  1. Are Humean Beliefs Pyrrhonian Appearances? Hume's Critique of Pyrrhonism Revisited.Jan Palkoska - 2012 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 10 (2):183-198.
    The aim of the paper is to reassess Hume's handling of scepticism in its Pyrrhonian form. I argue that, contrary to what Hume declares, his own philosophy comes close to what Sextus Empiricus sets out as the essential moments of the Pyrrhonian , at least in one crucial respect: I contend that Hume's conception of belief is in line with precisely the type of doxastic state which Sextus ascribes to the Pyrrhonian sceptic as appropriate for ‘following appearances’. Then I show (...)
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    „Corpus non est Substantia, sed modus tantum Entis“ leibniz o fenomenalitě látkového světa.Jan Palkoska - 2005 - Studia Neoaristotelica 2 (1):39-66.
    The aim of this article is to present and analyze the argumentative structures which are decisive for Leibniz’s position regarding the issue of the ontological status of material things (or bodies) and matter. I reconstruct and thoroughly analyze (i) two different argumentative strategies of Leibniz’s – viz. an “epistemic” and a “realistic” one – for his general thesis that nothing material (and a fortiori no body) has rigore metaphysico the status of a substance, as well as (ii) the corresponding suggestions (...)
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    Descartova ontologie mentální reprezentace a otázka Suárezova vlivu.Jan Palkoska - 2010 - Studia Neoaristotelica 7 (1):28-48.
    The aim of the article is to critically assess the widespread surmise according to which Descartes was in certain important aspects of his thought infl uenced by Suárez’s Metaphysical Disputations. In the article this question is addressed with regard to the problem of the ontological background of the representational acts of a finite mind. Descartes’ position is reconstructed on the basis of an analysis of Meditation III and consequently of Descartes’ polemic with Johan de Kater in the First Objections and (...)
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    Leibniz sur la prédication, l’individuation et l’existence. Leibniz über Prädikation, Individuation und Existenz.Jan Palkoska - 2018 - Studia Leibnitiana 50 (2):197.
    The chief aim of this paper is to clarify how what Leibniz has to say on the foundation in re of true predication is connected to certain other salient themes of his thought, namely to his doctrine of complete individual concepts and to his peculiar notion of existence. More specifically, I shall demonstrate and explain how both Leibniz’s doctrine of the complete individual concept and his notion of existence are yoked together to substantiate his solution to the mentioned problem of (...)
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    Res illa quae cognoscitur“ v Suárezových Metafyzických disputacích Odpověď na kritickou poznámku Daniela Heidera „K objektivnímu bytí u Suáreze.Jan Palkoska - 2012 - Studia Neoaristotelica 9 (3):93-105.