Results for 'JHWH'

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    Jhwh und die Götter.Bertram Herr - 2000 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 52 (1):167-175.
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    Vergifnis ter wille van JHWH se Naam.D. F. O’Kennedy - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (2).
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    Nähe und Entzug Gottes in der Lichtung des Seyns: JHWHs Vorübergang (Ex 32-34) und der Gott des unendlichen Verhältnisses in Heideggers Wort vom Geviert.Hubert Pfeiffer - 2019 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Theologica variatio? An examination of the variation in the Greek rendering of יהוה and אֱלהִים in LXX Proverbs.Bryan Beeckman - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):6.
    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the theology of the different Septuagint (LXX) books. In an attempt to examine whether the LXX Proverbs attests a different theology than the Masoretic Text (MT), I have recently analysed the plusses in LXX Proverbs containing ὁ κύριος and ὁ θεός. The results of these studies have indicated that the LXX translation of Proverbs attests a more nuanced theology than its Hebrew counterpart. However, these studies only focus on the attestations (...)
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    Das Alte im Lichte des Neuen.Helge Hanns Homey - 2014 - Hermes 142 (2):181-205.
    In exod. 752-782 the anonymous author of the „Heptateuchos“ closely paraphrases the Decalogue section of the Biblical book „Exodus“ (Ex 20, 1-17), while simultaneously accentuating the obligatory nature of the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament for Christian readers by cautiously reworking the underlying text. In pursuit of this goal, he opens up the exclusive contractual relationship between JHWH and his people (Israel) and proclaims a universal God who addresses His Commandments to the whole of humankind. Furthermore, the paraphrase (...)
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    The Infiniscience of the hospitable God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: Re-interpreting Trinity in the light of the Rublev icon.Daniel J. Louw - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1).
    Because of the impact of church doctrine and many documents explaining the official confession of many denominations in Christianity, Trinity was mostly defined in terms of static and substantial categories. The undergirding research assumption is that the latter reflects, in most cases, more abstract and rather positivistic metaphysical speculation than representing the vividness of God’s compassionate being-with as explained and revealed in the narratives of the biblical account on God’s graceful intervention with the frailty of human life. The relational dynamics (...)
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  7. Zur Theologiegeschichte der biblischen Religion in der vorexilischen Zeit.Ansgar Moenikes - 2010 - Theologie Und Philosophie 85 (1):20.
    Nachdem in Israels frühester Zeit JHWH zunächst als der eine Rettergott Israels verehrt worden war , Salomo aber dann die Verehrung der Götter anderer Völker in den israelitischen Staatskult eingeführt hatte, leitete das Efraimitische Geschichtswerk noch kurze Zeit vor Hosea die Rückbesinnung auf JHWH als den einen Rettergott Israels und damit den Kampf für die ausschließliche Verehrung JHWHs ein. Um 700 vC wurde diese JHWH-Monolatrie vom Ur-Deuteronomium und dem Hiskijanischen Geschichtswerk um die Forderung nach der – von (...)
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