Results for 'Jc Pablo Ballesteros'

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  1. La alteridad en la filosofía de Joseph de Finance.Jc Pablo Ballesteros - 1999 - Sapientia 54 (206):409-426.
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  2. Resonancia natural y capacidad individual de acción ecosocial.Pablo Moreno-Romero & Virginia Ballesteros - 2023 - Isegoría 68:e27.
    Transformar el modo de vida individual es necesario para abordar la crisis ecosocial, y resulta perentorio que las políticas comprometidas con su resolución promocionen una capacidad individual de acción ecosocial. Sin embargo, parece que cierta brecha motivacional está obstaculizando la transformación del modo de vida individual. A fin de dar respuesta a esta brecha, ensayamos una mixtura del enfoque de las capacidades con las teorías de Hartmut Rosa. Argumentamos que la resonancia natural funge de factor personal de conversión necesario, si (...)
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    (1 other version)Algunos modelos para planeación y programación en empresas de servicios.Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva & Diana Paola Ballesteros Riveros - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    El comercio electrónico y la logística en el contexto latinoamericano.Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva & Diana Paola Ballesteros Riveros - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    (1 other version)Aplicación del modelo de periodo de tiempo fijo con un nivel de servicio específico en una industria farmacéutica.Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva & Diana Paola Ballesteros Riveros - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  6. Una forma práctica para aplicar el sistema kanban en las mypimes colombianas.Diana Paola Ballesteros Riveros & Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva - 2008 - Scientia 14.
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    Principios pedagógicos estructurales para espacios patrimoniales musealizados en contextos con perfil pluricultural. El caso de la Región Metropolitana de Chile.Tania Ballesteros-Colino, Olaia Fontal, Pablo De Castro Martín & Francisco J. Fernández - 2023 - Clío: History and History Teaching 49:269-300.
    Se presentan los resultados de un estudio cuyo objetivo general fue identificar y caracterizar el patron estructural de las prácticas pedagógicas recurrentes en los departamentos de educación de espacios patrimoniales musealizados de la Región Metropolitana de Chile, ejemplo de país con perfil identitario pluricultural. La muestra parte de los 87 museos y organizaciones del Registro Nacional de Museos del gobierno (RMC). Se utilizó un diseño exploratorio secuencial (cuan – CUAL) que incorpora análisis estadísticos descriptivos, fases, criterios e instrumentos del método (...)
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    La educación en Richard Rorty.Juan Carlos Pablo Ballesteros - 1999 - Tópicos 7:25-41.
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    Counter hegemony, popular education, and resistances: A systematic literature review on the squatters’ movement.Julia Ballesteros-Quilez, Pablo Rivera-Vargas & Judith Jacovkis - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The squatting movement is a social movement that seeks to use unoccupied land or temporarily or permanently abandoned buildings as farmland, housing, meeting places, or centers for social and cultural purposes. Its main motivation is to denounce and at the same time respond to the economic difficulties that activists believe exist to realize the right to housing. Much of what we know about this movement comes from the informational and journalistic literature generated by actors that are close or even belong (...)
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    La filosofía de la educación como filosofía práctica.Juan Carlos Pablo Ballesteros - 1994 - Tópicos 2:58-83.
    Para delimitar la formalidad propia de la Filosofía de la Educación es necesario precisar si ésta es filosofía teórica o filosofía práctica, si incluye en su argumentación conceptos metafísicos, antropológicos y éticos o si se subordina a ellos sin incluirlos. La Filosofía de la Educación como saber práctico se subordina a la Ética. Esta es filosofía práctica porque trata sobre operables con el fin de conocerlos y no de actuar. Es directiva del obrar humano solamente en lo que se refiere (...)
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    Algunas reflexiones para aplicar la manufactura esbelta en empresas colombianas.Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Importancia de la administración logística.Diana Paola Ballesteros Riveros & Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Corrientes pedagógicas contemporáneas.Juan Carlos Pablo Ballesteros - 2017 - Santa Fe, República Argentina: USCF, Universidad Católica de Santa Fe.
  14. Valor, Razon y Subjetividad en Joseph de Finance.Juan Carlos Pablo Ballesteros - 2003 - Sapientia 58 (213-14):303-313.
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    Análisis estructural prospectivo aplicado al sistema logístico.Diana Paola Ballesteros Riveros & Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Contribuciones de la logística al desarrollo sostenible.Diana Paola Ballesteros Riveros, Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva & Tito Duarte - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  17. Acción y sentido en John Dewey.Juan Carlos Pablo Ballesteros - 2006 - Sapientia 61 (219-220).
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    Importancia de la logística inversa en el rescate del medio ambiente.Diana Paola Ballesteros Riveros & Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Un recorrido por las fábricas del conocimiento.Diana Paola Ballesteros Riveros & Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    MOLINOS TEJADA, MARÍA DEL CORO, Concepto y práctica del Currículo en John Dewey, EUNSA, Pamplona, 2002, 416 pp. [REVIEW]Juan Carlos Pablo Ballesteros - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico:525-527.
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    Creación e implementación del centro regional de investigación en logística.Luz Adriana Ochoa Medina, López Valencia, Heyder Alexander & Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Self-validation theory: An integrative framework for understanding when thoughts become consequential.Pablo Briñol & Richard E. Petty - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (2):340-367.
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    Human Dignity and Social Justice.Pablo Gilabert - 2023 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Human dignity: social movements invoke it, several national constitutions enshrine it, and it features prominently in international human rights documents. But what is it, why is it important, and what is its relationship to human rights and social justice? Pablo Gilabert offers a systematic defence of the view that human dignity is the moral heart of justice. In Human Dignity and Human Rights (OUP 2019), he advanced an account of human dignity for the context of human rights discourse, which (...)
  24. Who Got What Wrong? Fodor and Piattelli on Darwin: Guiding Principles and Explanatory Models in Natural Selection.José Díez & Pablo Lorenzano - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (5):1143-1175.
    The purpose of this paper is to defend, contra Fodor and Piattelli-Palmarini (F&PP), that the theory of natural selection (NS) is a perfectly bona fide empirical unified explanatory theory. F&PP claim there is nothing non-truistic, counterfactual-supporting, of an “adaptive” character and common to different explanations of trait evolution. In his debate with Fodor, and in other works, Sober defends NS but claims that, compared with classical mechanics (CM) and other standard theories, NS is peculiar in that its explanatory models are (...)
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    The Eye is in Things: On Deleuze and Speculative Realism.Pablo Pachilla - 2022 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 14 (1):44-56.
    Speculative realists have directed a radical critique towards what they call “correlationism,” the stance according to which we only have access to the correlation between thinking and being, and never to either term considered apart from the other. Both Quentin Meillassoux and Ray Brassier have used Gilles Deleuze’s ontology as a paradigmatic example of correlationism. Instead of defending Deleuze from this accusation, I argue that we need to accept it, but that the correlation is drastically transformed when we take into (...)
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    Mathematicians’ Assessments of the Explanatory Value of Proofs.Juan Pablo Mejía Ramos, Tanya Evans, Colin Rittberg & Matthew Inglis - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (5):575-599.
    The literature on mathematical explanation contains numerous examples of explanatory, and not so explanatory proofs. In this paper we report results of an empirical study aimed at investigating mathematicians’ notion of explanatoriness, and its relationship to accounts of mathematical explanation. Using a Comparative Judgement approach, we asked 38 mathematicians to assess the explanatory value of several proofs of the same proposition. We found an extremely high level of agreement among mathematicians, and some inconsistencies between their assessments and claims in the (...)
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    Halberd at Red Cliff: Jian’an and the Three Kingdoms. By Xiaofei Tian.Pablo A. Blitstein - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (3).
    The Halberd at Red Cliff: Jian’an and the Three Kingdoms. By Xiaofei Tian. Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series, vol. 108. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, Harvard University, 2018. Pp. xvi + 454. $49.95.
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    Epistemología y Exégesis en las primeras obras de Agustín (387-391).Pablo Irízar - 2018 - Augustinus 63 (250-251):417-444.
    The biblically-inspired motif of the divine image (imago dei, cf. Gen. 1.26) is a central anthropological concept in early Christian discourse. While this motif has been studied extensively, it has not yet been studied against the backdrop of the closely related epistemological terms imago, imaginatio and phantasia as these develop in Augustine’s early works (387-391). Given that Puffer (2014) characterizes the presence of imago dei in the early works as an ‘exterior’ characteristic of human beings, the question arises, how does (...)
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    Looking over the channel: The balance of media coverage about the “refugee crisis” in Germany and the UK.Pablo Jost, Simon Kruschinski, Jörg Haßler & Marcus Maurer - 2022 - Communications 47 (2):219-240.
    This study compares the balance of newspaper and television news coverage about migration in two countries that were differently affected by the so-called “refugee crisis” in 2015 in terms of the geopolitical involvement and numbers of migrants being admitted. Based on a broad consensus among political elites, Germany left its borders open and received about one million migrants mainly from Syria during 2015. In contrast, the conservative British government was heavily attacked by oppositional parties for closing Britain’s borders and, thus, (...)
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    ¿Caben los animales en la filosofía política de John Rawls?Pablo Magaña - 2022 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 56.
    ¿Qué papel juegan los animales no humanos en la filosofía política de John Rawls? En este artículo identifico tres posibles respuestas. Según la respuesta integracionista, los animales pueden ser incluidos en su teoría de la justicia, como genuinos receptores de deberes de justicia. De acuerdo con la respuesta compatibilista, por otra parte, los animales no pueden ser incluidos en la teoría de la justicia de Rawls, pero sí encajan en su teoría política más amplia. Por último, según la respuesta del (...)
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    7 Pedro Zulen and the Reception of Pragmatism in Peru.Pablo Quintanilla - 2011 - In Gregory Fernando Pappas (ed.), Pragmatism in the Americas. Fordham University Press. pp. 112-119.
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  32. Primum Nocere: Medical Brain Drain and the Duty to Stay.Luara Ferracioli & Pablo De Lora - 2015 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (5):601-619.
    In this essay, we focus on the moral justification of a highly controversial measure to redress medical brain drain: the duty to stay. We argue that the moral justification for this duty lies primarily in the fact that medical students impose high risks on their fellow citizens while receiving their medical training, which in turn gives them a reciprocity-based reason to temporarily prioritize the medical needs of their fellow citizens.
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  33. Resisting Sparrow's Sexy Reductio : Selection Principles and the Social Good.Simon Rippon, Pablo Stafforini, Katrien Devolder, Russell Powell & Thomas Douglas - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (7):16-18.
    Principles of procreative beneficence (PPBs) hold that parents have good reasons to select the child with the best life prospects. Sparrow (2010) claims that PPBs imply that we should select only female children, unlesswe attach normative significance to “normal” human capacities. We argue that this claim fails on both empirical and logical grounds. Empirically, Sparrow’s argument for greater female wellbeing rests on a selective reading of the evidence and the incorrect assumption that an advantage for females would persist even when (...)
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    Ronald Kay, nuestro contemporáneo.José Pablo Concha & Valeria De los Ríos - 2018 - Aisthesis 64:231-234.
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    Sobre teoría fotográfica en Aisthesis.José Pablo Concha Lagos - 2016 - Aisthesis 60:339-344.
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  36. Historia de la filosofía.Pablo Guadarrama González - 2000 - Santafé de Bogotá [Colombia]: Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Humanas y Educativas.
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  37. Valoraciones sobre el pensamiento filosófico cubano y latinoamericano.Pablo Guadarrama González - 1985 - La Habana: Editora Política.
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    Cristianismo y Comunidades: la construcción de la Utopía.Pablo Augusto Guerra Aragone - 2000 - Arbor 165 (652):671-695.
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    Revolution and continuity in philosophy: “Medievalism” and “modernity”.Pablo López López - 2001 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 46 (3):467-474.
    Este artigo revisa a idéia de filosofia “medieval” and põe ênfase na variedade de significados daquela palavra. O autor crê que necessitamos de uma nova terminologia para aquele período da história do pensamento e sugere, por razões históricas, as expressões “United Age” e “Formation Age”. Em todo o artigo prevalece uma tentativa de compreender a natureza da atividade filosófica e da história da filosofia.
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    Artistic ecologies: new compasses and tools.Pablo Martínez, Emily Pethick, Nicholas Callaway & George Hutton (eds.) - 2022 - London, United Kingdom: Sternberg Press.
    An inquiry into the current ways of knowing, their ramifications, and institutional and noninstitutional artistic practices that provide channels for education from below. Artistic Ecologies: New Compasses and Tools aims to both analyze and speculate about potentials of artistic ecologies, collective learning, and engaged pedagogies to engender new institutionalities. Going beyond tensions between individuals and institutions, Artistic Ecologies examines avenues for collective learning. If learning for life is emancipation—understood not just as a matter of power but of freedom—the essential question (...)
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    El "camino espiritual": revisiones y nuevas perspectivas.Daniel de Pablo Maroto - 1987 - Salmanticensis 34 (1):17-60.
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    Tertuliano frente al César: monoteísmo y monarquía.José Pablo Martín - 2012 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 16 (2):89-106.
    El autor de este artículo lee el Apologeticum de Tertuliano como un texto de transición ideológica entre los primeros escritos mesiánicos del cristianismo y la teología política del siglo IV, i.e. una obra que fusiona teología imperial y cristianismo. Dejando de lado las disputas teológicas con el judaísmo, Tertuliano propone una discusión frontal con los romanos sobre la relación del concepto de divinidad con el poder político y quiere mostrar que la teología y la ética de los cristianos son mucho (...)
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    Quale dimora per l'agire?: dimensioni ecclesiologiche della morale.Livio Melina, Pablo Zanor & Angelo Scola (eds.) - 2000 - Milano: Mursia.
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    Fenomenología y poesía.Marc Richir & Pablo Posada Varela - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 92:139-152.
    Traducción al español del artículo de Marc Richir «Phénoménologie et poésie», publicado en Serta: Revista Iberorrománica de Poesía y Pensamiento Poético, n.º 4, 1999, pp. 407-420. El artículo propone articular (comparando y diferenciando) la reflexión fenomenológica sin conceptos, propia de la fenomenología (que convoca esencias fenomenológicas), y la reflexión estética sin conceptos, en que se basa la poesía (que convoca categorías como singularidad y acontecimiento). El lugar de la afectividad en ambos tipos de reflexiones es uno de los factores dirimentes. (...)
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  45. Age-differences in memory for orientation and location of repeated pictures.Re Till, Jc Bartlett & Mj Sharps - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):330-330.
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    Supervaluationism and Fara's paradox of higher-order vagueness.Pablo Cobreros - 2011 - In Paul Égré & Nathan Klinedinst (eds.), Vagueness and language use. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This paper discusses Fara's so-called 'Paradox of Higher-Order Vagueness' concerning supervaluationism. In the paper I argue that supervaluationism is not committed to global validity, as it is largely assumed in the literature, but to a weaker notion of logical consequence I call 'regional validity'. Then I show that the supervaluationist might solve Fara's paradox making use of this weaker notion of logical consequence. The paper is discussed by Delia Fara in the same volume.
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    Human resource management and ethical behaviour: Exploring the role of training in the Spanish banking industry.Pablo Ruíz Palomino & Rícardo Martínez - 2011 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):69.
    Nowadays there is a growing interest in business ethics, both in academia and professionally. However, moral lapses continue to happen in business activities, leading academicians and professionals to rethink what is being done and reinventing new strategies to successfully manage ethics in business organisations. Thus, whereas efforts to promote ethics are basically oriented to using and developing explicit, written formal mechanisms, the literature suggests that other instruments are also useful and necessary to achieve this. Thus, studying the role of the (...)
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    Atribuciones de agencia mental Y el desafío desde la psicopatología.Pablo López-Silva - 2020 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 61 (147):835-850.
    RESUMEN Una atribución de agencia mental es definida como el acto de asignar el inicio o autoría de un pensamiento en primera persona a un agente específico, esto, con el fin de generar grados suficientes de control sobre nuestra vida cognitiva. Si bien esta estrategia es fundamental para distinguir diferentes tipos de estados cognitivos - tales como deliberaciones, razonamientos, juicios, entre otros -, muchos autores han indicado que también es clave para entender experiencias cognitivas psicopatológicas en psicosis. Este artículo revisa (...)
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  49. Does Global Egalitarianism Provide an Impractical and Unattractive Ideal of Justice?Christian Barry & Pablo Gilabert - 2008 - International Affairs 84 (5):1025-1039.
    In his important new book National responsibility and global justice, David Miller presents a systematic challenge to existing theories of global justice. In particular, he argues that cosmopolitan egalitarianism must be rejected. Such views, Miller maintains, would place unacceptable burdens on the most productive political communities, undermine national self-determination, and disincentivize political communities from taking responsibility for their fate. They are also impracticable and quite unrealistic, at least under present conditions. Miller offers an alternative account that conceives global justice in (...)
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    The Room with Closets: Tales of a Life Divided.A. Pablo Iannone - 2006 - Vagabond Press.
    Based on the author's experiences of traveling between two unique cultures, and of living under both democratic and totalitarian regimes, this is a fascinating volume of short stories. These tales, all tied together by common threads, travel the literary landscape from grim political reality to joyous flights of fantasy and humor. Join Ignacio Jos‚ Conti, his family, and friends for a deeper understanding of live, love, and human nature.
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