  1.  11
    Aktualizacje antropologicznych struktur wyobraźni w wierszach Bolesława Leśmiana i Mirona Białoszewskiego.Joanna Ślósarska - 2003 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 6:301-311.
    Considerations are centred on the problem of actualisation of the anthropological structures of imagination within the chosen texts by B. Leśmian and M. Białoszewski. Theoretical point of departure is a statement by G. Durand, which concerns cultural manifestation of the fundamental pattern of experience consisting of the principles of disconnection (separation), of connection (unity), and of analogy. Those principles correspond lo two fields of the isotopies of archetypes, symbols, structures and attitudes that constitute archetypal images of day and night. In (...)
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  2. Problem równoważenia struktur poznawczych za pomocą form w sztuce.Joanna Ślósarska - 1987 - Studia Filozoficzne 264 (11).
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