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Ivana Spasić [9]Ivana A. Spasić [5]
  1.  38
    (1 other version)Politics and everyday life in Serbia in 2005: Views of politics, change of social system, the public sphere.Ivana Spasic - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (27):45-74.
    The paper offers an analysis of the interview data collected in the project "Politics and everyday life: Three years later" in terms of three main topics: attitudes to the political sphere, change of social system, and the democratic public sphere. The analysis focuses on ambivalences expressed in the responses which, under the surface of overall disappointment and discontent, may contain preserved results of the previously achieved "social learning" and their positive potentials. The main objective was to examine to what extent (...)
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  2. Politika i svakodnevni život–tri godine posle (Uvodna beleška).Isidora Jarić, Zagorka Golubović & Ivana Spasić - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (27):9-12.
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  3.  40
    Patriotism and cosmopolitanism in intellectual discourse: Pescanik and Nova srpska politicka misao.Tamara Petrovic-Trifunovic & Ivana Spasic - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (4):164-188.
    Rather than being just abstract notions scholars write about, patriotism and cosmopolitanism are used by social actors in ongoing social life. Whether employed to name?us? and exalt the values of one?s own group, or to name?them? and stigmatize what the opponents stand for, the two terms have long served as potent discursive weapons in the struggle for various kinds of power in Serbia. While they retain some significance to this day, the peak of their intensive and consequential employment in public (...)
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  4.  13
    A disarticulated everyday: Afterthoughts on the subproject'Everyday life in Serbia in the nineties'.Ivana A. Spasić - 1999 - Filozofija I Društvo 1999 (16):61-61.
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  5.  71
    Bruno Latour, actor-networks, and the critique of critical sociology.Ivana Spasic - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (2):43-72.
    Tekst je posvecen dometima teorijskog opusa Bruna Latura i njegovom odnosu prema savremenom pojmu kritike. U prvom delu je prikazana teorija aktera-mreze, preko svojih kljucnih pojmova, zajedno s teorijom modernosti. U drugom delu se razmatraju razliciti aspekti Laturovog odnosa prema kritici - najpre njegov kriticki tretman drugih, potom kriticki tretman kojem je sam podvrgnut, da bi se zakljucilo politickim ambivalencijama Laturovog pokusaja razvijanja jedne "akriticne" drustvene teorije..
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  6.  36
    Citizens in the maelstrom of change: Individual and collective experience in Serbia in times of transformation.Ivana A. Spasić - 2002 - Filozofija I Društvo 2002 (19):357-367.
    Nijedno drustvo, pogotovo ono koje, poput Srbije, u kratkom razdoblju proslo kroz duboke potrese koji jos uvek traju, ne moze se adekvatno analizirati bez pogleda iz ugla svakodnevnog zivota i iskustva obicnih ljudi. Primena savremenih socioloskih i antropoloskih teorija svakodnevice na Srbiju danas u potrazi za personalizovanim tumacenjem kojim obicni ljudi osmisljavaju samima sebi sve sto im se dogodi u poslednjih petnaestak godina, moze imati i sire teorijske implikacije, buduci da se iz nase perspektive lakse sagledava ogranicenost i neuniverzalnost teorija (...)
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  7.  16
    Everyday life in Serbia in the 1990's: Permanence and change.Ivana A. Spasić - 1996 - Filozofija I Društvo 1996 (9):193-202.
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  8.  47
    Feminism and the sociology of everyday life.Ivana A. Spasić - 2003 - Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (22):151-169.
    U ovom radu ispituju se uticaji feministicke misli na sociolosku teoriju i istrazivanje, prelomljeni kroz poimanje podrucja svakodnevnog zivota. Obrazlaze se teza da izmedju feminizma i sociologije svakodnevnog zivota, onako kako se ona razvija u drugoj polovini XX veka, postoje bitne teorijske srodnosti. Glavni doprinosi feminizma socioloskoj konceptualizaciji svakodnevice identifikuju se u dve oblasti: sadrzajnih inovacija (proucavanje ranije zanemarenih drustvenih fenomena, posebno sfere privatnosti) i epistemoloskih pomeranja (osporavanje pozitivistickih ideala objektivne i neutralne nauke o drustvu). Za podrobniji kriticki prikaz odabrano (...)
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  9.  43
    Political change in Serbia in the perspective of social learning: An idea revisited.Ivana Spasić - 2008 - Filozofija I Društvo 19 (3):89-108.
    The paper contains a retrospective of the thesis that 'social learning' may be deployed as analytical framework to understand political change in Serbia, first proposed in 2001. The thesis contends that the events immediately before and after the toppling of Milosevic's regime in 2000 may be interpreted as outcomes of a process of collective learning by Serbian citizens. On the basis of the findings of three-wave qualitative study 'Politics and Everyday Life', as well as other research, the paper seeks to (...)
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  10.  13
    The concept of everyday life in marxist social science.Ivana A. Spasić - 1999 - Filozofija I Društvo 1999 (16):91-123.
  11.  68
    Variants of „Third Serbia“.Ivana Spasic & Tamara Petrovic - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (3):23-44.
    This paper examines different forms in which?Third Serbia? is being discursively constructed. This concept has recently been offered within the public arena as the alternative to the former division into?First? and?Second? Serbia. Although the name is the same,?Third Serbia? is not one but many. They all share an explicit call for overcoming cleavages and extremes, which are perceived as overdrawn, artificial, and/or removed from genuine concerns and interests of Serbian society. There is also a moral claim contained in this, since (...)
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  12.  39
    V. P. Gagnon Jr., The myth of ethnic war: Serbia and Croatia in the 1990s, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 2004, 217 str. [REVIEW]Ivana Spasic - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (27):191-195.
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