Results for 'Ivan Krisjansen'

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  1.  72
    The human being shaping and transcending itself: Written language, brain, and culture.Ivan Colagè - 2015 - Zygon 50 (4):1002-1021.
    Recent theological anthropology emphasizes a dynamic and integral understanding of the human being, which is also related to Karl Rahner's idea of active self-transcendence and to the imago Dei doctrine. The recent neuroscientific discovery of the “visual word form area” for reading, regarded in light of the concept of cultural neural reuse, will produce fresh implications for the interrelation of brain biology and human culture. The theological and neuroscientific parts are shown in their mutual connections thus articulating the notion that (...)
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    Language and release: Sarvajñātman's Pañcaprakriyā. Sarvajñātman & Ivan Kocmarek - 1985 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. Edited by Ivan Kocmarek.
    We find here a translation for the first time of the sanskrit philosophical work entitled Pancaprakriya which belongs to the relatively early Advaita Vedanta thinker Sarvajnatman and a thematic analysis of the contents of that work. The Pancaprakriya is a menual of Advaita Vedanta philosophy of language which for Sarcajnatman is reduced to the discernment of the proper meaning of certain great Upanisadic statements or mahavakyss such as Iam Brahman and That thou art. Through the approprition of such a proper (...)
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  3. Prekrasnoe v cheloveke.Ivan Fedorovich Smolʹi︠a︡ninov - 1962
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    Educational Neuroscience: A plea for radical scepticism.Ivan Snook - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (5):445-449.
  5.  22
    Applications of the group configuration theorem in simple theories.Ivan Tomašić & Frank O. Wagner - 2003 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 3 (02):239-255.
    We reconstruct the group action in the group configuration theorem. We apply it to show that in an ω-categorical theory a finitely based pseudolinear regular type is locally modular, and the geometry associated to a finitely based locally modular regular type is projective geometry over a finite field.
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  6. Pains and sounds.Ivan V. Ivanov - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (9-10):143-163.
    I argue that an analogy between pains and sounds suggests a way to give an objective account of pain which fits well with a naïve perceptualist account of feeling pain. According to the proposed metaphysical account, pains are relational physical events with shared qualitative nature, each of which is constituted by tissue damage and the activation of nociceptors. I proceed to show that the metaphysical proposal is compatible with platitudes about pains being animate, private, and self-intimating states.
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    Lessing: la muerte desde el panteísmo helenista.Iván Fernández Frías - 2012 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 37 (1):81-105.
    Partiendo de la crítica a la metafísica dualista entre vida/otra vida propia del cristianismo desde Pablo de Tarso, el presente artículo pretende demostrar cómo Lessing reexamina la concepción de la muerte siguiendo la tradición del panteísmo helenista (Bruno, Spinoza, Leibniz…). La teoría lessingniana sobre la muerte cristaliza en una antropología de carácter optimista que permite el continuo perfeccionamiento del individuo y de la humanidad toda, evitando el sentimiento de culpa y miedo que emana desde la escatología cristiana.
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  8. Epistemic and Alethic Iteration in Later Medieval Logic.Ivan Boh - 1984 - Philosophia Naturalis 21 (2/4):492-506.
  9. Passives and Reflexives in Phrase Structure Grammar'.Ivan Sag & Gerald Gazdar - 1981 - In Jeroen A. G. Groenendijk (ed.), Formal methods in the study of language. U of Amsterdam. pp. 131--152.
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    A Life With No Direction: New Frontiers in Psychopathology.Ivan Formica, Maria Caterina Branca, Carmela Mento, Antonio Di Giorgio, Calogero Iacolino & Monica Pellerone - 2018 - World Futures 74 (5):282-296.
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  11. Adaptive Web based on Semantic Model.Radek Jun & Ivan Jelínek - 2007 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 40 (3/4):225.
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    Crónica del mes de reflexión episcopal de julio 1971 en Medellín.Dumar Iván Espinosa Molina - 2019 - Franciscanum 61 (172):1-23.
    El artículo contextualiza e investiga los detalles del «Mes de Reflexión Episcopal» organizado por el Departamento de Pastoral de Conjunto del Celam en julio de 1971, que reunió providencialmente varios obispos, algunos de los cuales no estuvieron en la II Conferencia General tres años antes, y que darían testimonio del espíritu de Medellín hasta el martirio o hasta una muerte trágica en cumplimiento de su misión: Oscar Arnulfo Romero, Juan Gerardi Conedera, Gerardo Valencia Cano y Raúl Zambrano Camader. El encuentro (...)
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  13. Introducción a la teoría de la norma jurídica y la teoría de la institución.Hübner Gallo & Jorge Ivan - 1951 - [Santiago]: Editorial Jurídica de Chile.
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    Primeros apuntes sobre la Quinta da Regaleira de Luigi Manini: el Palacio.Iván Moure Pazos - 2016 - Arbor 192 (777):a295.
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    Solon the Athenian.W. P. Mustard & Ivan M. Linforth - 1920 - American Journal of Philology 41 (4):400.
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    (1 other version)Cuerpo y fenomenología "asubjetiva" en Jan Patočka.Iván Ortega Rodríguez - 2011 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 8:159.
    En este trabajo describimos las líneas básicas del análisis fenómeno-lógico de la corporalidad en Patočka. El estudio de la corporalidad es un elemento clave en el proyecto de fenomenología asubjetiva de Jan Patočka. Es en ella donde se da la inserción del sujeto finito en el mundo y es en ella donde se hace compren-sible el dinamismo del sujeto en el mundo, un sujeto que no “constituye” el mundo sino que es una fuerza en el campo de fuerzas del aparecer.In (...)
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    Fragile-to-strong crossover and polyamorphism in liquid silica: changes in liquid structure.Ivan Saika-Voivod, Francesco Sciortino & Peter H. Poole - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (13-16):1437-1445.
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    Meditationes: 1.IV1952--29.V.1955.Ivan V. Sarŭiliev - 2005 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo na Nov bŭlgarski universitet.
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    Acquisition and extinction effects of partial reinforcement under conditions of thirst motivation.Jeffrey A. Seybert & Ivan C. Gerard - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (1):34-36.
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  20. Notice of 'Claves actuales de pensamiento' Book edited by María G. Navarro, Betty Estévez and Antolín Sánchez Cuervo.Iván Teimil - 2011 - Isegoría 45:762-765.
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    The World of Convivium: between Post-modernism and new Discoveries.Michele Bacci & Ivan Foletti - 2015 - Convivium 2 (2):11-15.
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    ¿Eugenesia liberal? Aproximaciones a partir de la propuesta anti-historicista de Michel Foucault.Iván Gabriel Dalmau - 2014 - Isegoría 51:741-756.
    En el presente trabajo buscaremos intervenir en el debate filosófico – político actual respecto de si ciertas prácticas biomédicas pueden ser consideradas como una “nueva eugenesia liberal”. Nos centraremos, entonces, en la tríada constituida por la imbricación entre ciencias humanas, técnicas biopolíticas y tecnologías de gobierno de la población en el marco de la construcción del “capital humano” como problema , para dar cuenta genealógicamente del interrogante que opera como disparador del presente trabajo.
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  23. Print︠s︡ip sootvetstvii︠a︡ v sovremennoĭ fizike i ego filosofskoe znachenie.Ivan Vasilʹevich Kuznet︠s︡ov - 1948
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    Implications of Paul Tillich's Ethics in Personal and Business Ethics.Neda Rogošić & Ivan Koprek - 2021 - Disputatio Philosophica 22 (1):11-48.
    Tillich’s reflections on ethics and morality included reflections on their connection with religion. His conclusion is that morality is the essence of religion, and that theological ethics should be present in every part of systematic theology. In this respect, Tillich accentuates the religious dimension of the moral imperative, the religious sources of moral demands, and the religious elements in moral motivation. It can be observed that the application of ethical principles as laid out by Tillich creates a solid network within (...)
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    O hrvatskoj filozofiji i kulturi.Stjepan Zimmermann & Ivan Čehok - 2001 - Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada. Edited by Ivan Čehok.
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  26. Wie es eigentlich gewesen ist.Ivan Chvatík - 2005 - Studia Phaenomenologica 5:45-52.
    The following article presents how the first Czech phenomenologist Jan Patoèka became a student of Edmund Husserl and how he motivated in the 70s a small group of Czech phenomenologists to begin the translation of Sein und Zeit, which started after his death in 1977. The article then describes how this translation was secretly “published” in the 80s, under the circumstances of the communist totalitarian regime, as successive installments. It then discusses examples of how the linguistic translation difficulties were solved (...)
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    (1 other version)An examination of ockham’s aretetic logic.Ivan Boh - 1963 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 45 (3):259-268.
  28.  43
    Hispanic Philosophy in the Age of Discovery (review).Iván Jaksic - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (3):463-465.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hispanic Philosophy in the Age of Discovery ed. by Kevin WhiteIván JaksicKevin White, editor. Hispanic Philosophy in the Age of Discovery. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1997. Pp. xv + 326. Cloth, $59.95.The quincentennial of what has been termed the “encounter” between Europeans and Indians in the New World in the late fifteenth century furnished the occasion for much denunciation of the evils inflicted by greedy (...)
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    The European Cultural Tradition and the Limits of Growth.Ivan Klíma - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (1):77-83.
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    Life, cognition and culture: charting processes of self-eco-organization.Iván Oliva - 2012 - Cinta de Moebio 43:40-49.
    This paper proposes an initial epistemological course related to the notions of life, cognition, and culture from the fundamental elements of the complexity theory and, specifically, related to the notion of self-eco-organization. With these, we pretend to search isomorphic or transverse properties to all these notions; emphasizing the ideas of complexity, autonomy and dependence. El presente trabajo propone un derrotero epistemológico preliminar en torno a las nociones de vida, cognición y cultura, desde la base de algunos elementos de la teoría (...)
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    Frege on Indirect Proof.Ivan Welty - 2011 - History and Philosophy of Logic 32 (3):283-290.
    Frege's account of indirect proof has been thought to be problematic. This thought seems to rest on the supposition that some notion of logical consequence ? which Frege did not have ? is indispensable for a satisfactory account of indirect proof. It is not so. Frege's account is no less workable than the account predominant today. Indeed, Frege's account may be best understood as a restatement of the latter, although from a higher order point of view. I argue that this (...)
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    Direct twisted Galois stratification.Ivan Tomašić - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (1):21-53.
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    Life Dimensions of Psychology.Ivan Štúr - 1998 - Human Affairs 8 (1):21-28.
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    On parasitic gaps.Ivan A. Sag - 1983 - Linguistics and Philosophy 6 (1):35 - 45.
  35. Anillo de oro en Jeta de Puerco, la mujer hermosa falta de seso.Jorge Iván Ramírez Aguirre & Olmer Alveiro Muñoz Sánchez - 2007 - Escritos 15 (34):171-187.
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    Morphology and histochemical characteristics human pineal gland acervuli during the aging.Svetlana Antić, Ivan Jovanović, Natalija Stefanović, Snežana Pavlović, Gorana Rančić & Slađana Ugrenović - 2004 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 11 (2):63-67.
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    The Movement and the Experience of "Iconic Presence". An Introduction.Hans Belting, Ivan Foletti & Martin F. Lešák - 2019 - Convivium 6 (1):11-15.
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  38. (1 other version)Aksiomy religioznogo opyta: issledovanie.Ivan Aleksandrovič Il'in - 1953 - Moskva: "Russkai︠a︡ kniga". Edited by I︠U︡. T. Lisit︠s︡a.
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  39. (1 other version)Putʹ k ochevidnosti.Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilʹin - 1957
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  40. Nasledie I.V. Kireevskogo: opyty filosofskogo osmyslenii︠a︡.V. B. Rozhkovskiĭ & Ivan Vasilʹevich Kireevskiĭ (eds.) - 2006 - Rostov-na-Donu: Nauka-Press.
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  41. Marksystsʹko-leninsʹka filosofii︠a︡.Ivan Fedotovich Vorobʹev - 1962 - Edited by Abram Bentsionovych[From Old Catalog] Kohan.
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    An Exatuination of Some Proofs in Burleigh’s Propositional Logic.Ivan Boh - 1964 - New Scholasticism 38 (1):44-60.
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    Metodologicheskai︠a︡ rolʹ istoricheskogo materializma v analize form sot︠s︡ialʹnogo znanii︠a︡.Ivan Vasilʹevich Boĭchenko - 1982 - Kiev: "Nauk. dumka".
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    Sinnliche Gewissheit in Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes: Dialogismus und Sprache der Unmittelbarkeit.Ivan Boldyrev - 2010 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 35 (2):145-160.
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    Language Tinder.Ivan Brady - 2007 - Philosophy Now 60:36-36.
  46.  19
    Lo público o lo privado: un presupuesto de virtud en aristóteles.Iván Cadavid - 2010 - Ratio Juris 5 (11):145-158.
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  47. Literary landscapes. Reading character in reading or, character again, post-theoretically.Ivan Callus - 2022 - In Zekiye Antakyalıoğlu (ed.), Post-theories in literary and cultural studies. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Reseña de "Perú, como los de más estados latinoamericanos, nunca fue Estado- Nación sino multinacional (integrado por cinco naciones: mestiza, quechua, aymara, amazonicay afroperuana)" de Washington Duran Abarca.Ivan Oré Chávez - 2007 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 12 (36):126-128.
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    Kulturhomogenisierung oder kulturelle Vielfalt.Ivan Cifrić - 2008 - Synthesis Philosophica 23 (1):25-52.
    Auf der Welt kennen wir einerseits eine große Vielfalt unterschiedlicher Kulturen, andererseits aber auch die Tendenz zum Verschwinden dieser kulturellen Vielfalt – kulturelle Entropie. Gleichzeitig erstarkt die Dominanz der modernen Kultur und bringt eine Homogenisierung der Kulturen mit sich. Auf die neolithische Revolution war eine kulturelle Explosion, auf die industrielle Revolution eine kulturelle Implosion gefolgt. In der Arbeit werden zwei Thesen problematisiert: Die Vielfalt der Kulturen ist ein Wert für die Menschheit, und Kulturhomogenisierung ist eine unvermeidbare Tendenz in der kulturellen (...)
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    "Effect of Francisc" in the Church and outside.Ivan Ostaschuk - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:365-370.
    Nontraditional features of the current pontificate Pope are characterized: Innovation of pastoral activity, simplicity of his lifestyle, reformed charisma, and public reaction to the media on this «Francis effect».
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