Results for 'Ioan S. Cãarãac'

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  1. Introducere în semantica propoziției.Ioan S. Cãarãac - 1991 - București: Editura Științifică.
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    Introducere în semantica propoziției.Ioan S. Cârâc - 1991 - București: Editura Științifică.
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    Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there.Ioan Fazey, Niko Schäpke, Guido Caniglia, Anthony Hodgson, Ian Kendrick, Christopher Lyon, Glenn Page, James Patterson, Chris Riedy, Tim Strasser, Stephan Verveen, David Adams, Bruce Goldstein, Matthias Klaes, Graham Leicester, Alison Linyard, Adrienne McCurdy, Paul Ryan, Bill Sharpe, Giorgia Silvestri, Ali Yansyah Abdurrahim, David Abson, Olufemi Samson Adetunji, Paulina Aldunce, Carlos Alvarez-Pereira, Jennifer Marie Amparo, Helene Amundsen, Lakin Anderson, Lotta Andersson, Michael Asquith, Karoline Augenstein, Jack Barrie, David Bent, Julia Bentz, Arvid Bergsten, Carol Berzonsky, Olivia Bina, Kirsty Blackstock, Joanna Boehnert, Hilary Bradbury, Christine Brand, Jessica Böhme Sangmeister), Marianne Mille Bøjer, Esther Carmen, Lakshmi Charli-Joseph, Sarah Choudhury, Supot Chunhachoti-Ananta, Jessica Cockburn, John Colvin, Irena L. C. Connon, Rosalind Cornforth, Robin S. Cox, Nicholas Cradock-Henry, Laura Cramer, Almendra Cremaschi, Halvor Dannevig, Catherine T. Day & Cathel Hutchison - unknown
    Formalised knowledge systems, including universities and research institutes, are important for contemporary societies. They are, however, also arguably failing humanity when their impact is measured against the level of progress being made in stimulating the societal changes needed to address challenges like climate change. In this research we used a novel futures-oriented and participatory approach that asked what future envisioned knowledge systems might need to look like and how we might get there. Findings suggest that envisioned future systems will need (...)
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    Eul și lumea.Ioan D. Gherea - 1984 - București: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică. Edited by Gheorghe Vlăduțescu.
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    Self-Love in Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra.Razvan Ioan - 2020 - The European Legacy 26 (5):505-518.
    ABSTRACT What is the best way to confront the thought of eternal recurrence—the thought that we would have to live our life “once again and innumerable times again”—this great, heavy burden that, as Nietzsche warns, may crush us? In this article, I argue that learning to love oneself plays a privileged role in preparing us for facing this abysmal thought. Self-love consists in the cultivation of self-knowledge and in an engagement with the past that enables us to give it new (...)
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  6. Conștiință și moralitate.Ioan Humă - 1981 - Iașa: "Junimea".
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    The Formal Structure of Experience in Carnap’s Aufbau.Ioan Biris - 2010 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):149-158.
    The transformation of the relations between reflection and reality and between concepts and their correspondent objects into themes represents even in the present a field for most heated discussions. The joining of conceptual schemes corresponding to the intellect and reality represents a problem which is still to be solved. A solution to this problem was proposed by R. Carnap in his extremely ambitious project from Der logische Aufbau der Welt (1928). Overlooked for a long time, this work has returned to (...)
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  8. Libertatea și responsabilitatea morală în condițiile socialismului.Ioan Grigoraș - 1973 - București,: Editura politică.
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  9. Metaphysics from String Theory: S-Dualities, Fundamentality, Modality and Pluralism.Ioan Muntean - 2015 - In Tomasz Bigaj & Christian Wüthrich (eds.), Metaphysics in Contemporary Physics. Boston: Brill | Rodopi. pp. 259–292.
    Some philosophers of science have suggested that contemporary science should be the source of inspiration to the new analytic metaphysics (A. Chakra vartty, C. Callender, S. French, J. Ladyman, T. Maudlin, etc.). This paper explores the prospect of a string metaphysics: a research program in analytic metaphysics based on string theory. Different forms of fundamentalism and pluralism are discussed in this context. The paper focus on string metaphysics with S-dualities (a relation between models of string theory at different coupling regimes) (...)
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  10. Ființă și valoare în gîndirea filozofică a lui Louis Lavelle.Ioan C. Ivanciu - 1979 - [București]: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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    A Case of “Consumption”: Nietzsche’s Diagnosis of Spinoza.Razvan Ioan - 2017 - Nietzsche Studien 46 (1):1-27.
    This paper investigates Nietzsche’s reception of Spinoza in order to develop our understanding of the complex relations between their respective philosophies starting from their shared commitment to ontologies of power. The first three sections of this essay contain a diachronic analysis of Nietzsche’s engagement with Spinoza and a discussion of the major themes in play. The last section consists in an evaluation of Nietzsche’s explicit and implicit criticisms that helps us gain a sense of the coherence running through them, as (...)
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    Reconstitution of Melchizedek's history in Rabbinic and Christian traditions.Ioan Chirilă, Stelian Pașca-Tușa & Elena Onețiu - 2017 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 16 (48):3-15.
    Melchizedek’s meeting with Abraham in the King’s Valley would mark the history of the chosen people. As king of Salem and priest of the Almighty God, Melchizedek meets the patriarch with bread and wine and then blesses him in the name of the God they both served. Assuming this liturgical ritual Abraham offers Melchizedek a tenth of everything, by this acknowledging and accepting his sacerdotal service. Even though at a first sight their gestures are somewhat natural, we will understand going (...)
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    “Physio-psychology”: Nietzsche’s mixed discourse.Razvan Ioan - 2020 - South African Journal of Philosophy 39 (3):246-260.
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    Rethinking the Integrative Dimension of Theology with Science: Syntheses and Congruences.Ioan Dura, Ionel Mihălescu, Mihai Frățilă, Victor Cîrceie & Rubian Borcan - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (1):121-129.
    If we want to define today's society in one word, trying to capture its meaning, it would be polarization. The interdependence between all social segments, articulated by globalization, has a double function: unpacking the identitary elements that enter in the structure of society and framing them in a relational dynamic. In this situation are Theology and Science, which, of course, maintain a number of components under their general names. Can we talk about a congruence between these two dimensions of human (...)
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  15. Habiter Sur Trajectoire : Une Reflexion En Cours de Route.Augustin Ioan & Ciprian Mihali - 2017 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:119-130.
    This paper attempts to upgrade Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of nomadism to the contemporary work- and war-driven displacement of peoples in/to Europe. Starting from Augustin Ioan and his 2005 book Poverism, where he brought up the concept of living along trajectories (of migration), the two authors of the paper question the all-powerful status of place as envisioned by Heidegger at the conjunction between dwelling and being at home in one place. Along such trajectories that unite a point of departure (...)
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  16. The Fiber Bundle at the Gates of Metaphysics. Challenging Tim Maudlin's Proposal.Ioan Muntean - 2011 - In Henk W. De Regt, Stephan Hartmann & Samir Okasha (eds.), EPSA Philosophy of Science: Amsterdam 2009. Springer. pp. 239--251.
    In this paper I discuss Tim Maudlin’s attempt to reject the theory of universals based on the interpretation of gauge theories in the fiber bundle framework. The project is novel and assuring, but, I argue, it is vulnerable to several objections stemming from both metaphysics and physics. I complement his project by emphasizing two missing elements: first, a commitment to realism; second, the fundamentality or non-fundamentality of gauge theories.
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  17. Inference to the best explanation and mathematical realism.Sorin Ioan Bangu - 2008 - Synthese 160 (1):13-20.
    Arguing for mathematical realism on the basis of Field’s explanationist version of the Quine–Putnam Indispensability argument, Alan Baker has recently claimed to have found an instance of a genuine mathematical explanation of a physical phenomenon. While I agree that Baker presents a very interesting example in which mathematics plays an essential explanatory role, I show that this example, and the argument built upon it, begs the question against the mathematical nominalist.
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    Descartes’s Turn to the Body.Razvan Ioan - 2020 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (2):369-388.
    What are Descartes’s views on the body and how do they change? In this article, I try to make clearer the nature of the shift towards an increased focus on the body as ‘my’ body in Descartes’s Passions of the Soul. The interest in the nature of passions, considered from the point of view of the ‘natural scientist’, is indicative of a new approach to the study of the human. Moving beyond the infamous mind-body union, grounded in his dualist metaphysics, (...)
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    On the Logic of the Christian Trinity: Co-Inherence and the Nesting Relationships.Ioan BiriÈ™ - 2018 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 17 (50):17-29.
    The present study intends to demonstrate that there is no logical-formal inconsistency in the Christian Trinity. However, the demonstration requires specific tools, other than those of classical logic. There are many older or newer attempts that try to remove the thesis of the inconsistency of the Christian Trinity. There is often a call for mathematical tools. As far as we are concerned, we will appeal to co -inherence and the nesting relationships specific to the Christian Trinity, as they appear especially (...)
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    Spinoza and Nietzsche on Freedom Empowerment and Affirmation.Razvan Ioan - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):1864-1883.
    Against much of the philosophical tradition, Spinoza and Nietzsche defend an understanding of freedom opposed to free will and formulated as an ethical ideal consisting in a transition from a smaller to a greater power of acting. Starting from a shared commitment to necessity and radical immanence, they present freedom as a passage to a greater power of self-determination and self-expression of the body. Nevertheless, the continuities between their power ontologies and their respective commitments to a life of knowledge break (...)
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  21. Patients, Corporate Attorneys, and Moral Obligations.Ioan-Radu Motoarca - 2022 - St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice and Ethics 12 (2):284-328.
    There are two main questions that any account of corporate lawyers’ moral obligations needs to answer: (1) Do corporate lawyers have moral obligations to third parties? and (2) In cases of conflict between obligations to the corporation and obligations to third parties, which should prevail? This Article offers answers to these questions in the context of lawyers working in medical corporations. I argue that lawyers do have moral obligations to third parties, and that in cases where patients’ rights are being (...)
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    On How God Does Not Die in the Idea. The Hegelian Project of the Philosophy of Religion.Ioan Alexandru Tofan - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (22):89-114.
    In what follows I intend to sketch the Hegelian project of the Philosophy of Religion (Religionsphilosophie) mainly by following two coordinates: on the one hand, my aim is to approach it starting from Hegel’s main “dialogue partners” – Christian Wolff and Kant – and from the critique of speculative philosophy on the scenarios of the Illuminist theologies. On the other hand, the first part completed, the discussion will pursue a different route, namely, that of a classical topic discussed by Hegel (...)
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  23. FAREWELL TO NICHOLS: PROPERTY ASCRIPTION AND FICTIONAL CHARACTER COPYRIGHT.Ioan-Radu Motoarca - 2022 - Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 12 (1):26-46.
    In this article, I set out a theoretical framework for analyzing fictional copyright protection of fictional characters in literature. Using this framework, I argue that the two most prominent approaches that U.S. courts have adopted with respect to fictional character copyright (the Nichols test and the Sam Spade “Story Being Told” test) are unsustainable. The idea of distinct delineation that came out of Nichols may be understood in two ways: on one view, fictional characters are distinctly delineated if they deviate (...)
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    Consciousness within the Boundaries of Practical Reason.Razvan Ioan - 2019 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 81 (3):451-468.
    How should we understand Spinoza’s views on consciousness against the background of his interest in the pursuit of empowerment and freedom? This paper argues that consciousness consists in a plurality of affections of substance that do not necessarily help us in our striving for liberation. Spinoza wants to dispel various moral and metaphysical illusions associated with previous accounts of consciousness. Nevertheless, he does not provide more details, because an in-depth analysis of consciousness is not the best — nor the most (...)
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    Structural Pluralism and S-Dualities: A Project in String Realism.Ioan Muntean - 2015 - In Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 199-219.
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    The Body in Spinoza and Nietzsche.Razvan Ioan - 2019 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    Provides a comparative study in the history of modern philosophy focused on Spinoza and Nietzsche's recourse to physiology. Proposes Nietzsche and Spinoza's appeal to physiology as the key to solving fundamental philosophical problems. Taps into the heart of the growing interest in the Spinoza-Nietzsche connection through detailed discussions of substance metaphysics and the ontology of power, as well as their ethical and political positions.
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    Modernization and Propaganda: Periodicals, Ecclesiastical Circulars and the Romanian Society in Transylvania during the Modern Period.Ioan Bolovan - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (44):137-152.
    Transylvania is well-known as a multi-ethnic and multi-denominational province. Before 1918, the Romanians in Transylvania had not had a state of their own in which they could enjoy all the rights and freedoms the other inhabitants of the province benefited from, even though Romanians had represented, throughout the centuries, two thirds of the province’s population. The aim of this paper is to argue that beyond their Christian mission, the Romanian Churches in Transylvania had specific characteristics resulting from the conditions in (...)
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    Mechanisms of Unification in Kaluza-Klein theory.Ioan Muntean - 2006 - In Dennis Geert Bernardus Johan Dieks (ed.), Ontology of Spacetime. Boston: Elsevier.
    In this chapter I discuss the attempts by Theodor Kaluza [Kaluza, T., 1921. Zum Unitätproblem der Physik. Sitzungsber. der K. Ak. der Wiss. zu Berlin, 966–972] and by Oskar Klein [Klein, O., 1926a. Quantentheorie und fünfdimensionale Relativitätstheorie. Zeitschrift für Physik 37 (12), 895–906; Klein, O., 1926b. The atomicity of electricity as a quantum theory law. Nature 118, 516], respectively, to unify electromagnetism and general relativity within a five-dimensional Riemannian manifold. I critically compare Kaluza's results to Klein's. Klein's theory possesses more (...)
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    Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science.Ioan Muntean (ed.) - 2015 - Springer Verlag.
    In string theory with S-dualities, there is an object-oriented realism and a structure-oriented realism. This paper discusses the advantages of “string structural realism”, a form of the latter, having a multi-aspected structure with a “model-oriented” pluralistic ontology, and grounded in the relation among fundamental objects of various string models.
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  30. Artificial Moral Cognition: Moral Functionalism and Autonomous Moral Agency.Muntean Ioan & Don Howard - 2017 - In Thomas M. Powers (ed.), Philosophy and Computing: Essays in epistemology, philosophy of mind, logic, and ethics. Cham: Springer.
    This paper proposes a model of the Artificial Autonomous Moral Agent (AAMA), discusses a standard of moral cognition for AAMA, and compares it with other models of artificial normative agency. It is argued here that artificial morality is possible within the framework of a “moral dispositional functionalism.” This AAMA is able to “read” the behavior of human actors, available as collected data, and to categorize their moral behavior based on moral patterns herein. The present model is based on several analogies (...)
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    From Tradition to Modernization. Church and the Transylvanian Romanian Family in the Modern Era.Ioan Bolovan & Sorina Paula Bolovan - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (20):107-133.
    The Christian Church was intimately involved in the life of an individual within a family. Between state and church there was a mutual cooperation, the church having the right to exercise its moral jurisdiction, while the state controlled the civil and military aspects of family life, as well as children’s and wives’ inheritance and welfare. With the institution of an absolutist government in Transylvania in the 18th–19th centuries, the rela-tion between state and church changed, as the secular power began to (...)
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    Métaphore et réflexion chez Hégel.Ioan Alexandru Tofan - 2006 - Cultura 3 (1):27-34.
    My essay deals with two problems. First, I want to verify the possibility of a „non-metaphysical” perspective on Hegels writings and second, I want to answer the question „What kind of language is appropriate in order to express the speculative thought?”. I begin by discussing the Derrida’s view of Hegel as a metaphysician and then I try to give the alternative to his interpretation by analizing some pages fron Hegel’s Logic.
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    Semnul – unitate cu două fețe.Ioan Corjuc - 2018 - Revista de Filosofie Aplicata 1 (1):63-73.
    In this article, I argue that, on the basis of Hegel’s hierarchy of sciences, semiology, the science which studies the sign, is a part of psychology. For the sign is produced by the activity of the spirit and psychology aims to expound this activity, therefore semiology should be placed in the realm of psychology. Furthermore, the present article is concerned with the faculty that produces the sign and how this sign is produced. If we are to understand the sign as (...)
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    Religious Violence and the Logic of Weak Thinking: between R. Girard and G. Vattimo.Ioan Biris - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (32):171-189.
    C ontemporary religious terrorism propels in the forefront of philosophical, sociological, anthropological and political discussions and analysis the issue of religious violence. The violence belongs to the nature itself of religion? If so, what mechanisms can be activated to reduce violence? How to reconcile Christianity's central idea - the love of our neighbor - with the sacred violence thesis? How can the idea of religious violence be reconciled with the idea of religious love? Weak thinking, that is the logic of (...)
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    Nationality and Confession in Orthodoxy.Ioan-Vasile Leb & Gabriel-Viorel Gardan - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (21):66-78.
    The relation between Christianity and nation is a very old but also a permanent theme within the Ecumenical Movement. Our aim is to explain why this relation is so important for us, the Europeans, because Europe is in fact, a continent of nations that have to be known by their traditions and by the reciprocal manifestations which, unfortunately, are sometimes conflicting. This is why it is not very easy to speak or to write about it. From the Orthodox point of (...)
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  36. A Metacognitive Approach to Trust and a Case Study: Artificial Agency.Ioan Muntean - 2019 - Computer Ethics - Philosophical Enquiry (CEPE) Proceedings.
    Trust is defined as a belief of a human H (‘the trustor’) about the ability of an agent A (the ‘trustee’) to perform future action(s). We adopt here dispositionalism and internalism about trust: H trusts A iff A has some internal dispositions as competences. The dispositional competences of A are high-level metacognitive requirements, in the line of a naturalized virtue epistemology. (Sosa, Carter) We advance a Bayesian model of two (i) confidence in the decision and (ii) model uncertainty. To trust (...)
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  37. O ipoteză asupra cuantificării universului.Ioan-Ioviț Popescu - 1983 - In Angela Botez (ed.), Privire filozofică asupra raționalității științei. București: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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    De la libertatea exprimării la critica sinceră: parrhêsia și ipostaze ale parrhêsiastului în filosofia antică greacă.Cristian-Ioan Hîrjoi - 2021 - Timișoara: Editura Universității de Vest.
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    Prozac-propelled Postmodern Poetry, Partly (I).Bogdan Pîrvu, Ioan Florin Diaconu & Vlad Ichim - 2023 - Postmodern Openings 14 (2):56-63.
    Quite fittingly derived from proficient and attack, coming onto the market in late 20-th century, being associated with protocol-abiding clinical psychiatry and gender-based postmodern discourse, Prozac is seen in what follows as a generic name for serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI-s) and, under its various names, it is further associated with creativity or rather poetic input. While providing the sense of a postmodern notion of subjectivity, the case studies in support of our analysis are found to experience a restoration, even if (...)
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    Dario Argento Et la Mère-Sorcière : Psychanalyse D’Une Image Obsédante.Ioan Pop-curșeu - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:19-37.
    Dario Argento and the Mother-Witch: Psychoanalysis of an Obsessive Image. This paper tries to present the complexity of the maternal figures in the work and biography of film director Dario Argento. The methods of interpretation are inspired by psychoanalysis, because Argento often referred to Freud’s writings in his films or in his recent autobiography, Fear, published in 2014. The criminal mothers depicted in some films signed by Dario Argento show, through violent narratives, the difficulties he had in dealing with the (...)
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    Ethical issues in communication of diagnosis and end-of-life decision-making process in some of the Romanian Roma communities.Gabriel Roman, Angela Enache, Andrada Pârvu, Rodica Gramma, Ştefana Maria Moisa, Silvia Dumitraş & Beatrice Ioan - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):483-497.
    Medical communication in Western-oriented countries is dominated by concepts of shared decision-making and patient autonomy. In interactions with Roma patients, these behavioral patterns rarely seem to be achieved because the culture and ethnicity have often been shown as barriers in establishing an effective and satisfying doctor–patient relationship. The study aims to explore the Roma’s beliefs and experiences related to autonomy and decision-making process in the case of a disease with poor prognosis. Forty-eight Roma people from two Romanian counties participated in (...)
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    Arguments in favor of a religious coping pattern in terminally ill patients.Andrada Parvu, Gabriel Roman, Silvia Dumitras, Rodica Gramma, Mariana Enache, Stefana Maria Moisa, Radu Chirita, Catalin Iov & Beatrice Ioan - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (31):88-112.
    A patient suffering from a severe illness that is entering its terminal stage is forced to develop a coping process. Of all the coping patterns, the religious one stands out as being a psychological resource available to all patients regardless of culture, learning, and any age. Religious coping interacts with other values or practices of society, for example the model of a society that takes care of it's elder members among family or in an institutionalized environment or the way the (...)
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    The health mediators-qualified interpreters contributing to health care quality among Romanian Roma patients.Gabriel Roman, Rodica Gramma, Angela Enache, Andrada Pârvu, Ştefana Maria Moisa, Silvia Dumitraş & Beatrice Ioan - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):843-856.
    In order to assure optimal care of patients with chronic illnesses, it is necessary to take into account the cultural factors that may influence health-related behaviors, health practices, and health-seeking behavior. Despite the increasing number of Romanian Roma, research regarding their beliefs and practices related to healthcare is rather poor. The aim of this paper is to present empirical evidence of specificities in the practice of healthcare among Romanian Roma patients and their caregivers. Using a qualitative exploratory descriptive design, this (...)
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    Book Review: The body in Spinoza and Nietzsche by Razvan Ioan, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 251 pp., 53.49€ (paper back), ISBN: 978-3-030-20987-2. [REVIEW]James S. Pearson - forthcoming - Global Intellectual History.
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    Ioan Petru Culianu: omul și opera.Sorin Antohi (ed.) - 2003 - Iași: Polirom.
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    Dianoia in Ioane Petritsi’s Commentary on Proclus’ Elements of Theology.Lela Alexidze - 2016 - Chôra 14:177-194.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the concept of dianoia (discursive mode of thinking) as soul’s activity, and related issues, in the twelfth century work by Ioane Petritsi : his Georgian translation of Proclus’ Elements of Theology and his Commentary on this text, including his prologue to it. The themes related to the discursive mode of cognition are also discussed in the 129th proposition of the Georgian version of the Elements (which is absent in the Greek manuscripts) and (...)
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    Logical Thinking and Spiritual Projections in Ioan Biriş’s Philosophy.Florea Lucaci - 2018 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 17 (50):125-139.
    The present study proposes a valorization of the work of professor and philosopher Ioan Biriş. The statistics of his books and studies, their distribution by areas of interest, and especially the ideas in his work confirm the need for philosophy in the Romanian cultural life. As a whole, his philosophical endeavor is based on the concept of totality. Thus in the Hegelian spirit, Ioan Biriş successfully convinces us that the logical may exceed the limits of formal exercise and (...)
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  48. Ioan. Eckii... In Summulas Petri Hispani Extemporaria Et Succincta s[Ed] Succosa Explanatio P[Ro] Sup[Er]Ioris Germaniae Scholasticis.Johann Eck, John & Miller - 1516 - Ex Officina Millerana.
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    God’s word among hermeneutics, exegesis and homiletics.Ramona Hosu - 2017 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 16 (48):141-146.
    Review of Pr. Ioan Chirilă, Scara cuvântului. Eseuri omiletice [ The Ladder of the Word. Homiletic Essays ],.
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    “If I Were a Supreme Being, You’D Be a «Trickster»…” A Brief Analysis of the Unpublished Academic Correspondence Between Ioan Petru Culianu and Ugo Bianchi.Daniela Dumbravă - 2013 - Human and Social Studies 2 (1):103-124.
    The idea of presenting the correspondence between Ioan Petru Culianu and Ugo Bianchi involves reviewing the topics specific to Bianchi’s school of History of Religion for a period of more than a decade and the manner in which the Romanian-born historian of religions builds his academic career. The academic relation between Bianchi and Culianu has a major common point: an acute preoccupation with the epistemological construction of the HR discipline. What is it that separates Culianu from Bianchi and even (...)
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