Results for 'Internet Poetry'

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  1. The Poetry of Jeroen Mettes.Samuel Vriezen & Steve Pearce - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):22-28.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 22–28. Jeroen Mettes burst onto the Dutch poetry scene twice. First, in 2005, when he became a strong presence on the nascent Dutch poetry blogosphere overnight as he embarked on his critical project Dichtersalfabet (Poet’s Alphabet). And again in 2011, when to great critical acclaim (and some bafflement) his complete writings were published – almost five years after his far too early death. 2005 was the year in which Dutch poetry blogging exploded. That year (...)
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  2. The Princeton Handbook of World Poetries. [REVIEW]Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2019 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 124 (7):573.
    Roland Greene and Stephen Cushman have revived the 1950s' edition of this book. & it is worth reading even by philosophers for in the final analysis, from Plato to Blanchot to Jean-Luc Marion are all poets. Where does poetry end and philosophy begin!!??
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    Scars of the spirit: the struggle against inauthenticity.Geoffrey H. Hartman - 2002 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this fascinating collection of essays, noted critic Geoffrey Hartman raises the essential question of where we can find the real or authentic in today's world, and how this affects the way we understand our human predicament. Hartman explores such issues as the fantasy of total information and perfect communication encouraged by the internet, the biographical excesses of tell-all talk shows that serve to shore up a personal sense of unreality, the tendency to motivate violence in the name of (...)
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    The force of art.Krzysztof Ziarek - 2004 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This book offers an original approach to avant-garde art and its transformative force. Presenting an alternative to the approaches to art developed in postmodern theory or cultural studies, Ziarek sees art's significance in its critique of power and the increasing technologization of social relations. Re-examining avant-garde art and literature, from Italian and Russian Futurism and Dadaism, to Language poetry, video and projection art, as well as transgenic and Internet art, this book argues that art's importance today cannot be (...)
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  5. W kreatywnym chaosie. O zróżnicowaniu starości na przykładzie prac społeczności Klimczuk - 2009 - In Honorata Jakubowska, Alicja Raciniewska & Łukasz Rogowski (eds.), Patrz¸Ac Na Starość. Uam. pp. 165--211.
    Internet increasingly serves not only to communication between it’s users. The emergence of Web 2.0 platforms which are peculiar to publication of various content allowed to release of activity and commitment of millions of people worldwide. Study contains sociological analysis of already existing visual materials dealing with old age, which were made by users of the It’s one of the longest established online community bringing together artists from around the world. Article draws attention to the multiplicity of contemporary (...)
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  6. Traditions and tendencies: A reply to Carine Defoort.Rein Raud - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):661-664.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Traditions and Tendencies:A Reply to Carine DefoortRein RaudIn 1899 William Aston, a British diplomat, published the first overall history of Japanese literature in English. In it, Japanese poetry is characterized as follows:Narrow in its scope and resources, it is chiefly remarkable for its limitations-for what it has not, rather than what it has.... Indeed, narrative poems of any kind are short and very few, the only ones which (...)
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    Visual Culture and the Holocaust.Barbie Zelizer (ed.) - 2001 - Rutgers University Press.
    How does one represent the Holocaust? What does it mean to visualize it? Despite Theodor Adorno's famous injunction that there can be no poetry after the Holocaust, the past half century has produced repeated attempts to impart that which has been considered beyond the limits of representation. From Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List, Claude Lanzmann's epic documentary project _Shoah_, to Art Spiegelman's _Maus_, the visual domain has emerged as a fruitful venue for representing those horrible times. _Visual Culture and the (...)
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    Two dimensions of meaning: similarity and contiguity in metaphor and metonymy, language, culture and ecology.Andrew Goatly - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The book takes as its point of departure the notion that similarity and contiguity are fundamental to meaning. It shows how they manifest in oral, literate, print and internet cultures, in language acquisition, pragmatics, dialogism, classification, the semantics of grammar, literature and, most centrally, metaphor and metonymy. The book situates these reflections on similarity and contiguity in the interplay of language, cognition, culture, and ideology, and within broader debates around such issues as capitalism, biodiversity, and human control over nature. (...)
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  9. Media Culture and the Triumph of the Spectacle.Douglas Kellner - unknown
    During the past decades, the culture industries have multiplied media spectacles in novel spaces and sites, and spectacle itself is becoming one of the organizing principles of the economy, polity, society, and everyday life. An Internet-based economy has been developing hi-tech spectacle as a means of promotion, reproduction, and the circulation and selling of commodities, using multimedia and increasingly sophisticated technology to dazzle consumers. M edia culture proliferates ever more technologically sophisticated spectacles to seize audiences and augment their power (...)
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    Duchamp Is My Lawyer: The Polemics, Pragmatics, and Poetics of UbuWeb.Roi Tartakovsky - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):117-118.
    A few years ago, I found myself sitting next to a renowned Language poet at a poetry reading in a crowded downtown Manhattan venue. A longtime fan, I introduced myself and shared with him that I had just taught some of his infamously challenging poems in a poetry class at Tel Aviv University and that students were very responsive. When I mentioned that it was hard to get hold of some of his books but that we had found (...)
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    Literary Study Among the Ruins.J. Hillis Miller - 2001 - Diacritics 31 (3):57-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 31.3 (2001) 57-66 [Access article in PDF] Literary Study Among the Ruins J. Hillis Miller It must be remembered and squarely faced, though it is difficult to do so for a lover of literature like me, that in spite of the lip service paid these days to literature's authority by politicians, the media, and educationists, fewer and fewer people, in Europe and America at least, actually spend much (...)
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    William Hazlitt.Graham Nutbrown - 2024 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    William Hazlitt (1778 – 1830) William Hazlitt is best known as a brilliant essayist and critic. His essays include criticism of art, poetry, fiction, and drama. He wrote social and political commentary, portraits of major writers and political figures of his age, and a biography of his great hero, Napoleon. He had intended to follow … Continue reading William Hazlitt →.
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  13. Martin Heidegger.W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz - 2001 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Heidegger’s main interest was ontology or the study of being. In his fundamental treatise, Being and Time, he attempted to access being (Sein) by means of phenomenological analysis of human existence (Dasein) in respect to its temporal and historical character. After the change of his thinking (“the turn”), Heidegger placed an emphasis on language as the vehicle through which the question of being can be unfolded. He turned to the exegesis of historical texts, especially of the Presocratics, but also of (...)
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    Trust Also Means Centering Black Women's Reproductive Health Narratives.Shameka Poetry Thomas - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S1):18-21.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue S1, Page S18-S21, March‐April 2022.
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  15. “Sa clarte premiere”: Cataract removal as.Metaphor in Fourteenth-Century French Poetry - 2008 - Mediaevalia 29:67.
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  16. Тип: Статья в журнале язык: Английский том: 25 номер: 3 год: 1999 страницы: 662-670 цит. В ринц®: 0.Ruth--Poetry Stone - 1999 - Feminist Studies 25 (3):662-670.
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    Bioethics Must Exemplify a Clear Path toward Justice: A Call to Action.Keisha Ray, Folasade C. Lapite, Shameka Poetry Thomas & Faith Fletcher - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (1):14-16.
    Fabi and Goldberg raised important considerations regarding both research and funding priorities in the field of bioethics and, in particular, the field’s misalignment with social justice. W...
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    Linking perspectives: A role for poetry in philosophical inquiry.Karen Simecek - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (2-3):305-318.
    There is a long-standing debate about whether poetry can make a substantive contribution to philosophy with compelling arguments to show that poetry and philosophy involve distinct modes of thought and aims, albeit with similar concerns. This paper argues that reading lyric poetry can play a substantive role in philosophy by helping the philosopher understand how to forge connections with the perspectives of others. The paper takes the view that poetry is not directly philosophical but can play (...)
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  19. Hölderlin.Christian J. Onof - 2004 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Hesiod's Didactic Poetry.Malcolm Heath - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (02):245-.
    In this paper I shall approach Hesiod's poetry from two, rather different, directions; consequently, the paper itself falls into two parts, the argument and conclusions of which are largely independent. In I offer some observations on the vexed question of the organisation of Works and Days; that is, my concern is with the coherence of the poem's form and content. In my attention shifts to the function of this poem and of its companion, Theogony; given the form and content (...)
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    The Poetry of Greek Tragedy.Herbert Musurillo & Richmond Lattimore - 1959 - American Journal of Philology 80 (1):99.
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    Classical Chinese Poetry in Singapore: Witnesses to Social and Cultural Transformations in the Chinese Community. By Bing Wang.Meow Hui Goh - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (3).
    Classical Chinese Poetry in Singapore: Witnesses to Social and Cultural Transformations in the Chinese Community. By Bing Wang. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2018. Pp. xii + 189. $90 ; $85.50.
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    Engaging Values Despite Neutrality: Challenges and Approaches to Values Reflection during the Design of Internet Infrastructure.Katie Shilton - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (2):247-269.
    Internet protocol development is a social process, and resulting protocols are shaped by their developers’ politics and values. This article argues that the work of protocol development poses barriers to developers’ reflection upon values and politics in protocol design. A participant observation of a team developing internet protocols revealed that difficulties defining the stakeholders in an infrastructure and tensions between local and global viewpoints both complicated values reflection. Further, Internet architects tended to equate a core value of (...)
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  24. The Voice of Poetry in the Thought of Michael Oakeshott.Efraim Podoksik - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (4):717-733.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.4 (2002) 717-733 [Access article in PDF] The Voice of Poetry in the Thought of Michael Oakeshott Efraim Podoksik The British philosopher Michael Oakeshott (1901-1990) is mostly known as a political thinker of conservative persuasion, and his general philosophy is usually analyzed only in connection with the social and political aspects of his thought, with most attention being paid to his discussion (...)
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    Poetry of Marie Noël.André Bremond - 1938 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 13 (1):68-81.
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    Event, Death, and Poetry.Harris B. Bechtol - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (1):253-268.
    Since Heidegger, at least, the theme of the event has become a focal point of current debate in continental philosophy. While scholars recognize the important contributions that Jacques Derrida has made to this debate, the significance of his considerations of the death of the other for his conception of the event has not yet been fully appreciated. This essay focuses on Derrida’s efforts to develop the notion of the event in reference to the death of the other through his engagement (...)
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    Information and the Internet: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Science of the Artificial.Maria Jose Arrojo - 2017 - Minds and Machines 27 (3):425-448.
    This paper provides a novel philosophical approach to the role of information on the internet. The link information-internet is analyzed from the perspective of the sciences of the artificial, to highlight aspects of this field that Herbert Simon did not consider. The analysis follows three steps: the study of the development of Artificial Intelligence as the support of internet for communication processes. This analysis is made to clarify the new communicative designs. The role creativity in the new (...)
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    Why Did Protagoras Use Poetry in Education?Paul Woodruff - 2016 - In Olof Pettersson & Vigdis Songe-Møller (eds.), Plato’s Protagoras: Essays on the Confrontation of Philosophy and Sophistry. Cham: Springer.
    Like Plato, Protagoras held that young children learn virtue from fine examples in poetry. Unlike Plato, Protagoras taught adults by correcting the diction of poets. In this paper I ask what his standard of correctness might be, and what benefit he intended his students to take from exercises in correction. If his standard of correctness is truth, then he may intend his students to learn by questioning the content of poems; that would be suggestive of Plato’s program in Republic (...)
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  29. Socrates and Plato on Poetry.Nicholas D. Smith - 2007 - Philosophic Exchange 37 (1).
    This paper contrasts Socrates’ attitude towards poetry in the early dialogues with the sharply critical view of poetry expressed in Plato’s Republic. The difference between these two views constitutes further evidence for a developmentalist interpretation of Plato.
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  30. Does the Internet have an unconscious?: Slavoj Žižek and digital culture.Clint Burnham - 2018 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    The troubling internet space of ‘woman’s mind’.Erzsébet Barát - 2009 - Discourse and Communication 3 (4):401-426.
    The article provides a critical analysis of discourses of female embodiment in the contribution to the series ‘What it is like to be a woman’, invited by the Hungarian feminist internet journal i.c.a. All 14 contributions in the data approach women’s life in terms of female embodiment, challenging hegemonic expectations of bodily existence. The analysis will focus on the dynamic web of ‘said’ and ‘unsaid’ statements and explore the relative openness of the contributions to multiple ways of categorization. The (...)
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    Ethics in Internet (Document).Pontifical Council for Social Communication - 2020 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 32 (1-2):179-192.
    Today, the earth is an interconnected globe humming with electronic transmissions-a chattering planet nestled in the provident silence of space. The ethical question is whether this is contributing to authentic human development and helping individuals and peoples to be true to their transcendent destiny. The new media are powerful tools for education, cultural enrichment, commercial activity, political participation, intercultural dialogue and understanding. They also can serve the cause of religion. Yet the new information technology needs to be informed and guided (...)
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    The Poetry of Block Letters: De| euze cmol lex omicitio.Peter Goodrich - 2012 - In Laurent de Sutter & Kyle McGee (eds.), Deleuze and Law. Deleuze Connections. pp. 32.
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    Merging Theoretical Models and Therapy Approaches in the Context of Internet Gaming Disorder: A Personal Perspective.Kimberly S. Young & Matthias Brand - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:289710.
    Although it is not yet officially recognized as a clinical entity which is diagnosable, Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has been included in section III for further study in the DSM-5 by the American Psychiatric Association (APA, 2013). This is important because there is increasing evidence that people of all ages, in particular teens and young adults, are facing very real and sometimes very severe consequences in daily life resulting from an addictive use of online games. This article summarizes general (...)
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  35. Poisis and poetry in Homer and the Sophists. [Spanish].Carlos Julio Pájaro M. - 2004 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 2:8-32.
    El pensamiento filosófico, introducido a partir de la obra de los presocráticos, particularmente de Heráclito y Jenófanes, formula unas consideraciones sobre la creación poética, las cuales discrepan de la concepción de ella como fruto de la actividad inspiradora de la divinidad, y a partir de las cuales comienza a caracterizarse una disputa ( pálaia diáphora ) que muestra los caminos disímiles y opuestos por donde discurren el saber del poeta y el saber del filósofo. La filosofía afirma desde entonces una (...)
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    Dual wield: the interplay of poetry and video games.Jon Stone - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
    In recent years, poetry and videogames have begun talking to one another in earnest. Poets have found inspiration in digital-interactive landscapes, while game developers now look to poetry as a source of textual enrichment. This book examines the p.
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    A Quantitative Study on the Relationship Among Religiosity, Cyberbullying, and Problematic Internet Use.Sezai Korkmaz & Ali Ulvi Mehmedoğlu - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (53 (15-06-2018)):35-54.
    In this research, firstly, the related literature of cyberbullying/victimization, problematic internet usage and religiosity and correlations among religiosity, cyberbullying/victimization and problematic internet use were tried to be revealed. Subsequently, the differences between the gender groups on cyberbullying/victimization, problematic internet use and religiosity were examined. Moreover, the differences among the age groups on cyberbullying/victimization, problematic internet use and religiosity were analyzed. The study was conducted with 1130 participants between 16-55 years old. In the study, Personal Information Form, (...)
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    Affirmation of Poetry.Drew S. Burk (ed.) - 2014 - Univocal Publishing.
    Since the times of Plato and Aristotle, the relation of poetry to philosophy has been controversial. For certain scholars, poetry should in no way be confused with philosophy. For others, poetry is at the heart of the possibility of thinking itself. In _Affirmation of Poetry_, Judith Balso defends the significance of poetry as a necessary practice for thinking. For Balso, if reading poetry properly has become an obscure task, poetry itself still carries with it (...)
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  39. Ancient Arabic Poetry.Francesco Gabrieli & Therese Jaeger - 1962 - Diogenes 10 (40):82-95.
    The most illustrious tradition of romantic poetry on oriental subjects, from the Westöstlicher Diwan to Rückert, Platen, Hugo and Leconte de Lisle, was inspired essentially by Indian and Persian epic, lyric and gnomic poetry, referring only to a minor degree to the ancient poetry of the Arabs—although it is precisely Rückert to whom we are indebted for a version of the Hamâsa, a famous anthology of pagan Arabic poetry. Goethe approached this anthology through the versions of (...)
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    A dynamic game analysis of Internet services with network externalities.Tatsuhiro Shichijo & Emiko Fukuda - 2019 - Theory and Decision 86 (3-4):361-388.
    Internet services, such as review sites, FAQ sites, online auction sites, online flea markets, and social networking services, are essential to our daily lives. Each Internet service aims to promote information exchange among people who share common interests, activities, or goods. Internet service providers aim to have users of their services actively communicate through their services. Without active interaction, the service falls into disuse. In this study, we consider that an Internet service has a network externality (...)
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    Mary Midgley. Science and Poetry. 207 pp., bibl., index. London/New York: Routledge Publishing, 2001. $30.Robert Chianese - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):282-283.
    Mary Midgley's Science and Poetry tackles so many topics of importance that one wants it to be very good. Yet Midgley, a moral philosopher, makes one idea the measure of all things, so that the book is just good enough. Her topic is not really “science and poetry” but the failure of neurobiological reductionism to understand the human mind. That poets understand the mind better than scientists is the subtext of this collection of essays, but the poetic theories (...)
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    Unequal access to justice: an evaluation of RSPO’s capacity to resolve palm oil conflicts in Indonesia.Afrizal Afrizal, Otto Hospes, Ward Berenschot, Ahmad Dhiaulhaq, Rebekha Adriana & Erysa Poetry - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-14.
    In 2009 the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil established a conflict resolution mechanism to help rural communities address their grievances against palm oil companies that are RSPO members. This article presents the broadest ever comprehensive assessment of the use and effectiveness of the RSPO conflict resolution mechanism, providing both overviews and in-depth analysis. Our central question is: to what extent does the RSPO conflict resolution mechanism offer an accessible, fair and effective tool for communities in Indonesia to resolve conflicts with (...)
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    Angels, Guests and Sadists: On-Screen Poetry in the Cinema of Pier Paolo Pasolini.Thomas Allen - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (3):377-400.
    This article considers how poetry features in Pasolini’s cinema. It argues that the manner in which Pasolini films poetry provides insight into his theory of an affinity between poetry and film, and into more general judgements concerning social reality. The article begins with an analysis of the final sequence of Salò (1975) where I argue that Ezra Pound’s poetry provides a soundtrack for the spectacle of torture in which the film’s libertines engage. Following this, I consider (...)
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  44. Religious language as poetry: Heidegger's challenge.Anna Strhan - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (6):926-938.
    This paper examines how Heidegger's view that language is poetry might provide a helpful way of understanding the nature of religious language. Poetry, according to Heidegger, is language in its purest form, in that it both reveals Being, whilst also showing the difference between word and thing. In poetry, Heidegger suggests, we come closest to the essence of language itself and encounter its strangeness and impermeability, and its revelatory character. What would be the implications for viewing religious (...)
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    Experiencing lyric poetry : emotional responses, philosophical thinking and moral inquiry.Karen Simecek - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Warwick
    To date, the most substantial accounts of our engagement with literature have focused on prose-fiction, in particular the novel, drawing on issues of plot, character and narrative in explaining our understanding of literary works. These accounts do not consider how the poetic features of a literary work may affect our reading experience and how this contributes to the meaning of the work. In this thesis I show the philosophical importance of the experience of reading poetry for the role it (...)
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    How do Internet moms raise children? The reshaping of Chinese urban women’s parenting psychology by COVID-19 online practices.Ru Zhao & Gaofei Ju - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the acceleration of social transformation and “mediatization,” urban women’s parenting practices have become an important factor affecting the demographic structure and national development. The global COVID-19 pandemic has further contributed to the networking of social life and the creation of “Internet moms” who rely on the Internet for parenting interactions. Using a mixed-methods design, this paper conducted participant observation and in-depth interviews with 90 mothers from various industries born after 1980/1990 across multiple geographies in China to examine (...)
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  47. On Love and Poetry—Or, Where Philosophers Fear to Tread.Jeremy Fernando - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):27-32.
    continent. 1.1 (2011): 27-32. “My”—what does this word designate? Not what belongs to me, but what I belong to,what contains my whole being, which is mine insofar as I belong to it. Søren Kierkegaard. The Seducer’s Diary . I can’t sleep till I devour you / And I’ll love you, if you let me… Marilyn Manson “Devour” The role of poetry in the relationalities between people has a long history—from epic poetry recounting tales of yore; to emotive lyric (...)
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    The movement of the whole and the stationary earth: ecological and planetary thinking in Georges Bataille.Educational Philosophy Jon Auring Grimm General Education, His Research is Centred Around ‘General Ecology’ The Danish Poet Inger Christensen, Poetry He Considers His Current Work as A. Natural Extension of His Magart Thesis on Nietzsche Nature, Which Was Published After Completion He has Published Extensively in Danish on Topics Such as Eroticism Heraclitus, Ecology Nature, Wrote the Afterword To Poetry & Notably Story of the Eye by the Avantgarde Ensemble Logen Inhe is the Cofounder of Eksistensfilosofisk Akademi [the Academy of Existential Philosophy] Was Involved in the Translation of Colette ‘Laure’ Peignot’S. Le Sacré as Well as A. Collection of Bataille’S. Texts on General Economy He has Been A. Consultant on Numerus Theatre Productions - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-18.
    We have become estranged from the cosmic movements, according to Bataille. We are confined by the error linked to the representation of ‘the stationary earth’. We have negated the immersive immanence of the whole and made nature into a fixed world of tools and things. How then do we recognise ourselves as part of the ‘rapture of the heavens’? Bataille urges us to consider life as a solar phenomenon, the free play of solar energy on the earth. This paper argues (...)
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    Periodizations of Tang Poetry and Choices of Models in the Late Southern Song.Xiaoshan Yang - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (3):505.
    This study investigates the literary-historical context of the attempts by late Southern Song critics to periodize Tang poetry. It demonstrates that the primary agenda of these critics was to establish High Tang poetry as the sole correct model. The insistence on the supremacy of the High Tang went in tandem with, and formed part of, the rebuke of contemporary poets for choosing Late Tang poetry as the object of emulation. The focal point of contention was whether Late (...)
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    Fragments of Arabic Poetry on Papyrus.Mark Muehlhaeusler - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (4):673.
    This article presents an edition of, and commentary on, a fragment of papyrus preserved in the collection of the J. Willard Marriott Library at the University of Utah (P.Utah 280). This well-preserved piece is a rare example of Arabic papyrus with lines of poetry. The text of the verses and their attribution in the papyrus will be studied in detail and traced through later sources, leading to a discussion on textual variation and authorship as well as on the value (...)
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