Results for 'Johann Jacob Leibnitz'

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  1.  80
    Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime.Johann Jacob Kanter, Johann Georg Hamann, Moses Mendelssohn & Edmund Burke - 1961 - Philosophical Books 2 (2):7-9.
    Contents \t\t\t\t\t \tTRANSLATOR'S INTRODUCTION \t\t1 \t \tNOTE ON THE TRANSLATION \t\t39 \t OBSERVATIONS ON THE FEELING OF THE BEAUTIFUL AND SUBLIME \t\t\t\t\t \tSECTION ONE: \t\t\t\t \t\tOf the Distinct Objects of the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime \t\t45 \tSECTION TWO: \t\t\t\t \t\tOf the Attributes of the Beautiful and Sublime.
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  2. Über Handlung, Gespräch und Erzählung.Johann Jacob Engel & Ernst Theodor Voss - 1964 - Stuttgart,: Metzler. Edited by E. Theodor Voss.
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    Von der Natur der Dinge.Johann Jacob Wagner - 1968 - Leipzig,: Breitkopf und Härtel, 1803 [Bruxelles, Culture et Civilisation.
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    Eighteen Books of the Secrets of Art & Nature: Being the Summe and Substance of Naturall Philosophy, Methodically Digested.Johann Jacob Wecker & R. Read - 1660 - Printed for Simon Miller.
    This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scans of the original. This allows us to preserve the book accurately and present it in the way the author intended. Since the original versions are generally quite old, there may occasionally be certain imperfections within these reproductions. We're happy to make these classics available again for future generations to enjoy!
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    Johann Peter Hebel , The Glass Jew.Nicholas Jacobs & Johann Peter Hebel - 2018 - Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 9 (1):87-89.
    Nicholas Jacobs’s introduction to and translation of Johann Peter Hebel’s story, The Glass Jew, a humorous example of inclusiveness and communicative conflict-resolution.
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  6. Glock, Hans Johann (2018). Animal rationality and belief. In: Andrews, Kirstin; Beck, Jacob. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds. London: Routledge, 89-99.Hans Johann Glock, Kirstin Andrews & Jacob Beck (eds.) - 2018
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  7. Werke.Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Reinhard Lauth & Hans Jacob - 1964 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt,: F. Frommann. Edited by Reinhard Lauth & Hans Jacob.
    Bd. 1. 1791-1794.--Bd. 2. 1793-1795.--Bd. 3.--1794-1796.--Bd. 4. 1797-1798.--Bd. 5. 1798-1799.--Bd. 6. 1799-1800.--Bd. 7. 1800-1801.--Bd. 8. 1801-1806.--Bd. 9. 1806-1807.--Bd. 10. 1808-1812.
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  8. Weltgeschichtliche Betrachtungen: nach dem oerischen Text.Jacob Burckhardt, Johann Jakob Oeri & Werner Kaegi - 1947 - Hallwag.
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    No sex please, we're mitochondria: a hypothesis on the somatic unit of inheritance of mammalian mtDNA.Howard T. Jacobs, Sanna K. Lehtinen & Johannes N. Spelbrink - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (6):564-572.
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    Weltgeschichtliche betrachtungen.Jacob Burckhardt, Johann Jakob Oeri & Werner Kaegi - 1905 - Berlin und Stuttgart,: W. Spemann. Edited by Johann Jakob Oeri.
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    J.G. Fichte-Gesamtausgabe der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Hans Jacob & Reinhard Lauth - 1962 - Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Reinhard Lauth, Hans Jacob & Hans Gliwitzky.
    Die Wissenschaftslehre von 1812 - die letzte, die Fichte vollstandig vorgetragen hat - wird der Forschung erstmals in zuverlassiger Form vorgelegt. In ihr deduziert Fichte vom hochsten bestimmten 'Blick' aus, dem des sittlichen Wollens als einem der hoheren 'Schemata' der Erscheinung des Absoluten, die weiteren Momente des Wissens. Die Rechtslehre von 1812 wird ausschliesslich nach der Handschrift wiedergegeben. Drei nicht exakt zu datierende Texte zeigen Fichtes Reaktion auf die Zeitereignisse (u.a. Napoleons Kontributionsforderungen an den preussischen Staat). Ausserdem stellt der Philosoph (...)
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    Über den Begriff der Wissenschaftslehre: (1794).Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Hans Jacob & Reinhard Lauth - 1969 - F. Frommann Verlag.
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    Has glenberg forgotten his nurse?Arthur M. Jacobs & Johannes C. Ziegler - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (1):26-27.
    Glenberg's conception of “meaning from and for action” is too narrow. For example, it provides no satisfactory account of the “logic of Elfland,” a metaphor used by Chesterton to refer to meaning acquired by being told something. All that we call spirit and art and ecstasy only means that for one awful instant we remember that we forget. G. K. Chesterton.
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    Gesellschaftlicher Umbruch und Historie im zeitgenössischen Drama der islamischen WeltGesellschaftlicher Umbruch und Historie im zeitgenossischen Drama der islamischen Welt.Jacob M. Landau, Johann Christoph Bürgel, Stephan Guth & Johann Christoph Burgel - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (1):110.
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    Geschichte der jüdischen ReligionGeschichte der judischen Religion.Jacob Neusner & Johann Maier - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):112.
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    Animal rationality and belief.Hans Johann Glock, Kirstin Andrews & Jacob Beck - 2018 - In [no title]. pp. 89-99.
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    The Emergence of Relativism: German Thought from the Enlightenment to National Socialism.Martin Kusch, Johannes Steizinger, Katherina Kinzel & Niels Jacob Wildschut (eds.) - 2019 - London, New York: Routledge.
    Debates over relativism are as old as philosophy itself. Since the late nineteenth century, relativism has also been a controversial topic in many of the social and cultural sciences. And yet, relativism has not been a central topic of research in the history of philosophy or the history of the social sciences. This collection seeks to remedy this situation by studying the emergence of modern forms of relativism as they unfolded in the German lands during the "long nineteenth century"—from the (...)
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    I am a philosopher of the particular case.Ole Jacob Madsen, Johannes Servan & Simen Andersen Øyen - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (3):32-51.
    When Ian Hacking won the Holberg International Memorial Prize 2009 his candidature was said to strengthen the legitimacy of the prize after years of controversy. Ole Jacob Madsen, Johannes Servan and Simen Andersen Øyen have talked to Ian Hacking about current questions in the philosophy and history of science.
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    Multidisciplinary Engagement with Nanoethics Through Education—The Nanobio-RAISE Advanced Courses as a Case Study and Model.Daan Schuurbiers, Susanne Sleenhoff, Johannes F. Jacobs & Patricia Osseweijer - 2009 - NanoEthics 3 (3):197-211.
    This paper presents and evaluates two advanced courses organised in Oxford as part of the European project Nanobio-RAISE and suggests using their format to encourage multidisciplinary engagement between nanoscientists and nanoethicists. Several nanoethicists have recently identified the need for ‘better’ ethics of emerging technologies, arguing that ethical reflection should become part and parcel of the research and development (R&D) process itself. Such new forms of ethical deliberation, it is argued, transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries and require the active engagement and involvement (...)
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  20.  37
    Graphemes are perceptual reading units.Arnaud Rey, Johannes C. Ziegler & Arthur M. Jacobs - 2000 - Cognition 75 (1):B1-B12.
  21.  5
    Jo. Gottlieb Heineccii Elementa philosophiae rationalis, et moralis ex principiis admodum evidentibus justo ordine adornata. Praemissa est Historia philosophica.Johann Gottlieb Heineccius, Jacob Wetstein & William Smith - 1794 - Apud J. Wetstenium & G. Smith.
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    Nachgelassene Schriften.G. S. Brett, Johann Gottlieb Fichte & Hans Jacob - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47 (6):655.
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    Vermischte schriften über sttatswirthschaftliche!: philosopische und andere wissenschaftliche gegenstände.Christian Jacob Kraus, David Hume, Johannes Voigt & Hans Jacob von Auerswald - 1808 - Culture Et Civilisation.
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    Johannes von Kries’s Range Conception, the Method of Arbitrary Functions, and Related Modern Approaches to Probability.Jacob Rosenthal - 2016 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 47 (1):151-170.
    A conception of probability that can be traced back to Johannes von Kries is introduced: the “Spielraum” or range conception. Its close connection to the so-called method of arbitrary functions is highlighted. Possible interpretations of it are discussed, and likewise its scope and its relation to certain current interpretations of probability. Taken together, these approaches form a class of interpretations of probability in its own right, but also with its own problems. These, too, are introduced, discussed, and proposals in response (...)
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  25. Johann Gottlieb Fichte.Wilhelm Jacobs - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 48 (4):643-643.
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    Johannes von Kries's Conception of Probability, its Roots, Impact, and Modern Developments: Introduction.Jacob Rosenthal & Carsten Seck - 2016 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 47 (1):105-107.
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    Johann Gottlieb Fichte: eine Biographie.Wilhelm G. Jacobs - 2012 - Berlin: Insel Verlag.
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  28. Johann Jakob Willemer (1760-1838).Günter Jacobs - 1971 - [Frankfurt am Main]:
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    Drifting through Basic Subprocesses of Reading: A Hierarchical Diffusion Model Analysis of Age Effects on Visual Word Recognition.Eva Froehlich, Johanna Liebig, Johannes C. Ziegler, Mario Braun, Ulman Lindenberger, Hauke R. Heekeren & Arthur M. Jacobs - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    18th and 19th century German linguistics.Christopher Hutton, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Christian Wolff, Johann Christoph Adelung, Johann Christoph Gottsched, Johann Gottfried Herder, Dietrich Tiedemann, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich von Schlegel, Franz Bopp, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Heymann Steinthal, Jacob Grimm, August Friedrich Pott, August Schleicher, Georg von der Gabelentz, Hermann Paul & Wilhelm Max Wundt (eds.) - 1717 - Tokyo: Kinokuniya.
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    Kierkegaard and Socrates: A Study in Philosophy and Faith.Jacob Howland - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume is a study of the relationship between philosophy and faith in Søren Kierkegaard's Philosophical Fragments. It is also the first book to examine the role of Socrates in this body of writings, illuminating the significance of Socrates for Kierkegaard's thought. Jacob Howland argues that in the Fragments, philosophy and faith are closely related passions. A careful examination of the role of Socrates demonstrates that Socratic, philosophical eros opens up a path to faith. At the same time, the (...)
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  32.  19
    Kontingenz und Wissen. Die Lehre von den futura contingentia bei Johannes Duns Scotus by Joachim Roland Söder.Jacob Schmutz - 2000 - Franciscan Studies 58 (1):330-332.
  33. The Redemption of Saint Max: Stirner’s Critique of Marx.Jacob Blumenfeld - forthcoming - In Andrés Saenz de Sicilia, Marx and the Critique of Humanism. Bloomsbury.
    In 1844, Johann Kaspar Schmidt, under the pen name “Max Stirner”, published a blistering critique of contemporary German philosophy, politics, and society called Der Einzige und sein Eigentum. Although Engels praised the book in private letters to Marx upon its arrival, a year and a half later he and Marx went to work demolishing every sentence in a 350-page unpublished manuscript called Saint Max, eventually edited and compiled a century later into the centerpiece of the German Ideology. Saint Max—perhaps (...)
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    Des Freyherrn von Leibnitz kleinere philosophische Schriften.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Christian Wolff, Heinrich Köhler, Caspar Jacob Huth & inc Research Publications - 1740 - Zu Finden in der Mayerischen Buchhandlung.
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  35. Ann Johnson and Johannes Lenhard, Cultures of Prediction: How Engineering and Science Evolve with Mathematical Tools Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2024. Pp. 228. ISBN 978-0-262-54823-6. $45.00 (paperback). [REVIEW]Jacob Ward - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Science:1-2.
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    Dichtung und Literaturkritik.Johann Georg Sulzer - 2020 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag. Edited by Annika Hildebrandt, Steffen Martus & Samuel Gotthold Lange.
    Band 7 der «Gesammelten Schriften» von Johann Georg Sulzer bietet erstmals eine philologisch zuverlässige Präsentation sowie eine detaillierte Kommentierung und Kontextualisierung von Sulzers Beiträgen zur Dichtung und Literaturkritik der Aufklärungsepoche. Abhandlungen, Vorreden und Rezensionen dokumentieren seine vielfältige Partizipation an den literarischen Debatten seiner Zeit. Zugleich rückt Sulzer selbst als Dichter ins Blickfeld, der etwa die Erzählung «Damon oder die platonische Liebe» und das Schauspiel «Cymbelline» verfasste. Die versammelten literarischen und literaturkritischen Texte umfassen Sulzers gesamte Schaffensphase (1745-1779) und stellen eine (...)
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    Über den Begriff der Wissenschaftslehre oder der sogenannten Philosophie.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 2014 - BoD – Books on Demand.
    Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Über den Begriff der Wissenschaftslehre oder der sogenannten Philosophie Erstdruck: Weimar (Industrie-Comptoir) 1794. Der Text folgt der zweiten vermehrten und verbesserten Ausgabe: Jena (Gabler) 1798. Textabweichungen gegenüber der Erstausgabe sind in den Fußnoten wiedergegeben. Der in der Erstausgabe enthaltene dritte Abschnitt »Hypothetische Eintheilung der Wissenschaftslehre« wurde in der zweiten Ausgabe gestrichen, da er durch Fichtes inzwischen erschienene »Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre« (1794/95) überflüssig geworden war. Die der zweiten Ausgabe beigefügten Rezensionen (zu Schellings Schrift »Über die Möglichkeit (...)
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    The history of qualia and C.I. Lewis’ role in it.Jacob Browning - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (1):173-193.
    In current histories, C.I. Lewis is credited for bringing the strict concept of qualia – concerned solely with sensory states – into contemporary philosophy. It is this strict notion which is then credited with bringing in worries about inverted spectra, philosophical zombies, and the idea that we can individuate the senses introspectively. In this paper, I argue that this is a mistaken reading of Lewis and the history of qualia. I argue that the strict notion of qualia stems from the (...)
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    La fundamentación tomista-trascendental del Absoluto en José R. Sanabria.Jacob Buganza - 2024 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 27 (54):123-142.
    En el marco del centenario del nacimiento de José Rubén Sanabria, nos ha parecido conveniente estudiar algún aspecto de su amplia obra filosófica. En su libro Filosofía del Absoluto, el filósofo michoacano hace gala de un manejo envidiable de la fecunda tradición tomista desarrollada a lo largo del siglo XX denominada “tomismo” o “realismo trascendental”. Uno de los aspectos más interesantes y que mayor discusión ha desatado es el de la fundamentación ontológica del ente. En este trabajo se retoma esta (...)
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    Melting Hadrons, Boiling Quarks - From Hagedorn Temperature to Ultra-Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions at CERN: With a Tribute to Rolf Hagedorn.Johann Rafelski (ed.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book shows how the study of multi-hadron production phenomena in the years after the founding of CERN culminated in Hagedorn's pioneering idea of limiting temperature, leading on to the discovery of the quark-gluon plasma -- announced, in February 2000 at CERN. Following the foreword by Herwig Schopper -- the Director General (1981-1988) of CERN at the key historical juncture -- the first part is a tribute to Rolf Hagedorn (1919-2003) and includes contributions by contemporary friends and colleagues, and those (...)
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    The End that Turned into a New Beginning: The Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 1907-1913. On the (Pre)history of the International Association for the Psychology of Religion. [REVIEW]Jacob A. Belzen - 2013 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 35 (3):285-319.
    In 2014, the International Association for the Psychology of Religion will have its centennial, and so will its scientific journal, the present Archive for the Psychology of Religion [ Archiv für Religionspsychologie, ARp]. This first article on IAPR's history analyses the fate of the forerunner of ARp, which was published from 1907-1913. When psychology in general began to develop as an empirical, research-based “scientific discipline” since the midst of the 19th century, the psychology of religion became a prominent application of (...)
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    J. G. Fichte in zeitgenössischen Rezensionen.Erich Fuchs, Wilhelm G. Jacobs & Walter Schieche - 1995
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    J. G. Fichte: Bibliographie.Hans Michael Baumgartner & Wilhelm G. Jacobs (eds.) - 1968 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt,: F. Frommann.
    Inhalts: Vorwort. A. SCHRIFTEN FICHTES. I. Gesammelte Werke. II. Einzelausgaben. III. Fremdsprachige Ausgaben. B. LITERATUR ZU FICHTE. I. Publikationen zu Leben und Werk im allgemeinen. II. Untersuchungen zu einzelnen Sachgebieten. III. Fichte und andere Denker. C. REGISTER. ZEITSCHRIFTENVERZEICHNIS. NACHTRAG.
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    „Meine Unthätigkeit hat etwas mehr auf sich, als Sie sich vorstellen.“ Johann Georg Sulzers Briefwechsel mit Johann Jacob Bodmer im Spannungsfeld von gelehrtem und privatem Austausch.Anett Lütteken - 2018 - In Jana Kittelmann, Philipp Kampa & Elisabeth Décultot, Johann Georg Sulzer - Aufklärung Im Umbruch. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 210-228.
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    Leibnitz' Monadologie. Deutsch Mit Einer Abhandlung Über Leibnitz' Und Herbart's Theorieen Des Wirklichen Geschehens.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz & Robert Zimmermann - 2018 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Jacob Albert van den Berg, Annemaré Kotzé, Tobias Nicklas, and Madeleine Scopello, eds. “In Search of Truth”: Augustine, Manichaeism and other Gnosticism. Studies for Johannes van Oort at Sixty. [REVIEW]Michael Kaler - 2011 - Augustinian Studies 42 (2):290-294.
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    Von uexküll Jacob Johann: Andanzas Por Los mundos circundantes de Los animales Y Los hombres.María Belén Campero - 2018 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 73:201.
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    Von uexküll, Jacob Johann: Cartas biológicas a Una dama.María Belén Campero - 2016 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 68:184.
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    Time and Space in the Philosophy of Leibnitz. Part I.Sergii Secundant & Arina Oriekhova - 2022 - Sententiae 41 (2):98-123.
    Arina Oriekhova's interview with Professor Serhii Secundant, devoted to Leibniz's concept of time and space, the peculiarities of Michael Fatch's interpretation of this concept, and various historico-philosophical approaches to understanding Leibniz's philosophy as a whole.
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    Wilhelm G. Jacobs, Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Eine Biographie / Manfred Kühn, Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Ein deutscher Philosoph. [REVIEW]Jörg Noller - 2013 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 120 (2):452-454.
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