Results for 'Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet)'

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  1.  42
    An Application of Peircean Triadic Logic: Modelling Vagueness.Asim Raza, Asim D. Bakhshi & Basit Koshul - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (3):389-426.
    Development of decision-support and intelligent agent systems necessitates mathematical descriptions of uncertainty and fuzziness in order to model vagueness. This paper seeks to present an outline of Peirce’s triadic logic as a practical new way to model vagueness in the context of artificial intelligence. Charles Sanders Peirce was an American scientist–philosopher and a great logician whose triadic logic is a culmination of the study of semiotics and the mathematical study of anti-Cantorean model of continuity and infinitesimals. After presenting Peircean (...)
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  2. On $${{{\mathcal {F}}}}$$-Systems: A Graph-Theoretic Model for Paradoxes Involving a Falsity Predicate and Its Application to Argumentation Frameworks.Gustavo Bodanza - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (3):373-393.
    $${{{\mathcal {F}}}}$$ -systems are useful digraphs to model sentences that predicate the falsity of other sentences. Paradoxes like the Liar and the one of Yablo can be analyzed with that tool to find graph-theoretic patterns. In this paper we studied this general model consisting of a set of sentences and the binary relation ‘ $$\ldots $$ affirms the falsity of $$\ldots $$ ’ among them. The possible existence of non-referential sentences was also considered. To model the sets of all (...)
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  3.  49
    The Effort of Reasoning: Modelling the Inference Steps of Boundedly Rational Agents.Anthia Solaki - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (4):529-553.
    In this paper we design a new logical system to explicitly model the different deductive reasoning steps of a boundedly rational agent. We present an adequate system in line with experimental findings about an agent’s reasoning limitations and the cognitive effort that is involved. Inspired by Dynamic Epistemic Logic, we work with dynamic operators denoting explicit applications of inference rules in our logical language. Our models are supplemented by (a) impossible worlds (not closed under logical consequence), suitably structured according (...)
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    A basic system of paraconsistent Nelsonian logic of conditionals.Grigory K. Olkhovikov - 2024 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 33 (4):299-337.
    We define a Kripke semantics for a conditional logic based on the propositional logic $$\textsf{N4}$$ N 4, the paraconsistent variant of Nelson’s logic of strong negation; we axiomatize the minimal system induced by this semantics. The resulting logic, which we call $$\textsf{N4CK}$$ N 4 CK, shows strong connections both with the basic intuitionistic logic of conditionals $$\textsf{IntCK}$$ IntCK introduced earlier in (Olkhovikov, 2023) and with the $$\textsf{N4}$$ N 4 -based modal logic $$\textsf{FSK}^d$$ FSK d introduced in (Odintsov and Wansing, 2004) (...)
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    Monotonic Inference with Unscoped Episodic Logical Forms: From Principles to System.Gene Louis Kim, Mandar Juvekar, Junis Ekmekciu, Viet Duong & Lenhart Schubert - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 33 (1):69-88.
    We describe the foundations and the systematization of natural logic-like monotonic inference using unscoped episodic logical forms (ULFs) that as reported by Kim et al. (Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd Workshops on Natural Logic Meets Machine Learning (NALOMA), Groningen, 2021a, b) introduced and first evaluated. In addition to providing a more detailed explanation of the theory and system, we present results from extending the inference manager to address a few of the limitations that as reported by Kim et al. (...)
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  6.  11
    Deciding Regular Grammar Logics with Converse Through First-Order Logic.Stéphane Demri & Hans Nivelle - 2005 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 14 (3):289-329.
    We provide a simple translation of the satisfiability problem for regular grammar logics with converse into GF2, which is the intersection of the guarded fragment and the 2-variable fragment of first-order logic. The translation is theoretically interesting because it translates modal logics with certain frame conditions into first-order logic, without explicitly expressing the frame conditions. It is practically relevant because it makes it possible to use a decision procedure for the guarded fragment in order to decide regular grammar logics with (...)
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  7.  38
    Double Negation as Minimal Negation.Satoru Niki - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (5):861-886.
    N. Kamide introduced a pair of classical and constructive logics, each with a peculiar type of negation: its double negation behaves as classical and intuitionistic negation, respectively. A consequence of this is that the systems prove contradictions but are non-trivial. The present paper aims at giving insights into this phenomenon by investigating subsystems of Kamide’s logics, with a focus on a system in which the double negation behaves as the negation of minimal logic. We establish the negation inconsistency of (...)
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  8.  29
    Kripke Contexts, Double Boolean Algebras with Operators and Corresponding Modal Systems.Prosenjit Howlader & Mohua Banerjee - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (1):117-146.
    The notion of a context in formal concept analysis and that of an approximation space in rough set theory are unified in this study to define a Kripke context. For any context (G,M,I), a relation on the set G of objects and a relation on the set M of properties are included, giving a structure of the form ((G,R), (M,S), I). A Kripke context gives rise to complex algebras based on the collections of protoconcepts and semiconcepts of the underlying context. (...)
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    The Epistemology of Nondeterminism.Adam Bjorndahl - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (4):619-644.
    This paper proposes new semantics for propositional dynamic logic (PDL), replacing the standard relational semantics. Under these new semantics, program execution is represented as fundamentally deterministic (i.e., functional), while nondeterminism emerges as an epistemic relationship between the agent and the system: intuitively, the nondeterministic outcomes of a given process are precisely those that cannot be ruled out in advance. We formalize these notions using topology and the framework of dynamic topological logic (DTL) (Kremer and Mints in Ann Pure Appl Logic (...)
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  10.  30
    Adjectival and Adverbial Modification: The View from Modern Type Theories.Stergios Chatzikyriakidis & Zhaohui Luo - 2017 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 26 (1):45-88.
    In this paper we present a study of adjectival/adverbial modification using modern type theories, i.e. type theories within the tradition of Martin-Löf. We present an account of various issues concerning adjectival/adverbial modification and argue that MTTs can be used as an adequate language for interpreting NL semantics. MTTs are not only expressive enough to deal with a range of modification phenomena, but are furthermore well-suited to perform reasoning tasks that can be easily implemented given their proof-theoretic nature. In MTT-semantics, common (...)
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  11.  34
    Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Expectations Orderings, and Conceptual Spaces.Matías Osta-Vélez & Peter Gärdenfors - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (1):77-97.
    In Gärdenfors and Makinson :197–245, 1994) and Gärdenfors it was shown that it is possible to model nonmonotonic inference using a classical consequence relation plus an expectation-based ordering of formulas. In this article, we argue that this framework can be significantly enriched by adopting a conceptual spaces-based analysis of the role of expectations in reasoning. In particular, we show that this can solve various epistemological issues that surround nonmonotonic and default logics. We propose some formal criteria for constructing and updating (...)
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  12.  31
    Iterated AGM Revision Based on Probability Revision.Sven Ove Hansson - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (4):657-675.
    Close connections between probability theory and the theory of belief change emerge if the codomain of probability functions is extended from the real-valued interval [0, 1] to a hyperreal interval with the same limits. Full beliefs are identified as propositions with a probability at most infinitesimally smaller than 1. Full beliefs can then be given up, and changes in the set of full beliefs follow a pattern very close to that of AGM revision. In this contribution, iterated revision is investigated. (...)
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  13.  16
    Dialogue Coherence: A Generation Framework.Robbert-jan Beun & Rogier Eijk - 2007 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 16 (4):365-385.
    This paper presents a framework for the generation of coherent elementary conversational sequences at the speech act level. We will embrace the notion of a cooperative dialogue game in which two players produce speech acts to transfer relevant information with respect to their commitments. Central to the approach is that participants try to achieve some sort of balanced cognitive state as a result of speech act generation and interpretation. Cognitive states of the participants change as a result of the (...)
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  14.  23
    A Substructural Approach to Explicit Modal Logic.Shawn Standefer - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (2):333–362.
    In this paper, we build on earlier work by Standefer (Logic J IGPL 27(4):543–569, 2019) in investigating extensions of substructural logics, particularly relevant logics, with the machinery of justification logics. We strengthen a negative result from the earlier work showing a limitation with the canonical model method of proving completeness. We then show how to enrich the language with an additional operator for implicit commitment to circumvent these problems. We then extend the logics with axioms for D, 4, and 5, (...)
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  15. Prolegomena to a cognitive investigation of Euclidean diagrammatic reasoning.Yacin Hamami & John Mumma - 2013 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 22 (4):421-448.
    Euclidean diagrammatic reasoning refers to the diagrammatic inferential practice that originated in the geometrical proofs of Euclid’s Elements. A seminal philosophical analysis of this practice by Manders (‘The Euclidean diagram’, 2008) has revealed that a systematic method of reasoning underlies the use of diagrams in Euclid’s proofs, leading in turn to a logical analysis aiming to capture this method formally via proof systems. The central premise of this paper is that our understanding of Euclidean diagrammatic reasoning can be fruitfully (...)
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  16.  26
    On the Modal Logic of the Non-orthogonality Relation Between Quantum States.Shengyang Zhong - 2018 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 27 (2):157-173.
    It is well known that the non-orthogonality relation between the (pure) states of a quantum system is reflexive and symmetric, and the modal logic $$\mathbf {KTB}$$ is sound and complete with respect to the class of sets each equipped with a reflexive and symmetric binary relation. In this paper, we consider two properties of the non-orthogonality relation: Separation and Superposition. We find sound and complete modal axiomatizations for the classes of sets each equipped with a reflexive and symmetric relation that (...)
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  17.  10
    Logical Models of Mathematical Texts: The Case of Conventions for Division by Zero.Jan A. Bergstra & John V. Tucker - 2024 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 33 (4):277-298.
    Arithmetical texts involving division are governed by conventions that avoid the risk of problems to do with division by zero (DbZ). A model for elementary arithmetic texts is given, and with the help of many examples and counter examples a partial description of what may be called traditional conventions on DbZ is explored. We introduce the informal notions of legal and illegal texts to analyse these conventions. First, we show that the legality of a text is algorithmically undecidable. As a (...)
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  18.  20
    Some Remarks on Semantics and Expressiveness of the Sentential Calculus with Identity.Steffen Lewitzka - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (3):441-471.
    R. Suszko’s Sentential Calculus with Identity \( SCI \) results from classical propositional calculus \( CPC \) by adding a new connective \(\equiv \) and axioms for identity \(\varphi \equiv \psi \) (which we interpret here as ‘propositional identity’). We reformulate the original semantics of \( SCI \) using Boolean prealgebras which, introduced in different ways, are known in the literature as structures for the modeling of (hyper-) intensional semantics. We regard intensionality here as a measure for the discernibility of (...)
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  19.  29
    Natural Deduction Bottom Up.Ernst Zimmermann - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (3):601-631.
    The paper introduces a new type of rules into Natural Deduction, elimination rules by composition. Elimination rules by composition replace usual elimination rules in the style of disjunction elimination and give a more direct treatment of additive disjunction, multiplicative conjunction, existence quantifier and possibility modality. Elimination rules by composition have an enormous impact on proof-structures of deductions: they do not produce segments, deduction trees remain binary branching, there is no vacuous discharge, there is only few need of permutations. This new (...)
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  20.  11
    Non-Monotonicity and Contraposition.Vincenzo Crupi, Tiziano Dalmonte & Andrea Iacona - forthcoming - Journal of Logic, Language and Information:1-20.
    This paper develops a formal theory of non-monotonic consequence which differs from most extant theories in that it assumes Contraposition as a basic principle of defeasible reasoning. We define a minimal logic that combines Contraposition with three uncontroversial inference rules, and we prove some key results that characterize this logic and its possible extensions.
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  21.  32
    Propositional Forms of Judgemental Interpretations.Tao Xue, Zhaohui Luo & Stergios Chatzikyriakidis - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (4):733-758.
    In formal semantics based on modern type theories, some sentences may be interpreted as judgements and some as logical propositions. When interpreting composite sentences, one may want to turn a judgemental interpretation or an ill-typed semantic interpretation into a proposition in order to obtain an intended semantics. For instance, an incorrect judgement $$a:A$$ may be turned into its propositional form $$\textsc {is}(A,a)$$ and an ill-typed application p(a) into $$\textsc {do}(p,a)$$, so that the propositional forms can take part in logical compositions (...)
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  22.  38
    On the Logical Philosophy of Assertive Graphs.Daniele Chiffi & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (4):375-397.
    The logic of assertive graphs (AGs) is a modification of Peirce’s logic of existential graphs (EGs), which is intuitionistic and which takes assertions as its explicit object of study. In this paper we extend AGs into a classical graphical logic of assertions (ClAG) whose internal logic is classical. The characteristic feature is that both AGs and ClAG retain deep-inference rules of transformation. Unlike classical EGs, both AGs and ClAG can do so without explicitly introducing polarities of areas in their language. (...)
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  23.  40
    A “Maximal Exclusion” Approach to Structural Underspecification in Dynamic Syntax.Tohru Seraku - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (2):407-428.
    ‘Case’ and ‘grammatical relations’ are central to syntactic theory, but rigorous treatments of these concepts in surface-oriented grammars such as Dynamic Syntax are pending. In this respect, Japanese is worthy of mention; in this language, the nominative case particle ga, which typically marks a subject, may mark an object in certain syntactic contexts, and more than one instance of ga may be present within a single clause. These patterns cannot be captured if we simply assume that ga marks a subject. (...)
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  24.  52
    Revising System Specifications in Temporal Logic.Paulo T. Guerra & Renata Wassermann - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (4):591-618.
    Although formal system verification has been around for many years, little attention was given to the case where the specification of the system has to be changed. This may occur due to a failure in capturing the clients’ requirements or due to some change in the domain (think for example of banking systems that have to adapt to different taxes being imposed). We are interested in having methods not only to verify properties, but also to suggest how the system (...)
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  25.  27
    A Four-Valued Dynamic Epistemic Logic.Yuri David Santos - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (4):451-489.
    Epistemic logic is usually employed to model two aspects of a situation: the factual and the epistemic aspects. Truth, however, is not always attainable, and in many cases we are forced to reason only with whatever information is available to us. In this paper, we will explore a four-valued epistemic logic designed to deal with these situations, where agents have only knowledge about the available information, which can be incomplete or conflicting, but not explicitly about facts. This layer (...)
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  26.  28
    Non-transitive Correspondence Analysis.Yaroslav Petrukhin & Vasily Shangin - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (2):247-273.
    The paper’s novelty is in combining two comparatively new fields of research: non-transitive logic and the proof method of correspondence analysis. To be more detailed, in this paper the latter is adapted to Weir’s non-transitive trivalent logic \({\mathbf{NC}}_{\mathbf{3}}\). As a result, for each binary extension of \({\mathbf{NC}}_{\mathbf{3}}\), we present a sound and complete Lemmon-style natural deduction system. Last, but not least, we stress the fact that Avron and his co-authors’ general method of obtaining _n_-sequent proof systems for any _n_-valent (...)
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  27.  28
    Natural Density and the Quantifier “Most”.Selçuk Topal & Ahmet Çevik - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (4):511-523.
    This paper proposes a formalization of the class of sentences quantified by most, which is also interpreted as proportion of or majority of depending on the domain of discourse. We consider sentences of the form “Most A are B”, where A and B are plural nouns and the interpretations of A and B are infinite subsets of \. There are two widely used semantics for Most A are B: \ > C \) and \ > \dfrac{C}{2} \), where C denotes (...)
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  28.  64
    From Counterfactual Conditionals to Temporal Conditionals.Yuichiro Hosokawa - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (4):677-706.
    Although it receives less attention, (Lewis in Noûs 13:455–476, 1979. admitted that the branching-time(-like) model fits a wide range of counterfactuals, including (Nix) ‘If Nixon had pressed the button, there would have been a nuclear war’, which was raised by (Fine in Mind 84:451–458, 1975). However, Lewis then claimed that similarity analysis is more general than temporality analysis. In this paper, we do not scrutinise his claim. Instead, we re-analyse (Nix) not only model-theoretically but also proof-theoretically from the ‘meaning-as-use’ (...)
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  29.  17
    Expressive Power and Intensional Operators.Pablo Cubides Kovacsics & David Rey - 2024 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 33 (2):107-141.
    In Entities and Indices, M. J. Cresswell argued that a first-order modal language can reach the expressive power of natural-language modal discourse only if we give to the formal language a semantics with indices containing infinite possible worlds and we add to it an infinite collection of operators $${{\varvec{actually}}}_n$$ actually n and $$ Ref _n$$ R e f n which store and retrieve worlds. In the fourth chapter of the book, Cresswell gave a proof that the resulting intensional language, which (...)
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    Assessing the Strengths and Weaknesses of Large Language Models.Shalom Lappin - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 33 (1):9-20.
    The transformers that drive chatbots and other AI systems constitute large language models (LLMs). These are currently the focus of a lively discussion in both the scientific literature and the popular media. This discussion ranges from hyperbolic claims that attribute general intelligence and sentience to LLMs, to the skeptical view that these devices are no more than “stochastic parrots”. I present an overview of some of the weak arguments that have been presented against LLMs, and I consider several of (...)
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  31.  25
    A Computational Algebraic Analysis of Hindi Syntax.Alok Debanth & Manish Shrivastava - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (5):759-776.
    In this paper, we present a computational algebraic representation of Hindi syntax. This paper is the first attempt to establish the representation of various facets of Hindi syntax into algebra, including dual nominative/ergative behavior, a syntacto-semantic case system and complex agreement rules between the noun and verb phrase. Using the pregroup analysis framework, we show how we represent morphological type reduction for morphological behavior of lexical markers, the representation of causative constructions which are morphologically affixed, as well as of light (...)
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  32.  20
    Composition Under Distributive Natural Transformations: Or, When Predicate Abstraction is Impossible.Dylan Bumford - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (3):287-307.
    Natural language semanticists have often found it useful to assume that all expressions denote sets of values. The approach is most prominent in the study of questions and prosodic focus, but also common in work on indefinites, disjunction, negative polarity, and scalar implicature. However, the most popular compositional implementation of this idea is known to face technical obstacles in the presence of object-language binding constructs, including, chiefly, lambda abstraction. The problem has been well-described on several occasions in the literature, and (...)
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  33.  36
    Comparison Across Domains in Delineation Semantics.Heather Burnett - 2015 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24 (3):233-265.
    This paper presents a new logical analysis of quantity comparatives (i.e. More linguists than philosophers came to the party.) within the Delineation Semantics approach to gradability and comparison (McConnell-Ginet in Comparison constructions in English. PhD thesis, University of Rochester, Rochester, 1973; Kamp in Formal semantics of natural language. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1975; Klein in Linguist Philos 4:1–45, 1980) among many others. Along with the Degree Semantics framework (Cresswell in Montague grammar. Academic Press, New York, 1976; von Stechow in J (...)
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    On the (Complete) Reasons Behind Decisions.Adnan Darwiche & Auguste Hirth - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (1):63-88.
    Recent work has shown that the input-output behavior of some common machine learning classifiers can be captured in symbolic form, allowing one to reason about the behavior of these classifiers using symbolic techniques. This includes explaining decisions, measuring robustness, and proving formal properties of machine learning classifiers by reasoning about the corresponding symbolic classifiers. In this work, we present a theory for unveiling the _reasons_ behind the decisions made by Boolean classifiers and study some of its theoretical and practical implications. (...)
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  35.  17
    A Computational Treatment of Anaphora and Its Algorithmic Implementation.Jean-Philippe Bernardy, Stergios Chatzikyriakidis & Aleksandre Maskharashvili - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (1):1-29.
    In this paper, we propose a framework capable of dealing with anaphora and ellipsis which is both general and algorithmic. This generality is ensured by the compination of two general ideas. First, we use a dynamic semantics which reperent effects using a monad structure. Second we treat scopes flexibly, extending them as needed. We additionally implement this framework as an algorithm which translates abstract syntax to logical formulas. We argue that this framework can provide a unified account of a large (...)
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    A Closeness- and Priority-Based Logical Study of Social Network Creation.Sonja Smets & Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (1):21-51.
    This paper is part of an on-going programme on the study of the logical aspects of social network formation. It recalls the so-called social network model, discussing the properties of a notion of closeness between agents ; then introduces an extended social network model in which different agents might assign different values to different traits, discussing the properties of the notion of weighted closeness that arises. These notions are used to define social network creation operations by means of a threshold (...)
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  37.  53
    Algebraic Effects for Extensible Dynamic Semantics.Julian Grove & Jean-Philippe Bernardy - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (2):219-245.
    Research in dynamic semantics has made strides by studying various aspects of discourse in terms of computational effect systems, for example, monads (Shan, 2002; Charlow, 2014), Barker and 2014), (Maršik, 2016). We provide a system, based on graded monads, that synthesizes insights from these programs by formalizing individual discourse phenomena in terms of separate effects, or grades. Included are effects for introducing and retrieving discourse referents, non-determinism for indefiniteness, and generalized quantifier meanings. We formalize the behavior of individual effects, (...)
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    Multi-agent Logics for Reasoning About Higher-Order Upper and Lower Probabilities.Dragan Doder, Nenad Savić & Zoran Ognjanović - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (1):77-107.
    We present a propositional and a first-order logic for reasoning about higher-order upper and lower probabilities. We provide sound and complete axiomatizations for the logics and we prove decidability in the propositional case. Furthermore, we show that the introduced logics generalize some existing probability logics.
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    Editorial Foreword.Natasha Alechina & Valentin Goranko - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (1):1-2.
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    Belief Revision and Computational Argumentation: A Critical Comparison.Pietro Baroni, Eduardo Fermé, Massimiliano Giacomin & Guillermo Ricardo Simari - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (4):555-589.
    This paper aims at comparing and relating belief revision and argumentation as approaches to model reasoning processes. Referring to some prominent literature references in both fields, we will discuss their (implicit or explicit) assumptions on the modeled processes and hence commonalities and differences in the forms of reasoning they are suitable to deal with. The intended contribution is on one hand assessing the (not fully explored yet) relationships between two lively research fields in the broad area of defeasible reasoning and (...)
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    Variable Handling and Compositionality: Comparing DRT and DTS.Yukiko Yana, Koji Mineshima & Daisuke Bekki - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (2):261-285.
    This paper provides a detailed comparison between discourse representation theory and dependent type semantics, two frameworks for discourse semantics. Although it is often stated that DRT and those frameworks based on dependent types are mutually exchangeable, we argue that they differ with respect to variable handling, more specifically, how substitution and other operations on variables are defined. This manifests itself in two recalcitrant problems posed for DRT; namely, the overwrite problem and the duplication problem. We will see that these problems (...)
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    IDL-PMCFG, a Grammar Formalism for Describing Free Word Order Languages.François Hublet - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (3):327-388.
    We introduce _Interleave-Disjunction-Lock parallel multiple context-free grammars_ (IDL-PMCFG), a novel grammar formalism designed to describe the syntax of free word order languages that allow for extensive interleaving of grammatical constituents. Though interleaved constituents, and especially the so-called hyperbaton, are common in several ancient (Classical Latin and Greek, Sanskrit...) and modern (Hungarian, Finnish...) languages, these syntactic structures are often difficult to express in existing formalisms. The IDL-PMCFG formalism combines Seki et al.’s parallel multiple context-free grammars (PMCFG) with Nederhof and Satta’s IDL (...)
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  43.  19
    Combining Machine Learning and Semantic Features in the Classification of Corporate Disclosures.Stefan Evert, Philipp Heinrich, Klaus Henselmann, Ulrich Rabenstein, Elisabeth Scherr, Martin Schmitt & Lutz Schröder - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (2):309-330.
    We investigate an approach to improving statistical text classification by combining machine learners with an ontology-based identification of domain-specific topic categories. We apply this approach to ad hoc disclosures by public companies. This form of obligatory publicity concerns all information that might affect the stock price; relevant topic categories are governed by stringent regulations. Our goal is to classify disclosures according to their effect on stock prices (negative, neutral, positive). In the study reported here, we combine natural language parsing (...)
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    Language Learnability in the Limit: A Generalization of Gold’s Theorem.Fernando C. Alves - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (3):363-372.
    In his pioneering work in the field of inductive inference, Gold (Inf Control 10:447–474, 1967) proved that a set containing all finite languages and at least one infinite language over the same fixed alphabet is not identifiable in the limit (learnable in the exact sense) from complete texts. Gold’s work paved the way for computational learning theories of language and has implications for two linguistically relevant classes in the Chomsky hierarchy (cf. Chomsky in Inf Control 2:137–167, 1959, Chomsky in Knowledge (...)
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    Commutative Lambek Grammars.Tikhon Pshenitsyn - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (5):887-936.
    Lambek categorial grammars is a class of formal grammars based on the Lambek calculus. Pentus proved in 1993 that they generate exactly the class of context-free languages without the empty word. In this paper, we study categorial grammars based on the Lambek calculus with the permutation rule LP. Of particular interest is the product-free fragment of LP called the Lambek-van Benthem calculus LBC. Buszkowski in his 1984 paper conjectured that grammars based on the Lambek-van Benthem calculus (LBC-grammars for short) generate (...)
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    Anaphoric Conservativity.R. Zuber - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (1):113-128.
    The notion of anaphoric conservativity, that is a property of specific functions taking sets and binary relations as arguments is studied. Such functions are denotations of anaphoric determiners forming nominal anaphors. It is shown that anaphoric conservativity is strictly stronger that ordinary conservativity of this type of functions. In consequence some novel semantic descriptions of reflexive and reciprocal pronouns are provided and a semantic universal stating that reflexive and reciprocal non-possessive determiners denote anaphorically conservative functions is proposed.
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    Language and proof theory.Dov Gabbay & Ruth Kempson - 1996 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 5 (3-4):247-251.
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    Public Announcements, Public Lies and Recoveries.Kai Li & Jan van Eijck - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (3):423-450.
    The paper gives a formal analysis of public lies, explains how public lying is related to public announcement, and describes the process of recoveries from false beliefs engendered by public lying. The framework treats two kinds of public lies: simple lying update and two-step lying, which consists of suggesting that the lie may be true followed by announcing the lie. It turns out that agents’ convictions of what is true are immune to the first kind, but can be shattered by (...)
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    Formal Modelling and Verification of Probabilistic Resource Bounded Agents.Hoang Nga Nguyen & Abdur Rakib - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (5):829-859.
    Many problems in Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) research are formulated in terms of the abilities of a coalition of agents. Existing approaches to reasoning about coalitional ability are usually focused on games or transition systems, which are described in terms of states and actions. Such approaches however often neglect a key feature of multi-agent systems, namely that the actions of the agents require resources. In this paper, we describe a logic for reasoning about coalitional ability under resource constraints (...)
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    Preface.Sujata Ghosh & R. Ramanujam - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (1):1-2.
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