Results for 'John Mccallie'

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  1. The Independence of Moral Theory.John Rawls - 1974 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 48:5 - 22.
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  2. Aristotle on the Forms of Friendship.John M. Cooper - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (4):619 - 648.
    NEITHER in the scholarly nor in the philosophical literature on Aristotle does his account of friendship occupy a very prominent place. I suppose this is partly, though certainly not wholly, to be explained by the fact that the modern ethical theories with which Aristotle’s might demand comparison hardly make room for the discussion of any parallel phenomenon. Whatever else friendship is, it is, at least typically, a personal relationship freely, even spontaneously, entered into, and ethics, as modern theorists tend to (...)
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  3. Risk.John Adams - 1996 - Environmental Values 5 (2):181-182.
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    Studies in the theory of ideology.John B. Thompson - 1984 - Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]: Polity Press.
    Introduction Few areas of social inquiry are more exciting and important, and yet at the same time more marked by controversy and dispute, than the area ...
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  5. (1 other version)Plato's Theory of Human Motivation.John M. Cooper - 1984 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 1 (1):3 - 21.
    I discuss the division of the soul in plato's "republic". i concentrate on the arguments and illustrative examples given in book iv, but i treat the descriptions of different types of person in viii-ix and elsewhere as further constituents of a single, coherent theory. on my interpretation plato distinguishes three basic kinds of motivation which he claims all human beings regularly experience in some degree. reason is itself the immediate source of certain desires. in addition, there are appetitive and also--quite (...)
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    Einsteins Vision.John Archibald Wheeler - 1968 - New York,: Springer Verlag.
    Am 4. November 1915 legte EINSTEIN seine beriihmte Arbeit "Zur allgemeinen Relativitatstheorie" der PreuBischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin vor. 50 Jahre spater organisierte die Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften im Andenken daran eine dreitagige Konferenz, in deren Verlauf auch eine Gedenkfeier abgehalten wurde. Ich hatte die Ehre, eine Gedenkrede iiber EINSTEIN und sein Werk zu halten. In der Zwischenzeit wurde unser Wissen urn viele wichtige neue Zusatze erweitert. Wir sehen nun, daB die Dynamik der Einsteinschen Theorie in einem Superraum ablauft. (...)
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  7. How to Remain (Reasonably) Optimistic: Scientific Realism and the "Luminiferous Ether".John Worrall - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:334 - 342.
    Fresnel's theory of light was (a) impressively predictively successful yet (b) was based on an "entity" (the elastic-solid ether) that we now "know" does not exist. Does this case "confute" scientific realism as Laudan suggested? Previous attempts (by Hardin and Rosenberg and by Kitcher) to defuse the episode's anti-realist impact. The strongest form of realism compatible with this case of theory-rejection is in fact structural realism. This view was developed by Poincare who also provided reasons to think that it is (...)
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    The Reception of Godel's Incompleteness Theorems.John W. Dawson - 1984 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1984:253 - 271.
    According to several commentators, Kurt Godel's incompleteness discoveries were assimilated promptly and almost without objection by his contemporaries - - a circumstance remarkable enough to call for explanation. Careful examination reveals, however, that there were doubters and critics, as well as defenders and rival claimants to priority. In particular, the reactions of Carnap, Bernays, Zermelo, Post, Finsler, and Russell, among others, are considered in detail. Documentary sources include unpublished correspondence from Godel's Nachlass.
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  9. Ethical Explorations.John Skorupski - 2003 - Philosophical Quarterly 53 (212):470-473.
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    Gray's anatomy: selected writings.John Gray - 2009 - London: Allen Lane.
    Why is the human imagination to blame for the worst crimes of the twentieth century? Why is progress a pernicious myth? Why is contemporary atheism just a hangover from Christian faith? John Gray, author of Straw Dogsand Black Mass, is one of the most original and iconoclastic thinkers of our time. In this pugnacious and brilliantly readable collection of essays from across his career, he smashes through humanity's most cherished beliefs to overturn our view of the world, and our (...)
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    Transformations of the Confucian way.John Berthrong - 1998 - Boulder, Colo: Westview Press.
    From its beginnings, Confucianism has vibrantly taught that each person is able to find the Way individually in service to the community and the world. For over 2,600 years, Confucianism has sustained a continual process of transformation and growth. In this comprehensive new work, John Berthrong examines the vitality and expansion of the Confucian tradition throughout East Asia and into the entire modern world.Confucianism has been credited with being the dominant social and intellectual force shaping the enduring civilizations of (...)
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    Medieval philosophy: an historical and philosophical introduction.John Marenbon - 2006 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Introduction to Medieval Philosophy combines and updates the scholarship of the two highly successful volumes Early Medieval Philosophy (1983) and Late Medieval Philosoph y (1986) in a single, reliable, and comprehensive text on the history of medieval philosophy. John Marenbon discusses the main philosophers and ideas within the social and intellectual contexts of the time, and the most important concepts in medieval philosophy. Straightforward in arrangement, wide in scope, and clear in style, this is the ideal starting point for (...)
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  13. The Value of a Person.John Broome & Adam Morton - 1994 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 68 (1):167 - 198.
    (for Adam Morton's half) I argue that if we take the values of persons to be ordered in a way that allows incomparability, then the problems Broome raises have easy solutions. In particular we can maintain that creating people is morally neutral while killing them has a negative value.
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  14. (1 other version)Truth in Thomas Aquinas.John F. Wippel - 1946 - Review of Metaphysics 43 (2):295 - 326.
    THOMAS AQUINAS IS WELL-KNOWN for having defended the view that truth consists of an adequation between the intellect and a thing. Perhaps no discussion of this within his literary corpus is better known than that offered in qu. 1 of his Disputed Questions on Truth. Even so, in addition to describing truth as an adequation of the intellect and a thing, he there considers a number of other definitions. Most importantly, he develops a notion of truth of being along with (...)
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    Of One Mind: The Collectivization of Science.John Ziman - 1997 - Springer Verlag.
    This superb collection by the eminent physicist and critic John Ziman, opens with an album of portraits of scientists--Albert Einstein, Freeman Dyson, Lev Landau, Mark Azbel, Andrei Sakharov. Ziman takes readers into the world of the contemporary scientist, showing how discoveries are made and how claims are tested. He then travels into the minds of scientists as they are drawn into competing directions. Here Ziman exposes the path of discovery, which is strewn with complex human needs, governmental restrictions, the (...)
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  16. The Elements of St. Augustine's Just War Theory.John Langan - 1984 - Journal of Religious Ethics 12 (1):19 - 38.
    St. Augustine's just war theory involves eight principal elements: a) a punitive conception of war, b) assessment of the evil of war in terms of the moral evil of attitudes and desires, c) a search for authorization for the use of violence, d) a dualistic epistemology which gives priority to spiritual goods, e) interpretation of evangelical norms in terms of inner attitudes,f) passive attitude to authority and social change, g) use of Biblical texts to legitimate participation in war, and h) (...)
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    Educational Theories.John Adams - 1927 - E. Benn.
  18. Paradoxes of Political Ethics: From Dirty Hands to the Invisible Hand.John M. Parrish - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    How do the hard facts of political responsibility shape and constrain the demands of ethical life? That question lies at the heart of the problem of 'dirty hands' in public life. Those who exercise political power often feel they must act in ways that would otherwise be considered immoral: indeed, paradoxically, they sometimes feel that it would be immoral of them not to perform or condone such acts as killing or lying. John Parrish offers a wide-ranging account of how (...)
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    On the Interpretation of Hume's Dialogues.John Bricke - 1975 - Religious Studies 11 (1):1-18.
    One of the most striking facts about Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion is the fact that it has been subject to so many mutually contradictory interpretations. It is not, to be sure, unusual that a complex philosophical work be capable of a variety of interpretations. The case of the Dialogues is, however, surely an exceptional one, for the contradictory interpretations concern what is clearly the main subject of the book: the justifiability of world-hypotheses, and specifically the justifiability of the religious (...)
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  20. The Problem of Rational Moral Enlistment.John Tillson - 2017 - Theory and Research in Education 15 (2):165-181.
    How can one bring children to recognize the requirements of morality without resorting only to non-rational means of persuasion (i.e. what rational ground can be offered to children for their moral enlistment)? Michael Hand has recently defended a foundationalist approach to answering this question and John White has responded by a) criticizing Hand’s solution to the Problem of Rational Moral Enlistment, and b) attempting to circumvent the problem by suggesting a Humean route which understands moral enlistment as grounded in (...)
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    Faculty misconduct in collegiate teaching.John M. Braxton - 1999 - Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press. Edited by Alan E. Bayer.
    In Faculty Misconduct in Collegiate Teaching, higher education researchers John Braxton and Alan Bayer address issues of impropriety and misconduct in the teaching role at the postsecondary level. Braxton and Bayer define and examine norms of teaching behavior: what they are, how they come to exist, and how transgressions are detected and addressed. Do faculty members across various collegiate settings, for example, share views about appropriate and inappropriate teaching behaviors, as they share expectations regarding actions related to research? And (...)
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    Philosophy and the moving image: refractions of reality.John Mullarkey - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    ... the first book to examine all the central issues surrounding the vexed relationship between the film-image and philosophy. In it, John Mullarkey tackles the work of particular philosophers and theorists (Žižei, Deleuze, Cavell, Bordwell, Badiou, Branigan, Rancière, Frampton, and many others) as well as general philosophical positions (Analytical and Continental, Cognitivist and Culturalist, Pyschoanalytic and phenomenological). Moreover, he also offers an incisive analysis and explanation of several prominent forms of film theorizing, providing a metalogical account of their mutual (...)
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    The Rise and Fall of Geometrodynamics.John Stachel - 1972 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1972:31 - 54.
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    Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc.John Woods & Douglas Walton - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (4):569 - 593.
    IT is strange that the informal fallacies should strike us as such obvious breaches of thinking and advocacy, yet should have met with such little success in finding a respectable home within mature logical theory. It might seem that respectable and mature logical theory is most mature and most respectable in the theory of propositions, and that its maturity and respectability in the other logical domains rapidly diminish in inverse proportion to the susceptibility of those domains to be reduced to (...)
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    Education and the End of Work: A New Philosophy of Work and Learning.John White - 1997 - Cassell.
    This book engages with widespread current anxieties about the future of work and its place in a fulfilled human life.
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  26. (1 other version)English Language Philosophy 1750-1945.John Skorupski - 1993 - Oxford University Press.
    From the end of the Enlightenment to the middle of the twentieth century philosophy took fascinating and controversial paths whose relevance to contemporary post-modernist thought is becoming increasingly clear. This volume traces the English-language side of the period, while also taking into account those continental thinkers who deeply influenced twentieth-century English-language philosophy. The story begins with Reid, Coleridge, and Bentham - who set the agenda for much that followed - and continues with a portrait of the nineteenth century's greatest British (...)
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    A preface to morality.John Wilson - 1987 - Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble.
    Nearly all writers on morality, including philosophers, have had something to sellóif only a partisan picture of what morality is. In this book the author sets out to examine and clarify the nature of morality from a strictly neutral standpoint and what kinds of virtues are required to do well in morality. As against those who associate morality primarily with action and will-power, he sees it more Platonically, as a matter of mental health and the ability to love. These notions (...)
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  28. Information, Causation and Computation.John Collier - unknown
    Causation can be understood as a computational process once we understand causation in informational terms. I argue that if we see processes as information channels, then causal processes are most readily interpreted as the transfer of information from one state to another. This directly implies that the later state is a computation from the earlier state, given causal laws, which can also be interpreted computationally. This approach unifies the ideas of causation and computation.
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    Cassirer's Unpublished Critique of Heidegger.John Michael Krois - 1983 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 16 (3):147 - 159.
  30. Introduction.John Tasioulas - 2020 - In The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Law. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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  31. The Rationality of Escapism and Self-Deception.John L. Longeway - 1990 - Behavior and Philosophy 18 (2):1 - 20.
    Escapism is defined as the attempt to avoid awareness of aversive beliefs. Strategies, and a few examples, of escapism are discussed. It is argued that self-deception is one species of escapism and that entrenched escapism, escapism pursued with the intention of permanently avoiding any awareness of one's belief, no matter what happens, is theoretically irrational, except in the special case where it compensates for irrationality elsewhere, by guarding one from the formation of further irrational beliefs of more serious import than (...)
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    The cultural context of medieval learning: proceedings of the first International Colloquium on Philosophy, Science, and Theology in the Middle Ages--September 1973.John Emery Murdoch & Edith Dudley Sylla (eds.) - 1975 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    JOHN E. MURDOCH AND EDITH DUDLEY SYLLA INTRODUCTION Conferences and colloquia are held and their results often published, but very rarely is any account ...
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  33. The neuroscience of social understanding.John Barresi - 2008 - The Shared Mind 1:39–66.
    In J. Zlatev, T. Racine, C. Sinha and E. Itkonen (Eds.) The Shared Mind: Perspectives on Intersubjectivity, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, in press.
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    The Reality of Phlogiston in Great Britain.John Stewart - 2012 - Hyle 18 (2):175 - 194.
    Mi Gyung Kim (2008) has challenged the historiographical assumption that phlogiston was the paradigmatic concept in eighteenth century chemistry. Her analysis of the operational, theoretical, and philosophical identities of phlogiston demonstrates how Stahlian phlogiston was appropriated into the burgeoning field of affinity theory. However, this new French conception of phlogiston was destabilized by the introduction of Boerhaave's thermometrics. By extending this story through 1790, I will show that British pneumatic chemists integrated new understandings of heat with an affinity based operational (...)
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    The Social Thought of Ortega y Gasset: A Systematic Synthesis in Postmodernism and Interdisciplinarity.John Thomas Graham - 2001 - University of Missouri Press.
    _The Social Thought of Ortega y Gasset_ is the third and final volume of John T. Graham's massive investigation of the thought of Ortega, the renowned twentieth-century Spanish essayist and philosopher. This volume concludes the synthetic trilogy on Ortega's thought as a whole, after previous studies of his philosophy of life and his theory of history. As the last thing on which he labored, Ortega's social theory completed what he called a "system of life" in three dimensions—a unity in (...)
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    Eschatological Verification Reconsidered.John Hick - 1977 - Religious Studies 13 (2):189 - 202.
    The world in which we find ourselves is religiously ambiguous. It is possible for different people to experience it both religiously and non-religiously; and to hold beliefs which arise from and feed into each of these ways of experiencing. A religious man may report that in moments of prayer he is conscious of existing in the unseen presence of God, and is aware - sometimes at least - that his whole life and the entire history of the world is taking (...)
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  37. Student evaluations: The ratings game.John V. Adams - 1997 - Inquiry (ERIC) 1 (2):10-16.
  38. Philosophy of Sport.John William Devine & Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2020 - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2020 Edition).
    While sport has been practised since pre-historic times, it is a relatively new subject of systematic philosophical enquiry. Indeed, the philosophy of sport as an academic sub-field dates back only to the 1970s. Yet, in this short time, it has grown into a vibrant area of philosophical research that promises both to deepen our understanding of sport and to inform sports practice. Recent controversies at the elite and professional level have highlighted the ethical dimensions of sport in particular. Lance Armstrong’s (...)
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    Between Transcendental and Transcendental: The Missing Link?John P. Doyle - 1987 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (4):783 - 815.
    In the second edition of his Kritik der reinen Vernunft, in the Transcendental Analytic, just after the Table of Categories and just before his Deduction of the Pure Concepts of Understanding, Immanuel Kant added a section which marked at once the deficiency of an older Scholastic doctrine of transcendentals and yet arguably an adumbration of his own doctrine. He expressed his core thought thus.
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    The Leadership Compass: Values and Ethics in Higher Education.John R. Wilcox & Susan L. Ebbs - 1992 - Jossey-Bass.
    Analyzes the varied discourse on values and ethics. Addresses the need for self-scrutiny and explores leadership, the professoriate, and campus culture. Also examines academic integrity, freedom of speech, and the conflict between individual rights and the needs of the academic community.
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    Ecrits politiques et philosophiques.John Adams - 2004 - Caen: Equipe "Identité et subjectivité," Université de Caen Basse-Normandie. Edited by Jean-Paul Goffinon.
    v. 1. De Harvard à la Guerre de l'indépendance américaine (1756-1782) -- v. 2. De la Constitution fédérale à la retraite (1786-1816).
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  42. Um capítulo esquecido da história intelectual brasileira: o caso do ISEB.John Karley de Sousa Aquino - 2023 - In Paulo Roberto Margutti Pinto (ed.), VII Colóquio Pensadores Brasileiros: coletânea de textos. Porto Alegre: Editora Fi.
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    Primary and Secondary Events.John Bell - 2000 - Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science 5.
    A formal, logical, theory of events is developed and used as the basis for a definition of causation and to provide a pragmatics for causal counterfactuals. The theory begins with with a logical formalization of events as represented in the planner strips. The resulting inertial theories include a common sense law of inertia and their pragmatics is based on the principle of chronological minimization. The theory of events is then developed by removing some of the simplifying assumptions of the strips (...)
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  44. (1 other version)On the philosophy of higher education.John Seiler Brubacher - 1977 - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
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    Mind in Action: Essays in the Philosophy of Mind by Amelie Oksenberg Rorty.John Churchill - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (3):533-542.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 533 Mind in Action: Essays in the Philosophy of Mind. By AMELIE OKSEN· BERG RORTY. Boston: Beacon Press, 1988. Pp. x & 378. This volume assembles essays written over a period of fifteen years (1973-1988), dealing with topics grouped into the following four areas: (1) persons and identity, (2) the nature of psychological activities, (3) problems in philosophy of mind such as fear, self-deception and akrasia, and (...)
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    (1 other version)Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy: Volume XXIV (2008).John Joseph Cleary & Gary M. Gurtler (eds.) - 2009 - BRILL.
    The papers in this volume were originally presented to the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy during 2007-8. Four colloquia deal directly with major works of Aristotle, while another discusses Aristotle's influence on the Stoics. Three colloquia deal with Plato, discussing the _Philebus_, _Phaedrus_ and _Republic_.
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    Les scolastiques indiennes: Genèses, développements, interactions. Edited by Émilie Aussant and Gérard Colas.John E. Cort - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (2).
    Les scolastiques indiennes: Genèses, développements, interactions. Edited by Émilie Aussant and Gérard Colas. Études thématiques, vol. 32. Paris: École française d’Extrême-orient, 2020. Pp. 322. €40.
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    Athens and Jerusalem.John Ferguson - 1972 - Religious Studies 8 (1):1 - 13.
    This paper has four roots. First, an increasing dissatisfaction over the gulf between classical and theological studies. Christianity in origin, after all, is a part of the story of the ancient world, and has to be seen in context. The context is complex: it is Judaea as part of the Hellenistic world under the rule of Rome: we ignore any part of that context at our peril. Classical scholars tend to be suspicious of those with theological interests: I was forbidden (...)
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    The Politics of Hope.John Foster - 2000 - Environmental Values 9 (1):115-116.
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  50. Deuxième Traité du gouvernement civil.John Locke - 1967 - Paris,: J. Vrin. Edited by Bernard Gilson.
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