Results for 'Jacobus Averroes'

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  1. Zabarella on Prime Matter and Extension.Berman Chan - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (5):2405-2422.
    The 16th and 17th centuries witnessed a philosophical shift that would help pave the way for modern science, a shift from metaphysical theories of material objects to other views embracing only the empirically-accessible parts of material things. One much-debated topic in the course of this shift was regarding prime matter. The late scholastic Jacobus Zabarella (1533-1589) arrived upon his views about prime matter via his version of the regressus method, a program for a sort of scientific reasoning. In his (...)
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    Averroes, The decisive treatise: the connection between Islamic religious law and philosophy. Averroës - 2017 - Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press. Edited by Massimo Campanini.
    The book and its title -- Averroes' life and works -- The meaning of Averroes' work -- Being and language in the Decisive Treatise -- A sociology of language -- Averroes, the double truth and his heritage -- The Decisive Treatise on the connection between Islamic religious law and philosophy.
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    Averroes On Plato's Repuhlic The Text.Averroes & Ralph Lerner - 1974 - In Averroes on Plato's Republic. Ithaca [N.Y.]: Cornell University Press. pp. 1-150.
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  4. Averroës' Middle commentary on Aristotle's De anima: a critical edition of the Arabic text. Averroës - 2002 - Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press. Edited by Alfred L. Ivry.
    Averroës, the greatest Aristotelian of the Islamic philosophical tradition, composed some thirty-eight commentaries on the "First Teacher's" corpus, including three separate treatments of De Anima : the works commonly referred to as the Short, Middle, and Long Commentaries. The Middle Commentary--actually Averroës's last writing on the text-remains one of his most refined and politically discreet treatments of Aristotle, offering modern readers Averroës's final statement on the material intellect and conjunction as well as an accessible historical window on Aristotle's work as (...)
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  5. Averroes' De Substantia.AVERROES - 1986
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  6. Averroes' Tahafut Al-Tahafut (The Incoherence of the Incoherence).AVERROES - 1954
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    Preface.Mary Jacobus - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (4):3-4.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:PrefaceMary Jacobus (bio)Trauma theory, considered as a branch of psychoanalysis, focuses on the lasting effects on the psyche of events that—whether because of their devastating nature or because the psyche is unprepared or too immature to deal with them—cannot be integrated into the onward movement of patient’s lives. The trauma can never be undone; but perhaps the patient may be helped to live with, even mourn, its aftereffects. (...)
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    Nucleus disputationis de plagio literario maxime theoreticus, thesibus paucis & brevibus comprehensus.Jacobus Thomasius - 2021 - Sententiae 40 (1):89-103.
    The first Ukrainian translation of J. Thomasius’ work “Nucleus disputationis de plagio literario maxime theoreticus, thesibus paucis & brevibus comprehensus”.
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  9. Why It Is Difficult To Defend the Plantinga‐Type Ontological Argument.Jacobus Erasmus - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (2):196-209.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 2, Page 196-209, March 2022.
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    Metaphysical perspectives on YHWH as a fictional entity in the Hebrew Bible.Jacobus W. Gericke - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):1-6.
    Within a literary ontology, YHWH in the Hebrew Bible is technically also a fictional entity or object. In Hebrew Bible scholarship, a variety of philosophical issues surrounding fiction have received sustained and in-depth attention. However, the mainstream research on these matters tends to focus on the philosophical foundations of or backgrounds to a particular literary theory, rather than on metaphysical puzzles as encountered in the philosophy of fiction proper. To fill this gap, the present article seeks to provide a meta-theoretical (...)
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  11. The Case against theism: why the evidence disproves god’s existence.Jacobus Erasmus - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 80 (3):303-304.
    Volume 80, Issue 3, July 2019, Page 303-304.
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  12. (1 other version)The philosophy and theology of Averroes. Averroës - 1921 - Baroda: [A.G. Widgery. Edited by Muḥammad Jamīl al-Raḣmān.
    A decisive discourse on the delineation of the relation between religion and philosophy. Appendix: On the problem of eternal knowledge which Averroes has mentioned in his Decisive discourse.--An exposition of the methods of argument concerning the doctrines of the faith, and a determination of doubts and misleading innovation brought into the faith through interpretations.
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  13. The Kalām Cosmological Argument and the Infinite God Objection.Jacobus Erasmus & Anné Hendrik Verhoef - 2015 - Sophia 54 (4):411-427.
    In this article, we evaluate various responses to a noteworthy objection, namely, the infinite God objection to the kalām cosmological argument. As regards this objection, the proponents of the kalām argument face a dilemma—either an actual infinite cannot exist or God cannot be infinite. More precisely, this objection claims that God’s omniscience entails the existence of an actual infinite with God knowing an actually infinite number of future events or abstract objects, such as mathematical truths. We argue, however, that the (...)
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    Iacobi Granadi Gaditani e Societate Iesu. In vniversam Primam[-Secundam] secundæ S. Thomæ Aquinatis commentarii.Jacobus Granadus, Francisco de Lyra, Johannes van Meurs & Thomas - 1629 - Apud Franciscum de Lyra. Apud Ioannem Meursium.
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    Why women matter for the heart of transformative missional theology perspectives on empowered women and mission in the New Testament and early Christianity.Jacobus Kok - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-7.
    In this article, it is argued that from the beginning of the Christ-following movement, the gospel message represented a challenge to a male-dominated social system. Early Christian literature shows that women, whose voices were often silenced in antiquity, are empowered. This is seen most clearly in the Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicity. There we see how the protagonists is presented as acting counter culturally, challenging the world of men and turning patriarchal values and expectations upside down. It could be argued (...)
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  16.  22
    The contribution of Qumran to historical Hebrew linguistics: Evidence from the syntax of participial negation.Jacobus A. Naudé & Cynthia L. Miller-Naudé - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-10.
    In this article we examine how Qumran Hebrew can contribute to our knowledge of historical Hebrew linguistics. The premise of this paper is that Qumran Hebrew reflects a distinct stage in the development of Hebrew which sets it apart from Biblical Hebrew. It is further assumed that these unique features are able to assist us to understand the nature of the development of Biblical Hebrew in a more precise way. Evidence from the syntax of participial negation at Qumran as opposed (...)
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    ‘Gott mit uns’: Reflections on some partisan theologies.Jacobus M. Vorster - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1):9.
    The idea that God sides with particular groups as they try to achieve their political goals by way of violence has emerged and re-emerged throughout the history of the Christian Church. This article examines some of these occasions where partisan theologies led to inhuman actions justified by a self-identified divine cause. The purpose is to explain how the motto, ‘God with us’ ( Gott mit uns ), was used to justify inhuman actions and selfish goals and that Christians should be (...)
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    The Question of Language: Men of Maxims and "The Mill on the Floss".Mary Jacobus - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 8 (2):207-222.
    A politics of women's writing, then, if it is not to fall back on a biologically based theory of sexual difference, must address itself, as Luce Irigary has done in "Pouvoir du discours, subordination du feminin," to the position of mastery held not only by scientific discourse , not only by philosophy, "the discourse of discourses," but by the logic of discourse itself. Rather than attempting to identify a specific practice, in other words, such a feminist politics would attempt to (...)
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    On Aristotle’s “Metaphysics”: An Annotated Translation of the so-Called “Epitome”.Averroes - 2010 - Walter de Gruyter. Edited by Rüdiger Arnzen.
    This book contains the first English translation of Abūl-Walīd Ibn Rushd's (Averroes') so-called Epitome of Aristotle's Metaphysics. The original Arabic text was composed around 1160 as a sort of appendix to a series of compendia of Aristotle's works on natural philosophy by the famous Andalusian philosopher. The two most interesting things about this work are the fact that Averroes restructures here the Aristotelian text according to his own conception of metaphysics, as opposed to his great literal commentary which (...)
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    Loke on the Infinite God Objection.Jacobus Erasmus - 2018 - Sophia 57 (1):151-156.
    In a recent article, Andrew Ter Ern Loke raises several objections to Jacobus Erasmus and Anné Hendrik Verhoef’s exposition and response to the so-called ‘Infinite God Objection’ to the kalām cosmological argument. According to this objection, the argument against the possibility of an actual infinite brings into question the view that God’s knowledge is infinite. Erasmus and Verhoef’s solution to this objection, which Loke criticises, depends on an unusual account of omniscience. In this article, I respond to Loke and (...)
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  21.  49
    Career and Self-Construction of Emerging Adults: The Value of Life Designing.Jacobus G. Maree & Adeline Twigge - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Kalām Cosmological Argument: A Reassessment.Jacobus Erasmus - 2018 - Cham: Springer.
    This book offers a discussion of the kalām cosmological argument, and presents a defence of a version of that argument after critically evaluating three of the most important versions of the argument. It argues that, since the versions of the kalām cosmological argument defended by Philoponus (c. 490–c. 570), al-Ghazālī (1058– 1111), and the contemporary philosopher, William Lane Craig, all deny the possibility of the existence of an actual infinite, these arguments are incompatible with Platonism and the view that God (...)
  23.  28
    The Pain in the Patient's Knee.Mary Jacobus - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (4):99-110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Pain in the Patient’s KneeMary Jacobus* (bio)We know very little about pain either.—Sigmund Freud, Inhibitions, Symptoms, and AnxietyPain cannot be absent from the personality.—Wilfred Bion, The Elements of Psycho-AnalysisBetween Therapy and HermeneuticsWhat is the place of a psychoanalysis that exists “between” therapy (considered both as a theory and a practice, but also as a theory of practice) and hermeneutics, or the theory of interpretation and understanding? How (...)
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    Mission and Ethics in 1 Corinthians: Reconciliation, corporate solidarity and other-regard as missionary strategy in Paul.Jacobus Kok - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (1).
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    Psychoanalysis and the Scene of Reading.Mary Jacobus - 1999 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Psychoanalysis and the Scene of Reading explores some of the ways in which we think about reading and the effects reading has on us. Whether considered as a process, a representation, or a cultural activity, reading involves the idea about inner and outer, absence and boundaries, and the transmission of thoughts and feelings between one person or historical period and another. These ideas provide the basis for much of our thinking about subjectivity and receive their fullest elaboration in the twentieth-century (...)
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    A comparison between James and Philodemus on moral exhortation, communal confession and correctio fraterna.Jacobus Kok - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1):01-08.
    In this article, James 5:13-20 is investigated. This section deals with the confession of sins in the community of faith and the subsequent healing that will result. James will be compared to Philodemus, a philosopher who comes from Galilee, just like James. It is not argued that James was influenced by Philodemus but that a comparison between the two might open up fresh perspectives for the interpretation of James 5:13-20. This will especially become clear when the themes of moral exhortation, (...)
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    Die etiek van sending as anti-Kyriargale bemagtiging en liefdesdiens: ‘n Fokus op 1 Tessalonisense en mag of bemagtiging.Jacobus Kok - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (1).
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    Van Plotinus tot Teilhard de Chardin.Jacobus Stefanus Oosthuizen - 1974 - Amsterdam,: Rodopi.
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  29. Problem-solving in general practice.Jacobus Ridderikhoff - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 14 (4).
    Objective: To identify problem solving strategies in general practice. Basic procedures: Three styles of scientific reasoning were defined and modelled on the medical environment. These models were tested in a simulated doctor-patient encounter.
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  30. Teologie en ontologie.Jacobus Arnoldus Stofberg - 1965 - Groningen,: Druk: V. R. B..
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    Averroes on Plato's Republic.Averroes - 1974 - Ithaca [N.Y.]: Cornell University Press. Edited by Ralph Lerner.
    "In one fashion or another, the question with which this introduction begins is a question for every serious reader of Plato's Republic : Of what use is this philosophy to me? Averroes clearly finds that the Republic speaks to his own time and to his own situation.... Perhaps the greatest use he makes of the Republic is to understand better the shari'a itself.... It is fair to say that in deciding to paraphrase the Republic, Averroes is asserting that (...)
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    Body/politics: Women and the Discourses of Science.Mary Jacobus, Evelyn Fox Keller & Sally Shuttleworth - 1990 - Psychology Press.
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    Discovering a missional-incarnational ethos.Jacobus Kok & Cornelius J. P. Niemandt - 2009 - HTS Theological Studies 65 (1).
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    Six decades of Moltmann’s Theology of Hope and tangible hope in South Africa today.Jacobus M. Vorster - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):8.
    Moltmann’s Theology of Hope still resonates in theological discourses 60 years after the publication of his epoch-making book containing this concept. At a time of fading hope among South Africans, a revisitation of Moltmann’s pattern of reasoning holds the promise of reward. This article focuses on the quest for raising tangible hope in South Africa and the possible contribution of the Theology of Hope in this regard. The central theoretical argument here will be that the failure of hope in South (...)
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    Ludwig Feuerbach.Jacobus Theodorus Bakker - 1972 - Kampen,: Kok. Edited by Herman Johan Heering & G. Theodoor Rothuizen.
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    Imperium en veiligheid: de zoektocht naar legitimiteit.Jacobus Delwaide & Jorg Kustermans - 2008 - Res Publica 50 (1):5-30.
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    Geschichte und Gerechtigkeit: Grundzüge einer Philosophie der Mitte im Frühwerk Nietzsches.Jacobus A. L. J. J. Geijsen & Jacobus J. Ludwig J. J. Geijsen - 1997 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Friedrich Nietzsche has emerged as one of the most important and influential modern philosophers. For several decades, the book series Monographien und Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung (MTNF) has set the agenda in a rapidly growing and changing field of Nietzsche scholarship. The scope of the series is interdisciplinary and international in orientation reflects the entire spectrum of research on Nietzsche, from philosophy to literary studies and political theory. The series publishes monographs and edited volumes that undergo a strict peer-review process. The (...)
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    Possible objections to a philosophical approach to ancient Israelite religion: A critical refutation.Jacobus W. Gericke - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (3).
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  39. IACOBI GRANADI GADITANI E SOCIETATE IESV In Collegio Sancti Hermenegildi Hispali Theologiae Professoris COMMENTARII IN SVMMAM THEOLOGIAE SANCTI THOMAE: Nunquam antea editi cum Indicibus locupletissimis.Jacobus Granadus, Sébastien Cramoisy & Thomas - 1624 - Sumptibus Sebast. Cramoisy, ..
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  40. Jacobi de Placentia Lectura cum quaestionibus super tertium de anima.Jacobus - 1967 - Wrocław: Ossolineum. Edited by Zdzisław Kuksewicz.
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    Sermones de sanctis et praecipuis festivitatibus.Jacobus, Stanisław Andrzej Porębski & Jarosław Stoś - 2007 - Warszawa: Wydawnicto Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego. Edited by Stanisław Andrzej Porębski, Jarosław Stoś & Jacobus.
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    The significance of the second cave episode in Jerome’s Vita Malchi.Jacobus P. Kritzinger & Philippus J. Botha - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    Porphyria Variegata—a Problem for the Anesthesiologist.Jacobus W. Mostert - 1987 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 31 (4):567-571.
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    Temporaliteitspedagogiek.Jacobus Johannes Pienaar - 1974 - Port Elizabeth: Universiteit van Port Elizabeth.
  45.  32
    Averroes' commentary on Plato's Republic. Averroës (ed.) - 1956 - Cambridge [Eng.]: University Press.
    "An indispensable primary source in medieval political philosophy is presented here in a fully annotated translation of Averroes' discussion of the Republic. Averroes' book played a major role in both the transmission and the adaptation of the Platonic tradition in the West."--Goodreads.
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    Mission and ethics in Galatians.Jacobus Kok - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (1).
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    Emergence of the Tyndale–King James Version tradition in English Bible translation.Jacobus A. Naudé - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):9.
    In this essay, it is demonstrated that the inception of the English Bible tradition began with the oral–aural Bible in Old English translated from Latin incipient texts and emerged through a continuous tradition of revision and retranslation in interaction with contemporary social reality. Each subsequent translation achieved a more complex state by adapting to the emergence of incipient text knowledge (rediscovery of Hebrew and Greek texts), emergence of the (meaning-making) knowledge of the incipient languages (Latin, Hebrew and Greek), language change (...)
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    Social Identity Complexity Theory as heuristic tool in New Testament Studies.Jacobus Kok - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    Thomae Mori Constantia.Jacobus Balde - 1986 - Moreana 23 (2):89-92.
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    The Poetics of Psychoanalysis: In the Wake of Klein.Mary Jacobus - 2005 - Oxford University Press.
    The Poetics of Psychoanalysis explores the literary aspects of the twentieth-century psychoanalytic tradition that has come to be known as British Object Relations psychoanalysis. It focuses on the writing of Klein, Sharpe, Riviere, Isaacs, Winnicott, Milner, and Bion. Giving a central place to literary and aesthetic concerns, it makes connections with particular works of literature and art. The Poetics of Psychoanalysis is aimed at literary readers, but will also be of interest to psychoanalytic practitioners.
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