Results for 'Ingrid N.²Rholm'

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  1. Filosofi med børn: bibliografi.Gèunter Locher, Ingrid N.²Rholm & J. ²rn H. Carl - 1989 - [Haderslev]: Danmarks lærerhøjskole, Afdelingen i Haderslev. Edited by Ingrid Nørholm & Jørn H. Carl.
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    Rhetoricians identified: A call to interdisciplinary action and how it resonated in the field of rhetoric.Christine Isager & Sine Nørholm Just - 2005 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 38 (3):248-258.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rhetoricians Identified:A Call to Interdisciplinary Action and How it Resonated in the Field of RhetoricChristine Isager and Sine Nørholm Just"I actually like this book a lot, but I am not sure how comfortable I am with liking it," wrote William Keith (1995, 488) in a review of the original 1993 edition of Steve Fuller's Philosophy, Rhetoric, and the End of Knowledge (PREK), in which rhetoric is invited to participate (...)
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    A validation and acceptability study of cognitive testing using switch and eye-gaze control technologies for children with motor and speech impairments: A protocol paper.Petra Karlsson, Ingrid Honan, Seth Warschausky, Jacqueline N. Kaufman, Georgina Henry, Candice Stephenson, Annabel Webb, Alistair McEwan & Nadia Badawi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite the importance of knowing the cognitive capabilities of children with neurodevelopmental conditions, less than one-third of children with cerebral palsy participate in standardized assessments. Globally, approximately 50% of people with cerebral palsy have an intellectual disability and there is significant risk for domain-specific cognitive impairments for the majority of people with cerebral palsy. However, standardized cognitive assessment tools are not accessible to many children with cerebral palsy, as they require manual manipulation of objects, verbal response and/or speeded response. As (...)
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    Ajanta Murals.Jane Gaston Mahler, Ingrid Aall, M. N. Deshpande, A. Ghosh & B. B. Lal - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (2):453.
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    Criminología: introducción a sus principales pensamientos.Ingrid Plessen - 2021 - [Ciudadela, Argentina]: Dosyuna Ediciones Argentinas.
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    Nación y sociedad contemporánea.Ingrid Johanna Bolívar - 2001 - Bogotá, Colombia: Ministerio de Cultura.
    La construcción de la nación y la transformación de lo político / Ingrid Johanna Bolívar.
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    As naturalistic as it gets: subtitles in the English classroom in Norway.Mila Vulchanova, Lisa M. G. Aurstad, Ingrid E. N. Kvitnes & Hendrik Eshuis - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  8. Introducción.Ingrid Johanna Bolívar - 2001 - In Nación y sociedad contemporánea. Bogotá, Colombia: Ministerio de Cultura.
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  9. La construcción de la nación y la transformación de lo político.Ingrid Johanna Bolívar - 2001 - In Nación y sociedad contemporánea. Bogotá, Colombia: Ministerio de Cultura.
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  10. Discusiones contemporáneas en torno a la concepción aristotélica de metáfora.Ingrid Julia Placereano - 2022 - In María Mercedes Risco & Teresa Barrionuevo (eds.), El lenguaje y sus dimensiones en distintos saberes. San Miguel de Tucumán, [Argentina]: Humanitas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.
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    On seeing as.Ingrid H. Stadler - 1958 - Philosophical Review 67 (January):91-94.
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    Segundas jornadas sobre globalización y derechos humanos: bioética y biotecnología.Ingrid Brena Sesma & Luis Díaz Müller (eds.) - 2004 - México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    Les formes changeantes de l’utopie de Thomas More à Jürgen Habermas.Ingrid Gilcher-Holtey - 2022 - Diogène n° 273-274 (1):64-85.
    L’utopie est un concept controversé. Il n’existe pas de définition analytique sur laquelle la littérature, les sciences humaines et sociales pourraient s’accorder. Karl Mannheim, qui a posé les premiers fondements sociologiques du concept d’utopie, a noté un changement dans la forme de la pensée utopique à l’époque moderne. Confronté à la multiplicité des interprétations et au changement de l’utopie sur le temps, Norbert Elias a proposé « d’ouvrir des brèches » pour rendre transparent le changement de formes de l’utopie. Cet (...)
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  14. Bibliografía crítica.Ingrid Johanna Bolívar - 2001 - In Nación y sociedad contemporánea. Bogotá, Colombia: Ministerio de Cultura.
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    Contrasts in older persons’ experiences and significant others’ perceptions of existential loneliness.Helena Larsson, Anna-Karin Edberg, Ingrid Bolmsjö & Margareta Rämgård - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (6):1623-1637.
    Background: As frail older people might have difficulties in expressing themselves, their needs are often interpreted by others, for example, by significant others, whose information health care staff often have to rely on. This, in turn, can put health care staff in ethically difficult situations, where they have to choose between alternative courses of action. One aspect that might be especially difficult to express is that of existential loneliness. We have only sparse knowledge about whether, and in what way, the (...)
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    Fosterdiagnostikk mellom medisin og etikk: Implementering av NIPT–testen i et urolig politikkområde.Nora Levold, Marit Svingen & Ingrid Bruholt - 2021 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:5-24.
    Artikkelen undersøker hvordan NIPT ble vedtatt implementert i det norske fosterdiagnostiske systemet gjennom en fagligpolitisk prosess mellom 2012 og 2017. Prosessen innebar at Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten, Helsedirektoratet, Bioteknologirådet og Helse- og Omsorgsdepartementet ga sine vurderinger av testen og sine råd omkring en eventuell innføring. Artikkelen viser at det i denne prosessen foregikk en forsiktig tilnærming eller sammensmelting mellom de tradisjonelt helt ulike måtene å forstå og å ramme inn fosterdiagnostikk på i Norge, dvs. i en ‘autonomi/ behandlingsramme’ og en (...)
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    Good Things for Those Who Wait: Predictive Modeling Highlights Importance of Delay Discounting for Income Attainment.William H. Hampton, Nima Asadi & Ingrid R. Olson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:359023.
    Income is a primary determinant of social mobility, career progression, and personal happiness. It has been shown to vary with demographic variables like age and education, with more oblique variables such as height, and with behaviors such as delay discounting, i.e., the propensity to devalue future rewards. However, the relative contribution of each these salary-linked variables to income is not known. Further, much of past research has often been underpowered, drawn from populations of convenience, and produced findings that have not (...)
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    Marion KAPLAN, Jüdisches Bürgertum. Frau, Familie und Identität im Kaiserreich, Hamburg, Dölling und Galitz, « Studien zur jüdischen Geschichte III », 1997, 403 p. (trad. de l'anglais par Ingrid Strobl). [REVIEW]Robert Beck - 2000 - Clio 11:29-29.
    Dans le judaïsme, l'homme commence ses prières quotidiennes en remerciant Dieu de ne pas l'avoir fait femme. Il n'est pas étonnant alors de trouver les femmes juives reléguées au fond de la synagogue et exclues de tous les rites, ainsi que de toute prise de décision au sein de la communauté. Les domaines, que la tradition veut bien leur accorder, sont le foyer et la famille. Ainsi écartées (a priori) de la vie de la cité au sein de l'univers juif, (...)
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    Aterrizaje: después de la crítica de la razón cínica.Castro Martín & Elvia Rosa - 2012 - Sancti Spíritus, Cuba: Ediciones Luminaria.
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    Pensamiento filosófico venezolano: una aproximación a su historia.Lino Morán Beltrán - 2012 - [Maracaibo]: Universidad del Zulia, Ediciones del Vicerrectorado Académico. Edited by Johan Méndez Reyes.
  21. After Utopia, The Decline of Political Faith.N. J. SHKLAR - 1957
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    İhvân-ı Safâ'da müzik düşüncesi.Yalçın Çetinkaya - 1995 - İstanbul: İnsan Yayınları.
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    Cajal and consciousness: scientific approaches to consciousness on the centennial of Ramón y Cajal's Textura.Pedro C. Marijuán & Santiago Ramón Y. Cajal (eds.) - 2001 - New York: New York Academy of Sciences.
    Machine generated contents note: Cajal and Consciousness: Introduction. By PEDRO C. MARIJUAN1 -- Part I. Consciousness, One Hundred Years after Textura -- Progress in the Neural Sciences in the Century after Cajal (and the Mysteries -- That Remain). By THOMAS D. ALBRIGHT, THOMAS M. JESSELL, -- ERIC R. KANDEL, AND MICHAEL I. POSNER11 -- Part II. Biological Complexity and the Emergence of Consciousness -- Consciousness, Reduction, and Emergence: Some Remarks. -- By MURRAY GELL-MANN41 -- The Epistemic Paradox of Mind and (...)
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  24. Nửa thế kỷ nghiên cứu và giảng dạy triết học ở Việt Nam: kỷ yếu.Trọng Chuẩn Nguyễn (ed.) - 2001 - Hà Nội: Viện triết học.
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  25. Thái Ất thần kinh.Bỉnh Khiêm Nguyễn - 2001 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Văn hóa dân tộc.
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    Ciencia, tecnología e historia: relaciones y diferencias: transcripción del ciclo de conferencias en la Cátedra Alfonso Reyes del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (enero del 2001).Javier Ordóñez - 2001 - México, D.F.: Ariel.
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    Những khía cạnh triết học trong tín ngưỡng thờ cúng tổ tiên của người Việt ở Đồng bằng Bắc bộ hiện nay.Đăng Sinh Trần - 2002 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Chính trị quốc gia.
    Philosophical aspects of belief and ancestor worship in Southern Vietnam.
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    The Modal Particles an, ke(n), ka.D. J. N. Lee - 1967 - American Journal of Philology 88 (1):45.
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    Ham Sŏk-hŏn sasangsa inmunhakchŏk ŭro ilki: Han'guk Kŭrisŭdogyo rŭl saeropke paraboda!Kyŏng-sŏn Yun - 2017 - Sŏul-si: Chisik kwa Kamsŏng.
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  30. (1 other version)Ham Sŏk-hŏn tasi ilki.Sŏk-hŏn Ham - 2002 - Sŏul-si: Inʼgan kwa Chayŏnsa. Edited by Myŏng-sik No.
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  31. al-Madkhal lil-ʻulūm al-qānūnīyah: wa-sharḥ al-bāb al-tamhīdī min al-taqnīn al-madanī.Sulaymān Murqus - 1961 - al-Qāhirah: Sulaymān Murqus.
    qism 1. Fī al-qānūn. al-Ṭabʻah 5., mazīdah wa-munaqqaḥah wafqan lil-qawānīn al-jadīdah, 1966 -- qism 2. Fī al-ḥuqūq. al-Ṭabʻah 4., mazīdah wa-munaqqaḥah wafqan lil-qawānīn al-jadīdah, 1961.
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    Síntesis disyuntiva: una lectura en clave schellingniana de la ontología univocista de Gilles Deleuze en Diferencia y repetición.Lucas Agustín Pérez Picasso - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 56 (157):214-245.
    El texto aquí presentado tiene el propósito de poner en diálogo la filosofía de Friedrich Schelling, específicamente las tres versiones de Las edades del mundo (1811, 1813, 1815), con el trabajo de Gilles Deleuze: Diferencia y repetición (1968) alrededor de los conceptos de disyunción y Diferencia. Su tarea escala en una doble evaluación complementaria. En principio, pone en conexión el concepto de síntesis disyuntiva de Deleuze con la doctrina de las potencias de Schelling. Posteriormente, a partir de entender la propia (...)
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  33. Tư tưởng Việt Nam thời Lý-Trà̂n.Văn Chung Trương & Doãn Chính (eds.) - 2008 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Chính trị quốc gia.
    History of government under the Lý-Trần dynasty, from XI-XIV centuries in Vietnam.
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  34. La exposición de la tarea de un análisis preparatorio del "dasein".Ramón Rodríguez - 2015 - In Ramón Rodríguez & Francisco de Lara (eds.), Ser y tiempo de Martin Heidegger: un comentario fenomenológico. Madrid: Tecnos.
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    Han'guk sŏngnihak, wae toksŏn in'ga: Yi Hwang, Yi I, Chŏng Yag-yong sasang ŭl haebu hada.Tong-wŏn Kim - 2022 - [Seoul]: Yŏksa-ro.
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  36. Elementary Students’ Construction of Geometric Transformation Reasoning in a Dynamic Animation Environment.N. Panorkou & A. Maloney - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (3):338-347.
    Context: Technology has not only changed the way we teach mathematical concepts but also the nature of knowledge, and thus what is possible to learn. While geometric transformations are recognized to be foundational to the formation of students’ geometric conceptions, little research has focused on how these notions can be introduced in elementary schooling. Problem: This project addressed the need for development of students’ reasoning about and with geometric transformations in elementary school. We investigated the nature of students’ understandings of (...)
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  37. Música: transgresión al derecho y al revés.Hilda Mercedes Morán Quiroz - 2013 - In Agustín Vaca & Louis Cardaillac (eds.), De transgresiones y transgresores: historia y cultura. Zapopan, Jalisco: El Colegio de Jalisco.
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    ABD'nin Anasınıfı Ve İlköğretim Birinci Sınıf Okuma Kitaplarının Kelime Öğretimi Açısından İncelenme.Yalçın Bay - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 12):17-17.
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    Ham Sŏk-hŏn kwaŭi taehwa.Sŏk-hŏn Ham - 2009 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Han'gilsa.
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  40.  10
    Sarang enŭn pangbŏp i ŏpsŭmnida: karyŏ ppobŭn Ham Sŏk-hŏn Sŏnsaengnim malssŭm.Sŏk-hŏn Ham - 2009 - Kyŏnggi-do Pʻaju-si: Hanʼgilsa. Edited by Yŏng-ho Kim.
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  41. Chŭngŏn.So-hyŏn Han - 1975
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    Ravānʹshināsī-i akhlāq.Parvīn Kadīvar - 1999 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-ʼi Intishārāt-i Āgāh.
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    Chosŏn sidae ŭi kyubŏmsŏ.Sin-yŏn Kim - 2000 - Sŏul: Minsogwŏn.
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    Interpretación y derecho: análisis de la obra de Riccardo Guastini.Gimeno Presa & María Concepción - 2001 - Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia. Edited by Riccardo Guastini & Alexei Julio Estrada.
    Interesante y muy bien lograda aproximación al universo teórico construido por Ricardo Guastini, filósofo del derecho italiano.
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  45. Fikrat al-zamān ʻinda al-Ashāʻirah.ʻAbd al-Muḥsin ʻAbd al-Maqṣūd Muḥammad Sulṭān - 2000 - [al-Qāhirah]: Maktabat al-Khānjī bi-al-Qāhirah.
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    Is the brain a physical system?'.N. S. Sutherland - 1970 - In Robert Borger (ed.), Explanation In The Behavioural Sciences. Cambridge University Press.
  47. ʻIlm al-kalām: dawr al-mutakallimīn fī bināʼ al-manhaj al-kalāmī.ʻAbd al-Raḥmān & al-Sayyid Muḥammad - 2017 - al-Manṣūrah: al-Maktabah al-ʻAṣrīyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinin Michigan Eyaletinde İlköğretim Birinci Sınıfta Ku.Yalçın Bay - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 3):2539-2539.
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    Tongyanghak ŭl ingnŭn wŏryoil.Yong-hŏn Cho - 2012 - Sŏul-si: RHK.
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  50. Kant and the Transcendental Object a Hermeneutic Study /by J. N. Findlay. --. --.J. N. Findlay - 1981 - Clarendon Press Oxford University Press, 1981.
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