Results for 'Jamel-Eddine Labica'

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  1.  24
    More Translators of The Thousand and One Nights.Bruce Fudge - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (1):135.
    This is a review article of two recent, complete translations of the Arabian Nights, in French by André Miquel and Jamel Eddine Bencheikh and in English by Malcolm Lyons, respectively.
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    Review of Georges Labica: Marxism and the Status of Philosophy[REVIEW]Georges Labica - 1984 - Ethics 94 (3):529-531.
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    Islam in modern societies: facts, issues, and perspectives in the west.Jamel Khermimoun - 2018 - Bloomington, Indiana,: Westbow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson & Zondervan.
    Jamel Khermimoun considers that Muslims born in France and in the West now build their identity not from an imported model but from a strong sense of belonging to the nation, which they claim at the same time as their Islam. He wants to shed light on his reading of texts guided by the spirit of flexibility and openness advocated by Islam. We must listen carefully to what he has to say to us; one must know how to confront (...)
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    Karl Marx, les Thèses sur Feuerbach.Georges Labica - 1987 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Ce célèbre texte de Marx, rédigé en 1845, est un des plus petits documents philosophiques : soixante-cinq lignes, distribuées en onze «thèses», dont la plus longue compte treize lignes et la plus brève, une ligne et demie.À quoi attribuer sa fortune? Il en va de ces notes comme des aphorismes de Nietzsche ou des -carnets de Valéry : le regard étranger découvre, dans l'apparente spontanéité de l'écriture, dans sa déconcertante concision, sa propre disponibilité et comme une invite à la libre (...)
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    A predictive coding model of the N400.Samer Nour Eddine, Trevor Brothers, Lin Wang, Michael Spratling & Gina R. Kuperberg - 2024 - Cognition 246 (C):105755.
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    Démocratie et révolution.Georges Labica - 2003 - Le Temps des Cerises.
    Georges Labica offre, comme il le dit lui-même, à tous ceux qui refusent le " nouvel ordre mondial actuel " et luttent pour le changer radicalement, ce bilan d'une œuvre, à la fois théorique et militante, longuement mûrie. Qu'il s'agisse des mots, des concepts ou des choses, étroitement imbriqués, la pensée critique, dont Marx demeure la référence obligée, ne saurait rien laisser en l'état de ce qui constitue notre présent. La leçon en est limpide. Démocratie et révolution apparaissent plus (...)
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    Empiricism, Necessity and Freedom.Berkley B. Eddins - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (3):556 - 558.
    I wish to comment upon Mr. Hendel's suggestion along two lines: 1) the feasibility of Hume's solution; and 2) the implications of empiricism for man's freedom as knower and agent. Of course, Hume's skepticism did draw the "sting out of physical necessity and made it harmless," as Hendel indicates. But the force of this skepticism was also to impugn reason--or reasoning--and this the philosophes were unwilling to countenance. That man was an unknowable factor in an equally unknowable universe did not (...)
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    Historical data and policy-decisions: A key to evaluating philosophies of history.Berkley B. Eddins - 1966 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (3):427-430.
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    Liberalism and Liberation.Berkley B. Eddins - 1972 - Social Theory and Practice 2 (1):99-112.
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    Philosophia Perennis and Black Studies.Berkley B. Eddins - 1971 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):207-209.
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    Stallknecht's Criterion of Existence.Berkley B. Eddins - 1953 - Review of Metaphysics 7 (1):112 - 114.
    IN his article, "Decision and Existence," Newton P. Stallknecht suggests that the insight of the existentialist should be brought to bear on the traditional problem of characterizing existence. In particular, he is concerned to show how the philosophy of Leibniz involves a mode of thinking which has "failed to apprehend the true quality of existence." Because the "extreme 'essentialism' of Leibniz's theology stands... in contrast with his keen sense of the individual and the spontaneous," this philosophy, the author contends, should (...)
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    Speculative Philosophy of History: A Critical Analysis.Berkley B. Eddins - 1968 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):52-58.
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    The covering-law model as speculative philosophy of history: A reply to mr. Loftin.Berkley B. Eddins - 1971 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):92-92.
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    Malek Bennabi: une vie au service d'une pensée.Jamel el Hamri - 2016 - Paris: Albouraq.
    Malek Bennabi naît en 1905 dans une Algérie occupée par la France. Aux côtés de savants algériens dont la devise est "L'islam est notre religion, l'Algérie est notre patrie, l'Arabe notre langue", il forme sa pensée, qui demeure encore trop injustement méconnue jusque dans son pays natal. Les axes centraux de l'idéologie bennabienne (religion, spiritualité, réforme, colonisabilité...) trouvent pourtant leurs échos dans la France d'aujourd'hui. Son constat situant la décadence de la civilisation islamique à la fin de la dynastie Almohade (...)
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    Engels and Marxist Philosophy.Georges Labica - 1998 - Science and Society 62 (1):13 - 34.
  16. Frederick Engels: Scholar and Revolutionary.Georges Labica - 1995 - Nature, Society, and Thought 8 (4):457-462.
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  17. Karl Marx : les « Thèses sur Feuerbach », coll. « Philosophies ».Georges Labica - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (2):246-246.
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    L'histoire du marxisme, de Leszek Kolakowski.Georges Labica - 1988 - Actuel Marx 4 (1):155.
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    Labriola, d'un siècle à l'autre: actes du colloque international, C.N.R.S., 28-30 mai 1985.Georges Labica & Jacques Texier (eds.) - 1987 - Paris: Méridiens Klincksieck.
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  20. Le marxisme d'aujourd'hui.Georges Labica - 1976 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 30 (2):324-325.
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  21.  24
    Para una teoría de la violencia.Georges Labica - 2008 - Polis 19.
    Este artículo examina cinco paradojas para tratar la evidente presencia de la violencia en el mundo de hoy. Atravesando las fronteras de los espacios público/privado, o más bien ubicándose “por encima de ambos” parece que la violencia es más que nunca monopolio del Estado. Las situaciones que la retratan, actuando en cada coyuntura donde surge, lleva a proponer dos tesis: una, que la violencia es originaria y viene con el hombre; y una segunda, que la relativiza, cuando el derecho puede (...)
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    Robespierre, eine Politik der Philosophie.Georges Labica - 1994 - Hamburg: Argument.
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    Dictionnaire critique du marxisme.Georges Labica - 1982
    Ce dictionnaire offre un répertoire des concepts les plus usités du marxisme.
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    MHD Mixed Convection Nanofluid Flow over Convectively Heated Nonlinear due to an Extending Surface with Soret Effect.Jamel Bouslimi, M. A. Abdelhafez, A. M. Abd-Alla, S. M. Abo-Dahab & K. H. Mahmoud - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-20.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate the flow of MHD mixed convection nanofluid flow under nonlinear heated due to an extending surface. The transfer of heat in nanofluid subject to a magnetic field and boundary conditions of convective is studied to obtain the physical meaning of the convection phenomenon. The governing partial differential equations of the boundary layer are reduced to ordinary differential equations considering a technique of the transformation of similarity. The transformed equations are solved numerically considering (...)
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    In Memoriam.Berkley B. Eddins - 1972 - Social Theory and Practice 2 (1):3-4.
  26. La apuesta perdida: ensayo sobre la crisis del marxismo "real".Georges Labica - 1993 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 1:40-52.
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  27. Le statut marxiste de la philosophie.Georges Labica - 1980 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 170 (2):240-243.
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  28. O teorii przemocy.Georges Labica - 2013 - Nowa Krytyka 30.
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  29. Robespierre. Une politique de la philosophie, coll. « Philosophies ».Georges Labica - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (1):81-82.
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  30. De quelques offices de la philosophie.Georges Labica - 1979 - Archives de Philosophie 42 (1):41.
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    Le pari perdu: Essai sur la crise du marxisme « réel ».Georges Labica - 1992 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 1:41-54.
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    Le statut marxiste de la philosophie.Georges Labica - 1976 - [s.l.] : Editions Complexe.
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    Comparing Computability in Two Topologies.Djamel Eddine Amir & Mathieu Hoyrup - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (3):1232-1250.
    Computable analysis provides ways of representing points in a topological space, and therefore of defining a notion of computable points of the space. In this article, we investigate when two topologies on the same space induce different sets of computable points. We first study a purely topological version of the problem, which is to understand when two topologies are not $\sigma $ -homeomorphic. We obtain a characterization leading to an effective version, and we prove that two topologies satisfying this condition (...)
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    Marx marxisme, philosophie (quant au statut de la philosophie marxiste).Georges Labica - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 9:51-54.
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    Maximilien Robespierre: la cause du peuple.Georges Labica - 1990 - Actuel Marx 8:145-157.
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    Performance and Maqasid al-Shari’ah’s Pentagon-Shaped Ethical Measurement.Houssem Eddine Bedoui & Walid Mansour - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (3):555-576.
    Business performance is traditionally viewed from the one-dimensional financial angle. This paper develops a new approach that links performance to the ethical vision of Islam based on maqasid al-shari’ah . The approach involves a Pentagon-shaped performance scheme structure via five pillars, namely wealth, posterity, intellect, faith, and human self. Such a scheme ensures that any firm or organization can ethically contribute to the promotion of human welfare, prevent corruption, and enhance social and economic stability and not merely maximize its own (...)
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    Ethics of Withdrawal of Life-Support Systems. [REVIEW]Essie A. Eddins - 1986 - Teaching Philosophy 9 (2):163-166.
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    The Ethics of Genetic Control: Ending Reproductive Roulette. [REVIEW]Berkley B. Eddins - 1976 - Teaching Philosophy 1 (3):340-340.
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    World Culture and the Black Experience. [REVIEW]Essie A. Eddins - 1975 - Teaching Philosophy 1 (2):218-218.
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    Cowboy and misanthrope: a critical (discourse) analysis of Bush and bin Laden cartoons.Bahaa-Eddin M. Mazid - 2008 - Discourse and Communication 2 (4):433-457.
    The article investigates the political cartoon construction of two major `players' on the contemporary political stage, and the semio-linguistic and visual rhetorical tools used to achieve this construction, through an analysis of semiotic-discursive aspects of a small corpus of political cartoons in English and Arabic, all about the two `players' — George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden — in the aftermath of 9/11 and within the ongoing `war on terror', followed by a more detailed analysis of two political cartoon (...)
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    تخيير الطفل بين أبويه عند انتهاء الحضانة في الفقه الإسلامي.Baha Eddin Aljasem - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):599-637.
    One of the most important rights of the child organized by Islamic law is the right of custody, and th performance of this right is shared between the spouses in the event of marriage. But if the marriage ends and the family contact is dissolved, the first to take custody of the child is his mother, unless there is an emergency that her right to so is waived. If the custody period ends, the rivalry between the parents intensifies, both of (...)
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    Imaginaires populaires et stéréotypes : A propos des histoires arabes.Salah-Eddine Bariki & Jean-Robert Henry - 2001 - Hermes 30:103.
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  43. Libéralisme et État de droit.Jacques Bidet & Georges Labica - 1995 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 100 (3):435-435.
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  44. Idéologie, symbolique, ontologie.Mireille Delbraccio & Georges Labica (eds.) - 1987 - Paris: Presses du CNRS, diffusion.
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    Crisis in the Built Environment: The Case of the Muslim City.Zeynep Çelik, Jamel Akbar & Zeynep Celik - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (4):803.
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  46. Dawr al-qaḍāʼ fī daʻm thaqāfat al-mujtamaʻ al-madanī: ḥalaqāt niqāshīyah.Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Aḥmad Ṣubḥī Manṣūr & ʻAlī al-Dīn Hilāl (eds.) - 1997 - al-ʻAjūzah [Giza]: Dār al-Amīn.
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    Voltaire Nonconformist. By Rebecca H. Gross. New York: Philosophical Library, 1965. pp. v, 162. $4.50. - Helvétius a Study in Persecution. By D. W. Smith. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1965. pp. viii, 248. $6.50. [REVIEW]Berkley B. Eddins - 1966 - Dialogue 5 (1):106-108.
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  48. La différence des sexes. [REVIEW]Georges Labica - 1996 - Actuel Marx 20.
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    Les nouveaux espaces politiques: actes de la table ronde de l'U.R.A. 1394, Philosophie politique, économique et sociale, année 1990-1991.Georges Labica - 1995 - Editions L'Harmattan.
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  50. Figures de la déraison politique. [REVIEW]Georges Labica - 1996 - Actuel Marx 20.
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