Results for 'Joan Leon'

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  1. AGAMBEN, Giorgio (2008). Què vol dir ser contemporani? Barcelona: Arcàdia.Joan Lara Amat Y. León - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 42:235.
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    Disruption of the right temporoparietal junction with transcranial magnetic stimulation reduces the role of beliefs in moral judgments.Liane Young, Joan Camprodon, Marc Hauser, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & Rebecca Saxe - 2010 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (15):6753–8.
    When we judge an action as morally right or wrong, we rely on our capacity to infer the actor's mental states. Here, we test the hypothesis that the right temporoparietal junction, an area involved in mental state reasoning, is necessary for making moral judgments. In two experiments, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation to disrupt neural activity in the RTPJ transiently before moral judgment and during moral judgment. In both experiments, TMS to the RTPJ led participants to rely less on the (...)
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    WALLERSTEIN, Immanuel. L'universalisme europeu. La retòrica del poder; Universalismo europeo. El discurso del poder.Joan Lara Amat Y. León - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 43:232-235.
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    Immanuel WALLERSTEIN, L’universalisme europeu. La retòrica del poder ; Universalismo europeo. El discurso del poder. 2009. [REVIEW]Joan Lara Amat Y. León - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 43:232.
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    El águila bicéfala: belicismo y humanitarismo.Joan Lara Amat Y. León - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:227-237.
    El presente estudio analiza los recientes discursos sobre las guerras actuales. Hemos podido identificar dos tipos de argumentaciones, una proveniente del ámbito belicista y otro del ámbito humanitarista. El primero de estos discursos defiende explícitamente las intervenciones militares y recurre a nociones como el poder y la hegemonía. El segundo en cambio apela a la defensa de valores universales, la democracia y los derechos humanos. No obstante, aun partiendo de posturas teóricas opuestas (incluso enfrentadas), finalmente confluyen en la normalización y (...)
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    Regularized Functional Connectivity in Schizophrenia.Raymond Salvador, Paola Fuentes-Claramonte, María Ángeles García-León, Núria Ramiro, Joan Soler-Vidal, María Llanos Torres, Pilar Salgado-Pineda, Josep Munuera, Aristotle Voineskos & Edith Pomarol-Clotet - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Regularization may be used as an alternative to dimensionality reduction when the number of variables in a model is much larger than the number of available observations. In a recent study from our group regularized regression was employed to quantify brain functional connectivity in a sample of healthy controls using a brain parcellation and resting state fMRI images. Here regularization is applied to evaluate resting state connectivity abnormalities at the voxel level in a sample of patients with schizophrenia. Specifically, ridge (...)
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    Economic Philosophy.Joan Robinson - 1962 - New Brunswick, N.J.: Routledge.
    Joan Robinson was one of the greatest economists of the twentieth century and a fearless critic of free-market capitalism. A major figure in the controversial 'Cambridge School' of economics in the post-war period, she made fundamental contributions to the economics of international trade and development. In Economic Philosophy Robinson looks behind the curtain of economics to reveal a constant battle between economics as a science and economics as ideology, which she argued was integral to economics. In her customary vivid (...)
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  8. Lara Amat y León, Joan (Ed). La ciudadanía y lo político. Ciudadanía y crisis de la democracia liberal en un mundo en transformación.Vladimir Junior Sosa Sanchez - 2020 - In Miguel Ángel Polo (ed.), Cuadernos de ética y filosofía política. Lima: pp. 227-232.
    La ciudadanía y lo político. Ciudadanía y crisis de la democracia liberal en un mundo en transformación es un texto provocador, que desafía directamente a las esferas de poder económico, político y social en el marco de la corrupción. Deja al descubierto las entrañas cancerígenas de una política enferma de poder, donde priman los intereses particulares o políticos sobre los intereses del pueblo. El libro es una lanza que atraviesa las profundidades que erosionan nuestra sociedad, realizando así un análisis riguroso (...)
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    Anthony Grafton. Leon Battista Alberti: Master Builder of the Italian Renaissance. xii + 417 pp., frontis., illus., index.New York: Hill & Wang, 2000. $35. [REVIEW]Jane Aiken - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):112-113.
    Anthony Grafton, like Jacob Burckhardt before him, begins his appreciation of Leon Battista Alberti by reviewing how the fifteenth‐century Italian author created a many‐faceted identity through willful self‐fashioning. Grafton, however, offers the reader a much richer Bildungsroman than the older portrait and exposes many forces undercutting the monolithic character of Burckhardt's Renaissance, the same forces that may provide a key to the contrary and doubt‐ridden persona frequenting Alberti's writings. Alberti's ambitions and the leitmotifs of his life from his youthful (...)
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    Against telic monism in logic.Leon Commandeur - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-18.
    Telic monism in logic is the thesis that there is one single philosophically primary goal to logic. A different way to put it is that there is only one canonical application to logic. This thesis is widely present—implicitly or more explicitly—in the literature on the philosophy of logic, yet has not been examined nor argued for extensively. In this paper I will present and critically examine telic monism. One prominent candidate for the canonical application of logic, namely the formal codification (...)
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  11. Do a Posteriori Physicalists Get Our Phenomenal Concepts Wrong?E. Diaz-Leon - 2013 - Ratio 27 (1):1-16.
    A posteriori physicalism is the combination of two appealing views: physicalism (i.e. the view that all facts are either physical or entailed by the physical), and conceptual dualism (i.e. the view that phenomenal truths are not entailed a priori by physical truths). Recently, some philosophers such as Goff (2011), Levine (2007) and Nida-Rümelin (2007), among others, have suggested that a posteriori physicalism cannot explain how phenomenal concepts can reveal the nature of phenomenal properties. In this paper, I wish to defend (...)
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  12. Impredicative Identity Criteria.Leon Horsten - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 80 (2):411-439.
    In this paper, a general perspective on criteria of identity of kinds of objects is developed. The question of the admissibility of impredicative or circular identity criteria is investigated in the light of the view that is articulated. It is argued that in and of itself impredicativity does not constitute sufficient grounds for rejecting a putative identity criterion. The view that is presented is applied to Davidson’s criterion of identity for events and to the structuralist criterion of identity of places (...)
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    (1 other version)Social Investing Roundtable.Joan Shapiro - 1993 - Business Ethics 7 (1):20-24.
  14. Formal Methods in the Philosophy of Science.Leon Horsten & Igor Douven - 2008 - Studia Logica 89 (2):151-162.
    In this article, we reflect on the use of formal methods in the philosophy of science. These are taken to comprise not just methods from logic broadly conceived, but also from other formal disciplines such as probability theory, game theory, and graph theory. We explain how formal modelling in the philosophy of science can shed light on difficult problems in this domain.
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    Man and Culture; An Evaluation of the Work of Bronislaw Malinowski.Leon J. Goldstein - 1959 - Philosophy of Science 26 (2):167-169.
  16. The willing addict: Actor or (helpless) bystander?Mark Leon - 2001 - Philosophia 28 (1-4):437-443.
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    Latour, Deleuze y Harman hacia una nueva concepción de la teoría del actor red.Eduardo Alberto León - 2022 - Isegoría 66:23-23.
    This article aims, first, to describe some of the main features of Latour’s actor network theory. Second, it shows how the practice of writing nature could be seen as a precursor to the actor network theory. Third, some Deleuzian and Harman concepts are outlined, which could be useful for future actor network theories. And finally, this work argues that making an actor network theory implies a series of fundamental changes in the practice of literary and cultural studies, as well as (...)
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    Thinking about wages:: The gendered wage gap in swedish Banks.Joan Acker - 1991 - Gender and Society 5 (3):390-407.
    The gender-based wage gap in Swedish banks began to increase in 1983 after many years of decline. The growth in the gap between the wages of nonmanagerial women and men employees was particularly high. This article asks, How did this happen? Wage setting, part of the processes of control in capitalist economies, is accomplished through concrete practices under specific historical conditions. The author studied these practices and conditions to understand the increasing wage gap. Through interviews and examination of union and (...)
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  19. The Tree of Gnosis: Gnostic Mythology from Early Christianity to Modern Nihilism.Joan P. Couliano - 1992
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  20. The Gospel According to Matthew.Leon Morris - 1992
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    Impediments to Epistemology in the Philosophy of History.Leon J. Goldstein - 1986 - History and Theory 25 (4):82.
    If history is to be taken seriously as a cognitive - not merely literary - discipline to which considerations of truth or falsity are relevant, it is because of the progress made over the course of centuries in the sharpening of the methodology of the infrastructure of history. By not attending to the way in which the historical past actually emerged in the course of work at the level of the infrastructure, philosophical writers, such as Mandelbaum, Pompa, McCullagh, and Gorman, (...)
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  22. Norms for Theories of Reflexive Truth.Leon Horsten & Volker Halbach - 2015 - In T. Achourioti, H. Galinon, J. Martínez Fernández & K. Fujimoto (eds.), Unifying the Philosophy of Truth. Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
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  23. The outcome as cause: Predestination and human cloning.Leon Eisenberg - 1976 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 1 (4):318-331.
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    In memory of a great philosopher: Edmund Husserl.Leon Shestov - 1962 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 22 (4):449-471.
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    Katharsis as Clarification: an Objection Answered.Leon Golden - 1973 - Classical Quarterly 23 (01):45-.
    In the Introduction to her recent translation of the Poetics, Miss Hubbard astutely recognizes the intellectual orientation of Aristotle's aesthetic theory. She observes that for Aristotle the concept of mimesis is intimately connected with that of mathesis and thus that the basic pleasure of art is the intellectual pleasure involved in learning. She then correctly identifies two levels of the learning process involved in mimesis: on a lower level it signifies the way in which children learn their first lessons but (...)
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  26. Models of the Visual Cortex Edited by D. Rose and VG Dobson© 1985 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Leon N. Cooper - 1985 - In David Rose & Vernon G. Dobson (eds.), Models of the Visual Cortex. New York: Wiley. pp. 164.
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  27. The Epistle to the Romans.Leon Morris - 1988
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  28. Character, content, and the ontology of experience.Mark Leon - 1987 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 65 (4):377-399.
  29. Commentary on The Gospel of John.Leon Morris - 1971
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    Etzler'S Paradise Seen Through Thoreau's Eyes.Leon E. Trachtman - 1990 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 10 (5-6):298-300.
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  31. (2 other versions)Le progrès de la conscience dans la philosophie occidentale.Léon Brunschvicg - 1927 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 34 (3):1-3.
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  32. Aristotle on Thises, Suches and the Third Man A rgument.Joan Kung - 1981 - Phronesis 26 (3):207-247.
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    (1 other version)Banishing the rule of substitution for functional variables.Leon Henkin - 1953 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 18 (3):201-208.
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    (1 other version)Some notes on nominalism.Leon Henkin - 1953 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 18 (1):19-29.
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    Uwagi o dowodzie sformalizowanym i konsekwencji.Leon Gumański - 1969 - Studia Logica 25 (1):151-156.
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  36. Generic Structures.Leon Horsten - 2019 - Philosophia Mathematica 27 (3):362-380.
    In this article ideas from Kit Fine’s theory of arbitrary objects are applied to questions regarding mathematical structuralism. I discuss how sui generis mathematical structures can be viewed as generic systems of mathematical objects, where mathematical objects are conceived of as arbitrary objects in Fine’s sense.
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    A Bibliography of the Sudan 1938-1958.Leon Carl Brown & Abdel Rahman el Nasri - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (3):363.
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    Vie intérieure et vie spirituelle.Léon Brunschvicg - 1925 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 32 (2):139 - 148.
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  39. La teoría del gusto y la constitución del realismo burgués en el siglo XVIII.María José Rodríguez Sánchez de León - 2010 - Res Publica. Murcia 23:37-55.
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  40. Justification des “cinq voies”.Leon Elders - 1961 - Revue Thomiste 61:207-225.
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    La genese de la Science des CristauxHelene Metzger.Leon Guinet - 1921 - Isis 3 (3):445-446.
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    Tadeusz Czeżowski's logical writings.Leon Gumański - 1981 - Studia Logica 40 (2):203-207.
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    As artes plásticas: Mário de Andrade e seu método.Leon Kossovitch - 1970 - Discurso 1 (1):83-94.
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    Motor Vehicle Injuries: The Law and the Profits.Leon S. Robertson - 1989 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 17 (1):69-72.
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    The Role of Ethical Standards in the Relationship Between Religious Social Norms and M&A Announcement Returns.Leon Zolotoy, Don O’Sullivan & Keke Song - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (4):721-742.
    Prior studies suggest that firms headquartered in areas with strong religious social norms have higher ethical standards. In this study, we examine whether the ethical standards associated with local religious norms influence the M&A announcement returns. We document that the M&A announcement returns of acquirer firms increase with the strength of religious social norms in the area surrounding firms’ headquarters. We also document that the relationship is attenuated when acquirer firms have strong corporate social responsibility credentials, is amplified when public (...)
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    Culture in History: Essays in Honor of Paul Radin.Leon F. Goldstein - 1962 - Philosophy of Science 29 (4):442-443.
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  47. Social functionalism the law and the state.Leon Duguit - 1938 - In Jerome Hall (ed.), Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt. pp. 31--199.
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    A letter to reviewer.Leon Henkin - 1964 - Philosophia Mathematica (2):118-119.
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    The Descartes-Huygens Correspondance.Léon Roth - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 2:101-108.
    La correspondance entre Descartes et Huygens, quoique maintenant absorbée dans le corpus général des lettres de Descartes, garde son intérêt et son importance propre. A part son caractère unique, comme série complète de lettres échangées entre deux hommes d’une distinction si différente, elle nous montre avec quelle précaution il nous faut accepter le texte des lettres de Clerselier et le récit de Baillet sur la vie de Descartes en Hollande. Et comme toutes les vies de Descartes reposent finalement sur Clerselier (...)
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    El concepto de discrecionalidad Y su control.Joan Mesquida Sampol - 2003 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 37:337-358.
    In this paper I attempt to o f fer a concept of discretion and to an a l yse the forms of control that can be e x ercised in this matte r . F rom the concept of l e g al ce r taint y , w e can obse r v e h o w discretion eme r ges in those cases that are e n visaged b y the norms and in the so called hard cases. (...)
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