportar la filosofía a la comprensión del dolor. Para ello, en la sección, apuntamos que la pregunta por el dolor tiene su origen en una experiencia personal. En, analizamos que, para conocer el dolor tenemos que tomar en consideración experiencias subjetivas. Razón por la cual la naturaleza del dolor es esquiva y tenemos que repensar constantemente su significado; al igual que los retos que deben afrontar la ciencia y la filosofía del dolor. Nuestra (...)
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    Tecnología y Transparencia.Iago Ramos, Elías Fuentes Guillén & Evandro Smarieri Soares - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (1):77-98.
    Resumen: La concepción del ser humano como animal tecnológico, junto con la idea del progreso como sustento de la civilización, plantea varias cuestiones que precisan ser consideradas con detenimiento, entre ellas qué se entiende por progreso y qué sentido y valor tiene la tecnología. El caso de la realidad virtual patentiza de hecho la habitual asunción de la tecnología como algo ajeno a la producción cultural, humana. Sin embargo, la tecnología comparte nuestros límites y está sometida a nuestro designio, por (...)
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  26.  4
    Ser humano, capitalismo y naturaleza.Lindon Johnson Pontes Portela & Jaílson Santos de Novais - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:195-211.
    La ciencia hoy señala que el cambio climático se ha producido a escalas sin precedentes y, sin una acción decisiva, los costos de estos impactos ambientales serán más costosos y costosos para la vida en el planeta. El ecosocialismo surge como una alternativa energética a la raíz de los problemas ambientales, que reflejan un modelo económico, social y cultural de opresión con la naturaleza, el capitalismo. La alternativa ecosocialista es una propuesta estratégica que resulta en convergencias entre la reflexión ecológica (...)
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    Adersan: o dendê na Bahia e no 'mbito sagrado do Candomblé.Pablo Luís dos Santos Portela & Ana Beatriz Simon Factum - 2024 - Odeere 9 (2):131-151.
    O dendê, símbolo peculiar e relevante da culinária nacional, tem sido objeto de investigação em diferentes vertentes, e neste trabalho será abordado pelo campo da visualidade e da cultura baiana. Buscou-se evidenciar o histórico do dendê, a tipologia e a classificação da estrutura formal, bem como a sua validação na religião de matriz africana do Candomblé. Nesse sentido, observa-se a existência do dendê na cultura material e imaterial das pessoas, sobretudo da população baiana, que interage nos modos de viver, trabalhar, (...)
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  28.  32
    Reseña de Kant. Sentido común y subjetividad.Ruth Calvo Portela - 2015 - Endoxa 35:296.
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  29.  18
    ¿Contradice la zarigüeya de Schrödinger a Martin Heidegger?Laura García-Portela - 2022 - Dilemata 37:69-72.
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    Our Responsibility to Future Generations in the Context of Ecological Crisis.Laura García-Portela - 2017 - American Journal of Semiotics 33 (1/2):99-112.
    The present article aims to present how the different philosophical perspectives have tackled the problem of the foundations of our responsibility to future generations in the context of ecological crisis. The main theories addressed here will be Hans Jonas metaphysical foundation, utilitarianism, communitarianism, the rights theory and contractarian perspectives derived from John Rawls’s theory. By assessing these perspectives, I assert that, against jonasianianism and related perspectives, our responsibilities to future generations must be thought of in terms of “political, not metaphysical”. (...)
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    Political Responsibility Refocused: Thinking Justice after Iris Marion Young.Laura García-Portela - 2015 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 18 (3):351-354.
    One of the most significant challenges that twenty-first-century philosophy has to face is to think about our moral and political responsibility in collective and global contexts. In our globalized...
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    Wouter Peeters, Andries De Smet, Lisa Diependaele and Sigrid Sterckx, Climate Change and Individual Responsibility: Agency, Moral Disengagement and the Motivational Gap.Laura García-Portela - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (2):260-262.
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    De aculturado exótico a raiz profunda: indigenismo e história indígena em narrativas de Ailton Krenak.Cristiane de Assis Portela - 2017 - Dialogos 21 (3):162-177.
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    Experiences and Lessons from Fiscal Decentralisation in Spain.Joachim Trigo Portela & J. F. Corona Ramón - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (4).
    The main problem of the Spanish local finance system derives from the existence of two opposite models: LOFCA model versus Floral system. As a result of this opposition, the Spanish system has moved some distance away from the theoretical principles of sound fiscal federalism. The analysis carried out in the article points out clearly the need to improve the fiscal mechanisms of responsibility and financial autonomy and to introduce a system of interjurisdictional responsibility which should palliate the defects detected in (...)
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  35. Introducción al derecho.Mario Alberto Portela - 1976 - Buenos Aires: Ediciones Depalma.
    1. Teoría general del derecho.--2. Enciclopedia jurídica. Panorama de las ideas jurídicas contemporáneas.
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    La justicia y el derecho natural.Jorge Guillermo Portela - 2006 - Arequipa: Universidad Católica San Pablo.
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    Manual de manuais: Elementos de análise do discurso.Jean Cristtus Portela - 2015 - Bakhtiniana 10 (3):80-100.
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  38. Máximas, principios jurídicos y argumentación.Jorge Guillermo Portela - 2004 - In Francisco Puy Muñoz & Jorge Guillermo Portela, La argumentación jurídica: problemas de concepto, método y aplicación. [Santiago de Compostela]: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
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    MAZZOTTI, Tarso. Doutrinas pedagógicas: máquinas produtoras de litígios. Marília: Poïesis Editora, 2008.Laélia Portela Moreira - 2011 - Educação E Filosofia 25 (49):331-336.
    Em mais de uma ocasião, e em variados escritos, Tarso Mazzotti enfatizou a importância do diálogo e do debate como parte constitutiva do fazer científico e demonstrou a importância da Teoria da Argumentação como ferramenta essencial ao exame das teorias e doutrinas pedagógicas. Podese seguramente identificar como algumas das principais características da filosofia da educação, praticada por este autor, o rigor na apresentação das idéias e construção dos argumentos, além do amplo espectro de temas que aborda. Seu último livro, Doutrinas (...)
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    Sobre el desarrollo de la lógica borrosa.Oscar Portela - 2006 - Endoxa 1 (21):93.
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    Group (epistemic) competence.Dani Pino - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):11377-11396.
    In this paper, I present an account of group competence that is explicitly framed for cases of epistemic performances. According to it, we must consider group epistemic competence as the group agents’ capacity to produce knowledge, and not the result of the summation of its individual members’ competences to produce knowledge. Additionally, I contend that group competence must be understood in terms of group normative status. To introduce my view, I present Jesper Kallestrup’s denial that group competence involves anything over (...)
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  42. Primitive Concepts and the Ontological Question.Bernardo Pino - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 41:232-269.
    Drawing upon a distinction between epistemically and metaphysically motivated notions of a concept, I consider the insurmountable problems of theories that appeal to our epistemic capacities to address the problem of the nature of concepts satisfactorily. Prominent theories of concepts hold that primitive concepts must have internal structure if they are to account for the explanatory functions that cognitive scientists have attributed to such constructs as prototypes, exemplars, and theories. Vindicating the role of non-experimental philosophy in the critical examination of (...)
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  43.  13
    Jumping to explanations versus jumping to conclusions.Ramón Pino-Pérez & Carlos Uzcátegui - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 111 (1-2):131-169.
  44.  25
    Una genealogía de la vida y obra de Raymond Williams.David Del Pino Díaz & Ivan Alvarado Castro - 2022 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 55 (2):237-254.
    Este análisis teórico busca analizar, por una parte, en la inmersión de la obra del pensador galés Raymond Williams y, por otro lado, el acercamiento a lo que podemos denominar como Estudios Culturales Británicos, una propuesta metodológica y política plausible en virtud de pensar nuestro presente con una mirada y una sensibilidad diferente a lo que ampliamente se ha caracterizado como «presentismo» o futuros cancelados. Para ello, retomar la obra de un pensador parcialmente olvidado en las últimas décadas, no solo (...)
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  45.  24
    La Noción de Modelo En El Enfoque Semántico de Las Teorías.Germán Guerrero Pino - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 31:169-185.
    El artículo busca clarifcar la noción de modelo involucrada en el enfoque semántico de las teorías (EST). Se muestra que en el contexto del EST el término ‘modelo’ tiene dos funciones: en un caso se presenta como una estructura que satisface una descripción y en el otro como una estructura matemática que representa aspectos de ciertos sistemas reales. Así, el término ‘modelo’ posee dos sentidos, pero la función relevante de los modelos para el EST es la de representación y no (...)
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  46.  22
    Farewell to the Rule of Recognition?Giorgio Pino - 2011 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (5):265-299.
    I will argue that the rule of recognition, as it has been conceived by Hart, is either a redundant, and hence mostly useless, concept, or a concept with limited explanatory potential —in either case, at best a concept whose scope is, in contemporary legal systems, much narrower than Hart envis- aged. I will also argue that the rule of recognition, in one of its possible (and plausible) reformulations, can nevertheless play a significant, non-redundant role, but only if employed in a (...)
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  47. Machery’s Alternative to Concepts and the Problem of Content.Bernardo Pino & Bernardo Aguilera - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (4):671-691.
    Edouard Machery has argued that the notion of concept should be eliminated from scientific theorising about cognition on the grounds that what psychologists call concepts do not form a natural kind and that keeping this notion would encumber scientific progress. His view is that the class of concepts really divides into three distinct yet co-referential kinds of bodies of knowledge typically used in distinct cognitive processes. The main purpose of this paper is to challenge Machery’s eliminativist conclusion on the grounds (...)
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  48. A proposed taxonomy of eliminativism.Bernardo Pino - 2017 - Co-herencia 14 (27):181-213.
    In this paper, I propose a general taxonomy of different forms of eliminativism. In order to do so, I begin by exploring eliminativism from a broad perspective, providing a comparative picture of eliminativist projects in different domains. This exploration shows that eliminativism is a label used for a family of related types of eliminativist arguments and claims. The proposed taxonomy is an attempt to systematise those arguments and claims.
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    Preferences and explanations.Ramón Pino-Pérez & Carlos Uzcátegui - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 149 (1):1-30.
  50. Positivism, Legal Validity, and the Separation of Law and Morals.Giorgio Pino - 2014 - Ratio Juris 27 (2):190-217.
    The essay discusses the import of the separability thesis both for legal positivism and for contemporary legal practice. First, the place of the separability thesis in legal positivism will be explored, distinguishing between “standard positivism” and “post‐Hartian positivism.” Then I will consider various kinds of relations between law and morality that are worthy of jurisprudential interest, and explore, from a positivist point of view, what kind of relations between law and morality must be rejected, what kind of such relations should (...)
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