Results for 'John Vaιο'

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  1.  6
    Aeschylus, frag. 223 A. 1 m: A note on metrical usage.John Vaιο - 1974 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 118 (1-2):158-159.
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  2. Madrasah va ijtimāʻ.John Dewey - 1948 - [Tihrān]: Bungāh-i Maṭbūʻātī-i Ṣafī ʻAlī Shāh. Edited by Mushfiq Hamadānī.
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    Aktiva värderingar: att leva som vi lär.John M. Steinberg - 1978 - Stockholm: Askild & Kärnekull.
  4. Muqaddimahʹī bar falsafah-ʼi āmūzish va parvarish, yā, Dimūkrāsī va āmūzish va parvarish.John Dewey - 1961 - Tabrīz: Kitābfurūshī-i Tihrān, bā hamkārī-i Muʼassasah-ʼi Intishārāt-i Frānklīn. Edited by Amīr Ḥusayn Āryānʹpūr.
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    Does Improving Geographic Access to VA Primary Care Services Impact Patients' Patterns of Utilization and Costs?John C. Fortney, Matthew L. Maciejewski, James J. Warren & James F. Burgess - 2005 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 42 (1):29-42.
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    Silvio A. Bedini. Jefferson and Science. Preface by, Donald Fleming. 126 pp., illus., bibl., index. Charlottesville, Va.: Thomas Jefferson Foundation, 2002. $14.95. [REVIEW]John Greene - 2004 - Isis 95 (2):300-301.
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  7. (1 other version)Āzādī-i fard va qudrat-i dawlat: baḥs̲ dar ʻaqāyid-i siyāsī va ijtimāʻī-i Hābz, Lāk, Istūārt Mīl: bā tarjumah-ʼi guzīdahʹī az nivishtahʹhā-yi ānān.Saxe Commins, Robert N. Linscott, Maḥmūd Ṣināʻī & John Stuart Mill (eds.) - 1959 - Tihrān: Bā hamkārī-i Muʼassasah-ʼi Intishārāt-i Firānkilīn.
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    Plotinus and the Apeiron of Plato’s Parmenides.John H. Heiser - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (1):53-81.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:PLOTINUS AND THE APEIRON OF PLATO'S PARMENIDES JOHN H. HEISER Niagara Unwersity Niagara University, New York WE USE THE TERM "infinite" so freely to designate what supposedly transcends something called ' the finite " that one might imagine the concept to be entirely unproblematic. Greek philosophy's difficulty even entertaining such an idea then appears as a sort of myopia, which we in our superior enlightenment have escaped. I (...)
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  9. How cool is the philosophy of religion?: A symposium on D.Z. Phillips’ Philosophy’s Cool Place.John Churchill, Ingolf Dalferth, Patrick Horn & Jeffery Willetts - 2012 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 71 (1):3-19.
    How cool is the philosophy of religion? Content Type Journal Article Category Article Pages 3-19 DOI 10.1007/s11153-011-9330-5 Authors John Churchill, Phi Beta Kappa National Office, Washington, DC, USA Ingolf Dalferth, Institute of Hermeneutics and Philosophy of Religion, University of Zurich, Kirchgasse 9, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland Patrick Horn, Claremont Graduate Center, Claremont, CA, USA Jeffery Willetts, Leland School of Ministries, Richmond, VA, USA Journal International Journal for Philosophy of Religion Online ISSN 1572-8684 Print ISSN 0020-7047 Journal Volume Volume 71 Journal (...)
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    Sur l'université.John Stuart Mill, Normand Baillargeon, Antoine Beaugrand-Champagne & Camille Santerre-Baillargeon - 2017 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    «Les hommes sont hommes avant d'être avocats, médecins, marchands, ou manufacturiers, et si vous en faites des hommes sensés et compétents, ils deviendront par cela même des avocats et des médecins compétents et sensés. [...] On peut être un homme de loi compétent sans avoir reçu une éducation générale; mais il appartient à l'éducation générale de donner à l'homme de loi l'esprit philosophique qui cherche des principes et les saisit, au lieu de charger sa mémoire de détails, et il en (...)
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  11. Filosofiska essayer.John Landquist - 1906 - Stockholm,: A. Bonnier.
    Det irrationella i lifvet.--Religion och natur; ett stycke religionspsykologi.--Tiden; en studie ur spekulationens och känslans synpunkter.--Om tänkandet med känslan.--En kritik af Otto Weiningers världsåskådning.--Henrik Ibsen.--Strindbergs filosofi.
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  12. Překonávání dualismu života a umění ve filosofii Johna Deweyho a A.N. Whiteheada = The overcoming of the dualism between art and life in the philosophy of John Dewey and Alfred North Whitehead.Ondřej Dadejík - 2018 - In Ondřej Dadejík & Vlastimil Zuska, Studia aesthetica. Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum.
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    Vägarnas möte: idéhistoriska essäer 1927-1972.Gunnar Aspelin - 1974 - Lund: Doxa.
    Condorcets historiefilosofi.--Samuel Pufendorf.--Den osynliga handen.--John Locke och hans samtid.--Polemiken i första boken av Lockes "Essay."--Politikern Kallikles.--Idéhistorien som vetenskap.--Om tolkningen av filosofiska texter.--Johannes av Salisbury.--Filosofiens tillämpning.--Ett motiv i Hans Larssons författerskap.--Filosofi och idéhistoria.--Vetenskapsmannen och samhällslivet.--Vetenskapens nytta.--"Förnuftets list."--Demokrati, socialism, kommunism.
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    Establishing a Research Agenda for Suicide Prevention Among Veterans Experiencing Homelessness.Maurand Robinson, Ryan Holliday, Lindsey L. Monteith, John R. Blosnich, Eric B. Elbogen, Lillian Gelberg, Dina Hooshyar, Shawn Liu, D. Keith McInnes, Ann Elizabeth Montgomery, Jack Tsai, Riley Grassmeyer & Lisa A. Brenner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Suicide among Veterans experiencing or at risk for homelessness remains a significant public health concern. Conducting research to understand and meet the needs of this at-risk population remains challenging due to myriad factors. To address this challenge, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs convened the Health Services Research and Development Suicide Prevention in Veterans Experiencing Homelessness: Research and Practice Development meeting, bringing together subject-matter experts in the fields of homelessness and suicide prevention, both from within and outside of VA. (...)
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    Appearance in this list neither guarantees nor precludes a future review of the book. Agamben, Giorgio, trans. Kevin Attell, State of Exception, London and Chicago: Univer-sity of Chicago Press, 2005, pp. vii+ 95,£ 8.50, $12.00. Aiken, William and John Haldane (eds), Philosophy and Its Public Role, Exeter, UK and Charlottesville, VA: Imprint Academic, 2004, pp. vi+ 272,£ 14.95, $29.90. [REVIEW]Michael A. Bishop, J. D. Trout, L. Johannes Brandl, Marian David, Leopold Stubenberg, Herman Cappelen & Ernie Lepore - 2005 - Mind 114:454.
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    Orthodoxy, by G. K. Chesterton (Lenoir, N.C.: Reformation Press, 2002); Orthodoxy, by G. K. Chesterton (New York: Image/Doubleday, 2001); Callista: A Sketch of the Third Century, by John Henry Newman (South Bend, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2001); and Callista: A Sketch of the Third Century, by John Henry Newman (Springfield, Va.: Four Faces Press, 2002). [REVIEW]Daniel Callam - 2003 - The Chesterton Review 29 (3):390-393.
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    The Economic Imperative: Leisure and Imagination in the 21st Century. By John Zerilli. Pp. x, 115, Exeter/Charlottesville, VA, Societas, 2012, $9.99. [REVIEW]Hugo Meynell - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (3):531-532.
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    Critical Examination of John Cottingham's View on Religious Experience and its Function in the Formation of Religious Belief.Mahdi Khayatzadeh - 2023 - Hekmat Va Falsafeh 19 (74):71-95.
    John Cottingham focuses on two types of religious experience: general religious experience and specific religious experience. According to him, general experiences do not require special and complex education, scientific research or philosophical theorizing, but are a simple act of accepting a gift. Of course, unlike everyday observations, such experiences are not available to everyone and their realization requires special conditions. Regarding specific religious experiences, he also believes that when dealing with parts of the Bible that contain reports of such (...)
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    Seeing Red: Indigenous Land, American Expansion, and the Political Economy of Plunder in North America by Michael John Witgen.Geronimo Barrera de la Torre - 2022 - Environment, Space, Place 14 (2):138-141.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Seeing Red: Indigenous Land, American Expansion, and the Political Economy of Plunder in North America by Michael John WitgenGeronimo Barrera de la TorreSeeing Red: Indigenous Land, American Expansion, and the Political Economy of Plunder in North America BY MICHAEL JOHN WITGEN Williamsburg, Va., and Chapel Hill, N.C.: Omohundro Institute for the Study of Early American History and Culture and the University of North Carolina Press, 2022The (...)
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    Westerink Leendert G./Duffy John (eds.), Michael Psellus. Theologica. Vol. II. [Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana.]. [REVIEW]Claudio Bevegni - 2003 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (2):800-801.
    A distanza di tredici anni dalla pubblicazione del primo, e più corposo, volume dei Theologica di Michele Psello, curato da Paul Gautier, vede ora la luce il secondo e ultimo volume degli opuscoli teologici del grande poligrafo bizantino, ad arricchire ulteriormente la ormai lunga serie delle edizioni pselliane comparse nella Bibliotheca Teubneriana. Il vol. si apre con una Praefatio essenziale (pp. VII–XVIII), incentrata sulla tradizione manoscritta dei singoli opuscoli, nella quale vengono rapidamente elencati tutti i codici dai quali ogni trattatello (...)
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    Dewey and Eros: Wisdom and Desire in the Art of Teaching.Jim Garrison - 2010 - IAP.
    "We become what we love," states Jim Garrison in Dewey and Eros: Wisdom and Desire in the Art of Teaching. This provocative book represents a major new interpretation of Dewey's education philosophy. It is also an examination of what motivates us to teach and to learn, and begins with the idea of education of eros (i.e., passionate desire)-"the supreme aim of education" as the author puts it-and how that desire results in a practical philosophy that guides us in recognizing what (...)
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    Acciones y omisiones obligatorias y meritorias. Una perspectiva utilitarista.Blanca Rodríguez López - 2017 - Télos 21 (1):21-41.
    Una de las críticas más habituales contra el utilitarismo consiste en señalar su incapacidad para reconocer la relevancia moral de la distinción entre acciones y omisiones. Según esta crítica, afirmar la irrelevancia de esta distinción 1) va en contra de las intuiciones del sentido común, 2) elimina la diferencia entre lo obligatorio y lo meritorio y 3) hace inviable la propuesta utilitarista, al proponer una moral demasiado exigente. En este trabajo nos centraremos en el segundo aspecto de esta crítica, y (...)
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  23. Onko tieteellinen strukturalismi mahdollista ilman modaalirealismia?Ilkka Pättiniemi & Ilmari Hirvonen - 2016 - In Ilkka Niiniluoto, Tuomas Tahko & Teemu Toppinen, Mahdollisuus. Helsinki: Philosophical Society of Finland. pp. 94–102.
    Filosofian piirissä on viime aikoina käyty intensiivistä keskustelua metafysiikan naturalisoinnista ja tieteellisen metafysiikan mahdollisuudesta. Yksi tämän keskustelun keskeisistä teoksista on James Ladymanin ja Don Rossin (sekä osin John Collierin ja David Spurrettin) kirjoittama Every Thing Must Go (2007). Tässä kirjassa Ladyman ja Ross puolustavat, omien sanojensa mukaan, neopositivistista skientismiä. Heidän ohjelmansa on skientistinen, koska Ladymanin ja Rossin mukaan tiede on ainoa tapa tutkia todellisuutta objektiivisesti. Neopositivismi ilmenee puolestaan siinä, että heidän ohjelmansa tukeutuu eräänlaiseen verifikaatioperiaatteeseen. Ladymanin ja Rossin verifikaatioperiaate ei (...)
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    The Quest for an Adequate Proportionalist Theory of Value.Ronald H. McKinney - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (1):56-73.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE QUEST FOR AN ADEQUATE PROPORTIONALIST THEORY OF VALUE RoNALD H. McKINNEY, S.J. U'IWversity of Scranton Scranton, Pennsylvania EDWARD VACEK shrewdly observes that proportionalism attempts to synthesize the crucial insights of both the teleologist and the deontologist.1 Indeed, Vacek provides a fine summary of this achievement. However, he reflects that the most underdeveloped feature of proportionalism is its value theory by which we are enabled to know how to (...)
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  25.  22
    Una Una ruta de Kant a Hegel. Destino: ¿McDowell?Rafael Aragües Aliaga - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía 46 (2):355-371.
    El presente artículo trata sobre la relación entre el pensamiento de John McDowell y la obra de Hegel. La idea fundamental es exponer la línea argumental que va, en el marco de la filosofía analítica, desde una posición kantiana a una hegeliana. El punto clave se sitúa en la lectura de la deducción de las categorías vista a la luz de la crítica de Wilfrid Sellars al mito de lo dado. A partir de ahí, el objetivo es discutir si (...)
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    Post-filosofia e migliorismo La sfida estetica di Richard Rorty.Rosa M. Calcaterra - 2012 - Società Degli Individui 44:7-24.
    La centralitÀ della categoria temporale del futuro e la preminenza della "conversazione umana" sono gli aspetti basilari della versione rortiana del pensiero democratico americano e della filosofia pragmatista. Nel rinnovare gli assunti di base del migliorismo statunitense, Rorty chiama in causa le consonanze tra autori come John Dewey e William James e le istanze anti-fondazionaliste provenienti dall'Europa, in vista di un ripensamento radicale della pratica filosofica. Essa va intesa non piů alla stregua di una ricerca dei fondamenti ultimi della (...)
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    Selected Letters (review).William James Earle - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (3):479-481.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Selected Letters by William, Henry JamesWilliam James EarleWilliam and Henry James. Selected Letters. Edited by Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley. Introduction by John J. McDermott. Charlottesville VA: University Press of Virginia, 1997. Pp. xxxi + 570. $ 39.95.Almost fifty years of letters to and from the very diversely brilliant James brothers: in this volume a generous, and probably ample, selection of 216 from a total (...)
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  28. Lonergan's Newman: Appropriated Affinities.Michael Paul Gallagher - 2004 - Gregorianum 85 (4):735-756.
    L'article examine la relation de Bernard Lonergan à John Henry Newman, son premier inspirateur intellectuel. Il cherche à aller plus loin que les questions de références explicites ou des influences directes pour identifier les domaines majeurs òu les deux penseurs ont des affinités, ce qui inclut les limitations de la logique, l'attention aux structures cognitives, la centralité du jugement, la dialectique de l'autotranscendance que dévient des attitudes erronées, le parallèle entre l'assentiment réel et la conversion. Lonergan s'appropria et transforma (...)
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  29.  63
    Paul Karl Feyerabend. En Defensa de la Continuidad de su Pensamiento.Teresa Gargiulo - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (2):129-161.
    Entre los estudios críticos que existen en torno a la obra de Paul Feyerabend predominan aquellos que subrayan una discontinuidad radical entre la versión temprana y tardía de su pensamiento. Todo ello contribuye a que dispongamos de una visión fragmentada e incompleta de un pensador que evoluciono hasta el 1994, año de su fallecimiento. Nuestro propósito es ofrecer una explicación de su itinerario intelectual de tal modo que quedé patente su continuidad en la clave de sus críticas contra los falsos (...)
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  30.  37
    Los vuelcos en la Iglesia De Ratzinger a Bergoglio.Olegario González de Cardedal - 2014 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 30:129-161.
    En este artículo se ofrece una reflexión teológica sobre el significado que envuelve la elección de los últimos pontífices de la Iglesia católica que va desde Juan Pablo II, pasando por Benedicto XVI, hasta llegar al actual Papa Francisco. A juicio del autor, esta historia de la Iglesia en el último medio siglo ofrece aspectos sorprendentes que pueden llamarse mutaciones, giros, cambios de curso o vuelcos que incitan a preguntar si se trata de continuidad y de un real acrecentamiento, o (...)
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  31.  7
    Subjectivité et conscience d'agir: approches cognitive et clinique de la psychose.Henri Grivois & Joëlle Proust - 1998 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Dans la psychose, les données cliniques montrent que dès l'apparition des premiers troubles aigus, une difficulté caractéristique se manifeste au niveau de l'attribution de la responsabilité causale des actions. Les patients se sentent poussés à agir par les autres tout en ayant aussi le sentiment de contrôler l'action d'autrui. Cette difficulté va souvent de pair chez les schizophrènes avec une modification du sentiment d'identité personnelle. Parmi les symptômes de l'autisme, on trouve des difficultés de contrôle de l'action, une réduction des (...)
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    Bennett Reimer.Forest Hansen - 2014 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 22 (1):101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:In Memoriam: Bennett ReimerForest HansenIn late afternoon on January 9, 2014, family members, colleagues, former students, and other friends met at Northwestern University to reflect upon and honor the life of Bennett Reimer, who had died from cancer on November 18, 2013 at the age of 81. The printed program fittingly called it a “Memorial Celebration,” because that is what it was. Fine wine and savory hors d’oeuvres were (...)
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  33. Œuvres Xi-2 les Questions Concernant la Liberté, la Nécessité Et le Hasard.Thomas Hobbes - 1999 - Vrin.
    Dans la longue et passionnante controverse qui opposa Thomas Hobbes à John Bramhall, cet ouvrage, pour la première fois traduit en français dans son intégralité, apparaît comme l’élément le plus important. La question principale est la suivante : il s’agit de savoir s’il existe ou non un seul acte libre dans le monde. La fidélité aux arguments classiques en faveur de la nécessité, et particulièrement aux arguments stoïciens, constitue l’une des spécificités du nécessitarisme de Hobbes. D’autre part, la formulation (...)
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  34. Logik, rätt och moral.Manfred Moritz & Sören Halldén (eds.) - 1969 - Lund,: Studentlitteratur.
    Marx und die "bürgerliche" Nationalökonomie, von G. Aspelin.--Några textkritiska problem i Berkeleyforskningen, av B. Belfrage.--Några kommentarer till C.L. Stevensons teori om etisk oenighet, av L. Befgström.--Viljeteorins premisser, av J. Evers.--Axel Hägerströms analys av värdeupplevelsen, av L. Fröström.--On archetypical performatives, by M. Furberg.--The better something is, the worse its absence, by S. Halldén.--Ett slags representationsteorem för deontisk logik, av B. Hansson.--Om Platons "Euthyphron," av I. Hedenius.--Tolkningssatsernas logik, av G. Hermerén.--Är verkligheten motsägande? Ett dialektiskt argument, av K. Marc-Wogau.--Moral, amoral og indifferens, av (...)
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  35. El pensamiento de Maurice Halbawachs.Eguzki Urteaga Olano - 2011 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 28:253-274.
    Gran figura de la sociología francesa de la primera mitad del siglo XX, Maurice Halbwachs ha dejado detrás de sí una obra de una gran riqueza, que va del estudio de la morfología social al de la psicología colectiva y que aborda temas tales como el consumo, las clases sociales, la memoria de los grupos y de las sociedades, el suicidio, la vida urbana, la religión o la demografía. Consta también de numerosos escritos metodológicos dedicados a la cuantificación en ciencias (...)
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    Natura, cultura e induzione nell'età delle scienze: fatti e idee del movimento scientifico in Francia e Inghilterra.Guglielmo Rinzivillo - 2015 - Roma: Edizioni Nuova cultura.
    Il testo vuole testimoniare della piena partecipazione delle scienze sociali alla storia delle scienze, in un quadro di sviluppo che prevede la ricezione in Europa della riforma della filosofia naturale attuata da Francesco Bacone nel XVII secolo e recepita nel principio dell’induzione da Auguste Comte in Francia e da Herbert Spencer in Inghilterra. I temi della fondazione delle scienze sono quindi al centro dell’opera di ricostruzione di eventi cruciali. L’investigazione della natura e del mondo empirico da parte dell’uomo sociale si (...)
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    Le vide du tombeau ou la perplexité de l'histoire.Patrick Royannais - 2009 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 97 (3):353-373.
    Comment apprécier théologiquement le travail de John P. Meier ? C’est à cette vaste question que s’attache cet article, en relevant notamment les questions que l’ouvrage pose en ce qui concerne l’épistémologie de l’exégèse dans son rapport à la théologie, et en tentant de dégager ce que ce genre de travaux apporte aux théologiens, leur incidence sur la théologie. Il va sans dire qu’il s’agit là d’une lecture critique du travail de Meier, notamment au plan de l’historiographie. Mais par-delà (...)
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  38. Bhāva sūcana.Jambukhaṇḍi Śrī Vādirājācārya - 1959 - In Jagannāthadāsa, Śrī Majjagannātha Dāsārya viracita Śrī Harikathāmr̥tasāra aidu ṭīkā. Lingasuguru: Śrī Varadēndra Haridāsa Sāhitya Maṇḍala.
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  39. Paurastya va pāścāttya vicārāntīla viśva āṇi mānava: Puṇẽ Ākāśavāṇī-bhāshaṇamālā.Devidāsa Dattātreya Vāḍekara (ed.) - 1979 - Puṇē: Marāṭhī Tattvajñāna-Mahākośa Maṇḍaḷa : ekameva vitaraka, Vhīnasa Prakāśana.
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    Vātulanātha sūtra =. Vātūlanātha - 1996 - Srinagar, Kashmir: Ishwar Ashram Trust. Edited by Lakshman Joo, Anantaśaktipāda, Nīlakaṇṭha Guruṭū & M. L. Kukiloo.
    Sanskrit text, with Sanskrit commentary of Anantaśaktipāda and English explanation on Śaivism, and Hindu philosophy.
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  41. Vāsudevayatīśvarakr̥tam Laghuvāsudevamananam: Thāneśacandra Upretī kr̥ta Hindī bhāshānuvāda. Madhusūdanasarasvatīkr̥taḥ Siddhāntabinduḥ: sānuvāda.Vāsudeva Yati - 2002 - Vārāṇasī: Śrīdakshiṇāmūrti Maṭha Prakāśana. Edited by Maheshanand Giri, Thāneśacandra Upreti & Madhusūdana Sarasvatī.
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  42. ʻAlī Sharīʻatī va Iqbāl: ek mut̤ālaʻah, maʻah tarjumah māo Iqbāl.Ẓuhūr Aḥmad Aʻvān - 1994 - Pishāvar: Idārah-yi ʻIlm o Fann.
    Critical and comparative analysis on the philosophical thoughts of ʻAlī Sharīʻatī and Sir Muhammad Iqbal, 19th and 20th centuries Muslim philosophers.
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  43. Ḥikmat va hunar-i maʻnavī: majmūʻah-i maqālāt.Ghulām Riz̤ā Aʻvānī - 1997 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Garrūs.
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  44. Le Tattvabindu de Vācaspatimiśra. Vācaspatimiśra - 1956 - Pondichéry: Institut français d'indologie. Edited by Madeleine Biardeau.
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    Books received. [REVIEW]Author unknown - 2000 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14 (1):79-81.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14.1 (2000) 79-81 [Access article in PDF] Books Received July 1999 through December 1999Asmuth, Christoph. 1999. Das Begriefen des Unbegreiflich. Abt. II, Band 41 of Spekulation and Erfahrung. Stuttgart: Frommann-holzboog. 411 pp.Badiou, Alain. 1999. Manifesto for Philosophy. Trans. and ed. Norman Madarasz. Albany: SUNY Press. 181 pp. h.c. 0-7914-4219-5, $14.95 pbk. 0-7914-4220-9.Barwise, Jon, and John Perry. 1999. Situations and Attitudes. New York: Cambridge (...)
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  46. Âm dương ngũ hành và đời sống con người.Văn Quán Lê - 2002 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Văn hóa dân tộc.
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