John Nesbitt [4]J. Nesbitt [4]Jo Nesbitt [1]John W. Nesbitt [1]
Jw Nesbitt [1]J. Todd Nesbitt [1]Jason Nesbitt [1]
  1. A Poor Token from the Reign of Constantine V.S. Bendall & Jw Nesbitt - 1990 - Byzantion 60:432-435.
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  2. Selections from a private collection of byzantine bullae.M. Braunlin & J. Nesbitt - 1998 - Byzantion 68 (1):157-182.
    Il s'agit de l'édition d'un catalogue de 24 sceaux de plomb sélectionnés à partir d'une collection privée américaine. Cette collection contient aussi deux bullae byzantines en or inclues aux sceaux. Les deux critères de sélection employés ont été l'unicité et la rareté, qualités reconnaissables notamment pour le sceau n° 6 qui comporte une représentation du prophète Zacharie.
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  3. Thirteen Seals and an Unpublished Revolt Coin from an American Private Collection.M. Braunlin & J. Nesbitt - 1999 - Byzantion 69:187-205.
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  4. An early byzantine lead Seal with the image of the incredulity of Thomas.John Cotsonis & John Nesbitt - 2011 - Byzantion 81:127-137.
    This article is the first publication of a lead seal from a private collection that bears the image of the Incredulity of Thomas. Based upon epigraphy and decorative motifs the seal is assigned to the sixth century. It is the only known sphragistic example of the image of the Incredulity of Thomas and its iconography is compared to other contemporary examples in other media, especially objects of pilgrimage art, among which is a sixth-century gold medallion bearing a similar image, also (...)
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  5. The Virgin Aigyptia (the Egyptian) on a Byzantine Lead Seal of Attaleia.John Cotsonis & John Nesbitt - 2008 - Byzantion 78:103-113.
    Among Marian epithets one of the more obscure is the designation "the Egyptian." This article traces the term in modern Greek and Byzantine literature. The investigation centers on an icon reputedly painted by the Apostle Luke while he was living in Egypt. Our researches lead to the city of Attaleia where, according to legend, a Lukan icon had found its way. Textual evidence establishes that around this icon a healing cult of the Virgin Aigyptia flourished in the later 11th century. (...)
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  6. Understanding geography through international experiences : a student perspective.Michaela Gawrys & J. Todd Nesbitt - 2020 - In Weronika A. Kusek & Nicholas Wise (eds.), Human geography and professional mobility: international experiences, critical reflections, practical insights. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  7. An eleventh-century seal with a representation of patriarch Antony II kauleas.John Nesbitt & John Cotsonis - 2004 - Byzantion 74 (2):517-526.
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    Demystifying Collapse: Climate, environment, and social agency in pre-modern societies.B. L. Turner, Jason Nesbitt, Lee Mordechai, Guy Middleton, Francis Ludlow, Adam Izdebski, Martin Medina-Elizalde, Warren Eastwood, Arlen F. Chase & John Haldon - 2020 - Millennium 17 (1):1-33.
    Collapse is a term that has attracted much attention in social science literature in recent years, but there remain substantial areas of disagreement about how it should be understood in historical contexts. More specifically, the use of the term collapse often merely serves to dramatize long-past events, to push human actors into the background, and to mystify the past intellectually. At the same time, since human societies are complex systems, the alternative involves grasping the challenges that a holistic analysis presents, (...)
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