  1.  66
    Beware Bubbles and Echo Chambers.Jim Thomas - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (S5):43-45.
    It's a bold but frankly risky opening shot for Kaebnick, Gusmano, and Murray to commence their report by claiming that a “majority opinion” or a “near‐con­sensus” has now been reached on the matter of synthetic biology. Risky because “majority opinions,” even in well‐established controversies, are highly unstable (events will have many surprises in store) but also risky because... well... the majority of whom, exactly? North American bioethicists? Invitees to Washington roundtable discus­sions? Or some sort of broader meaningful public major­ity? According (...)
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  2. New Journals, Book Notes.Jim Thomas - 1977 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 7 (2):207.
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  3.  70
    Book reviews : Capitalism and modern social theory: An analysis of the writings of Marx, Durkheim and Weber. By Anthony Giddens. London: Cambridge uni versity press, 1971. Pp. XVII+ 261. £4.20. Images of society: Essays on the sociological theories of tocqueville, Marx and Durkheim. By Gianfranco Poggi. Stanford and London: Oxford university press, 1972. Pp. XVI+ 267. $8.95. History and class consciousness: Studies in Marxist dialectics. By Georg Lukács. Translated by Rodney Livingstone. London: Merlin press, 1971. Pp. xlvii+ 356. $8.95. [REVIEW]Jim Thomas - 1977 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 7 (2):201-206.