Results for 'Jewish funeral sermons. '

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  1. Sefer Yad Eliyahu.Eliyahu Ḥuri & Shelomoh Ḥuri (eds.) - 1941 - Ashḳelon: ha-Ṿaʻadah "Yad Eliyahu".
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  2. Sefer Ḥesheḳ Shelomoh: liḳuṭe ḥi. Tanakh u-maʼamre Razal.Shelomoh Ḥuri - 1942 - Gerbah: Ḳupat Or Torah. Edited by Eliyahu Ḥuri.
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  3. Sefer Bet tefilah: mekhil divre musar haśkel ṿe-hitʻorerut le-tefilah... ; u-metsoraf la-zeh Ḳunṭres Nishmat Efrayim.Ephraim Zalman ben Menahem Mannes Margolioth - 2002 - Yerushalayim: Efrayim Binyamin Shapira. Edited by Efrayim Binyamin Shapira & Ephraim Zalman ben Menahem Mannes Margolioth.
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  4. Sefer Ketsad mitmodedim:... ha-oʻseḳ be-sibat ha-yisurim u-maaʻlatam: kolel Ḳunṭres Zikhron Yitsḥaḳ.Yehudah Berakhah - 2005 - Yerushalayim: Yehudah Berakhah. Edited by Yehudah Berakhah.
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  5. ha-Meʼir: sefer zikaron.Meʼir Ḥadash (ed.) - 1990 - Yerushalayim: ha-Ṿaʻad le-hotsaʼat kitve Maran, zatsal.
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  6. Sefer torat imi: tokho ratsuf arbaʻah ḳunṭresim... Asher natan... Ohel Raḥel... Asher lavash... Asher naṭaʻ..Asher Ḥadad - 2002 - Netivot: Asher Ḥadad.
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  7. Sefer Orḥot tsadiḳ: le-zekher ule-ʻilui nishmat... R. Ḥanokh Henikh ha-Leṿi Irenshṭain, zatsal.Ḥanokh Henikh Irenshṭain & Yehoshuʻa ʻUziʼel ben Avraham Mosheh Zilberberg (eds.) - 1994 - Bene-Beraḳ: ha-Merkaz le-ʻidud mifʻale tarbut u-meḥḳarim Toraniyim be-Yiśraʼel.
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  8. Sefer Ḳedosh Yiśraʼel: yakhil asufat shemuʻotaṿ, shevivim ṿe-hanhagot me-halikhotaṿ mi-tokh sifre talmidaṿ ṿe-talmide talmidaṿ.Israel Salanter - 2014 - Bene Beraḳ: Sifte ḥakhamim.
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  9. Sefer Musar Avikha: Divre Torah Yeḳarim Yeḳrim Mi-Peninim Be-Derekh Tokheḥat Musar Oraḥ Ḥayim.Yitzchok Donath - 2012 - Donath. Edited by Yaʻaḳov Tsevi Feldman.
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  10. Sefer ha-zikaron Ḳadosh Yiśraʼel: le-maran Rabi Yiśraʼel Salanṭer...: yakhil mi-mikhtavaṿ u-derashotaṿ...: neʻetaḳ, neʼesaf, nilḳaṭ ṿe-nisdar bi-melot meʼah ṿe-ʻeśrim shanah le-histalḳuto.Israel Salanter - 2003 - Bene Beraḳ: Śifte ḥakhamim.
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  11. Preaching Death: The Transformation of Christian Funeral Sermons.[author unknown] - 2011
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    Sermon at the Funeral of Father Vincent McNabb, June 12, 1943.Bernard Delaney - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (1/2):171-175.
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    The Sermon on the Mount and Christian Ethics in the Nazi Bible.Ryan Buesnel - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (3):457-470.
    In 1939, scholars associated with the pro-Nazi Thüringian German Christian movement founded a research institute dedicated to the task of removing the legacy of Judaism from Christianity. The mission of the Institute for the Study and Elimination of Jewish Influence on German Church Life was to render Christianity acceptable within the antisemitic and militarized climate of National Socialism. This task required purging Christian theology of Jewish influence, a feature evident in the Institute's version of the New Testament titled (...)
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    ’Blessed are the Dead Which Die in the Lord’: Andrew Fuller on the Beatific Vision.E. D. Burns & Michael A. G. Haykin - 2019 - Perichoresis 17 (2):41-50.
    This essay examines the funeral sermon given by the Baptist theologian Andrew Fuller (1754–1815) for his friend and deacon Beeby Wallis in 1792 as a vantage-point from which to pursue reflection on Fuller’s concept of heaven and the beatific vision. The sermon has two main themes: the rest and rewards of those who die in Christ. The essay examines how Fuller interprets both of these phrases and then, looking at the rest of Fuller’s corpus, notes that ultimately God himself (...)
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    Alchemy, magic and moralism in the thought of Robert Boyle.Michael Hunter - 1990 - British Journal for the History of Science 23 (4):387-410.
    At some point during the last two years of his life, Robert Boyle dictated to his friend, Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury, some notes on major events and themes in his career. Some of the information he divulged in these memoranda has become quite widely known because Burnet used it in the funeral sermon for Boyle that he delivered a month after his death, at St Martin's in the Fields on 7 January 1692. In addition, these notes were cited (...)
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    Reflections on a Fairy Godfather. [REVIEW]Aviezer Tucker - 1996 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1996 (106):195-202.
    In traditional Jewish funerals, beggars usually join family and friends of the deceased in the kaddish prayer. When the funeral service ends, the beggars start chanting their own prayer: Charity will Save from Death! Charity will Save from Death! (sdaka tasil mimavet!). As the dead body of communism is interred in the ground of history, East European intellectuals accompany the funeral march chanting their own version of “Charity will Save from Death” (and political instability, rabid ideologies, xenophobia, (...)
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  17. Minḥat Shelomoh: hemshekh maʼamarim be-ʻinyan binyan tsurat ha-adam.Isaac Hutner - 2021 - [Brooklyn, N.Y.?]: [Publisher Not Identified]. Edited by Shelomoh Daṿid Frukhṭhandler.
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    Auserwältes Volk und Staatsbürger Juden und Nichtjuden in der Lehre von Rabbi Elias Gutmacher.Meir Hildesheimer - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 61 (1):25-47.
    The Jewish emancipation in Germany brought about a fundamental change in the position of Jews in state and society, leading to a rapprochement between Jews and their non-Jewish surroundings. For religious Jews, this transition into neutral society brought up fundamental theological questions: How is emancipation to be evaluated from a religious perspective? What is the appropriate relationship with the state? How should Jews interact with Gentiles? How could Jews integrate into society without denying the singularity of Israel and (...)
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    Hermann Patsch: Der unpfäffische Schleiermacher. Karl Gutzkow und das Schleiermacher-Bild des Jungen Deutschlands – Zur Konstruktion eines Gegenmythos.Hermann Patsch - 2017 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 24 (2):240-299.
    The non-clerical („unpfäffisch“) Schleiermacher. Karl Glutzkow and the Schleiermacher image of Young Germany. Towards a construction of a countermyth. After Friedrich Schleiermacher’s death on February 12, 1834, his disciples and his family endeavoured to idealize him as an exemplary figure of the church by publishing a complete edition of his published and unpublished works as well as a selection from his letters. (1) Schleiermacher’s Christian death („christliche Euthanasie“). This endeveaour began with the sermons delivered at the funeral and the (...)
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  20. Sefer Darash be-ḥokhmah.Reʼuven Shalom Sharbani - 2019 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Yeḥi Reʼuven. Edited by Elḥanan Eliyahu ben Reʼuven Shalom Sharbani.
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  21. Sefer zikaron Avo bam: le-zikhro umi-torato shel Avraham Aba ha-Leṿi Zayons.Avraham Aba Zayons & Yeḥezḳel Leṿinshṭain (eds.) - 1996 - Lakewood, N.J.: Zayons.
    Śiḥot maran ha-Mashgiaḥ Mohari Leṿinshṭain, zatsal -- Ḥidushe torato ʻa. Mas. B.ḳ. ṿe-liḳuṭim -- Leḳeṭ mi-maʼamraṿ mi-moreshet Daṿid Heber ṿe-ʻinyene ha-shaʻah.
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  22. Avne Shelomoh: mi-morashto shel morenu ha-mashgiaḥ Rabi Shelomoh Ṿolbeh, z.l.l.h.h.Shelomoh Ṿolbeh - 2006 - Ramot Polin, Y-m [z.o. Yerushalayim]: Kolel musar "Daʻat Shelomoh".
    Avne Shelomoh -- Zikhron Shelomoh -- Daʻat Shelomoh.
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  23. Sefer Matsa ḥayim =.ʻEli Hakohen & Ḥayim ben ʻEzra - 2017 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Torat Adam Tsova. Edited by Nachum Hanon.
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  24. Ḳovets Śiḥot hitʻalut.Shemuʼ Ṿolner & el Mordekhai - 2010 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Ḥevrah ḳinyan sefarim di-Metivta Netivot ha-Talmud.
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  25. Sefer Zikhron Torat Mosheh.Mosheh Pinḥas Ḳopshits - 2005 - Yerushalayim: Maʻarekhet Aromemkha.
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  26. Sefer Maśkil el dal: me-arbaʻah ḥalaḳim ha-maḥaziḳim mi-sefer arbaʻim kelalim..Hillel ben Baruch Lichtenstein - 1976 - [New York?]: Yeshivat Ḳodesh hilulim. Edited by Hillel ben Baruch Lichtenstein.
    ḥeleḳ 1-3. Toldot Bet Hilel -- ḥeleḳ 4. [without special title].
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  27. Sefer Tsori la-nefesh: maʼamre derush u-musar lefi seder ḥodshe ha-shanah.Avraham ben Ṭoviyah Ṿider - 2001 - Bene Beraḳ: Avraham ben Ṭoviyah Ṿider.
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  28. Sefer Maśkil le-Daṿid.David Aydan - 1954 - Gerbah: ʻAidan-Kohen-Tsaban-Ḥadad. Edited by Aydan & David.
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  29. Sefer Matnat Ḥayim: maʼamarim ṿe-śiḥot musar.Matityahu Ḥayim Salomon - 1992 - Yerushala[y]im: Otsar ha-posḳim.
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  30. Śiḥot Ha-Rav Zamir Kohen, Sheliṭa: Be-ʻinyene Ha-Adam Ṿe-ʻolamo: Otsar Śiḥot, Divre Hagut U-Maḥshavah ..Zamir Kohen - 2013 - Hafatsh, Yefeh Nof. Edited by Yaʻaḳov Yiśraʼ Pozen & el.
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  31. Sefer Binat Yiśakhar: derushim niflaʼim be-derekh musar.Issachar Baer ben Samson Bloch - 2021 - Brooklyn, NY: Pinches M. Landau.
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  32. Ḳunṭres Mesibot Purim: divre Torah be-ʻinyene hilkhot deʻot ṿe-ḥovot ha-levavot.Yonatan Daṿid Daiṿid - 2016 - [Brooklyn, NY]: ha-Mosad Gur Aryeh.
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  33. Sefer ʻAvodat Yeḥezḳel: śiḥot musar ṿe-hitbonenut.Yeḥezḳel Leṿinshṭain - 2016 - Betar Ilit: Rabi Menaḥem Mendelson. Edited by Menaḥem Mendelson & Eliyahu Ḥayim Bloi.
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  34. Ḳovets Imre shefer: śiḥot imrot ṿe-hadrakhot be-devar musar ṿe-agadah she-nishmeʻu mipi maran rabenu rosh ha-yeshivah sheliṭa.Naftali Nusboim - 2008 - Yerushalayim: Yeshivat Ḥaye Mosheh.
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  35. Sefer Zekhuteha de-Avraham.Avraham Palag'I. - 1889 - [Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Aḥim Goldenberg. Edited by Avraham Palag'I..
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  36. Sefer ʻOlelot Efrayim.Ephraim Solomon ben Aaron - 1988 - Yerushalayim: A. Barzani.
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  37. Sefer Naʼeh ziṿam: kolel ḥidushim u-veʼurim ba-halakhah uva-agadah, ʻarukhim u-mesudarim lefi seder a-b.Nisim Dayan - 2001 - Bene Beraḳ: Nisim Dayan.
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  38. Sefer Zikaron la-nefesh: musarim naʼim, maʻaśiyot u-derushim: ʻim targum li-Sefaradit.Avraham ben Yeshaʻyah Dayan - 1991 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon ha-ketav.
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  39. Sefer Maṭeh Shimʻon: yipared li-shene roshim..Sz Halperin - 1923 - Vilna: Bi-defus Sheraga Faivel Garber.
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  40. Sefer Orḥot ḥayim: ʻim perush Netiv ḥayim.Asher ben Jehiel - 2004 - Lakewood, N.J.: Mekhon Mishnat Rabi Aharon. Edited by Ḳalman Ḥayim ben Pinḥas Yosef.
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  41. Derekh ḥayim.Jacob Moses Lesin - 1947 - [New York,:
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  42. Maʻadane Asher.Asher Rossenbaum - 1956 - [Tel-Aviv,:
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  43. Śefer Śiaḥ tsedeḳ: shiʻure daʻat ṿe-tokheḥot musar..Dov Tsevi ben Yeruḥam Fishel Ḳarelenshṭain - 2000 - Yerushala[y]im: Mishpaḥat Ṿaisfish. Edited by Eliezer Weissfish.
    [4] Be-ʻinyene ḥodesh Elul ṿe-yeraḥ ha-etanim --.
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  44. Sefer Divre musar: 73 śiḥot meyusadim ʻal beʼurim mi-gedole baʻale ha-musar...: ʻal maʼamarim ba-Talmud.Daṿid Ben-Abu - 1999 - Bene Beraḳ: Makhon le-hotsaʼat kitve rabotenu she-ʻa. y. Mosad Torah ṿa-ḥesed "Bet Yosef".
    kerekh 1. Maʼamarim mi-masekhtot Berakhot ṿe-Shabat -- kerekh 2. Maʼamarim mi-masekhtot ʻEruvin, Pesaḥim, R.h. ṿe-Yoma -- kerekh 3. Masekhtot Sukah, Betsah, Taʻanit, Megilah, Moʻed ḳaṭan ṿa-Ḥagigah.
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  45. Sefer Śimḥat Mordekhai: ḳovets maʼamre ṿe-ḥidushe... Mordekhai Gifṭer, z. ts. l., rosh Yeshivat Ṭelz.Mordekhai Gifṭer - 2013 - Lakewood, NJ: Shual Dovid Jacob. Edited by Shual Dovid Jacob.
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  46. Sefer Hegyon libi: yakhil osef mamre musar u-veʼurim be-inyne midot, hashḳafah ṿe-derekh erets she-nidpesu be-sefer "Orḥot musar" she-yatsa le-or bi-shenat 661 uve-sefer "Hegyon libi" she-yatsa le-or bi-shenat 664.Doron Daṿid ben Shemuʼel Yehoshuʻa Gold - 2013 - Bene Beraḳ: [Doron Gold]. Edited by Doron Daṿid ben Shemuʼel Yehoshuʻa Gold.
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  47. Sefer Aśbiʻa leḥem: ʻaśarah derushim musariyim.Miḳiḳats ben Sumani Ḥadad - 1945 - Gerbah: ʻAidan, Kohen ṿe-Tsaban.
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  48. Sefer śimḥat Yehudah: derashot ṿe-śiḥot musar ʻal moʻade ha-shanah: pirḳe ḥizuḳ be-ʻinyene ha-shaʻah... kolel Kuntres Matsevet Rahel.Yehudah Berakhah - 2003 - Yerushalayim: Yehudah Berakhah.
    ḥeleḳ 1. - Elul, Tishre - Adar -- ḥeleḳ 2. Nisan-Av.
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  49. Sefer Mile di-shemaya: ṿe-hu ḥeleḳ rishon mi-sefer ʻOlat ha-ḥodesh: devarim u-derushim, amarot ṭehorot ba-nigleh uva-nistar.Eleazar ben David Fleckeles - 1784 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. Mo. L.].
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  50. Sefer Tiḳun Shelomoh. Or yashan.Shelomoh ben Yitsḥaḳ ben Pinḥas Fraidenraikh - 1911 - Bruḳlin, N. Y.: Aḥim Goldenberg. Edited by Shneʼur Natan ben Yiśraʼel Lifshits.
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