  1.  30
    Theoretical studies on control of oxidative phosphorylation in muscle mitochondria at different energy demands and oxygen concentrations.Bernard Korzeniewski & Jean-Pierre Mazat - 1996 - Acta Biotheoretica 44 (3-4):263-269.
    The mathematical dynamic model of oxidative phosphorylation in muscle mitochondria developed previously was used to calculate the flux control coefficients of particular steps of this process in isolated mitochondria at different amounts of hexokinase and oxygen concentrations. The pattern of control was completely different under different conditions. For normoxic concentration, the main controlling steps in state 4, state 3.5 and state 3 were proton leak, ATP usage (hexokinase) and complex III, respectively. The pattern of control in state 4 was not (...)
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  2.  43
    La theorie du controle du metabolisme controle et regulation.Jean-Pierre Mazat & Thierry Letellier - 1991 - Acta Biotheoretica 39 (3-4):207-212.
    La théorie du Contróle du Métabolisme décrit comment un réseau métabolique répond à de petites perturbations au voisinage d'un état stationnaire. Deux types de coefficients sont définis: les coefficients d'élaslicité qui quantifient les variations des vitesses des étapes isolées et les coefficients de contrôle qui expriment la réponse globale du réseau aux perturbations d'une étape donnée. Des relations entre ces coefficients existent ).On ne fait pas toujours la distinction entre Contrôle et Régulation. En fait, il apparait que la notion de (...)
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  3.  23
    Controle de la chaine de biosynthese de la threonine cheze. Coli.Badr Raïs & Jean-Pierre Mazat - 1995 - Acta Biotheoretica 43 (1-2):143-153.
    This paper deals with the application of the metabolic control theory, especially the measurement of control coefficients, to the threonine pathway inE. coli. The control coefficient of a step on a metabolic flux quantitatively assesses the flux response to the step variations. This concept is particularly relevant both in pathological situations (decrease in the activity of an enzymatic step in the metabolism) and in biotechnologies, where, on the contrary steps are amplified.Measurement of the control coefficients of the steps of a (...)
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