Results for 'Indifferentism '

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  1. Constitutional Indifferentism and Republican Freedom.Lars Vinx - 2010 - Political Theory 38 (6):809-837.
    Neo-Republicans claim that Hobbes’s constitutional indifferentism (the view that we have no profound reason to prefer one constitutional form over another) is driven exclusively by a reductive understanding of liberty as non-interference. This paper argues that constitutional indifferentism is grounded in an analysis of the institutional presuppositions of well-functioning government that does not depend on a conception of liberty as mere non-interference. Hence, indifferentism cannot be refuted simply by pointing out that non-domination is a distinctive ideal of (...)
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    Fictionalism, Indifferentism, and Easy Ontology.Daniel Z. Korman - 2024 - Festschrift for Matti Eklund.
    Fictionalism is supposed to be motivated, at least in part, by its ability to undermine our ordinary grounds for believing in numbers and other contested entities. Eklund argues that a weaker and less controversial view, which he calls indifferentism, can do the job just as effectively. I will show that whether he’s right about this depends upon how we think about “our ordinary grounds”. If we think about our ordinary grounds as consisting in what people are pre-theoretically inclined to (...)
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    Reformulating Indifferentism.Francesca Greco - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (3):227-238.
    In his examination of the concepts of evil and impermanence, entitled “Evil and the Problem of Impermanence in Medieval Japanese Philosophy”, Yujin Nagasawa addresses four responses to the problem of impermanence, arguing that the only satisfactory response to the problem leads to an implication about supernaturalism. As Nagasawa puts it, “the problem of impermanence can be construed as a partial argument for supernaturalism and against naturalism”. In response to Nagasawa, I will take up the challenge of naturalism by trying to (...)
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    Kant, Bayle, and indifferentism.D. A. Rees - 1954 - Philosophical Review 63 (4):592-595.
  5.  98
    Replies to Festschrift Contributors.Matti Eklund - 2024 - Festschrift for Matti Eklund.
    In Andreas Stokke (ed.), Festschrift for Matti Eklund, 2024. -/- Replies to Katharina Felka and Nils Franzén, Eli Hirsch, Dan Korman, David Liebesman, Øystein Linnebo, Anna-Sofia Maurin and Debbie Roberts. Topics discussed concern metaethics, metaphysics and philosophy of language. More specifically, issues discussed are thick concepts (Felka and Franzén; Roberts), ontology (Hirsch, Linnebo), indifferentism and fictionalism (Korman), alien languages and alien metaphysics (Liebesman), and Bradley's regress (Maurin).
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    The Strife of Systems: An Essay on the Grounds and Implications of Philosophical Diversity.Nicholas Rescher - 1985 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    The disagreement of philosophers is notorious. In this book, Rescher develops a theory that accounts for this conflict and shows how the basis for philosophical disagreement roots in divergent 'cognitive values'-values regarding matters such as importance, centrality, and priority. In light of this analysis, Rescher maintains that, despite this inevitable discord, a skeptical or indifferentist reaction to traditional philosophy is not warranted, seeing that genuine value-conflicts are at issue. He argues that philosophy is an important and worthwhile enterprise, notwithstanding its (...)
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  7. Défense de l'essai sur l'indifference en matière de religion.Félicité Robert de Lamennais - 1836 - Frankfurt/M.,: Minerva-Verlag.
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  8. Fiction, indifference, and ontology.Matti Eklund - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (3):557–579.
    In this paper I outline an alternative to hermeneutic fictionalism, an alternative I call indifferentism, with the same advantages as hermeneutic fictionalism with respect to ontological issues but avoiding some of the problems that face fictionalism. The difference between indifferentism and fictionalism is this. The fictionalist about ordinary utterances of a sentence S holds, with more orthodox views, that the speaker in some sense commits herself to the truth of S. It is only that for the fictionalist this (...)
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  9. Cudworth on Freewill.Matthew A. Leisinger - 2021 - Philosophers' Imprint 21 (1):1-25.
    In his unpublished freewill manuscripts, Ralph Cudworth seeks to complete the project that he begins in The True Intellectual System of the Universe (1678) by arguing for an account of human liberty that avoids the opposing poles of necessitarianism and indifferency. I argue that Cudworth’s account rests upon a crucial distinction between the will and the power of freewill. Whereas we necessarily will the greater apparent good, freewill is a more fundamental power by which we endeavour to discern the greater (...)
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    Moral und Dogma: Alois Riehls Neukantianismus im Spannungsfeld zwischen Religion und Politik.Martin Hammer & Josef Hlade - 2020 - Kantian Journal 39 (1):77-111.
    The aim is to examine Alois Riehl’s contribution to the “culture war” (Kulturkampf) in the second half of the nineteenth century. We show that he used Kant’s autonomy principle to argue against the idea that religious dogmatism is a fundament of morality. We prove this thesis by focusing on the forgotten historical background, which is important for an understanding of Morals und Dogma. Originally this essay was an expert opinion for the court case of the socialist H. Tauschinski who was (...)
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    Nietzsche’s Metaphysical Sketches.Peter Poellner - 2013 - In Ken Gemes & John Richardson (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article examines Nietzsche’s metaphysical reflections. Many of these reflections draw upon his rejection of regularity accounts of causation. Nietzsche thinks we cannot adequately understand causation without reference to causal powers, and he accepts a dynamist physics according to which the physical world is exhaustively constituted by powers, so that his ultimate ontology consists of a world of force-like rather than thing-like entities. This metaphysics underwrites his claim of the primacy of becoming over being. The article also suggests a genuine (...)
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    Essai sur l'indifférence en matière de religion.Félicité Robert de Lamennais - 1836 - Frankfurt/M.,: Minerva-Verlag.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  13. Relativism, Perspectivism, and the Universal Epistemic Language.Michael Lewin - forthcoming - Philosophy of the History of Philosophy.
    Recent research gives perspectivism the status of a stand-alone epistemological research program. As part of this development, it must be distinguished from other epistemologies, especially relativism. Not only do relativists and perspectivists use a similar vocabulary—even the supposed tenets (features of the doctrine) seem to partially overlap. To clarify the relation between these programs, I suggest drawing two important distinctions. The first is between the (1) terminological and (2) doctrinal components of epistemologies, the second between the (2a) analytical and (2b) (...)
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    Religious Freedom: Homogeneous or Heterogeneous Development?Brian T. Mullady - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (1):93-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: HOMOGENEOUS OR HETEROGENEOUS DEVELOPMENT? BRIAN T. MULLADY, 0.P. Holy Apostles College and Seminary Cromwell, Connecticut 0 NE OF THE most difficult questions to confront those who hold for a natural-law conception of Catholic moral teaching which does not change with the development of the times is the area of the freedom of religion in the political order. The traditional teaching on this subject is expressed in many (...)
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    Virgilio Mura, o della serietà.Michelangelo Bovero - 2023 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 3:281-290.
    Passed away in the early summer of 2021, Virgilio Mura practiced political philosophy following the method of conceptual analysis, in the wake of the tradition generated by neo-empiricism and far from “analytical philosophy” that become dominant in the last half century. In Mura’s thought, seriousness as rigor in the application of the analytical method is combined with the defence of secularism, expressed in his stance in favour of a form of relativism that should not be confused with indifferentism.
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    Christian Values in the Context of Secularization and Post-Secularization.Nina Dimitrova - 2016 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):149-154.
    This paper is focused, firstly, on the status of Christianity (as a whole) after a long period of secularization—examining in particular its “protective mechanisms”— and, secondly, on the modern tendencies that are transforming the present into an age of desecularization. The central interest here is the interaction between the civil and Christian values in the context of the two historical periods. The article provides a comparison between the aggressive use of reason during the Enlightenment and postmodern religious indifferentism in (...)
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  17. Le pluralisme dans les sociétés démocratiques: Origines et perspectives d'avenir.Joseph Joblin - 2000 - Gregorianum 81 (4):751-774.
    The fact that a society treats equally the different social movements and the opinions which they propound, constitutes the soul of pluralism. Pluralism is characteristic of the Western contemporary world and marks a break from previous societies, notably from those of the Middle Ages. It is certain that pluralism made it possible to overcome the religious, and later the philosophical divisions which have divided Europe since the Renaissance. But it also led to the diffusion of religious indifferentism and to (...)
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    El "dolor tantálico" de Kant. Intento de un diagnóstico y principio de una terapia respecto a una perspectiva teórica de totalidad.Erwin Schadel - 2000 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 17:113.
    In Sept. 1798, eight years after the publication of his three famous critiques, the oíd Kant complains, in a letter to his friend Christian Gane, that he is tortured by a "tantalic pain", because he had not found yet any insight of the "whole of philosophy". The aim of this - study is to "diagnose" this pain and to reveal an efficacious "therapy". It is explicated that Kant's project of an "a priori judging reason" suffers from Ihe unsolvable difficulty of (...)
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    La libertad posible. Acerca de la noción leibniziana de «inclinar sin necesidad».José María Torralba - 2005 - Anuario Filosófico:279-290.
    Leibniz, in order to avoid both determinism and indifferentism, says that knowledge inclines the agent towards the best action without necessitating it. According to his modal theory, an action is contingent if the opposite is (logically) possible. The article examines the coherence of Leibniz’s notion of «inclining but not necessitating» in the context of contemporary philosophy of action, profiting from the distinction between reasons and causes. The kind of freedom which is possible according to Leibniz philosophy depends on this (...)
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    ‘Wundt's work is merely an incident in one of the challenging scholarly careers on recent history’: The media and academic reception of Völkerpsychologie, 1900–1920.Juan David Millán & Gonzalo Salas - 2025 - History of the Human Sciences 38 (1):99-128.
    Wundt's Völkerpsychologie (VP) is an exceptional case in the history of psychology. Outlined in 1863 in the second volume of Vorlesungen über Menschen- und Thierseele (Lectures on the Human and Animal Soul), VP was finally published 37 years later in 10 volumes during the last 20 years of the author's life. The work was characterized by an ambitious program of multimethod and transdisciplinary research. This article explores the intellectual and contextual reasons for the early successes and failures of VP. We (...)
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    Sozzini's Ghost: Pierre Bayle and Socinian Toleration.Barbara Sher Tinsley - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (4):609-624.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sozzini’s Ghost: Pierre Bayle and Socinian TolerationBarbara Sher TinsleyPierre Bayle’s Philosophical Commentary (1686–87), a Huguenot exile’s response to the Revocation of Nantes, established its author as a defender of free conscience for pagans, Muslims, Jews, atheists, Catholics, Protestants, Anabaptists, and Socinians. 1 The virtues of Pagans and Atheists are most fully treated in Bayle’s work on the comet. 2 In this work pagans, Catholics (whom Bayle equated with pagan (...)
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    Épictète et la doctrine des indifférents et du telos d’Ariston à Panétius.Thomas Bénatouïl - 2019 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 40 (1):99-121.
    While Epictetus’Diatribaiare not an ethical treatise, but aim chiefly at urging and training pupils to practice philosophy, they can also be used to reconstruct Epictetus’ positions about some of the questions raised within the Stoa after Zeno. This paper focuses on the problem of the contribution of indifferent (external or bodily) things to happiness and of the relationship between virtue and these indifferents. Against scholars claiming that Epictetus shared Aristo of Chios’ heterodox indifferentism, it is shown that Epictetus upholds (...)
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    What is freedom? Why christianity and theoretical liberalism cannot be reconciled.Louis Groarke - 2006 - Heythrop Journal 47 (2):257–274.
    In this paper I argue that a pervasive “religion as tyranny” view has its roots in a philosophical misunderstanding about human freedom. The established liberal view, which is a kind of “empty Protestantism,” conceives of freedom primarily in negative terms as freedom of choice or amoral autonomy. I argue that this approach, which originates in Puritan theology, leads inevitably to a wide‐ranging indifferentism and that indifferentism is incompatible with Christianity. Christians need to elaborate in response a positive definition (...)
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    Echoes From the Holocaust: Philosophical Reflections on a Dark Time.Alan Rosenberg - 1988 - Temple University Press.
    The murder of six million Jewish men, women, and children during World War II was an act of such barbarity as to constitute one of the central events of our time; yet a list of the major concerns of professional philosophers since 1945 would exclude the Holocaust. This collection of twenty-three essays, most of which were written expressly for this volume, is the first book to focus comprehensively on the profound issues and philosophical significance of the Holocaust.The essays, written for (...)
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    O Cristianismo diante dos Desafios da Globalização Econômica e Cultural (Christianity before the challenges of economic globalization and cultural) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2009v7n15p110. [REVIEW]Paulo Fernando Carneiro Andrade - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (15):110-121.
    O presente artigo objetiva refletir sobre os impactos da globalização econômica na cultura contemporânea. O processo acelerado de transformação da cultura e das relações sociais distingue-se de outros processos de mudança estrutural porque as mudanças no campo da economia desde a década de 1980 provocaram uma grave crise cultural. O que mais caracteriza os novos tempos é a expansão do mercado que se torna omniabrangente e omnipresente, transformando as relações humanas em relações de mercado. Globalização neoliberal e a expansão do (...)
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    Michael Oakeshott. [REVIEW]Virgil Nemoianu - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (2):421-423.
    Franco’s book is meticulous and objective, but it does underline two points. The first is that Oakeshott cannot be portrayed simply as a “conservative”; thus T. S. Eliot was a more typical conservative than Oakeshott, the latter being rather a conservative Whig, in the tradition of Edmund Burke and Sir Robert Peel. The second is that throughout his life, Oakeshott, far from being an agnostic and religious indifferentist, interacted with religious theories and responded to them, even though this is not (...)
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    Freedom, Truth, and Human Dignity: The Second Vatican Council’s Declaration on Religious Freedom: A New Translation, Redaction History, and Interpretation of “Dignitatis humanae.” by David L. Schindler and Jr. Nicholas J. Healy. [REVIEW]Barrett H. Turner - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (2):309-314.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Freedom, Truth, and Human Dignity: The Second Vatican Council’s Declaration on Religious Freedom: A New Translation, Redaction History, and Interpretation of “Dignitatis humanae.” by David L. Schindler and Jr. Nicholas J. HealyBarrett H. TurnerFreedom, Truth, and Human Dignity: The Second Vatican Council’s Declaration on Religious Freedom: A New Translation, Redaction History, and Interpretation of “Dignitatis humanae.” By David L. Schindler and Nicholas J. Healy, Jr. Grand Rapids, Mich.: (...)
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    Instance Is the Converse of Aspect.Boris Hennig - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (1):3-20.
    According to the aspect theory of instantiation, a particular A instantiates a universal B if and only if an aspect of A is cross-count identical with an aspect of B. This involves the assumption that both particulars and universals have aspects, and that aspects can mediate between different ways of counting things. I will ask what is new about this account of instantiation and, more importantly, whether it is an improvement on its older relatives. It will turn out that the (...)
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    The Post-Secular Turn: Enlightenment, Tradition, Revolution.Agata Bielik-Robson - 2019 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 3 (3):57-82.
    The aim of this essay is to give a general and accessible overview of the so called “post-secular” turn in the contemporary humanities. The main idea behind it is that it constitutes an answer to the crisis of the secular grand narratives of modernity: the Hegelian narrative of the immanent progress of the Spirit, as well as the enlightenmental narrative of universal emancipation. The post-secularist thinkers come in three variations which this essay names as Enlightenmental, Traditional, and Revolutionary. The first (...)
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