Results for 'Islamic epistemology'

961 found
  1. Filsafat Islam: kajian ontologis, epistemologis, aksiologis, historis, prospektif.Musa Asyarie, Irma Fatimah & Lembaga Studi Filsafat Islam (eds.) - 1992 - Sleman, Yogyakarta: Lembaga Studi Filsafat Islam.
    Perspectives of Islamic philosophy; articles.
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    Islamic Epistemology’ in a Modern Context: Anatomy of an Evolving Debate.Mohamed Fouz Mohamed Zacky & Md Moniruzzaman - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    This paper critically analyses how Islamization of Knowledge (IOK), Radical Reform (RR), and Maqasid Methodology (MM), three distinct Islamic intellectual projects, attempted to develop discourses of Islamic epistemology in facing contemporary developments of natural and social sciences. Mainly, the paper focuses on similarities, differences, and potential contributions of all three projects respectively. Initially, this paper observes that IOK, RR, and MM have solid agreements among themselves in defining the core crisis of the modern Islamic intellectual tradition, (...)
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    Anekāntavāda and Its Relevance: A Philosophical Analysis in Jaina Viewpoint.Md Sirajul Islam - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:15-31.
    Jainism is a religio-philosophical school of India which reacted against the Brahmanic/Vedic tradition and established as a school of thought. As a way of life it started as a Sramanic movement (the non-Brahmanic ascetic tradition) to attain the truth. Jains metaphysics and epistemology are purely logical and conducive for all. Jainism always is against the physical and psychological violence, and believes that it is the Ekanta (one sided view of reality) philosophy, which leads to violence. According to the Jains, (...)
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    Essentials of Islamic epistemology: a philosophical inquiry into the foundation of knowledge.Mulyadhi Kartanegara - 2014 - Gadong, Brunei Darussalam: UBD Press.
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    Knowledge of God: a comparative study of Christian and Islamic epistemologies.Muhammad Iqbal Afaqi - 2011 - Islamabad: National Book Foundation.
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    The urgency of Islam toward the epistemology of quantum scientific.Nurkhalis Nurkhalis - 2019 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 13 (2):381-406.
    The development of modernity has caused a clash of epistemology. Epistemology cannot be separated from evaluation, normative or critical discipline.Epistemology will often fall into subjectivity principles based on individual freedom. The existence epistemology of Islam is more on the problem of harmonious integration and synthesis between God’s and human knowledge or another term correlation of sharia and reason. Scientific epistemology includes two forms namely descriptive and normative. Normative scientific epistemology as an ordinary epistemic assessment, (...)
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    Aqal dalam islam: satu tinjauan epistemologi.MohdZaidi Ismail - 2016 - Kuala Lumpur: Institut Kefahaman Islam, Malaysia.
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  8. Religious Pluralism and Pluralistic Religion: John Hick’s Epistemological Foundation of Religious Pluralism and an Explanation of Islamic Epistemology toward Diversity of Unique Religion.Seyed Hassan Hosseini - 2010 - The Pluralist 5 (1):94-109.
    The path of religious pluralism starts with the fact that our world contains a number of religious faiths having different ideas of the nature of divinity as the main and fundamental principle of religions and therefore, different and various dogmas, rites, and rituals.Despite the claim that the idea of religious pluralism is a product of modern philosophical schools, specifically new epistemological principles, I have attempted to demonstrate that what I have called "pluralistic religion," as a part of a necessary and (...)
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    Islamic Law, Epistemology and Modernity: Legal Philosophy in Contemporary Iran.Ashk Dahlén - 2003 - Routledge. Edited by Ashk Dahlén.
    This book is a comprehensive analysis of the major intellectual positions in the philosophical debate on Islamic law that is occurring in contemporary Iran.
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    Islam liberal: kajian terhadap sumber epistemologi.Ahmad Yumni Abu Bakar - 2019 - Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Edited by Zarrina Sa'ari.
    Religious pluralism from the perspectives of Islamic epistemology and the practive of Islamic liberalism in Malaysia.
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  11. An Islamic Account of Reformed Epistemology.Jamie B. Turner - 2021 - Philosophy East and West 71 (3):767-792.
    In reference to the philosophical theology of medieval Islamic theologian Ibn Taymiyya, this paper outlines a parallel between Taymiyyan thought and Alvin Plantinga’s thesis of ‘Reformed Epistemology’. In critiquing a previous attempt to build an account of ‘Islamic externalism’, the Taymiyyan model offers an account that can be seen as wholly ‘Plantingan’.
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    Moral Epistemology in Islamic Theology.Mohsen Javadi - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:207-214.
    In this paper I will discuss the main approaches of moral epistemology in the major sects of Islamic theology; the Mu’tazilah and Shi‘ite, who formulated rationalistic ethical system between the eighth and tenth centuries, and the Ash‘arites, who developed a voluntaristic system of morality. At first the answer of Mu’tazila and Shi‘ite to the main question of moral epistemology namely the justification of moral beliefs will be discussed and compared with the intuitionism of Western ethics. Secondly the (...)
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  13. Training safe doctors from the IIUM's perspective: applications of Islamic epistemology in undergraduate medical training.Ariff Osman (ed.) - 2021 - Gombak: IIUM Press.
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    Islamic Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence: Epistemological Arguments.Biliana Popova - 2020 - Zygon 55 (4):977-995.
    This essay presents an analysis of different processes of machine learning: supervised, unsupervised, and semisupervised, through the prism of the epistemologies of several prominent Islamic philosophical schools. I discuss the way each school conceptualizes the ontological absolute (immortality, death, afterlife) and the way this shapes their respective epistemologies. I present an analysis of the different machine learning processes through the prism of the epistemological constructs of each of these philosophic traditions. I conclude with the argument that more scholars from (...)
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    Masyarakat Islam hadhari: suatu tinjauan epistemologi dan kependidikan ke arah penyatuan pemikiran bangsa.MohdNor Wan Daud - 2006 - Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
    Islam hadhari or civilizational Islam, an approach promoted by the current Malaysian government to achieve development in accordance with the principles of Islam through the mastery of knowledge and development of the individual and the nation.
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  16. Knowledge, Belief and Faith: A Comparative Study of Christian and Islamic Epistemologies.Iqbal Muhammad - unknown
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    Islamic responses to emerging scientific, technological and epistemological transformations.Sohail Inayatullah - 1996 - Social Epistemology 10 (3 & 4):331 – 349.
    (1996). Islamic responses to emerging scientific, technological and epistemological transformations. Social Epistemology: Vol. 10, Islamic Social Epistemology, pp. 331-349. doi: 10.1080/02691729608578823.
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    Epistemologi Islam: eksplorasi atas pemikiran Iqbal dan Al-Gazali.Andi Nurbaethy - 2012 - Makassar: Alauddin University Press.
    Thoughts of Muhammad Iqbal and Ghazzālī, Muslim philosophers, on Islamic epistemology.
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    Islamization of knowledge: epistemological basis, early contributions and present setback.Abdullateef Abubakar Siddiq - 2003 - Kano: International Institute of Islamic Thought (Nigeria Office).
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    Epistemologi Islam: integrasi agama, filsafat, dan sains dalam perspektif Al-Farabi dan Ibnu Rusyd.Achmad Khudori Soleh - 2017 - Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media.
    On theory of knowledge in Islam according to Farabi and Averroes thoughts.
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    The epistemological foundations of Islamic economic, social, and scientific order.Masudul Alam Choudhury - 1995 - Ankara: Statistical, Economic, and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries.
    v. 1. An overview. -- v. 2-6. [without special title]. -- v. [7]. Tables of contents and glossary of Arabic terms.
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    The mistification of puritants islamic law epistemology in profetic social science perspective.Abid Rohmanu - 2019 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 13 (2):289-312.
    This paper is intended to elaborate the anthropocentric paradigm in the study of Islamic law which is done for two reasons. The first is the increasing trend of theocentricism within various puritan communities. This trend rejects the contextualization of Islamic law and has the potential to produce radical movements in the name of religion. The second is that, Islamic law studies is still rarely associated with the issues of legal paradigms, even though they are considered as the (...)
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  23. Islamic Religious Epistemology.Enis Doko & Jamie B. Turner - 2023 - In John Greco, Tyler Dalton McNabb & Jonathan Fuqua (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Religious Epistemology. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This chapter aims to lay out a map of the diverse epistemological perspectives within the Islamic theological tradition, in the conceptual framework of contemporary analytic philosophy of religion. In order achieve that goal, it aims to consider epistemological views in light of their historic context, while at the same time seeking to “translate” those broadly medieval perspectives into contemporary philosophical language. In doing so, the chapter offers a succinct overview of the main epistemic trends within the Islamic theological (...)
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    Islamic Ethics As Alternative Epistemology In Intercultural Education: Educators’ Situated Knowledges.Hamza R’Boul, Osman Z. Barnawi & Benachour Saidi - 2024 - British Journal of Educational Studies 72 (2):199-217.
    This paper explores the epistemological affordances of Islamic ethics as alternative knowledge within intercultural education. Despite the calls for epistemological plurality in intercultural education that centre epistemologies of the South, educators may find it hard to reaffirm their situated knowledges and practices because they may have been overwhelmed by the wide endorsements of the mainstream literature. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 25 EFL teachers, this study aims to (a) unpack educators’ perspectives around the adoption of alternative knowledges anchored in (...)
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    Epistemological Foundations of Natural Sciences in Islam.Marziyehsadat Montazeritabar - 2019 - Open Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):63-71.
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    Epistemologi pendidikan Islam dalam kacamata al-ghazali Dan Fazlur Rahman.Roziq Syaifudin - 2014 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 8 (2).
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    Epistemology Methodology of Imre Lakatos's Scientific Research Program and Contribution to Islamic Science.Muhamad Fadli - 2023 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 9 (2):395-420.
    Abstrak (Indonesian): Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk melihat lebih jauh terhadap proses riset ilmiah dalam keilmuan Islam dari kacamata Program riset Imre Lakatos. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode kepustakaan atau library research yakni menelusuri tulisan-tulisan yang memiliki keterkaitan dengan tema yang diangkat baik berupa buku maupun artikel-artikel terbaru yang relevan. Hasil dari penelitian ditemukan bahwa Program riset ilmiah Imre lakatos merupakan hasil dari pengembangan pendahulunya yakni falsifikasi Popper dan revolusi Ilmiah Thomas Kuhn. Falsifikasi Popper dengan membuktikan kesalahan teori (...)
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    The epistemology of the truth in modern Islam.Khaled Abou El Fadl - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (4-5):473-486.
    There is a serious problem with arguing that God intended to lock the epistemology of the 7th century into the immutable text of the Qur’an, and then intended to hold Muslims hostage to this epistemological framework for all ages to come. Among other things, this would limit the dynamism and effectiveness of Divine text because the Qur’an would be for ever locked within a knowledge paradigm that is very difficult to retrieve or re-create. The author argues for the recognition (...)
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    Perspektif baru tentang relasi Islam dan demokrasi di Indonesia: telaah epistemologis: monograf.Muhammad Azhar - 2018 - Bantul, Indonesia: Lp3M Umy.
    On Islam related to democracy and politics in Indonesia.
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    Meneguhkan Islam nusantara untuk Islam berkemajuan: Melacak akar epistemologis Dan historis Islam nusantara.Saiful Mustofa - 2016 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 10 (2).
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    MUHAMMAD ASAD's POLITICAL THEORY REVISITED: Epistemological Review on Contemporary Islamic Politics in Global South.Ahmad Amir Nabil - 2024 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 19 (1):67-90.
    The article examines Muhammad Asad’s epistemological ground, reflected in his works on the principle of Islamic governance and its basic constitution and foundational structure. In this regard, he formulated the constitutional ideas of the Islamic state, whose constitution contains the provision of Islamic law that practices and implements the norms and postulates of the Divine Writ. This idea was partly enshrined in some of Global South constitutional law, whose political establishment was formed in 1947. It essentially discussed (...)
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    Authority and epistemology in islamic medical ethics of women’s reproductive health.Zahra Ayubi - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (2):245-269.
    Journal of Religious Ethics, Volume 49, Issue 2, Page 245-269, June 2021.
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  33. Methodological Discussions between Expository and Demonstrative Epistemologies in Islamic Thought.Ilyas Altuner - 2011 - International Journal of Human Sciences 8 (2):195-216.
    In the basis of the subject which we try to deal with, it stands two worldviews based on expository and demonstrative epistemologies that formalize the intellectual building of Islamic culture. It seems that the main point here is about discussions between exposition and demonstration. Methodological discussions enlighten how are used on the one hand exposition as religious method and on the other hand demonstration as rational or intellectual method. Keywords: , , , , ,.
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    Menyoal fikih Islam Dan studi hadis: Dari relasi historis-organik ke segregasi epistemologis.Asep Nahrul Musadad - 2015 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 10 (1).
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    A Critique of Economic Theory and Modeling: A Meta-epistemological General-system Model of Islamic Economics.Masudul Alam Choudhury - 2011 - Social Epistemology 25 (4):423 - 446.
    The scientific methodology underlying model-building is critically investigated. The modeling views of Popper and Samuelson and their prototypes are critically examined in the light of the theme of the moral law of unity of knowledge and unity of the world-system configured by the meta-epistemology of organic unity of knowledge. Upon such critical examination of received methodology of model-building in economics, the extended perspective?namely of integrating the moral law derived from the divine roots as the meta-epistemology?is rigorously studied. The (...)
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  36. Aspek epistemologis filsafat Islam.M. Amin Abdullah - 1992 - In Musa Asyarie, Irma Fatimah & Lembaga Studi Filsafat Islam (eds.), Filsafat Islam: kajian ontologis, epistemologis, aksiologis, historis, prospektif. Sleman, Yogyakarta: Lembaga Studi Filsafat Islam.
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    The development of feminist epistemology in islamic studies in indonesian universitya: Case study of akhwal syaikhsiyah study program of darussalam islamic institute, ciamis west java.S. Sumadi - 2017 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 12 (1).
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    (1 other version)Islamic Beliefs and Epistemic Defeaters: a Response to Baldwin and McNabb.Nader A. Alsamaani - 2021 - Sophia 8:1-12.
    In this paper, I outline some exegetical and philosophical problems with Baldwin and McNabb’s epistemic defeater for Islamic beliefs. I maintain that their argument is based upon a misinterpretation of Quranic verses. I also argue that exceptional instances of divine deception inflicted upon the senses, if they indeed happen, should not undermine the general trust in our cognitive faculties. I conclude that virtually all Muslims are immune from Baldwin and McNabb’s proposed defeater and from the threat posed by divine (...)
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  39. An Epistemic Defeater for Islamic Belief? A Reply to Baldwin and McNabb.Jamie Benjamin Turner - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (1):123-142.
    . This article seeks to outline how a Muslim believer can deflect a defeater for Islamic belief put forward by Erik Baldwin and Tyler McNabb. In doing so, it aims to reject the suggestion that an Islamic religious epistemology is somehow antithetical to a model of Reformed epistemology which is not fully compatible with Plantingian. Taken together with previous work on Islam and RE, the article not only aims to provide reason to think that Baldwin and (...)
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  40. Culture, Identity and Islamic Schooling: A philosophical approach.Michael S. Merry - 2007 - New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
    In this book I offer a critical, comparative and empirically-informed defense of Islamic schools in the West. To do so I elaborate an idealized philosophy of Islamic education, against which I evaluate the situation in three different Western countries. I examine in detail notions of cultural coherence, the scope of parental authority v. a child's interests, as well as the state's role in regulating religious schools. Further, using Catholic schools as an analogous case, I speculate on the likely (...)
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    The islamization of knowledge: Philosophy, legitimation, and politics.Christopher A. Furlow - 1996 - Social Epistemology 10 (3):259 – 271.
    (1996). The Islamization of knowledge: Philosophy, legitimation, and politics. Social Epistemology: Vol. 10, Islamic Social Epistemology, pp. 259-271.
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  42. Islamic Philosophy of Education and Western Islamic Schools: points of tension.Michael Merry - 2006 - In Farideh Salili & Rumjahn Hoousain (eds.), Religion in Multicultural Education. IAP. pp. 41-70.
    In this chapter, I elaborate an idealized type of Islamic philosophy of education and epistemology. Next, I examine the crisis that Islamic schools face in Western societies. This will occur on two fronts: (1) an analysis of the relationship (if any) between the philosophy of education, the aspirations of school administration, and the actual character and practice of Islamic schools; and (2) an analysis concerning the meaning of an Islamic curriculum. To the first issue, I (...)
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    Hisab rukyah's legal epistemology formulation.Ahmad Musonnif - 2021 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 16 (2):83-103.
    This article deals with varieties of epistemological methods in calculating days of lunar calendar, mainly on the beginning date of months. Examining different methods in Indonesian Islamic-scape, it argues that there are three epistemological models which are rooted at Islamic classical epistemologies; the ahl al-hadith, the ahl al-ra‎y, and the intuitive sufi. The ahl al-hadith emphasizes on the empirical rukyatul-hilal, whereas the ahl al-ra’y strongly concerns on the mathematically rational method. The sufi, not so popular in Indonesia but (...)
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    Medieval Islamic Philosophical Writings.Muhammad Ali Khalidi (ed.) - 2004 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Philosophy in the Islamic world emerged in the ninth century and continued to flourish into the fourteenth century. It was strongly influenced by Greek thought, but Islamic philosophers also developed an original philosophical culture of their own, which had a considerable impact on the subsequent course of Western philosophy. This volume offers new translations of philosophical writings by Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ghazali, Ibn Tufayl, and Ibn Rushd. All of the texts presented here were very influential and invite comparison (...)
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  45. The nature of man and the psychology of the human soul: a brief outline and a framework for an Islamic psychology and epistemology.Muhammad Naguib Al-Attas - 1990 - Kuala Lumpur: International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization.
  46. Islamic philosophy & the ethics of belief.Anthony Robert Booth - 2016 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this book the author argues that the Falasifa, the Philosophers of the Islamic Golden Age, are usefully interpreted through the prism of the contemporary, western ethics of belief. He contends that their position amounts to what he calls ‘Moderate Evidentialism’ – that only for the epistemic elite what one ought to believe is determined by one’s evidence. The author makes the case that the Falasifa’s position is well argued, ingeniously circumvents issues in the epistemology of testimony, and (...)
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  47. Islamic Philosophy.Oliver Leaman - 2009 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Although Islamic philosophy represents one of the leading philosophical traditions in the world, it has only recently begun to receive the attention it deserves in the non-Islamic world. This important text provides a concise and accessible introduction to the major movements, thinkers and concepts within that tradition, from the foundation of Islam to the present day. Ever since the growth of Islam as a religious and political movement, Muslim thinkers have sought to understand the theoretical aspects of their (...)
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  48. A path to the Oasis: Sharī‘ah and reason in Islamic moral epistemology.Edward Omar Moad - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 62 (3):135-148.
    I propose a framework for comparative Islamic—Western ethics in which the Islamic categories "Islam, Iman," and "Ihsan" are juxtaposed with the concepts of obligation, value, and virtue, respectively. I argue that "shari'a" refers to both the obligation component and the entire structure of the Islamic ethic; suggesting a suspension of the understanding of "shari'a" as simply Islamic "law," and an alternative understanding of "usul al-fiqh" as a moral epistemology of obligation. I will test this approach (...)
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    Islam, liberalism and ontology: a critical re-evaluation.Joseph J. Kaminski - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    This book offers comparative ontologies of both Islam and liberalism as discourses more broadly construed. The author argues that, despite recent efforts to speak of overlapping consensuses and discursive congruence, the fundamental categories that constitute 'Islam' and 'Liberalism' remain very different, and that these differences should be taken seriously. Thus far, no recent scholarly works have explicitly or meticulously broken down where these differences lie. The author rigorously explores questions related to rights, moral epistemologies, the role of religion in the (...)
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    The Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy.Richard C. Taylor & Luis Xavier López-Farjeat (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    This valuable reference work synthesizes and elucidates traditional themes and issues in Islamic philosophy as well as prominent topics emerging from the last twenty years of scholarship. Written for a wide readership of students and scholars, The Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy is unique in including coverage of both perennial philosophical issues in an Islamic context and also distinct concerns that emerge from Islamic religious thought. This work constitutes a substantial affirmation that Islamic philosophy is (...)
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