Results for 'Imago Dei, Liberté, Responsabilité, Technologie, Théologie, Violence'

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  1.  14
    Imago Dei: A Schellingian Reflection on Violence and Evil.Saitya Brata Das - 2019 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 3 (1).
    That the senselessness of violenceviolence no longer a mere political means to a justified end outside it – is omnipresent in today’s world: the realization of this truth appears to have made obsolete today the conventional understanding of violence as mere political means. That the Greeks thought “bia,” which means violence, in its close proximity with “bio,” which means “life,” speaks not surprisingly a truth whose manifestation we perceive today more clearly than ever before, (...)
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    Embodied, Relational, Desiring, Vulnerable – Reconsidering Imago Dei.Jan-Olav Henriksen - 2020 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 62 (3):267-294.
    SummaryGod is always experienced in the mode of representations. The fundamental representation of God is Jesus Christ, the true image of God. In order to specify this designation further, with reference to all of humanity, it is suggested that the basic features of such representation can be identified in the features of desire and vulnerability, as manifestations of interconnectedness and dependence. These features are not only expressing themselves as that with which humans need to come to terms, but they also (...)
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    Constitutive relationality in anthropology and Trinity: The shaping of the imago Dei doctrine in Barth and Pannenberg.F. LeRon Shults - 1997 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 39 (3):304-322.
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  4. Bernard Lonergan and a Nouvelle théologie for Artificial Intelligence.Steven Umbrello - forthcoming - The Lonergan Review.
    This paper explores the intersection of Bernard Lonergan’s philosophy of intentional human consciousness and the evolving discourse on artificial intelligence (AI). By understanding the distinctions between human cognition and AI capabilities, we can develop a Nouvelle théologie that addresses the ethical and theological dimensions of AI’s integration into society. This approach not only highlights the unique human capacities for self-reflection and moral reasoning but also guides the deliberate and responsible design of AI to promote human flourishing and the common good. (...)
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    La théologie, ça sert à quoi ?Paul Tihon - 2009 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 97 (4):489-501.
    Quel est le type de rationalité que peut revendiquer la théologie dans le champ des savoirs ? Pas seulement d’épistémologie, la question prend aujourd’hui une tournure nettement plus utilitaire : qu’est-ce qui justifie le fait que des institutions prestigieuses comme les universités entretiennent encore à grand frais des Facultés dont l’objet même est devenu culturellement marginal ? Craintes illusoires ? Les gestionnaires des universités d’inspiration chrétienne, comme il en existe dans mon pays, vous diront qu’elles ne sont pas dépourvues de (...)
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  6. The imago Dei as a work in progress: A perspective from paleoanthropology.Johan De Smedt & Helen De Cruz - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):135-156.
    This article considers the imago Dei from the perspective of paleoanthropology. We identify structural, functional, and relational elements of the imago Dei that emerged mosaically during human evolution. Humans are unique in their ability to relate to each other and to God, and in their membership of cultural communities where shared attention, the transmission of moral norms, and symbolic behavior are important elements. We discuss similarities between our approach and the concept of theosis adopted in the Eastern Orthodox (...)
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    Imago Dei and human rationality.Olli-Pekka Vainio - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):121-134.
    There is a pervasive trend in Western theology to identify imago Dei with human intellectual and cognitive capacities. However, several contemporary theologians have criticized this view because, according to the critics, it leads to a truncated view of humanity. In this article, I shall concentrate on the question of rationality, first, through theologies of Thomas Aquinas and contemporary Lutheran Robert Jenson, and second, in some branches of recent cognitive psychology. I will argue that there is a significant overlap between (...)
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  8. Les États-Unis et la France, deux modernités rivales, deux laïcités fondatrices des droits fondamentaux.Martin POËTI - 2008 - Gregorianum 89 (3):594-616.
    Le concept de modernité et des notions qui lui sont apparentées - sécularisation, laïcité, libéralisme, séparation de l'Église et de l'État, discours sur les droits et libertés - souffrent d'une imprécision définitionnelle à la source de nombreuses incompréhensions. La distinction entre deux paradigmes historiques de référence, soit une modernité américaine attachée à son héritage judéo-chrétien et une modernité française fermée à la transcendance et historiquement hostile à l'Église, offre une grille d'analyse susceptible de clarifier les débats transatlantiques et la posture (...)
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  9. The imago Dei: Evolutionary and theological perspectives.Helen De Cruz & Yves Maeseneer - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):95-100.
    This short article provides an introduction to a special section, consisting of six papers on human evolution and the imago Dei. These papers are the result of dialogue between theologians and philosophers of religion at the University of Oxford and the Catholic University of Leuven. All contributors focus on the imago Dei, and consider how this theological notion can be understood from an evolutionary perspective, looking at a variety of disciplines, including the psychology of reasoning, cognitive science of (...)
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    Imago Dei in St. Thomas Aquinas: a philosophical and anthropological analysis of man created in the Image of God.Wojciech Kilan - 2023 - Analiza I Egzystencja 62:65-82.
    Obraz jako pojęcie filozoficzne ma długą i złożoną historię, która ma swój początek już w starożytności. Uczeni chrześcijańscy włączyli je do swoich badań filozoficznych w postaci imago Dei. W niniejszej pracy autor dokonał analizy dzieł św. Tomasza z Akwinu w celu ustalenia, jakie konsekwencje antropologiczne wynikają z idei stworzenia człowieka na obraz Boży. W pierwszej kolejności ustalono, że człowiek jako istota stworzona na obraz Boga uczestniczy poprzez swój intelekt w naturze Bożej. Dodatkowo przedstawione zostały trzy etapy uczestnictwa człowieka w (...)
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    Imago Dei : la perspectiva de Ibn ʻArabī a la luz de la tradición judeocristiana.Saeideh Sayari, Mohd Zufri bin Mamat & Maisarah Bint Hasbullah - 2020 - Al-Qantara 41 (1):255.
    El concepto de la forma divina del ser humano es mencionado en varias descripciones en las tres religiones abrahámicas mayores. El enfoque tradicional judeocristiano de Imago Dei (La imagen de Dios) tiene tres perspectivas principales: sustantiva, funcional y relacional. Ibn ‘Arabī, como pensador y místico musulmán, explicó esta idea a través del concepto de espejo y otros dos conceptos, a saber, el ‘Hombre Perfecto’ y la vicegerencia de Dios. Consideró la forma divina del ser humano como un espejo a (...)
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    The Imago Dei: Evolutionary and Theological Perspectives.Helen De Cruz & Yves De Maeseneer - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):95-100.
    This short article provides an introduction to a special section, consisting of six papers on human evolution and the imago Dei. These papers are the result of dialogue between theologians and philosophers of religion at the University of Oxford and the Catholic University of Leuven. All contributors focus on the imago Dei, and consider how this theological notion can be understood from an evolutionary perspective, looking at a variety of disciplines, including the psychology of reasoning, cognitive science of (...)
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    The imago Dei as the mind of Jesus Christ.Christopher Carter - 2014 - Zygon 49 (3):752-760.
    In this essay I examine David Clough's interpretation of the imago Dei and his use of “creaturely” language in his book On Animals: Volume 1, Systematic Theology. Contrary to Clough, I argue that the imago Dei should be interpreted as being uniquely human. Using a neuroscientific approach, I elaborate on my claim that while Jesus is the image of God perfected, the imago Dei is best understood as having the mind of Christ. In regards to language, I (...)
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    Redeeming the Enlightenment: Christianity and the Liberal Virtues.Judith W. Kay - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (1):213-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Redeeming the Enlightenment: Christianity and the Liberal VirtuesJudith W. KayRedeeming the Enlightenment: Christianity and the Liberal Virtues Bruce K. Ward Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2010. 230 pp. $26.00.Bruce Ward has written a remarkably rich intellectual history whose theological diagnosis yields refreshing interpretations of ethical norms. Each chapter treats one of liberalism’s cherished virtues (equality, authenticity, tolerance, and compassion) and argues for the Christian roots of each in order (...)
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    Women, Personhood, and the Male God: A Feminist Critique of Patriarchal Concepts of God in View of Domestic Abuse.Ally Moder - 2019 - Feminist Theology 28 (1):85-103.
    Domestic abuse is a common occurrence for women in the Christian Church. Underlying this dark reality is a long history of patriarchal theological interpretations that have depicted God as a dominant male figure that subjects women to male hierarchy as a subordinate. Often based on an understanding of Jesus as subordinate to God the Father in the Trinity, the correlated praxis of the Church has commonly been to subject women to suffering at the hands of men – even at the (...)
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    The Imago Dei as human identity: a theological interpretation.Ryan S. Peterson - 2016 - Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns.
    Theologians and Old Testament scholars have been at odds with respect to the best interpretation of the imago Dei. Theologians have preferred substantialistic (e.g., image as soul or mind) or relational interpretations (e.g., image as relational personhood) and Old Testament scholars have preferred functional interpretations (e.g., image as kingly dominion). The disagreements revolve around a number of exegetical questions. How do we best read Genesis 1 in its literary, historical, and cultural contexts? How should it be read theologically? How (...)
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    Imago Dei as a critique of capitalism and Marxism in Nikolai Berdyaev.Raul-Ovidiu Bodea - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 73 (1):77-93.
    This study aims at showing how at the basis of Nikolai Berdyaev’s criticism of capitalism and Marxism lays the concept of Imago Dei. The Russian religious philosopher puts forward the Imago Dei as fundamental to the Christian understanding of human dignity. Berdyaev believes that in both capitalism and Marxism an objectification of the person takes place, and therefore a denial of basic human dignity. Berdyaev’s criticism of capitalism refers to its internal principles, partly building on Marx’s early criticism (...)
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  18. Faith in God the Creator.J. O'donnell - 1997 - Gregorianum 78 (2):309-328.
    Reconnaissant que la foi en Dieu Créateur est un mystère qui transcende notre pouvoir de compréhension humaine et de mise en concepts, l'auteur met en oeuvre divers modèles théologiques pour jeter quelque lumière sur la richesse de cette croyance. En ce qui concerne le modèle ontologique, il a recours à la théologie de Karl Rahner pour explorer le sens de l'être-créature. De par sa constitution ontologique l'être humain est à la fois différent et dépendant de Dieu en tout acte. Le (...)
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  19. From imago Dei in the jewish-Christian traditions to human dignity in contemporary jewish law.Y. Michael Barilan - 2009 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (3):pp. 231-259.
    The article surveys and analyzes the roles in Judaism of the value of imago Dei/human dignity, especially in bioethical contexts. Two main topics are discussed. The first is a comparative analysis of imago Dei as an anthropological and ethical concept in Jewish and Western thought (Christianity and secular European values). The Jewish tradition highlights the human body and especially its procreative function and external appearance as central to imago Dei. The second is the role of imago (...)
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  20. Imago Dei, dualism, and evolution: A philosophical defense of the structural image of God.Aku Visala - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):101-120.
    Most contemporary theologians have distanced themselves from views that identify the image of God with a capacity or a set of capacities that humans have. This article examines three arguments against the structural view and finds them wanting. The first argument is that the structural view entails mind/body dualism and dualism is no longer viable given neuroscience and contemporary philosophy. Against this, I argue that contemporary forms of dualism are able to circumvent such worries and are at least prima facie (...)
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  21.  13
    Is Every Human Being a Person?Robert Spaemann & Richard Schenk - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (3):463-474.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IS EVERY HUMAN BEING A PERSON?* ROBERT SPAEMANN Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munich, Germany I. DEFINING THE QUESTION THE PAPAL encyclical, Evangelium vitae (EV), declares solemnly that "... the direct and voluntary killing of an innocent human being is always gravely immoral" (EV 57). This unconditional ethical obligation to respect every human life is justified by reference to "the incomparable dignity of the human person." Such an unconditioned claim is made upon (...)
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  22. Unwiederholbares Gottessiegel: Personale Individualität nach Edith Stein (2nd edition).Christof Betschart - 2021 - Münster: Aschendorff.
    Die Frage nach der Individualität der menschlichen Person gehört zu den Schlüsselfragen jeder Anthropologie. Edith Stein kennt nicht nur eine einmalige Konstellation von äußeren Entwicklungsfaktoren der Person, sondern denkt eine wesentliche Individualität, die für jegliche Entwicklung Voraussetzung ist und sich in einem authentischen Leben als „persönliche Note“ manifestiert. In theologischer Perspektive darf jeder Mensch sich rühmen, „unmittelbar ein Gotteskind zu sein und ein eigenes unwiederholbares Gottessiegel in seiner Seele zu tragen“. Diese Aussage in ihrem Hauptwerk Endliches und ewiges Sein führt (...)
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    Imago Dei and the Appreciation of Beauty.Michael S. Jones - unknown
    "Man does not live by bread alone ... " Human life embraces more than just 'living' (material survival); the human soul thrives on many ambiguous metaphysical elements. One of these elements is beauty. The question motivating this article is the ubiquitous 'why'; why do people find beauty in various elements of their environment? Put another way, what is it that enables one to appreciate beauty? The thesis of this article is that a person's ability to appreciate beauty is a result (...)
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    Facing the problem of evil: Visual, verbal, and mental images of humanity.Claudia Welz - 2018 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 29 (1):62-78.
    This article explores imagination as a means of ethical re-orientation in the aftermath of atrocity. The discussion of the problem of evil is based on Hannah Arendt’s critique of Kant and her notion of ‘rootless’ rather than ‘radical’ evil. On this basis, the orienting potential of visual images is investi­gated with regard to images of violence in the media on the one hand, and, on the other, with regard to Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam. Then the role of verbal and (...)
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    Imago Dei: We are but dust and shadow.Annelien C. Rabie-Boshoff & Johan Buitendag - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (3):8.
    This article is about the imago Dei, proceeding from an ecotheological perspective. Both the ‘image of God’ and the ‘likeness of God’ are examined based on the understanding that God is a relational God. It approaches the question of the imago Dei in terms of God’s incorporeal nature, and what it is that human beings have in common with God apart from the human being’s capacity for personal and interpersonal relationships. It addresses the question of the imago (...)
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    Imago Dei: Metaphorical conceptualization of pictorial artworks within a participant-based framework.Amitash Ojha, Marianna Bolognesi & Fabio I. M. Poppi - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (236-237):349-376.
    This article presents an exploratory analysis of the metaphoric structure of five artistic paintings within “Think aloud” protocols, in which a group of 14 English speakers with a low self-rated level of expertise in art and history of art expertise were asked to verbalize all their thoughts, ideas and impressions of the artworks. The main findings of this study can be summarized as follows: (1) multiple interpretations for the same artwork are possible, (2) the interpretations of the metaphorical structures described (...)
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  27. 3. Imago Dei-Imago Christi: fundamento teolÓgico del humanismo cristiano.Joseph Augustine di Noia & Anna M. Lithgow - 2003 - Ciencia Tomista 130 (3):583-593.
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    Imago Dei, privilège masculin?Kari Elisabeth Børresen - 1985 - Augustinianum 25 (1-2):213-234.
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    L’antropologia agostiniana dell’imago Dei. Nota di aggiornamento della ricerca.Vittorino Grossi - 2020 - Augustinianum 60 (2):573-586.
    In Augustinian reflection, the main problem of the imago Dei is the renewal of its image through being healed from lust, so as to regain the ordo amoris destroyed by sin. Current research investigates what the gratia Christi and charity contribute to the renewal of the image of God, at the level of a marriage bond that human race was given as part of the act of creation. This emerges as a primary element, both in the original state of (...)
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  30. Imago Dei and sexual difference : toward an eschatological anthropology.Janet Martin Soskice - 2011 - In Malcolm Jeeves (ed.), Rethinking human nature: a multidisciplinary approach. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
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  31. Imago Dei – imitatio Dei.William Power - 1997 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 42 (3):131-141.
  32. ‘God said “Let us make man in our image after our likeness”’ – Mary Shepherd, the imago-dei-thesis, and the human mind.Manuel Fasko - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (3):469-490.
    This paper explores the role that Mary Shepherd's (1777–1847) acceptance of the so-called imago-dei thesis plays for her account of the human mind. That is, it analyses Shepherd's commitment to the doctrine that humans are created in the image of God, (see Gen. 1, 26–7) parts of which Shepherd quotes in Essays on the Perception of an External Universe (EPEU), 157, and the ways it informs her understanding of the human mind. In particular, it demonstrates how this thesis informs (...)
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  33.  42
    La "Imago Dei" como autoconocimiento y la libertad: su significado en Leonardo Polo y Nicolás de Cusa.María Jesús Soto Bruna - 2013 - Studia Poliana 15:179-189.
    Según L. Polo la libertad es un trascendental de carácter donal; esa índole donal significa que se ejerce entendiendo y aceptando el don recibido. Se reconoce entonces que ser libre implica saberse uno mismo enteramente dependiente de Dios. Desde estas tesis mantenidas al final de La libertad trascendental, se expondrá la concepción poliana de la criatura en consonancia con esa condición de la libertad. Se mostrará que la teoría poliana acerca de la libertad así entendida encuentra algunos antecedentes en la (...)
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    Affirming Imago Dei.Laurie Cassidy - 2006 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 3 (1):39-55.
  35. Imago Dei—Imago Christi: The Theological Foundations ofChristian Humanism.J. Augustine Di Noia - 2004 - Nova et Vetera 2:267-78.
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    5. Imago Dei.Robert M. Doran Sj - 1997 - In Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas, Volume 2. University of Toronto Press. pp. 191-228.
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  37. The imago Dei in David Novak and Thomas Aquinas: A jewish-Christian dialogue.Matthew Levering - 2008 - The Thomist 72 (2):259-311.
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  38. The Liberating Image: The Imago Dei in Genesis 1.J. Richard Middleton - unknown
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  39. Emil Brunner revisited: On the cognitive science of religion, the imago Dei, and revelation.Taede A. Smedes - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):190-207.
    This article aims at a constructive and argumentative engagement between the cognitive science of religion (CSR) and philosophical and theological reflection on the imago Dei. The Swiss theologian Emil Brunner argued that the theological notion that humans were created in the image of God entails that there is a “point of contact” for revelation to occur. This article argues that Brunner's notion resonates quite strongly with the findings of the CSR. The first part will give a short overview of (...)
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    Cogito imago dei: podoba boga izza Junga in umetnega življenja.Matjaž Regovec - 2023 - Ljubljana: Hermes IPAL.
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    Hans Jonas’s reflections on the human soul and the notion of imago Dei: an explanation of their role in ethics and some possible historical influences on their development.Luca Settimo - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (5):870-884.
    Throughout his career, Hans Jonas has reflected on the notion of the human soul and on the concept of man being created in God’s image. A careful analysis of his writings reveals that (approximately) from 1968 he changed his perspective on these topics. Before this year, Jonas used some Gnostic myths to speak about the image of man in relation to God and was concerned that referring to the immortality of the human soul or to the notion of imago (...)
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    Enhancing the Imago Dei: Can a Christian Be a Transhumanist?Jason T. Eberl - 2022 - Christian Bioethics 28 (1):76-93.
    Transhumanism is an ideology that embraces the use of various forms of biotechnology to enhance human beings toward the emergence of a “posthuman” kind. In this article, I contrast some of the foundational tenets of Transhumanism with those of Christianity, primarily focusing on their respective anthropologies—that is, their diverse understandings of whether there is an essential nature shared by all human persons and, if so, whether certain features of human nature may be intentionally altered in ways that contribute toward how (...)
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    Deconstructing Anthropocentric Privilege: Imago Dei and Nonhuman Agency.Daniel P. Horan - 2019 - Heythrop Journal 60 (4):560-570.
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    The Imago Dei as the Imago Trinitatis: Jürgen Moltmann's Doctrine of the Image of God. By Isaiah Nengean. Pp. x, 181, NY, Peter Lang, 2013, £47.00. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (6):1042-1042.
  45. Why the Imago Dei is in the Intellect Alone: A Criticism of a Phenomenology of Sensible Experience for Attaining an Image of God.Seamus O'Neill - 2018 - The Saint Anselm Journal 13 (2):19-41.
    This paper, as a response to Mark K. Spencer’s, “Perceiving the Image of God in the Whole Human Person” in the present volume, argues in defence of Aquinas’s position that the Imago Dei is limited in the human being to the rational, intellective soul alone. While the author agrees with Spencer that the hierarchical relation between body and soul in the human composite must be maintained while avoiding the various permeations of dualism, nevertheless, the Imago Dei cannot be (...)
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  46. Imitation and ‘Infinite’ Will: Descartes on the Imago Dei.Marie Jayasekera - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 8:1-38.
    This paper investigates Descartes’s understanding of the imago Dei, that it is above all in virtue of the will that we bear the image and likeness of God. I challenge the key assumption of arguments that hold that Descartes’s comparison between the human will and the divine will is problematic—that in his conception of the imago Dei Descartes is alluding to Scholastic conceptions of analogy available to him at the time, which would place particular constraints on the legitimacy (...)
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    Implications of the imago Dei (Gn 1:26) on gender equality and agrarian land reform in Zimbabwe.Canisius Mwandayi - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (2):6.
    The creation of humanity (Gn 1:26–2:25) marks the climatic point of the creation process because after it, God is said to have rested. A clear marker that humans are the epitome of creation is the fact that they were created in God’s image (Gn 1:26). Unlike animals, humans have the capacity to think, act with free will, exert self-control and also have a conscience. These distinctive characteristics earn humanity not only dominion over creation (Gn 1:28), but also the care towards (...)
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    The Imago Dei and the Imago Mundi.Michael Dickson - 2018 - In Steve Donaldson & Ron Cole-Turner (eds.), Christian Perspectives on Transhumanism and the Church: Chips in the Brain, Immortality, and the World of Tomorrow. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 97-115.
    This chapter reflects on transhumanism from a Christian perspective, specifically with reference to the Biblical teaching that human beings are made in the “image” and “likeness” of God. It considers a version of that teaching that is seemingly as permissive as could be about “transhumanist technologies,” and concludes that even that version places significant limits on the pursuit and adoption of such technologies. Those limits are far more restrictive than the limits acknowledged by prominent transhumanists, particularly those with a specific (...)
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    Identity, incarnation, and the imago Dei.James T. Turner - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 88 (1):115-131.
    A number of thinkers suggest that, given certain conditions, it’s possible that any concrete human nature could have been united hypostatically to the second Person of the Trinity. Oliver Crisp argues that a potency to have been possibly hypostatically united to the Logos is an important part of what it means for a human person to be made in the image of God. Against this line of reasoning, and building on an argument in print by Andrew Jaeger, I argue two (...)
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    L’interprétation structurelle et relationnelle de l’imago Dei.Christof Betschart - 2017 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 101 (2):287-319.
    Pour mettre en honneur la dimension relationnelle et dialogique de la personne humaine, beaucoup d’exégètes et de théologiens, surtout depuis Karl Barth, refusent une interprétation structurelle de l’imago Dei. Ma contribution propose plutôt de montrer qu’une interprétation relationnelle de l’image doit être articulée avec une interprétation structurelle et que toutes les deux sont marquées par une tension téléologique. Edith Stein concrétise cette thèse dans sa réflexion sur l’individualité de la personne humaine qui, dans sa perspective, est condition d’un enrichissement (...)
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