Results for 'Ivana Müller'

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  1.  43
    A Communication From professor Mueller.Gustav E. Mueller - 1951 - Educational Theory 1 (2):139-142.
  2.  47
    The knowledge norm of apt practical reasoning.Andy Mueller - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):5395-5414.
    I will argue for a novel variant of the knowledge norm for practical reasoning. In Sect. 2, I will look at current variations of a knowledge norm for practical reasoning and I will provide reasons to doubt these proposals. In Sects. 3 and 4, I develop my own proposal according to which knowledge is the norm of apt practical reasoning. Section 5 considers objections. Finally, Sect. 6 concerns the normativity of my proposed knowledge norm and its significance.
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    Budoucnost kapitalismu: Tváří v tvář novým úzkostem (Ivana Holzbachová). [REVIEW]Ivana Holzbachová - 2022 - Studia Philosophica 69 (1):75-80.
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    The Ethnographic Method in CSR Research: The Role and Importance of Methodological Fit.Ivana Milosevic & A. Erin Bass - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (1):174-215.
    Corporate social responsibility research has burgeoned in the past several decades. Despite significant advances, our review of the literature reveals a problematic gap: We know little about how culture, practices, and interactions shape CSR. On further investigation, we discover that limited research utilizes ethnography to understand CSR, which may provide some explanation for this gap. Thus, the purpose of this article is to illustrate the utility of ethnography for advancing business and society research via a multistage framework that demonstrates how (...)
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    Hopeless practical deliberation – reply to Bobier.Andy Mueller - 2019 - Analysis 79 (4):629-631.
    Bobier argued that hope is necessary for practical deliberation. I will demonstrate that Bobier’s argument for this thesis fails. The problem is that one of its main premisses rests on a sufficient condition for hoping that is subject to counterexamples. I consider two ways to save the argument, but show that they are unsuccessful in doing so.
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    Body Image and Sociocultural Predictors of Body Image Dissatisfaction in Croatian and Chinese Women.Ivana Stojcic, Xiawei Dong & Xiaopeng Ren - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  7.  19
    La Ficción En Platón.Ivana Costa - 2018 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 1 (2):12.
    La filosofía emplea ficciones de maneras diversas: me­táforas, hipótesis, experimentos mentales, postula­dos, cuya falsedad teorética se admite pero que se emplean no obstante por su valor práctico, incluso como forja­dores de racionalidad. Platón no es ajeno a este proce­dimiento, y lo emplea profusamente a lo lar­go de su obra. Este trabajo consta de dos partes: en la primera se lleva a cabo un rápido repaso por la historia semán­tica de la noción de ficción (a partir del núcleo lexical _plássō/plásma_) con (...)
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  8. Public Stem Cell Banks.Hilary Bok Mueller Agnew, Danw Brock, Aravinda Chakravarti, Xiao-Jiang Gao, Mark Greene, John A. Hansen, Patricia A. King, Stephen J. O'brien, David H. Sachs & Kathryn E. Schill - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (6):13-27.
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    Rufinus of Aquileia . His Life and Works By Francis X. Murphy, C.SS.R., Ph.D.Urban Mueller - 1946 - Franciscan Studies 6 (2):247-248.
  10. The World as Spectacle.Gustav E. Mueller - 1945 - Philosophical Review 54:630.
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    ‘Giving voice’: opening up new routes in the dialogicality of social change.Ivana Marková - 2017 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 47 (3):279-285.
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    Involvement and (Potential) Influence of Care Providers in the Enlistment Phase of the Informed Consent Process: the case of aids clinical trials.Mary-Rose Mueller - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (1):42-52.
    This article draws on ethnographic field data collected during an investigation of the informed consent process and AIDS clinical trials. It describes the involvement of care providers (physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants) during the enlistment, or recruitment, phase of the informed consent process. It shows that sometimes care providers are involved in the receipt, evaluation and distribution of information on clinical trials through their interactions with research professionals and patients. It suggests that the involvement of care providers has the potential (...)
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  13.  25
    The role of reciprocity in dynamic interpersonal coordination of physiological rhythms.Ivana Konvalinka, Natalie Sebanz & Günther Knoblich - 2023 - Cognition 230 (C):105307.
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    Deliberative democracy - theory and practice: The case of the Belgrade citizens’ assembly.Ivana Jankovic - 2022 - Filozofija I Društvo 33 (1):26-49.
    In this paper, we examine whether it is possible to improve democracy by encouraging ordinary citizens to participate in political decision-making and if participation in deliberative institutions can make citizens more competent decision-makers. By using qualitative data, we analyze the discussion from the Belgrade citizens? assembly focused on the topic of expanding the pedestrian zone in the city center. The CA was organized in Serbia for the first time, as part of a research project aimed at promoting and advancing innovative (...)
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  15.  23
    Do Islanders Have a More Reactive Behavioral Immune System? Social Cognitions and Preferred Interpersonal Distances During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Ivana Hromatko, Andrea Grus & Gabrijela Kolđeraj - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Insular populations have traditionally drawn a lot of attention from epidemiologists as they provide important insights regarding transmission of infectious diseases and propagation of epidemics. There are numerous historical instances where isolated populations showed high morbidity once a new virus entered the population. Building upon that and recent findings that the activation of the behavioral immune system depends both upon one’s vulnerability and environmental context, we predicted that, during the COVID-19 pandemic, place of residence explains a significant proportion of variance (...)
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  16.  44
    Health within illness: The negativity of vulnerability revised.Ivana Zagorac & Barbara Stamenković Tadić - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (2):207-217.
    This paper attempts to philosophically articulate empirical evidence on the positive effects of illness within the wider context of a discussion of the positive aspects of vulnerability. The conventional understanding holds that to be vulnerable is to be open to harms and wrongs; it is to be fragile, defenseless, and of compromised autonomy. In this paper, we challenge the assumption that vulnerability consists of nothing but powerlessness and dependence on others. This paper attempts to: (1) outline the theoretical conceptualisation of (...)
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  17.  14
    Rocking at 81 and Rolling at 34: ROC Cut-Off Scores for the Negative Acts Questionnaire–Revised in Serbia.Ivana B. Petrović, Milica Vukelić & Svetlana Čizmić - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Towards an epistemology of social representations.Ivana Marková - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (2):177–196.
  19.  22
    Themata in science and in common sense.Ivana Marková - 2017 - Kairos 19 (1):68-92.
    Human thinking is heterogeneous, and among its different forms, thinking in dyadic oppositions is associated with the concept of themata. Gerald Holton characterises themata as elements that lie beneath the structure and development of physical theories as well as of non-scientific thinking. Themata have different uses, such as a thematic concept, or a thematic component of the concept; a methodological (or epistemological) thema; and a propositional thema. Serge Moscovici has placed the concept of themata in the heart of his theory (...)
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  20.  9
    Heracles, violencia, atletismo y espectáculo: una interpretación de las Imágenes (2.21, 23, 25) de Filóstrato.Ivana Selene Chialva - 2024 - Argos 48:e0046.
    Las Imágenes de Filóstrato contienen un número importante de escenas violentas, entre las que se destaca la serie dedicada a Heracles (2.21, 23, 25). La mayor parte de la crítica ha interpretado este motivo como actualización de los ideales heroicos del pasado griego en la paideia de la elite imperial; otras lecturas proponen leer las ecfráseis como expresiones de una estética del horror más amplia, que afecta a la iconografía escultórica de los siglos II y III d.C., y que se (...)
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  21.  45
    Work Engagement in Serbia: Psychometric Properties of the Serbian Version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale.Ivana B. Petrović, Milica Vukelić & Svetlana Čizmić - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  22. On being and becoming.Gustav E. Mueller - 1943 - Philosophy of Science 10 (3):149-162.
    Becoming is interpreted by various sciences. The exact sciences, physics, and chemistry, interpret this universal becoming or change of all things on the model of mathematical equations. In such an equation of quantities or magnitudes, one side always balances the other. We call such a process “circular”. Numbers may be subdivided or contracted, they may change their places or positions, but the sum total of the whole equation remains immutably the same. In this manner mechanics constructs change as a change (...)
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    The Contribution of Environmental and Social Standards Towards Ensuring Legitimacy in Supply Chain Governance.Martin Mueller, Virginia Gomes dos Santos & Stefan Seuring - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (4):509-523.
    Increasingly, companies implement social and environmental standards as instruments towards corporate social responsibility in supply chains. This is based on the assumption that such standards increase legitimacy among stakeholders. Yet, a wide variety of standards with different requirement levels exist and companies might tend to introduce the ones with low exigencies, using them as a legitimacy front. This strategy jeopardizes the reputation of social and environmental standards among stakeholders and their long-term trust in these instruments of CSR, meaning that all (...)
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  24.  17
    Uključenost učitelja Glazbene kulture u aktivnosti informalnog cjeloživotnog učenja.Ivana Pušić & Antoaneta Radočaj-Jerković - 2023 - Metodicki Ogledi 30 (1):245-267.
    Svrha ovog rada bila je utvrditi učestalost sudjelovanja učitelja Glazbene kulture u različitim aktivnostima informalnog cjeloživotnog učenja te saznati njihovo mišljenje o važnosti i doprinosu navedenog razvoju vlastitih kompetencija potrebnih za poučavanje Glazbene kulture. Utvrđeno je da učitelji najviše sudjeluju u informalnim aktivnostima učenja koje ne zahtijevaju dodatno izdvajanje vremena te shodno tome rjeđe sudjeluju u aktivnostima koje zahtijevaju veću njihovu pažnju. Osjećaju se kompetentnima u izvođenju svih glazbenih aktivnosti koje se provode u nastavi Glazbene kulture. Nadalje, vide doprinos i (...)
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  25.  35
    Overtly prompting people to “think in opposites” supports insight problem solving.Ivana Bianchi, Erika Branchini, Roberto Burro, Elena Capitani & Ugo Savardi - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 26 (1):31-67.
    This study aims to investigate the hypothesis that “thinking in opposites” might facilitate insight problem solving. For example, if the image relating to a problem is oriented horizontally, it may...
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  26. Persuasion and Social Psychology.Ivana Marková - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (1):5-8.
    This editor’s introduction to the issue recalls the main methodological approaches to persuasion, rhetoric and propaganda in social psychology. It summarizes the classical theories issued from Hovland’s Yale Communication Program in experimental social psychology, like dissonance, attitude changes, inoculation approach, elaboration likelihood model. Yet there are, today, competing perspectives on persuasion, which turn attention to the meaning of persuasion in modern complex societies, in technology and the media. These perspectives place emphasis not on changes of attitudes, but on communication, social (...)
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  27.  76
    Platón, Timeo, edición bilingüe–notas a la traducción y anexos de Luc Brisson.Ivana Costa - 2011 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 5 (2):1 - 17.
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    Platón y el orfismo: Diálogos entre religión y filosofía.Ivana Costa - 2012 - Synthesis (la Plata) 19:142-150.
    Este trabajo se propone estudiar las características de los paralogismos de composición y división (Retórica II 24.II, 1401a), de la consecuencia (Retórica II 24.VI, 1401b20-30) y de la causa aparente (Retórica II 24.VII, 1401b30-34), de modo de analizar si Eurípides los utiliza en el agón de Andrómaca de los versos 577 a 746 This paper intends to study the characteristics of paralogisms due to composition and division (Rhetoric II 24.II, 1401a), due to consequent (Rhetoric II 24.VI, 1401b20-30), and due to (...)
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  29.  14
    Od projekcije ljudskih organa do projekcije umjetnog čovjeka.Ivana Greguric & Ivo Džinić - 2022 - Disputatio Philosophica 23 (1):77-88.
    U članku se na temelju teze njemačkoga teoretičara i pionira filozofije tehnike, Ernsta Kappa, o projekciji organa prilikom početnoga stvaranja oruđa, nastoji pokazati kako ta teza ima svoje implikacije još i danas, posebice u pogledu njezine reverzibilnosti. Naime, kada Kapp tvrdi da su sva oruđa nastala tako što je čovjek promatrao svoje organe i njihovu funkcionalnost, a da je među svim organima napose ruka oruđe svih oruđa, onda isto tako valja ustvrditi kako se je danas od projekcije organa prispjelo tome (...)
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  30.  8
    Tainovo pojetí vědy.Ivana Holzbachová - 2013 - Studia Philosophica 60 (2):43-62.
    Ačkoli je Taine znám především jako estetik a historik umění i politiky, zabývá se autorka spíš metodologickým předpokladem Tainova díla, a to jeho pojetím vědy. Ukazuje, že v Tainově díle nacházíme Hegelův vliv, který se však silně mísí s odlesky Comtových názorů, i když v oblasti ontologické lze spatřovat podobnost i s E. Machem. Taine chtěl aplikovat na duchovní vědy metody věd přírodních, i když si byl vědom zásadního rozdílu – nekvantifikovatelnosti v duchovních vědách. Podobnost spočívala ve snaze vysvětlit duchovní (...)
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  31.  20
    6. Krieg, Religion und Frauen auf der Insel Utopia: Analyse des zweiten Teiles des zweiten Buches der Utopia von Thomas Morus.Ivana Skuhala Karasman & Luka Boršić - 2016 - In Otfried Höffe (ed.), Politische Utopien der Neuzeit: Thomas Morus, Tommaso Campanella, Francis Bacon. De Gruyter. pp. 93-108.
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    Coding Elementary Contributions to Dialogue: Individual Acts versus Dialogical Interactions.Ivana Marková & Per Linell - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (4):353-373.
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  33. An Introduction to the Theology of Albrecht Ritschl.David L. Mueller - 1969
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  34. Can mental content externalism prove realism?Axel Mueller - manuscript
    Recently, Kenneth Westphal has presented a highly interesting and innovative reading of Kant's critical philosophy.2 This reading continues a tradition of Kantscholarship of which, e.g., Paul Guyer's work is representative, and in which the antiidealistic potential of Kant's critical philosophy is pitted against its idealistic selfunderstanding. Much of the work in this tradition leaves matters at observing the tensions this introduces in Kant's work. But Westphal's proposed interpretation goes farther. Its attractiveness derives for the most part from the promise that (...)
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  35.  18
    Herder Today: Contributions From the International Herder Conference, November 5–8, 1987, Stanford, California.Kurt Mueller-Vollmer (ed.) - 1990 - New York: De Gruyter.
  36.  5
    Mill and French Thought: Being a Study of the Influence of French Thoughton the Development of John Stuart Mill's Political and Social Philosophy.Iris Wessel Mueller - 1954 - Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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    Philosophie - politische Ökonomie - Naturwissenschaften Aspekte der Zusammenarbeit aus der Sicht der politischen Ökonomie.Klaus Mueller-bülow - 1981 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 29 (1-6).
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  38.  15
    Sorting the World: On the Relevance of the Kind/Object-Distinction to Referential Semantics.Olav Mueller-Reichau - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    The basic hypothesis of this book is that linguistic reference to kinds should be seen as reference to sortal concepts, i.e. cognitive categories for identifying and classifying objects. Viewed that way, kinds serve as the interface between the conceptual system and the grammatical system. Kind-level predicates differ as to whether they presuppose (e.g. to be extinct) or entail (e.g. to invent) the existence of objects, with crucial consequences for the interpretation of indefinite argument noun phrases. Moreover, object reference always involves (...)
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  39.  48
    Test anxiety and implicit memory.J. H. Mueller, M. J. Elser & D. N. Rollack - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (6):531-533.
  40. Thoreau's Selections from Chinese Four Books for the Dial.Roger C. Mueller - 1972 - Thoreau Journal Quarterly 4 (15):1-8.
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    Pathos der Befreiung.Ivana Perica - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2018 (1):190-192.
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    Recognition or disagreement: A critical encounter on the politics of freedom, equality, and identity.Ivana Perica - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (3):394-397.
  43. Giuseppe Bentivegna, Francesco Coniglione e Giancarlo Magnano San Lio (a cura di), Il positivismo italiano: una questione chiusa?Ivana Randazzo - 2010 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 65 (1):200.
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  44.  22
    For the flaring up of the flu: The nurses of the Maggiore Hospital in Milan hit by the Spanish fever.Ivana Maria Rosi, Roberto Milos, Paolo Maria Galimberti & Stefania Rancati - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (4):e12479.
    In the last year of the Great War, Italy was also hit by the Spanish flu. The Civic Hospitals faced a deadly disaster with insufficient resources. All the heavy workload fell on the female nursing staff, who were the only ones able ensure the continuity of the hospital services. This study aimed to explore the impact of the influenza on the health of the nurses at the Maggiore Hospital in Milan during the second and third epidemic waves. Historical research was (...)
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  45.  26
    Newly graduated nurses’ experiences of horizontal violence.Ivana Maria Rosi, Adriana Contiguglia, Kim Randall Millama & Stefania Rancati - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (7):1556-1568.
    Background: Horizontal violence, defined in the literature as ‘interpersonal conflict between two nurses at the same hierarchical levels in organizations’, often associated with bullying, affects the well-being of nurses, care recipients and the professional image of nursing and the organization due to increased turnover. One in every three newly graduated nurses is a victim of horizontal violence, although they do not always know how to define it. Aim: To investigate the direct and indirect experiences of horizontal violence in newly graduated (...)
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  46.  57
    A partial implementation of the Bica cognitive decathlon using the psychology experiment building language.Shane T. Mueller - 2010 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 2 (2):273-288.
  47.  20
    Filozofija slobodnog vremena i sporta. Uz temu.Ivana Zagorac - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (2):243-244.
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  48. Petar Pavao Vergerije stariji – studia liberalia i odgoj slobodnoga čovjeka.Ivana Zagorac - 2008 - Metodicki Ogledi 15 (2):9-22.
    Uza sve teškoće pozicioniranja humanizma unutar povijesnog okvira, neslaganja oko definiranja njegove naravi, izvora i temeljnih motiva, kao i odnosa spram tradicija mišljenja, uputnim se čini usmjeriti humanistima samima i kroz njihove radove pokušati detektirati onaj novum humanističkog svjetonazora. U tome smislu ovaj će se rad temeljiti na djelu jednog humanista »prve generacije« i pisca utjecajnog pedagogijskog traktata.Petar Pavao Vergerije stariji , književnik, crkvenopolitički pisac i dužnosnik, na samome početku 15. stoljeća piše raspravu De ingenuis moribus ac liberalibus studiis koju (...)
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    On the interaction of opposites in psychological processes.Ivana Marková - 1987 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 17 (3):279–299.
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  50.  23
    Vicious Academics.Laura J. Mueller - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (1):163-174.
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