Results for 'Jesus tradition'

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  1.  47
    Sein und Zeit und die Tradition der Selbstsorge.Jesús Adrián Escudero - 2013 - Heidegger Studies 29:195-211.
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  2. Epistemic Luck and Epistemic Risk.Jesús Navarro - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (3):929-950.
    We are witnessing a certain tendency in epistemology to account for the anti-luck intuition in terms of risk. I.e., instead of the traditional anti-luck diagnosis of Gettier cases and fake barn cases, a new anti-risk diagnosis seems to be preferable by many. My goal in this paper is twofold: first, I contribute to motivate that drift; and second, I defend that we ought to partially resist it. An anti-risk diagnosis is valid and preferable for fake barn cases, but we still (...)
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    Writing the Disaster: A Philippine Case Study of the Challenge to Traditional Theodicy in Popular Media.Jesus Deogracias Principe - 2015 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (42):172-197.
    The question initially raised in this paper was on how one’s religious sensibility affects one’s response to suffering. Focusing on three particular disasters that hit the Philippines, we look at the various media sources: the writing about the rains and flooding found in broadsheets and online media, and some ethnographic descriptions coming from the social sciences; we also look at experiential or anecdotal sources. All this provides us with material to establish certain traits and topics that come to fore in (...)
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    Las Enarrationes in psalmos.Jesús Lerena - 1979 - Augustinus 24 (93):3-22.
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    El antisemitismo de san Agustín.Jesús Alvarez - 1981 - Augustinus 26 (103-104):5-16.
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  6. Self-Conciousness and Cosmic Consciousness.Jesús Mosterín - 2001 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 10:213-222.
    The word ‘humanism’ was coined in the Renaissance, a period of self-proclaimed cultural reawakening. The preceding Middle Ages were perceived as a dark period of obsession with sin, death and hell, a nightmare, out of which the humanists intended to awaken. The refined, subtle, classical, literary Latin of Antiquity had been replaced by the poor, boring, stiff Latin of the Middle Ages. The serene view of Antiquity, with its appreciation of pleasure and beauty had given way to the dark medieval (...)
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  7. Bondades E Infortunios De La Democracia Deliberativa: Michael Walzer Crítico De Habermas.D. Jesus & A. Ojeda - 2011 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 31 (2):79-94.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo principal contrastar las teorías deJürgen Habermas y Michael Walzer en relación con las bondades e infortuniosde la ‘democracia deliberativa’, modelo que, en el caso habermasiano, se encauzaa superar al liberalismo clásico y al republicanismo cívico, dos concepcionestradicionales y con gran influencia en el pensamiento político actual. Elautor de Facticidad y validez le objetará al primer modelo que restringe el espaciopúblico a una racionalidad instrumental y a un Estado neutro encaminados asalvaguardar los intereses privados y los (...)
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    La actualidad de la fenomenología husserliana: superación de viejos tópicos y apertura de nuevos campos de exploración.Jesús Adrián Escudero - 2013 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 18:12-45.
    En el marco de un nuevo descubrimiento de la fenomenología, este trabajo ofrece diferentes argumentos para superar la clásica interpretación de Husserl considerándolo un representante prototípico del solipsismo. En primer lugar, se refuta la interpretación mentalista de Dreyfus de la fenomenología husserliana, mostrando que su programa filosófico va más allá de la tradicional dicotomía entre internalismo y externalismo; en segundo lugar, se señalan algunas de las principales contribuciones realizadas por la fenomenología de Husserl al campo de las ciencias cognitivas y (...)
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    De la sociedad del riesgo al desmantelamiento del estado de bienestar.Jesús Javier Alemán Alonso - 2013 - Dilemata 11:139-147.
    Globalization focuses on the development of new productive, trade, and economic techniques. However, this process, evolutionary technologically, has involved, paradoxically, an involution in important roles of our political, social, and cultural life, basically, about the misinformation in administrative procedures, the lack of legal security, and an atomization of the individual wills. That’s Ulrich Beck has called “the global risk society”. A society where organized irresponsibility and power relations of some international actors with political and enterprise weight govern important financial and (...)
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    Evolution and Philosophy.Brother Benignus of Jesus - 1951 - New Scholasticism 25 (2):224-226.
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  11. Sexuality and the Jesus Tradition.William Loader - 2005
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    How to do philosophy with words. Reflections on the Searle-Derrida debate.Jesús Navarro - 2017 - Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub. Co..
    Nowadays philosophy is characterized by such heterogeneous intellectual practices that its very unity and coherence seem endangered. What is especially disconcerting is that most authors manage to largely ignore the very existence of methodological positions radically different from their own. Fortunately, there have been exceptions, and the present volume focuses on one of them: the failed debate that took place between John Searle and Jacques Derrida. -/- This book thoroughly analyses that exchange, contextualizing it within the respective philosophical traditions of (...)
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    San Agustín y la antigua liturgia hispánica.Jesús Lerena - 1979 - Augustinus 24 (95-96):321-378.
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    Naming Difference: The Politics of Naming in Fernandez de Oviedo's Historia general y natural de las Indias.Jesús Carrillo Castillo - 2003 - Science in Context 16 (4):489-504.
    ArgumentThis paper addresses the complex process of inscribing the names of the American natural world – both the natural species and the territories – in the records of the Spanish Empire as undertaken by its official chronicler Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo (1478–1557). Fernandez de Oviedo's ambitious attempt to identify all natural phenomena in the Historia general y natural de las Indias provides a very clear instance of the parallel developments of science and imperial discourse in the Early Modern period. As (...)
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    Insights for Modern Applications of Psilocybin Therapy from a Case Study of Traditional Mazatec Medicine.Jesús M. González-Mariscal & Paulina E. Sosa-Cortés - 2022 - Anthropology of Consciousness 33 (2):358-384.
    The "people of knowledge" of traditional Mazatec medicine have preserved until today the ritual use of psilocybin mushrooms as part of their health care systems. The renewed interest in the effect of psilocybin on human consciousness for both therapeutic and recreational purposes usually obviates the historical and cultural background of indigenous peoples, as well as the legitimation of their practices and knowledge. In this article, through the case study of a foreign person who attended a Mazatec ritual specialist to participate (...)
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    A new chapter in the problem of the reduction of chemistry to physics: the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules.Jesus Alberto Jaimes Arriaga, Sebastian Fortin & Olimpia Lombardi - 2019 - Foundations of Chemistry 21 (1):125-136.
    The problem of the reduction of chemistry to physics has been traditionally addressed in terms of classical structural chemistry and standard quantum mechanics. In this work, we will study the problem from the perspective of the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules, proposed by Richard Bader in the nineties. The purpose of this article is to unveil the role of QTAIM in the inter-theoretical relations between chemistry and physics. We argue that, although the QTAIM solves two relevant obstacles to reduction (...)
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  17. Algunas aportaciones de Ciencia Tomista en una tradición viva.Jesús Espeja Pardo - 2010 - Ciencia Tomista 137 (442):313-342.
    La revista “Ciencia Tomista” de algún modo resume la tradición de los dominicos en la Provincia de España. Lo que han vivido y lo que han pensado. Apasionados por buscar la verdad en los surcos de la historia cambiante, han aportado lo mejor que tenían al servicio de la Iglesia y de la sociedad. La riqueza y pluralidad de esta tradición viva, con su versión peculiar en cada etapa del camino según los distintos contextos sociales y eclesiales, recomiendan moderación y (...)
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    Actualidad de la tradición escolástica en Ortega y Gasset, Zubiri y el último Habermas.Jesús Conill Sancho - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (1):215-224.
    Considering the "current" as a living, effective and revitalizing presence, and the "tradition" as that which we historically remains, this article studies the presence of scholastic thought in contemporary philosophy, through the work of Ortega, Zubiri and Habermas. In this sense, from the admiration and esteem for the scholastic tradition, but far from identifying himself with it, José Ortega y Gasset pays special attention to the doctrine of transcendentals, and to the concepts of evidence, conscience and, very especially, (...)
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    San Agustín en las bibliotecas de Gerona.Jesús Prats - 1980 - Augustinus 25 (97-100):363-369.
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  20. Estado de la cuestión.Jesús Vega Encabo - 2009 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 24 (3):323-341.
    RESUMEN: Este artículo revisa contribuciones recientes a la filosofía de la tecnología tomando como punto de partida una reflexión sobre la naturaleza de los artefactos, su conocimiento y las condiciones normativas vinculadas a su producción y uso. Se discute, en primer lugar, en torno al realismo/anti-realismo respecto a las clases artificiales según la teoría funcional y la teoría histórico-intencional de los artefactos. En segundo lugar, se abordan cuestiones relativas a las peculiaridades del conocimiento funcional y el privilegio epistémico del conocimiento (...)
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    La praxis de los carismas en la Iglesia de san Agustín.Joseph Bentivegna & Jesús Alvarez - 1991 - Augustinus 36 (140-143):15-37.
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    Imago repraesentationis creata.María-Jesús Soto-Bruna - 2015 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 63 (2):125-143.
    Autorka artykułu podejmuje temat mistyki spekulacyjnej dotyczącej tego, czy istoty ludzkie mogą osiągnąć pełną jedność z zasadą bytu w kontekście koncepcji imago repraesentationis Mikołaja z Kuzy. U Mikołaja z Kuzy to pytanie pojawia się w kontekście zachowania wolności człowieka,jako imago imitationis creata, dzięki unii personalnej z Absolutem.Dans cet article l’auteur traite un thème de la spéculation mystique qui concerne la question de savoir si l’etre humain peut atteindre une union complete avec l’origine ou principe de l’être dans le contexte de (...)
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  23. The Defeasibility of Knowledge-How.J. Adam Carter & Jesús Navarro - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (3):662-685.
    Reductive intellectualists (e.g., Stanley & Williamson 2001; Stanley 2011a; 2011b; Brogaard 2008; 2009; 2011) hold that knowledge-how is a kind of knowledge-that. If this thesis is correct, then we should expect the defeasibility conditions for knowledge-how and knowledge-that to be uniform—viz., that the mechanisms of epistemic defeat which undermine propositional knowledge will be equally capable of imperilling knowledge-how. The goal of this paper is twofold: first, against intellectualism, we will show that knowledge-how is in fact resilient to being undermined by (...)
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  24. Realism versus anti-realism: philosophical problem or scientific concern?Jesús P. Zamora Bonilla - 2019 - Synthese 196 (10):3961-3977.
    The decision whether to have a realist or an anti-realist attitude towards scientific hypotheses is interpreted in this paper as a choice that scientists themselves have to face in their work as scientists, rather than as a ‘philosophical’ problem. Scientists’ choices between realism and instrumentalism (or other types of anti-realism) are interpreted in this paper with the help of two different conceptual tools: a deflationary semantics grounded in the inferentialist approach to linguistic practices developed by some authors (e.g., Sellars, Brandom), (...)
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    The metaphysics of Augustine and the foundation of the cartesian science.William De Jesus Teixeira - 2017 - Cadernos Espinosanos 37:291-313.
    The aim of this paper is to show to what extent Descartes can be situated within the Augustinian metaphysical tradition and to what extent he has departed from it. To this end, we will argue that Descartes has borrowed his main Meditations’ arguments from Augustine’s philosophy. However, in spite of all factual and textual evidence we will provide against the originality of Descartes’ metaphysical discussions, it will be stressed, on the other hand, that in borrowing not only the cogito (...)
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  26. Neurofilosofia y Noología Zubiriana.Jesús Conill - 2013 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 69 (1):7-26.
    Resumo A situação actual intelectual caracteriza-se pelo auge de uma neurofilosofia, baseada nos novos dados das neurociências, que tenta substituir os métodos tradicionais da filosofia pelo método das ciências naturais. A minha intenção é a de mostrar que a filosofia de Zubiri, que também está ligada às ciências naturais, constitui uma fecunda alternativa à neurofilosofia cientificista e reducionista, porque a sua análise está estreitamente ligada à neurobiologia, especialmente através das noções de formalidade e de formalização, que constituem a base de (...)
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    La idea de filosofía en Ortega y Gasset.Jesús Ruiz Fernández - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 35 (1):111-132.
    This article does a research into a theme that has not been studied specifically. This is curious, as the idea of philosophy is the most important one in Ortega y Gasset’s system. Here, it is considered concerning its specifity: the principles of pantonomy and autonomy his platitudinous nature and its integrating and critical functions. As it can be seen, Philosophy’s traditional characteristics. Ortega sets them out in a masterly way, reaching its hight literary brilliance when he praises Philosophy.
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    Forms of Life and Language Games.Jesús Padilla Gálvez & Margit Gaffal (eds.) - 2011 - Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein’s writings inspired contemporary philosophical thinking and advanced many issues that had been addressed by traditional philosophy. The questions raised by the Viennese philosopher initiated debates on a reconsideration of philosophical terminology. This is especially true for a term that has generated at least three significant controversies since its creation and will probably generate more disputes in the following years. It is the expression “form(s) of life” which translates into German as “Lebensform(en)” and “Form des Lebens”. The present volume (...)
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    Reglas, medios, habilidades. Debates en torno al análisis de "S sabe cómo hacer X" (Rules, Means, Abilities. Issues Concerning the Analysis of "S Knows How to Do X").Jesús Vega Encabo - 2001 - Critica 33 (98):3 - 40.
    Cuestiones referentes a la naturaleza de saber-cómo han sido a menudo olvidadas y desatendidas dentro de la epistemología contemporánea. Este artículo es un intento por recuperar parte de un debate que parece haber concluido con la tácita asunción de que saber-cómo es reducible a las versiones preposicionales del saber; para ello propone un diagnóstico sobre las cuestiones implicadas en el análisis epistémico del saber-cómo. El enfrentamiento entre "disposicionalistas" y "proposicionalistas" pasa a ser entendido como una disputa acerca de dos modos (...)
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    (1 other version)Between the Horns: A Dilemma in the Interpretation of the Running of the Bulls – Part 1: The Confrontation.Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza - 2007 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 1 (3):325-345.
    The essay, divided in two parts, examines the event of the running of the bulls (encierro in Spanish). The phenomenon of the encierro, a complex cultural activity of deep historical roots, demands to be understood: What drives people to risk injury or death at the horns of untamed bulls? How should we make sense of this, subjective and objectively? To answer these questions, I use a framework that relies on explanation and assessment of popular views on the way to arguing (...)
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  31. (2 other versions)Conceptual schemes and empiricism: what Davidson saw and McDowell missed.Jesús Coll Mármol - 2007 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 22 (2):153-165.
    This paper is an examination and evaluation of McDowell’s criticisms of Davidson’s views on conceptual schemes and empiricism. I will argue that McDowell does not understand the real nature of Davidson’s arguments against the scheme-content dualism and that his new empiricist proposal fails to solve all the problems that old empiricism has traditionally raised. This is so because Davidson does not try to reject only a certain conception of experience by rejecting the dualism of scheme and content, but a way (...)
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    Limits of the therapeutic effort and bioethical principles in decision making.Gilberto de Jesús Betancourt Betancourt - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (2):407-422.
    Se realiza un estudio de los principios básicos o tradicionales de la bioética y su influencia en la práctica de la limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, como condicionante que favorece su aplicación en los pacientes en estado terminal. Se aborda la necesidad de una bioética no importada de otros países, que se corresponda a las características de la realidad latinoamericana y a cada contexto sociocultural. El trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamental resaltar la importancia de estos (...)
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    Introduction: Groundless Grounds and Hinges. Wittgenstein's On Certainty within the Philosophical Tradition.Begoña Ramón Cámara & Jesús Vega Encabo - 2022 - Topoi 41 (5):931-937.
  34.  12
    El mentiroso. Genealogía de una paradoja sobre verdad y autorreferencia.Jesús Padilla Gálvez - 2021 - Valencia: Tirant Humanidades.
    The liar analyzes in detail the genealogy of the paradox expressed by Epimenides when he claimed that all Cretans were liars. As he himself was a native of Crete, this expression was paradoxical since he expressed a truth by lying. Epimenides showed that it is possible to construct perfectly correct sentences according to grammatical and semantic rules, but that they in turn express a contradiction insofar as it is true and false indistinctly. Since the beginning of Western thought, the liar's (...)
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    Teoria da ideias, inatismo E teoria da percepção em Descartes.William De Jesus Teixeira - 2016 - Cadernos Espinosanos 35:487-515.
    This paper deals with the so-called Cartesian ‘epistemological turn’. Taking the old term ‘idea’ to be the core of his metaphysics, Descartes deployed it in a new way. In fact, Descartes broke with the traditional Platonic-Augustian conception of ‘ideas’ as ontological beings. In his view, ideas are mental or psychological entities. Descartes advances this position in accordance with a revolutionary theory of perception and a new conception of mind, both outcomes of his denial of scholastic empiricism. What emerges from this (...)
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    The Philosopher and His Philosophies. Ortega, Husserlian Phenomenology and Beyond.Jesús M. Díaz Álvarez & Jorge Brioso - 2023 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 12 (2):285-301.
    This article tries to unravel some of the main clues provided by Ortega on his understanding of philosophy. The thesis we defend is that the Spanish philosopher maintains two slightly different answers concerning the question what is philosophy, though Ortega does not acknowledge them in the explicit narrative of his thinking. This, we believe, creates tensions in his late second philosophical model, as he does not fully break away from certain “adherence” or “mannerisms” associated to his early model. In this (...)
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    La racionalidad nahua Y de la modernidad.José de Jesús Godínez Terrones - 2021 - Universitas Philosophica 38 (76):139-169.
    When the conquerors arrived in the Valley of Mexico, they were amazed at the creations of the culture inherited from the Toltec tradition. With the prurpose of acknowledging this culture, this paper points out that words such as truth, thinking, and doubt have a very different connotation in modern European philosophy, to the Anahuac culture, which flourished in the Valley of Mexico between the 9th and 16th centuries. This writing presents a comparison of the process to obtain true knowledge (...)
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  38. The speech act as an act of knowing.Jesús Gerardo Martínez del Castillo - 2015 - International Journal of Language and Linguistics 3 (6-1):31-38.
    Language is nothing but human subjects in as much as they speak, say and know. Language is something coming from the inside of the speaking subject manifest in the meaningful intentional purpose of the individual speaker. A language, on the contrary, is something coming from the outside, from the speech community, something offered to the speaking subject from the tradition in the technique of speaking. The speech act is nothing but the development of an intuition by the subject thus (...)
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  39. The speech act.Jesús Gerardo Martínez Del Castillo - 2014 - European Scientific Journal 10 (11):1-13.
    Language is nothing but human subjects in as much as they speak, say and know. Language is something coming from the inside of the speaking subject manifest in the intentional meaningful purpose of the individual speaker. A language, on the contrary, is something coming from the outside, from the speech community, something offered to the speaking subject from the tradition in the technique of speaking. The speech act is the performance of an intuition by the subject, both individual and (...)
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    San Agustín y el pensamiento hebreo.Jesús Álvarez Maestro - 2005 - Augustinus 50 (196-97):11-27.
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    El Martirio de Conciencia en Orígenes Yatanasio Según la Exhortación al Martirio y la Vida de Antonio.Jesús Ma Aguiñaga Fernández - 2003 - Augustinianum 43 (2):313-364.
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    Presencia agustiniana en Juan Pablo Forner.Jesús Fernández González - 1981 - Augustinus 26 (101-102):139-168.
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    Démocratie et terrorisme.Jesús Padilla-Gálvez - 2006 - Synthesis Philosophica 21 (2):359-372.
    Depuis les attentats du 11 mars 2004 de Madrid se sont imposées quelques questions qui, d’après notre appréhension continentale de la démocratie, exigent des réponses urgentes. Certaines questions n’ont pas encore été formulées par les intellectuels en Europe et en Espagne. Comment peut-on combattre contre le terrorisme dans une démocratie? Celui-ci est intentionnellement désigné sous le nom de tradition continentale européenne, en opposition à la tradition anglo-saxonne. Cette dernière a de nouveau formulé la question de Hobbes et dans (...)
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  44. Sayings Parallels: A Workbook for the Jesus Tradition.John Dominic Crossan - 1986
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    Clinical narrative and the painful side of conscious experience.Jesús Ramírez-Bermúdez, Ximena González-Grandón & Rosa Aurora Chávez - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (1):353-377.
    This article explores a literary tradition situated at the intersection of scientific reports, memoirs, and creative writing, termed “clinical narrative.” This genre offers a profound approach to the painful aspects of conscious experience, particularly the phenomenological states associated with mental illness and brain disease, seen as unsettling landscapes of phenomenal experience. Through case studies providing multifaceted viewpoints – first-person, second-person, and third-person perspectives – we argue that clinical narratives are valuable resources for a transepistemic study of consciousness. By examining (...)
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    Relaciones entre el Ps. Basilio y el Ps. Agustín.Giulia Sfameni Gasparro & Jesús Lanao - 1991 - Augustinus 36 (140-143):245-258.
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    Mark as Interpreter of the Jesus Traditions.Paul J. Achtemeier - 1978 - Interpretation 32 (4):339-352.
    The hermeneutical key to reading and interpreting the Gospel of Mark is the role which the Evangelist has given to the passion of Jesus as the primary perspective for understanding all the other traditions about Jesus incorporated in the Gospel.
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    State of Affairs. Reconstructing the Controversy over Sachverhalt.Jesús Padilla Gálvez - 2021 - Munich: Philosophia Verlag.
    The book State of Affairs reconstructs the controversy over Sachverhalt in the German and Austria tradition. The author offers an overview of the different proposals made regarding the meaning of “Sachverhalt”. The aim is to present various approaches and show different perspectives and methods in studying its meaning. Each of these proposals provides a new definition of the concept. The main theme of these pages it to reproduce the debate about a concept that, finally, has come to be used (...)
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    El problema de la reflexión en Husserl y Heidegger.Jesús Adrián Escudero - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 5:93.
    La idea de que la fenomenología de Husserl representa una suerte de filosofía reflexiva, basada en una metodología que desarrolla la tradición cartesiana, se ha convertido en una creencia ampliamente difundida en la literatura filosófica. Este énfasis puesto por Husserl en la reflexión fue arduamente criticado por Heidegger. Desde entonces resulta frecuente encontrarse con la afirmación de que Husserl y Heidegger desarrollan dos conceptos de fe-nomenología diferentes, incluso antagónicos. No se trata de seguir alimentando esta discusión historiográfica. Aquí, por una (...)
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    How Mixed Relay Teams in Swimming Should Be Organized for International Championship Success.Santiago Veiga, Jesús Santos del Cerro, Luis Rodriguez, Alfonso Trinidad & José María González-Ravé - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The primary goal of the present research was to determine the order of swimmers on a mixed relay team that would ensure the best performance in the Fédération Internationale de Natation World Championships held in Kazan, Budapest, and Gwangju. The data were obtained from database websites for the 4 × 100 m freestyle and 4 × 100 m medley official results,1 including 660 records from 188 entries of finals and 472 preliminary events. The results showed that the fastest swimmers were (...)
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