Results for 'Jill Matus'

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  1.  19
    Conversation with Jill H. Casid and Anna Campbell.Jill H. Casid, Anna Campbell, Marina Gržinić, Jovita Pristovšek & Vesna Liponik - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 44 (2):393-416.
    The conversation with Jill H. Casid and Anna Campbell is a reconceptualization of several themes to develop an aesthetic that incorporates notions of the necropolitical and redefines the concept of the Anthropocene as the Necrocene. The Necrocene implies an era marked by death, decay, and the consequences of human impact on the environment, as well as a critical reflection on the choices individuals and societies make that contribute to the transition from the Anthropocene to the Necrocene. These reflections serve (...)
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    Et Amicorum: essays on Renaissance humanism and philosophy in honour of Jill Kraye.Jill Kraye & Anthony Ossa-Richardson (eds.) - 2017 - Boston: Brill.
    Inspired by Jill Kraye's many contributions to European intellectual history, this volume presents a diverse collection of studies in Renaissance philosophy and humanism by leading experts in the field.
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  3. A new approach to the relational‐substantival debate.Jill North - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 11:3-43.
    We should see the debate over the existence of spacetime as a debate about the fundamentality of spatiotemporal structure to the physical world. This is a non-traditional conception of the debate, which captures the spirit of the traditional one. At the same time, it clarifies the point of contention between opposing views and offsets worries that the dispute is stagnant or non-substantive. It also unearths a novel argument for substantivalism, given current physics. Even so, that conclusion can be overridden by (...)
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    Theognis on Breeding and Learning: Why Socrates Should Have Quoted His Verses in Plato’s Meno.Matúš Porubjak - 2019 - Polis 36 (3):488-510.
    This article reconsiders the significance of Theognis’ verses quoted in Plato’s Meno by examining the proposed dilemma in the Theognidea. Firstly, the structure of the dialogue, location of verses, and the dilemma itself are briefly discussed. The article then analyses Theognis’ ‘eugenic’ and ‘didactic’ positions, and suggests that there is no contradiction in the verses from the Theognidea quoted in the Meno, and that Plato was aware of this. The article finally concludes that the pictures of Socrates in Meno and (...)
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    Physics, Structure, and Reality.Jill North - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Jill North offers answers to questions at the heart of the project of interpreting physics. How do we figure out the nature of the world from a mathematically formulated theory? What do we infer about the world when a physical theory can be mathematically formulated in different ways? The notion of structure is crucial to North's answers.
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  6. The Structure of a Quantum World.Jill North - 2013 - In Alyssa Ney & David Albert (eds.), The Wave Function: Essays on the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics. , US: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 184-202.
    I argue that the fundamental space of a quantum mechanical world is the wavefunction's space. I argue for this using some very general principles that guide our inferences to the fundamental nature of a world, for any fundamental physical theory. I suggest that ordinary three-dimensional space exists in such a world, but is non-fundamental; it emerges from the fundamental space of the wavefunction.
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    Altered Reading: Levinas and Literature.Jill Robbins - 1999 - University of Chicago Press.
    Altered Reading will interest philosophers, literary critics, scholars of religion, and others drawn to Levinas's work.
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    Shame, Political Accountability, and the Ethical Life of Politics: Critical Exchange on Jill Locke’s Democracy and the Death of Shame and Mark E. Button’s Political Vices.Jill Locke & Mark E. Button - 2019 - Political Theory 47 (3):391-408.
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  9. Two Views on Time Reversal.Jill North - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (2):201-223.
    In a recent paper, Malament (2004) employs a time reversal transformation that differs from the standard one, without explicitly arguing for it. This is a new and important understanding of time reversal that deserves arguing for in its own right. I argue that it improves upon the standard one. Recent discussion has focused on whether velocities should undergo a time reversal operation. I address a prior question: What is the proper notion of time reversal? This is important, for it will (...)
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    Existence and the communicatively competent self.Martin Beck Matus - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (3):93-120.
    Most readers of Habermas would not classify him as an existential thinker. The view of Habermas as a philosopher in German Idealist and Critical traditions from Kant to Hegel and Marx to the Frankfurt School prevails among Continental as much as among analytic philosophers. And the mainstream Anglo-American reception of his work and politics is shaped by the approaches of formal analysis rather than those of existential and social phenomenology or even current American pragmatism. One may argue that both these (...)
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    AFHVS 2023 Presidential Address: generating joy to confront and create power.Jill K. Clark - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (1):1-7.
    In her 2023 Agriculture, Food & Human Values Society (AFHVS) Presidential Address, Jill Clark reflects on the importance of “joy” in academic pursuits to confront the power of the conventional, industrial food system and generate power through our collective work. Clark addresses the various dimensions of power and their role in addressing systemic injustices by turning questions of power back on herself, examining her engaged research in public participation and collaborative governance. She delves into the need for reflexivity, emphasizing (...)
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  12. The ’Structure’ of Physics.Jill North - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy 106 (2):57–88.
    We are used to talking about the “structure” posited by a given theory of physics, such as the spacetime structure of relativity. What is “structure”? What does the mathematical structure used to formulate a theory tell us about the physical world according to the theory? What if there are different mathematical formulations of a given theory? Do different formulations posit different structures, or are they merely notational variants? I consider the case of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian classical mechanics. I argue that, (...)
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    Models of Competence in Solving Physics Problems.Jill H. Larkin, John McDermott, Dorothea P. Simon & Herbert A. Simon - 1980 - Cognitive Science 4 (4):317-345.
    We describe a set of two computer‐implemented models that solve physics problems in ways characteristic of more and less competent human solvers. The main features accounting for different competences are differences in strategy for selecting physics principles, and differences in the degree of automation in the process of applying a single principle. The models provide a good account of the order in which principles are applied by human solvers working problems in kinematics and dynamics. They also are sufficiently flexible to (...)
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    Sókratovská pedagogika v Platónovom dialógu Menón.Matúš Porubjak - 2022 - Pro-Fil 23 (1):1-15.
    Štúdia sa zameriava na psychologické a didaktické metódy použité v Platónovom dialógu Menón. S využitím metódy dramatického čítania dialógu autor analyzuje dve kľúčové časti sokratovskej pedagogiky: negatívnu (aporetickú) charakterizovanú elenchom s cieľom nájsť a eliminovať chybné predpoklady, a pozitívnu (euporetickú), ktorej cieľom je pomôcť študentovi nájsť nové riešenia a prostredníctvom argumentácie ho priviesť k lepšiemu porozumeniu problému. V závere autor uvádza, že hlavným cieľom dialógu Menón je ukázať rozdiel medzi „sofistickým“ a „sókratovským“ spôsobom učenia. Zatiaľ čo prvý spočíva v memorovaní (...)
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    Centro Yungay: experiencias de un Centro Comunitario inserto en un espacio académico.Bárbara Matus Madrid - 2002 - Polis 2.
    La autora presenta El Centro Yungay como un espacio formativo, transversal y abierto, que desde la universidad potencia y acompaña a las comunidades locales en su desarrollo, promocionando el respeto a los derechos humanos, la autogestión, la identidad y diversidad, resignificando desde esa práctica el discurso y hacer universitario”. Recorre luego los fundamentos y reflexiones que determinaron su fundación, su historia, su misión, experiencias y propuesta actual.
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  16. De la Blondie a Bellavista: dos aproximaciones a los rituales del consumo juvenil nocturno.Christian Matus - 2001 - Polis 2.
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    Discursive representation: Semiotics, theory, and method.Pablo Matus - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (225):103-127.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2018 Heft: 225 Seiten: 103-127.
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    Mapuche women in the city: celebrating their process of ethnogenesis.Evelyn Matus & Teresa Oteíza - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    The article examines how urban Mapuche women co-construct discourses about their ethnogenesis process through evaluations and dialogical positioning. The methodology is qualitative with an interpretive design. The collection method was a focus group in which four urban Mapuche women between 25 and 55 years old participated. The analysis was conducted from a Critical Discourse Studies approach that integrates sociopolitical studies of Mapuche history and decolonial perspectives on the formation of ethnic identity, with the analytical tools of the appraisal system within (...)
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    The God who refuses to appear on philosophy's terms.Martin Beck Matuštík - 2009 - In B. Keith Putt (ed.), Gazing through a prism darkly: reflections on Merold Westphal's hermeneutical epistemology. New York: Fordham University Press.
    This chapter examines Merold Westphal's critique on the works of Calvin Schrag about the relationship of philosophy and a theistic belief in God. It talks about why neither devils speak as atheist nor god as theist. It reveals that God refuses to appear on philosophy's terms because in God's transcendence, God would appear more otherwise than Being. Also, theism does not explain why the divine “otherwise” ultimately signifies that a personally loving Creator and Redeemer in loving unconditionally always already love (...)
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  20.  13
    Priatel'stvo ako cnosť súkromná i verejná.Matúš Porubjak - 2008 - Ostium 4 (1).
    The aim of this article is to show a social role of friendship (filia) in Classical Greece and to discover why, as Aristotle thinks, is filia the greatest good for the polis. The author bases his analysis on a comparison between Plato’s dialogue Lysis and Aristotle’s Politics (namely the book 1 and book 3). He distinguishes four types of filia, and shows the social role played by each one of them: the love of parents to children, the friendship between teenage (...)
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  21. Tyrtaeus and the social-political role of reciprocity.Matus Porubjak - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (1):35-46.
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  22. The Notion of Human Nature in Theognidea.Matus Porubjak - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (4):276-284.
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    Umiernená zúrivosť (nová rola thúridos alké u Tyrtaia).Matúš Porubjak - 2015 - Studia Philosophica 62 (2):21-31.
    Prvými svedkami a neraz aj intelektuálnymi generátormi procesov, ktoré viedli k ustanoveniu sociálno-politických štruktúr klasických gréckych poleis, sú archaickí ly­rici. Medzi najstarších patrí spartský Tyrtaios (1. pol. 7. st. p. n. l.), ktorý vo svojej elégii (zl. 12) ustanovuje za vrcholnú zdatnosť thúridos alké (zúrivú chrabrosť, rázny odpor). Toto slovné spojenie nachádzame už u Homéra, ktorý ním pomenúva jednu z bojov­níckych aretai. Naším cieľom bude komplexne analyzovať 12. zlomok, preskúmať použitie tohto slovného spojenia u oboch básnikov a odhaliť nový kontext, (...)
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    The law of diminishing marginal utility as law of mental order-ness.Matus Posvanc - 2024 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 76:317-358.
    Nozick (1977) formulated a challenge to Austrians related to the application of the Law of diminishing marginal utility in the context of notion of indifference. To be able to claim that the value or attributed utility of the subsequent units of goods decreases, we must compare comparables, even if deliberate choice means that we have chosen a particular as being value-different. This causes a logical paradox. One cannot be indifferent and demonstrate a particular preference at the same time. It is (...)
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    The power to convene: making sense of the power of food movement organizations in governance processes in the Global North.Jill K. Clark, Kristen Lowitt, Charles Z. Levkoe & Peter Andrée - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):175-191.
    Dominant food systems, based on industrial methods and corporate control, are in a state of flux. To enable the transition towards more sustainable and just food systems, food movements are claiming new roles in governance. These movements, and the initiatives they spearhead, are associated with a range of labels (e.g., food sovereignty, food justice, and community food security) and use a variety of strategies to enact change. In this paper, we use the concept of relational fields to conduct a post-hoc (...)
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  26. Robots in the Workplace: a Threat to—or Opportunity for—Meaningful Work?Jilles Smids, Sven Nyholm & Hannah Berkers - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (3):503-522.
    The concept of meaningful work has recently received increased attention in philosophy and other disciplines. However, the impact of the increasing robotization of the workplace on meaningful work has received very little attention so far. Doing work that is meaningful leads to higher job satisfaction and increased worker well-being, and some argue for a right to access to meaningful work. In this paper, we therefore address the impact of robotization on meaningful work. We do so by identifying five key aspects (...)
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    Procedural misconceptions and informed consent: Insights from empirical research on the clinical trials industry.Jill A. Fisher - 2006 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 16 (3):251-268.
    : This paper provides a simultaneously reflexive and analytical framework to think about obstacles to truly informed consent in social science and biomedical research. To do so, it argues that informed consent often goes awry due to procedural misconceptions built into the research context. The concept of procedural misconception is introduced to describe how individuals respond to what is familiar in research settings and overlook what is different. In the context of biomedical research, procedural misconceptions can be seen to function (...)
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    I spy without my eye: Covert attention in human social interactions.Jill A. Dosso, Michelle Huynh & Alan Kingstone - 2020 - Cognition 202 (C):104388.
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    Contesting Metaphors and the Discourse of Consciousness in William James.Jill M. Kress - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (2):263-283.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.2 (2000) 263-283 [Access article in PDF] Contesting Metaphors and the Discourse of Consciousness in William James Jill M. Kress Ah, not to be cut off,not by such slight partitionto be excluded from the stars' measure.What is inwardness?What if not sky intensified,flung through with birds and deepwith winds of homecoming? --Rainer Maria Rilke William James's lifelong attention to questions about human mental (...)
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    Picking and Choosing Among Phase I Trials: A Qualitative Examination of How Healthy Volunteers Understand Study Risks.Jill A. Fisher, Torin Monahan & Rebecca L. Walker - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (4):535-549.
    This article empirically examines how healthy volunteers evaluate and make sense of the risks of phase I clinical drug trials. This is an ethically important topic because healthy volunteers are exposed to risk but can gain no medical benefit from their trial participation. Based on in-depth qualitative interviews with 178 healthy volunteers enrolled in various clinical trials, we found that participants focus on myriad characteristics of clinical trials when assessing risk and making enrolment decisions. These factors include the short-term and (...)
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  31. Heidegger and Levinas.Jill Stauffer - 2013 - In Francois Raffoul & Eric S. Nelson (eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 393.
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    Ethical Loneliness: The Injustice of Not Being Heard.Jill Stauffer - 2015 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Ethical loneliness is the experience of being abandoned by humanity, compounded by the cruelty of wrongs not being heard. It is the result of multiple lapses on the part of human beings and political institutions that, in failing to listen well to survivors, deny them redress by negating their testimony and thwarting their claims for justice. Jill Stauffer examines the root causes of ethical loneliness and how those in power revise history to serve their own ends rather than the (...)
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    Written Culture in Great Moravia and Its Impact on the Slav Nations.Matúš Kucera - 1992 - Human Affairs 2 (1):71-76.
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  34. Lived excellence in Aristotle's Constitution of Athens: why the encomium of Theramenes matters.Jill Frank & S. Sara Monson - 2009 - In Stephen G. Salkever (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Political Thought. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  35.  33
    Francesco filelfo's lost letter de ideis.Jill Kraye - 1979 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 42 (1):236-249.
  36.  22
    De la Blondie a Bellavista: dos aproximaciones a los rituales del consumo juvenil nocturno.Christian Matus Madrid - 2002 - Polis 2.
    En este artículo el autor desarrolla una mirada de generación y de género al consumo cultural de los jóvenes de sectores medios en Chile, a través de un enfoque no convencional de la diversión nocturna en el contexto postdictadura. El texto profundiza en las formas en que la sociedad se relaciona con los jóvenes y en los nuevos modelos de identidad, haciendo un contrapunto con la socialización que se generaba en el anterior modelo cultural respecto de este grupo etáreo. Se (...)
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    El carrete como escenario. Una aproximación etnográfica a la sexualidad juvenil en espacios y contextos ocasionales.Christian Matus Madrid - 2005 - Polis 11.
    La experiencia de la sexualidad en los espacios de diversión propios de la cultura juvenil es un fenómeno que ha sido muy pocas veces considerado a la hora de construir políticas preventivas dirigidas a este sector en Chile. Es en los escenarios propios de las culturas juveniles, asociados a sus espacios de ocio, particularmente los vinculados al “carrete”, donde los y las jóvenes urbanos/as ensayan y ponen en escena diferentes experiencias de acercamiento a la sexualidad. Por otro lado, es en (...)
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  38. A Voice of Holy War.Jill Smolowe - 1993 - In Jonathan Westphal & Carl Avren Levenson (eds.), Time. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co.. pp. 141--15.
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  39. Shame and the Future of Feminism.Jill Locke - 2007 - Hypatia 22 (4):146-162.
    Recent works have recovered the ethical and political value of shame, suggesting that if shame is felt for the right reasons, toxic forms of shame may be alleviated. Rereading Hannah Arendt's biography of the “conscious pariah,” Rahel Varnhagen, Locke concludes that a politics of shame does not have the radical potential its proponents seek. Access to a public world, not shaming those who shame us, catapults the shamed pariah into the practices of democratic citizenship.
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  40. Why a Diagram is (Sometimes) Worth Ten Thousand Words.Jill H. Larkin & Herbert A. Simon - 1987 - Cognitive Science 11 (1):65-100.
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    From Capacity to Capability? Rethinking the PRME agenda for inclusive development in management education.Jill Millar & Juliette Koning - 2018 - African Journal of Business Ethics 12 (1).
    Building on Sen’s capabilities approach this paper focuses on the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education to assess whether current developments in management education have the capacity to contribute to the promulgation of an inclusive development that moves beyond the discourse of ‘growth’ and ‘income’. Arguing that PRME in its current form reproduces a dominant market logic, and lacks the sensitivity to difference as captured in the plural quality of Sen’s capability approach, we conclude by suggesting a PRME agenda (...)
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    Teaching Critical Thinking Skills: Ability, Motivation, Intervention, and the Pygmalion Effect.M. Jill Austin, Thomas Li-Ping Tang & Larry W. Howard - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (1):133-147.
    Using a Solomon four-group design, we investigate the effect of a case-based critical thinking intervention on students’ critical thinking skills. We randomly assign 31 sessions of business classes to four groups and collect data from three sources: in-class performance, university records, and Internet surveys. Our 2 × 2 ANOVA results showed no significant between-subjects differences. Contrary to our expectations, students improve their critical thinking skills, with or without the intervention. Female and Caucasian students improve their critical thinking skills, but males (...)
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    Self-Regard and Other-Regard: Reflexive Practices in American Psychology, 1890–1940.Jill G. Morawski - 1992 - Science in Context 5 (2):281-308.
    The ArgumentPsychology has been frequently subjected to the criticism that it is an unreflexive science — that it fails to acknowledge the reflexive properties of human action which influence psychologists themselves as well as their subjects. However, even avowedly unreflexive actions may involve reflexivity, and in this paper I suggest that the practices of psychology include reflexive ones. Psychology has an established tradition of silence about the self-awareness and sell-consciousness of its actors, whether those actors are experimenters, theorists, or participants (...)
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    ‘Empathy counterbalancing’ to mitigate the ‘identified victim effect’? Ethical reflections on cognitive debiasing strategies to increase support for healthcare priority setting.Jilles Smids, Charlotte H. C. Bomhof & Eline Maria Bunnik - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (1):29-33.
    Priority setting is inevitable to control expenditure on expensive medicines, but citizen support is often hampered by the workings of the ‘identified victim effect’, that is, the greater willingness to spend resources helping identified victims than helping statistical victims. In this paper we explore a possible cognitive debiasing strategy that is being employed in discussions on healthcare priority setting, which we call ‘empathy counterbalancing’ (EC). EC is the strategy of directing attention to, and eliciting empathy for, those who might be (...)
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    Little Rock’s Social Question.Jill Locke - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (4):533-561.
    This essay interprets Hannah Arendt’s concept of the “social question” through a reading of her controversial essay “Reflections on Little Rock.” I argue that Arendt’s social question refers to social climbing and not simply poverty, as she initially suggests. The social-climbing framework illuminates “Little Rock” in two ways. First, it explains why Arendt opposed mandatory school desegregation, which she saw as black social climbing, that is, African American citizens and the NAACP using the US courts and federal government to raise (...)
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    Employers have a Duty of Beneficence to Design for Meaningful Work: A General Argument and Logistics Warehouses as a Case Study.Jilles Smids, Hannah Berkers, Pascale Le Blanc, Sonja Rispens & Sven Nyholm - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (3):455-482.
    Artificial intelligence-driven technology increasingly shapes work practices and, accordingly, employees’ opportunities for meaningful work (MW). In our paper, we identify five dimensions of MW: pursuing a purpose, social relationships, exercising skills and self-development, autonomy, self-esteem and recognition. Because MW is an important good, lacking opportunities for MW is a serious disadvantage. Therefore, we need to know to what extent employers have a duty to provide this good to their employees. We hold that employers have a duty of beneficence to design (...)
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  47. What is the Problem about the Time‐Asymmetry of Thermodynamics?—A Reply to Price.Jill North - 2002 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 53 (1):121-136.
    Huw Price argues that there are two conceptions of the puzzle of the time‐asymmetry of thermodynamics. He thinks this puzzle has remained unsolved for so long partly due to a misunderstanding about which of these conceptions is the right one and what form a solution ought to take. I argue that it is Price's understanding of the problem which is mistaken. Further, it is on the basis of this and other misunderstandings that he disparages a type of account which does, (...)
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    Biotechnology, Plant Breeding, and Intellectual Property: Social and Ethical Dimensions.Jill Belsky & Frederick H. Buttel - 1987 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 12 (1):31-49.
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    Fostering pro‐environmental behavior at work: A self‐determination theory perspective.Matus Maco & Jimin Kwon - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    With a growing corporate interest in pursuing public goods, numerous firms today endeavor to practice corporate social responsibility. Utilizing a multilevel structural equation modeling approach, we investigated the topic of employees' pro-environmental behavior, contributing to the growing literature on “green” issues in the workplace. We incorporated self-determination theory to examine how individuals' perceptions regarding their corporate environmental policies reflected in firm-level green psychological climate influence their environment-specific self-regulation, and whether support of autonomy, relatedness, and competence psychological needs moderates this relationship. (...)
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    Does Benefit Corporation Status Matter to Investors? An Exploratory Study of Investor Perceptions and Decisions.Jill Weber & Lauren A. Cooper - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (4):979-1008.
    We investigate whether the disclosure of a firm’s decision to organize as a benefit corporation (BC) rather than a traditional C corporation (CC) influences investors. We survey 136 investors and 57 MBA students and find that they expect BCs to attain higher future corporate social responsibility (CSR) than CCs even when both have equal CSR ratings. Approximately one third of our sample prefers to invest in BCs when CCs have greater financial returns, indicating a willingness by some investors to sacrifice (...)
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