Results for 'Jabir Mammadov'

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  1.  17
    Deictic Representations of Person in Media Discourse.Azad Mammadov - 2014 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 10 (2):245-259.
    This paper aims to analyze the deictic representations of person in the British and American media discourse, mostly focusing on such genres and subgenres as newspaper articles, interviews, letters to editors, opinions, headlines and advertisements. For this purpose, we wish to introduce a theoretical framework for the study and then we hope to present certain ways in which deictic expressions represent person. Theoretical framework for our study is based upon the socio-cognitive approach, which gives priority to individual practices and subjectivity (...)
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    Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Call to Implement (and Reimagine) Bioethical Principles.Vugar Mammadov & Lala Jafarova - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (1):124-127.
    The commentary analyses ethical dilemmas faced by the global community during the coronavirus pandemic. The importance of the intellectual property rights in the context of vaccine distribution is particularly emphasized. The authors highlight bioethical principles – “forgotten” but so significant – in the context of vaccine distribution.
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    The Relationship between Gnostic Experience (Shohud/Witnessing) and Reason.Orkhan Mammadov & Abulfazl Kiyashimshaki - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (2):143-155.
    The relationship between gnostic experience and reason is a crucial issue in gnostic philosophy. Opinions are varied on this issue. Basically these various opinions can be summarized into two one of which sees the gnostic experience and the reason contradictory, that is, according to this perspective gnostic experiences cannot be explained by reason as they are outside the boundaries of the latter. What comes out of this standpoint is that gnostic experience is not real. The other perspective is that gnostic (...)
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    Takwil Dalam Pandangan Mulla Sadra.Muhammad Nur Jabir - 2012 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 2 (2):291.
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  5. Naẓarīyat al-maʻrifah ʻinda al-falāsifah al-Muslimī ʻAlī Jābir - 2004 - [Beirut]: Dār al-Hādī lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
  6.  3
    Institutional Investors with Disciplinary History and CSR Behavior of Investee Firms.Samuel B. Bonsall Iv, Babak Mammadov & Blerina Bela Zykaj - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-28.
    This study explores how the prior unethical behavior of institutional investors impacts the corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities of the companies in which they invest. To identify such behavior, we focus on violations of laws and regulations by Registered Investment Advisers as reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Our findings reveal that these investors discourage firms’ engagement in CSR activities within their investee firms, which we attribute to institutions’ disregard for social norms. Our inferences remain unchanged with alternative identification (...)
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    Logical and Gnoseology Analysis of Fuzzy Set Theory of Lotfi Zadeh.Fuad Gurbanov & Aziz Mammadov - 2019 - Metafizika 2 (1):7-29.
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  8. Ansāb al-ashrāf by Aḥmad B. Yaḥyā B. Jābir al-Balādhurī, Vol. VIBAnsab al-ashraf by Ahmad B. Yahya B. Jabir al-Baladhuri, Vol. VIB. [REVIEW]Lawrence I. Conrad, Aḥmad B. Yaḥyā B. Jābir al-Balādhurī, Khalil Athamina & Ahmad B. Yahya B. Jabir al-Baladhuri - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (4):733.
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    Jābir on Inductive Reasoning and Metaphysics.Mashhad Al-Allaf - 2016 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 10:3-18.
  10.  46
    Jabir ibn Hayyan. Contribution a l'histoire des idees scientifiques dans l'Islam. Paul Kraus.Max Meyerhof - 1944 - Isis 35 (3):213-217.
  11.  37
    Jābir ibn Ḥayyān: Contribution à l'histoire des idées scientifiques dans l'Islam: Jābir et la science grecque. Paul Kraus.William Newman - 1988 - Isis 79 (2):270-271.
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    Jābir, the buddhist yogi.Michael Walter - 1992 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 20 (4):425-438.
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  13. Jābir, the buddhist yogi part two.Michael Walter - 1996 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 24 (2):145-164.
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    Did the Arabic Tradition Know a More Complete Version of Alexander’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Topics? The Evidence from Ps-Jābir’s Kitāb al-Nukhab / Kitāb al-Baḥth.Alexander Lamprakis - 2022 - Methodos 22.
    This paper discusses two passages from Alexander of Aphrodisias’s commentary on Aristotle’s _ Topics _ that are transmitted in Ps-Jābir’s _ Kitāb al-Nukhab _. It argues that the Arabic translation of Alexander’s commentary may have been made from a fuller version than what came down to us in Greek. Especially since the author(s) of the Jābir-corpus form a tradition different from the school of Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq (d. 873) and authors associated to the ‘Baghdad school’, whose earliest figure is Abū (...)
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    La tradition arabe a-t-elle connu une version plus complète du commentaire sur les Topiques d’Alexandre d’Aphrodise? Les indices dans le Kitāb al-Nukhab / Kitāb al-Baḥth par Ps-Jābir.Alexander Lamprakis - 2022 - Methodos 22.
    This paper discusses two passages from Alexander of Aphrodisias’s commentary on Aristotle’s Topics that are transmitted in Ps-Jābir’s Kitāb al-Nukhab. It argues that the Arabic translation of Alexander’s commentary may have been made from a fuller version than what came down to us in Greek. Especially since the author(s) of the Jābir-corpus form a tradition different from the school of Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq (d. 873) and authors associated to the ‘Baghdad school’, whose earliest figure is Abū Bishr Mattā b. Yūnus (...)
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    Studien zu Jābir ibn Hayyān.Paul Kraus - 1931 - Isis 15 (1):7-30.
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    The Astronomy of Jãbir ibn Aflah.R. P. Lorch - 1975 - Centaurus 19 (2):85-107.
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    Analyzing Alchemical Body and Causality Theories in Islamic Civilization based on Jabir ibn Hayyan’s System.Musa Şen & Şule Taşkıran - forthcoming - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences.
    The basis of Islamic alchemy and matter theory is found in the works of Jābir ibn Ḥayyān (d. 200/815). Jābir developed an element theory similar to Aristotle’s system. Still, he interpreted matter and substance differently by transferring the basis of the theory from elements to qualities. In Jābir’s system, qualities are more often expressed by the term “natures” (ṭabā’iʻ). In Jābir’s thought, four na- tures precede the four elements, and due to the combination of two different natures with the sub- (...)
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    Book review: Azad Mammadov, Studies in Text and Discourse. [REVIEW]Lauren Whitty - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (1):98-100.
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  20. An eighth century arabic treatise on the colouring of glass: Kitāb al-durra al-maknūna of jābir Ibn ḥayyān : Ahmad Y. al-Hassan.Ahmad Y. Al-Hassan - 2009 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 19 (1):121-156.
    This paper examines the history of glass colouring. It reviews Kitāb al-Durra al-maknūna of Jābir ibn Ḥayyān, which deals with the subject. The manuscript of this practical treatise was discovered recently. Part one of the paper deals with Jābir as a philosopher and chemist. The art of lustre-painting on glass originated in Syria during the Umayyad Caliphate in the eighth century and was soon practised in the neighbouring area. The paper reviews Arabic literature that deals with the colouring of glass (...)
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    Spirits: The reactive substances in jābir's alchemy.Bassam I. El-Eswed - 2006 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 16 (1):71-90.
    The spirits found in Arabic alchemical texts, namely zi'baq, kibrīt, nūshādir and zarnīkh are identified with their modern counterparts, which are mercury, sulfur, ammonium chloride and arsenic sulfide, respectively. Jābir's conception of spirits has been shown to be related to his practice. The puzzling experiments of Jābir on ‘mineral and organic’ spirits are compared as far as possible with modern knowledge of chemistry. These comparisons lead to an understanding of Jābir's sequence of manipulations within the logic of his alchemy. In (...)
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  22.  27
    Between the ghāya and the picatrix, II: The flos naturarum ascribed to jābir.Charles Burnett & David Pingree - 2009 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 72 (1):41 - 80.
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    Names, Natures, and Things: The Alchemist Jābir ibn Ḥayyān and His Kitāb al-Aḥjār (Book of Stones)Names, Natures, and Things: The Alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan and His Kitab al-Ahjar.Y. Tzvi Langermann & Syed Nomanul Haq - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (4):793.
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    Klasifikasi Ilmu Pengetahuan Dalam Perspektif Jabir Bin Hayyan.Asep N. Musadad - 2016 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 5 (2).
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    Klasifikasi Ilmu Pengetahuan Dalam Perspektif Jābir Bin Ḥayyān.Asep N. Musadad - 2015 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 5 (2):115.
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    Names, Natures, and Things: The Alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan and His Kitab al-ahjar. Syed Nomanul-Haq, David E. Pingree.Seyyed Nasr - 1995 - Isis 86 (3):475-475.
  27. (1 other version)Names, Natures and Things: The Alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan and his Kitab al-Ahjar (Book of Stones).De Pingree - 1993 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 158.
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    J'bir ibn Ḥayy'n. Contribution à l'histoire des idées scientifiques dans l'IslamMajmû' Ras''il al-J'ḥiẓ. I. e., hitherto unedited treatises by Abû 'Uṯm'n 'Amr b. Baḥr al-J'ḥiẓJabir ibn Hayyan. Contribution a l'histoire des idees scientifiques dans l'IslamMajmu' Rasa'il al-Jahiz. I. e., hitherto unedited treatises by Abu 'Utman 'Amr b. Bahr al-Jahiz. [REVIEW]Franz Rosenthal, Paul Kraus, Muḥammad Ṭâhâ al-Ḥâjirî & Muhammad Taha al-Hajiri - 1945 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 65 (1):68.
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    A defense of political constructivism.Nicholas Tampio - 2012 - Contemporary Political Theory 11 (3):305-323.
    In Political Liberalism, J. Rawls describes a meta-ethical procedure — political constructivism — whereby political theorists formulate political principles by assembling and reworking ideas from the public political culture. To many of his moral realist and moral constructivist critics, Rawls's procedure is simply a recent version of the “popular moral philosophy” that Kant excoriates in the Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals. I defend the idea of political constructivism on philosophical and political grounds. I argue that political constructivism is the (...)
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  30.  32
    The Cows and the Bees: Arabic Sources and Parallels for Pseudo-Plato's Liber Vaccae.Liana Saif - 2016 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 79 (1):1-47.
    The Arabic original of the ninth-century Kitāb al-Nawāmīs has not been discovered, save for three incomplete chapters. We have access to a fuller version only through a Latin translation, often known as the Liber vaccae, a title derived from its notorious experiments which involve the gruesome slaughter and mutilation of a cow to magically produce a rational animal or bees. Recent research on the Liber vaccae has focused mostly on its reception in medieval and early modern Europe. By contrast, the (...)
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  31.  25
    Aspects de l’ésotérisme chiite dans le Corpus Ǧābirien : Les trois Livres de l’Elément de fondation.Pierre Lory - 2016 - Al-Qantara 37 (2):279-298.
    The vast corpus attributed to Jābir b. Ḥayyān includes important elements of shī‘ī doctrine. Alchemy itself is described as an ‘imamic’ science, the purpose of which is to help mankind achieve eschatological fulfillment. This article aims to determine whether these shī‘ī elements are a fundamental part of the original Corpus Jābirianum, or if they are the result of a later set of interpolations. On the basis of one of the oldest jābirian texts, the Kitāb al-Usṭuqus al-uss I, II and III, (...)
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  32.  35
    Eulogies to the Prophet Muḥammad in Andalusian Poetry.Harun Özel - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (2):621-645.
    The first eulogies (Qaṣāīd) about the Prophet Muḥammad (pbuh) appeared when he was still alive. Ḥassān ibn Thābit (d. 60/680 [?]), ʿAbd Allāh b. Rawāḥa (d. 8/629) and Kaʿb b. Mālik (d. 50/670), important Muslim poets of the period, praised the Prophet and inspired future generations of poets. Depending on the developments in the following centuries, there had been a great increase in the number of poems sung to express enthusiastic feelings towards the Prophet and to defend him and his (...)
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    The knowledge of arabic mathematics by clavius.Eberhard Knobloch - 2002 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 12 (2):257-284.
    The article deals with the Arabic sources of Chr. Clavius in Rome and the six different ways they were used by him in mathematics and astronomy. It inquires especially into his attitude towards al-Farghani, Thabit ibn Qurra, al-Bi[tdotu]ruji, Ibn Rushd, Mu[hdotu]ammad al-Baghdadi, Pseudo-Ibn al-Haytham, Jabir ibn Afla[hdotu], and Pseudo-al-[Tuotu]usi.
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    A Hypothetical Premise about Eternal Cosmic Motion in the Critical Text of Physics VIII 1.250b13.Silvia Fazzo - forthcoming - Aristotelica.
    This paper is concerned with an important variant reading discovered at the beginning of Book VIII of Aristotle’s _Physics_. The reading is found in J, the oldest manuscript of this work (Vind. phil. gr. 100, 9th c.): at VIII 1.250b13, J reads εἰ ἦν, “if it [_scil_. the movement] was”, instead of ἀεὶ ἦν, “it always was”, the only reading so far taken into account. Several early witnesses support J: E (Paris. gr. 1853, 10th c.), the Greek into Latin translation (...)
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    Iznīqī y Ŷābir, Sirr y Miftāḥ: dos autores, cuatro títulos, un tratado alquímico.Paola Carusi - 2016 - Al-Qantara 37 (2):299-327.
    An alchemical Arabic treatise alternatively entitled Miftāḥ al-ḥikma, Miftāḥ jannāt al-khuld, Sirr al-asrār and Sirr al-sārr wa-sirr al-asrār is attributed in its manuscripts to two different authors: al-Iznīqī and Jābir b. Ḥayyān. In this article I briefly discuss some characteristic aspects of the treatise and its significance for the history of alchemy. These aspects include its ancient and important sources, such as the Muṣḥaf al-jamā‛a and the Kitāb al-Ḥabīb, and its connection with the tradition of the artists and the activity (...)
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    A Research on the Narration That Associated Tashahhud with the Miʿrāj.Üzeyir Durmuş - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):377-394.
    The narration of tashahhud being a conversation between Allah, the Prophet and the angels is quite common among people. This article examines the authenticity of this narration and questions whether it has an informative value. In this context, the research undertaken in Hadith, Siyar, Tafsīr and Fiqh sources resulted that the narration was not stated in the hadith books -with sanad (the chain of narrators) or without sanad. The first and only summary version of the script was included in the (...)
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  37.  30
    The Concept of Sharʿī Science in Educational Conception Formed in Islamic Civili-zation.Hasan Sabri Çeli̇ktaş - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1077-1100.
    In this article, the meaning of concept of sharʿī science gained in the conception of education, which was established in Islamic civilization, was studied. The main problem of the research is to evaluate the idea of education in Islamic Civilization, which is closely related to the concept of sharʿī science, with a false perception that it consists entirely of religious education. The beginning of Islamic Civilization is traced back to descent of the Qur'an. The conception of education that started to (...)
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  38.  40
    Two faces of political liberalism: A response to Valls.Nicholas Tampio - 2012 - Contemporary Political Theory 11 (3):331-335.
    A famous Kant scholar once distinguished two faces of the critical philosophy, one facing the past and less interesting and the other looking forward to the future and still fruitful (Strawson 1966). Rawls's work also has two faces and many of his readers look toward the past, wishing, for instance, that Rawls had been able to provide principles of justice that have the ontological status of categorical imperatives. I thank Andrew Valls for inviting me to clarify points where I diverge (...)
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  39. Frammenti da Alessandro di Afrodisia «In de generatione et corruptione» nel «Kitab al-Tasrif»: problemi di riconoscimento e di ricostruzione.Silvia Fazzo - 1999 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 10:195-203.
    L'esistenza del commento di Alessandro di Afrodisia al De generatione aristotelico, perduto nella versione greca e nella traduzione araba, è attestata da numerose fonti arabe, tra le quali Averroè, nel suo commento alla stessa opera. L'A. rintraccia la presenza, la tipologia e la distribuzione delle citazioni tratte dal commento di Alessandro nel Kitab al-Tasrif, un'opera del corpus alchemico attribuita a Gabir ibn Hayyan. Secondo l'A., la sezione interessata dalle citazioni assembla tre diversi tipi di testi: 1) lemmi del De generatione (...)
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