  1.  35
    Let Freeness Ring: The Canadian Standard Freeness Tester as Hegemonic Engine.James Hull - 2010 - Spontaneous Generations 4 (1):61-70.
    In important respects measurement practices underlay both the Second Scientific Revolution and the Second Industrial Revolution. Such practices, using increasingly accurate and precise instruments, both turned laboratories into factories for the production of exact measurement and also made factories the sites of laboratory-type and laboratory-quality measurement. Those who had learnt the protocols of precise, instrumentational measurement in university science and engineering classrooms, used those instruments and their skills to monitor and control industrial production, exchange technical data within and among firms (...)
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    The Expert Professor: C.R. Young and the Toronto Building Code.James Hull - 2007 - Spontaneous Generations 1 (1):86.
    In their insatiable thirst for funding, contemporary universities eagerly cast themselves as important agents of economic well-being. While the particular contexts and forms for this agency may be novel, such a role is not. Historians have long identified the significance of academic institutions to economic development at a number of levels. At the national level, the importance of the Technische Hochschulen and the Land Grant colleges to German and American leadership in the Second Industrial Revolution is well known while the (...)
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    Donald Avery. Pathogens for War: Biological Weapons, Canadian Life Scientists, and North American Biodefence. x + 410 pp., illus., table, index. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013. Can $36.95. [REVIEW]James Hull - 2014 - Isis 105 (1):243-244.
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