Results for 'Camille Santerre-Baillargeon'

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  1.  6
    Sur l'université.John Stuart Mill, Normand Baillargeon, Antoine Beaugrand-Champagne & Camille Santerre-Baillargeon - 2017 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    «Les hommes sont hommes avant d'être avocats, médecins, marchands, ou manufacturiers, et si vous en faites des hommes sensés et compétents, ils deviendront par cela même des avocats et des médecins compétents et sensés. [...] On peut être un homme de loi compétent sans avoir reçu une éducation générale; mais il appartient à l'éducation générale de donner à l'homme de loi l'esprit philosophique qui cherche des principes et les saisit, au lieu de charger sa mémoire de détails, et il en (...)
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    Contre l’autonomie. La méthode Forte pour inspirer la bonne décision Sarah Conly préface de Normand baillargeon, traduction de Gérald Baril, québec, presses de l’université laval, 2014, 254 P. [REVIEW]Olivier Santerre - 2016 - Dialogue 55 (2):391-393.
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    Environmental Violence and Natural Symbolism in Chava Rosenfarb's The Tree of Life : An Ecocritical Approach to Holocaust Memory.Ariane Santerre - 2023 - Environment, Space, Place 15 (2):136-162.
    Future prize-winning writer Chava Rosenfarb was seventeen years old when she was incarcerated in the Łódź ghetto. In 1972, she published The Tree of Life [Der boym fun lebn] (1972), a fictional chronicle of that experience of the Holocaust. In this three-volume epic novel, Rosenfarb narrates and interlaces the fates of ten Jewish families from pre-war Poland in 1939 to the liquidation of the ghetto in 1944. The "Tree of Life" is revealed to be the name given by the "ghettoniks" (...)
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  4. La Danseuse et le ballet, l'homme et l'humanité.Camille Manusset - 1969 - Paris: É. Marescot.
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    Ownership Form and Consumer Welfare: Evidence from the Nursing Home Industry.Rexford E. Santerre & John A. Vernon - 2007 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 44 (4):381-399.
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  6. Hybrid Modal Realism Debugged.Camille Fouché - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (4):1481-1505.
    In this paper, I support a hybrid view regarding the metaphysics of worlds. I endorse Lewisian Modal Realism for possible worlds (LMR). My aim is to come up with a hybrid account of impossible worlds that provides all the plenitude of impossibilities for all fine-grained intentional contents. I raise several challenges for such a plenitudinous hybrid theory. My version of hybrid modal realism builds impossible worlds as set-theoretic constructions out of genuine individuals and sets of them, that is, as set-theoretic (...)
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    Frantz Fanon, Institutional Psychotherapy, and the Decolonization of Psychiatry.Camille Robcis - 2020 - Journal of the History of Ideas 81 (2):303-325.
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    Ethical and regulatory challenges of research using pervasive sensing and other emerging technologies: IRB perspectives.Camille Nebeker, John Harlow, Rebeca Giacinto-Espinoza, Rubi Orozco-Linares, Cinnamon S. Bloss & Nadir Weibel - forthcoming - AJOB Empirical Bioethics:00-00.
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    Taming the River: Negotiating the Academic, Financial, and Social Currents in Selective Colleges and Universities.Camille Z. Charles, Mary J. Fischer, Margarita A. Mooney & Douglas S. Massey - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Building on their important findings in The Source of the River, the authors now probe even more deeply into minority underachievement at the college level. Taming the River examines the academic and social dynamics of different ethnic groups during the first two years of college. Focusing on racial differences in academic performance, the book identifies the causes of students' divergent grades and levels of personal satisfaction with their institutions. Using survey data collected from twenty-eight selective colleges and universities, Taming the (...)
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    Henri Bergson en Espagne: une histoire contrariée (1875-1930).Camille Lacau St Guily - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    A la fin du XIXe siècle, alors que l'Europe assiste au retour triomphal de la métaphysique dont Henri Bergson est une figure de proue, sur le positivisme, l'Espagne de la Restauration bourbonienne fait figure de résistante. La répartition bipolaire de l'intellectualité espagnole, entre les conservateurs néo-thomistes et les réformateurs de plus en plus attirés par la psychologie scientifique notamment, rend le dialogue primordialement impossible avec le bergsonisme. Seul Leopoldo Alas, dit Clarin, tente alors de faire entendre la "philosophie nouvelle", dans (...)
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  11. Resistance and control: the complex process of creating an OWL.Camille Langston - 1996 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 1 (1):31.
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    Le voyage de d'Entrecasteaux à la recherche de Lapérouse. Hélène Richard.Camille Limoges - 1988 - Isis 79 (2):290-291.
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    La politesse et sa philosophie.Camille Pernot - 1996 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Cette édition numérique a été réalisée à partir d'un support physique, parfois ancien, conservé au sein du dépôt légal de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, conformément à la loi n° 2012-287 du 1er mars 2012 relative à l'exploitation des Livres indisponibles du XXe siècle. La politesse n'est-elle qu'un ensemble d'usages contingents ou bien a-t-elle une signification propre? En quoi se distingue-t-elle des autres formes de sociabilité, a-t-elle une signification directe? Cette étude reprise dans une perspective philosophique révèle la nature paradoxale (...)
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    The Repression of Collaboration Féminine during the Libération and its Depiction in French Graphic Novels.Camille Roelens - 2018 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 2 (1).
    This paper introduces a hermeneutical approach to graphic novel representations of punishments inflicted on women accused of collaboration with the German occupant during the French purge in 1944- 1945. Since the study aims to determine to establish links between graphic novels and the evolutions of the historiography of the Occupation and Liberation of France, it includes a historiographical component. Drawing on other cultural medias who have dealt with this theme (novels, movies, poems, songs), the aim is also to identify the (...)
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    Symposium on “Collective representations of quality”: Introductory article.Camille Roth, Dario Taraborelli & Nigel Gilbert - 2011 - Mind and Society 10 (2):165-168.
    Collective representations of the quality of artifacts are produced by human societies in a variety of contexts. These representations of quality emerge from a broad range of social interactions, from the uncoordinated behaviour of large collectives of individuals, to the interaction between individuals and organizations, to complex socio-technical processes such as those enabled by online peer production systems. This special issue brings together contributions from sociology, social psychology and social simulation to shed light on the nature of these representations and (...)
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    Habermas on Religion and Democracy: Critical Perspectives.Camil Ungureanu & Paolo Monti - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (5):521-527.
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    Ethical and regulatory challenges of research using pervasive sensing and other emerging technologies: IRB perspectives.Camille Nebeker, John Harlow, Rebeca Espinoza Giacinto, Rubi Orozco-Linares, Cinnamon S. Bloss & Nadir Weibel - 2017 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 8 (4):266-276.
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    (1 other version)The modern-day “Rest Cure”: “The yellow Wallpaper” and underrepresentation in clinical research.Camille Francesca Villar - 2024 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 19 (1):1-8.
    Gothic literature—a genre brimming with madness, supernaturalism, and psychological terror—offers innumerable case studies potentially representing how psychiatric patients perceive their treatment from healthcare professionals. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s famous 1892 short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” offers a poignant example of this through its fictional narrator, a diarist many interpret to be suffering from postpartum depression. The fiction here does not stray far from reality: Gilman orchestrated her diarist’s experience to mirror her own, as both real author and fictional character suffocated from (...)
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    Money and the Commons: An Investigation of Complementary Currencies and Their Ethical Implications.Camille Meyer & Marek Hudon - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (1):277-292.
    The commons is a concept increasingly used with the promise of creating new collective wealth. In the aftermath of the economic and financial crises, finance and money have been criticized and redesigned to serve the collective interest. In this article, we analyze three types of complementary currency systems: community currencies, inter-enterprise currencies, and cryptocurrencies. We investigate whether these systems can be considered as commons. To address this question, we use two main theoretical frameworks that are usually separate: the “new commons” (...)
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    L'Afrique, les langues et la société de la connaissance : Fractures dans la société de la connaissance.Camille Roger Abolou - 2006 - Hermes 45:165.
    L'intérêt des sciences humaines pour les rapports entre TIC, langues et savoirs n'est pas nouveau. Cependant l'intelligibilité d'une construction épistémologique des relations reste un domaine en friche dans le contexte de la mondialisation. Le présent article essaie de s'en prendre à ce vide épistémologique en interrogeant particulièrement les enjeux des langues africaines dans le travail de structuration et de dissémination du savoir global et des savoirs locaux. Ces savoirs, chacun à sa manière, tentent de se construire un statut nouveau en (...)
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  21. Importancia y actualidad de Juan Duns Escoto. Sobre el VI congreso escotista internacional (Cracovia 1986).Camille Berube - 1985 - Naturaleza y Gracia 2:291-298.
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    Hommage à Mgr Thils.Camille Focant - 2000 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 31 (4):467-473.
    Texte de l'hommage rendu par le Doyen de la Faculté de théologie à la fin de la messe célébrée à la mémoire de Mgr Thils le 11 mai 2000 en l'église Saint-François à Louvain-la-Neuve.
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  23. Saint Paul. L'œuvre de métamorphose.Camille Focant - 2012 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 43 (1):104-107.
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  24. Simeona Protacio-Gahol: A Short Time With Nanay.Camil Kitane - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):311-313.
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    Le statut sémiologique de l'Esprit comme personnage dans les écrits pauliniens.Camil Ménard - 1983 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 39 (3):303-326.
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    August Afternoons at the Love/Art Laboratory.Camille Norton - 2009 - Feminist Studies 35 (3):573-574.
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    Between hype and hope: What is really at stake with personalized medicine?Camille Abettan - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (3):423-430.
    Over the last decade, personalized medicine has become a buzz word, which covers a broad spectrum of meanings and generates many different opinions. The purpose of this article is to achieve a better understanding of the reasons why personalized medicine gives rise to such conflicting opinions. We show that a major issue of personalized medicine is the gap existing between its claims and its reality. We then present and analyze different possible reasons for this gap. We propose an hypothesis inspired (...)
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  28. Self- Deprecation and the Habit of Laughter.Camille Atkinson - 2015 - Florida Philosophical Review 15 (1):19-36.
    My objective here is to give an account of self-deprecating humor—examining what works, what doesn't, and why—and to reflect on the significance of the audience response. More specifically, I will be focusing not only on the purpose or intention behind self-deprecating jokes, but considering how their consequences might render them successful or unsuccessful. For example, under what circumstances does self-deprecation tend to put listeners at ease, and when is this type of humor more likely to put people off? I will (...)
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  29. Dance displays in gibbons: biological and linguistic perspectives on structured, intentional, and rhythmic body movement.Camille Coye, Kai Caspar & Pritty Patel-Grosz - 2024 - Primates.
    Female crested gibbons (genus Nomascus) perform conspicuous sequences of twitching movements involving the rump and extremities. However, these dances have attracted little scientific attention and their structure and meaning remain largely obscure. Here we analyse close-range video recordings of captive crested gibbons, extracting descriptions of dance in four species (N. annamensis, N. gabriellae, N. leucogenys and N. siki). In addition, we report results from a survey amongst relevant professionals clarifying behavioural contexts of dance in captive and wild crested gibbons. Our (...)
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  30. (3 other versions)Psychologie de la croyance.Camille Bos - 1902 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 54 (3):528-533.
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    Work/Space: Labor and Realism in the Cinema of Wang Bing.Camille Bourgeus - 2018 - Diacritics 46 (4):56-71.
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    De l'Esprit laïque médiéval à la laïcité moderne.Camille Bérubé - 1965 - Dialogue 4 (2):185-205.
    Cette étude a un double objectif: 10 dégager les grandes lignes de l'ouvrage de Georges de Lagarde, La Naissance de l'Esprit laïque au Moyen Age, tout spécialement du volume V, Guillaume d'Ockham, Critique des structures ecclésiales; 20 retracer les origines de la doctrine actuelle de la laïcité de l'État et ses incidences dans la Constitution dogmatique de l'Église. En un temps où l'Église catholique prend pleinement conscience d'elle-même et approfondit le message qu'elle doit transmettre au monde, l'histoire des manifestations de (...)
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    Paris Letter (Part 1).M. Camille - 1951 - Renascence 3 (2):154-159.
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    La Connaissance Intellectuelle du Singulier Matériel au XIIIe Siècle.Camille Berube - 1951 - Franciscan Studies 11 (3-4):157-201.
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    John Stuart Mill, libéral utopique: actualité d'une pensée visionnaire.Camille Dejardin - 2022 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
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    Peculium.Camille Jullian - 1923 - The Classical Review 37 (3-4):61-.
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    L'universalité du salut en Jésus le Christ d'après E. Schillebeeckx.Camil Ménard - 1994 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 50 (2):283-296.
  38.  44
    "Final Cut: The Selection Process for" Break, Blow, Burn".Camille Paglia - 2008 - Arion 16 (2):1-24.
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  39. Expressivism and Realist Explanations.Camil Golub - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (6):1385-1409.
    It is often claimed that there is an explanatory divide between an expressivist account of normative discourse and a realist conception of normativity: more precisely, that expressivism and realism offer conflicting explanations of (i) the metaphysical structure of the normative realm, (ii) the connection between normative judgment and motivation, (iii) our normative beliefs and any convergence thereof, or (iv) the content of normative thoughts and claims. In this paper I argue that there need be no such explanatory conflict. Given a (...)
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    From method to hermeneutics: which epistemological framework for narrative medicine?Camille Abettan - 2017 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 38 (3):179-193.
    The past 10 years have seen considerable developments in the use of narrative in medicine, primarily through the emergence of the so-called narrative medicine. In this article, I question narrative medicine’s self-understanding and contend that one of the most prominent issues is its lack of a clear epistemological framework. Drawing from Gadamer’s work on hermeneutics, I first show that narrative medicine is deeply linked with the hermeneutical field of knowledge. Then I try to identify which claims can be legitimately expected (...)
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    Long-Term BCI Training of a Tetraplegic User: Adaptive Riemannian Classifiers and User Training.Camille Benaroch, Khadijeh Sadatnejad, Aline Roc, Aurélien Appriou, Thibaut Monseigne, Smeety Pramij, Jelena Mladenovic, Léa Pillette, Camille Jeunet & Fabien Lotte - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:635653.
    While often presented as promising assistive technologies for motor-impaired users, electroencephalography (EEG)-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) remain barely used outside laboratories due to low reliability in real-life conditions. There is thus a need to design long-term reliable BCIs that can be used outside-of-the-lab by end-users, e.g., severely motor-impaired ones. Therefore, we propose and evaluate the design of a multi-class Mental Task (MT)-based BCI for longitudinal training (20 sessions over 3 months) of a tetraplegic user for the CYBATHLON BCI series 2019. In (...)
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    The current dialogue between phenomenology and psychiatry: a problematic misunderstanding.Camille Abettan - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (4):533-540.
    A revival of the dialogue between phenomenology and psychiatry currently takes place in the best international journals of psychiatry. In this article, we analyse this revival and the role given to phenomenology in this context. Although this dialogue seems at first sight interesting, we show that it is problematic. It leads indeed to use phenomenology in a special way, transforming it into a discipline dealing with empirical facts, so that what is called “phenomenology” has finally nothing to do with phenomenology. (...)
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  43. Mélanges Bérubé: études de philosophie et théologie médiévales offertes à Camille Bérubé OFMCap pour son 80e anniversaire.Camille Bérubé & Vincenzo Criscuolo (eds.) - 1991 - Roma: Istituto storico dei cappuccini.
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  44. Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson.Camille Paglia - 1991
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  45. Representation, Deflationism, and the Question of Realism.Camil Golub - 2021 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 7.
    How can we distinguish between quasi-realist expressivism and normative realism? The most promising answer to this question is the “explanation” explanation proposed by Dreier (2004), Simpson (2018), and others: the two views might agree in their claims about truth and objectivity, or even in their attributions of semantic content to normative sentences, but they disagree about how to explain normative meaning. Realists explain meaning by invoking normative facts and properties, or representational relations between normative language and the world, the thought (...)
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    Le symbolique et le sacré: théories de la religion.Camille Tarot - 2008 - Paris: MAUSS.
    La question de la religion - de son essence, de sa fonction, de son origine - a été centrale dans la sociologie et l'anthropologie classiques. Pour la tirer des impasses et de la stagnation où elle est reléguée de nos jours, Camille Tarot propose ici un bilan critique des œuvres des meilleurs comparatistes, à travers leurs théories si contradictoires de la religion. Huit auteurs principaux sont soumis à examen : Emile Durkheim, Marcel Mauss, Mircéa Eliade, Georges Dumézil, Claude Lévi-Strauss, (...)
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    Advancing Equity and Achievement in America's Diverse Schools: Inclusive Theories, Policies, and Practices.Camille M. Wilson & Sonya Douglass Horsford (eds.) - 2013 - Routledge.
    _Advancing Equity and Achievement in America’s Diverse Schools _illustrates how educators, students, families and community partners can work in strategic ways to build on social, cultural, and ethnic diversity to advance educational equity and achievement. By drawing on the latest data on demographic change, constructions of culture and cultural difference, and the politics of school reform in urban, rural, and suburban school communities, this volume looks toward solutions and strategies for meaningful educational improvement. Contributors consider both the diversity of youth (...)
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    François Tosquelles and the Psychiatric Revolution in Postwar France.Camille Robcis - 2016 - Constellations 23 (2):212-222.
  49. Bodies in skilled performance: how dancers reflect through the living body.Camille Buttingsrud - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):7535-7554.
    Dancers and dance philosophers report on experiences of a certain form of sense making and bodily thinking through the dancing body. Yet, discussions on expertise and consciousness are often framed within canonical philosophical world-views that make it difficult to fully recognize, verbalize, and value the full variety of embodied and affective facets of subjectivity. Using qualitative interviews with five professional dancers and choreographers, I make an attempt to disclose the characteristics of what I consider to be a largely overseen state (...)
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  50. Is there a Good Moral Argument against Moral Realism?Camil Golub - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (1):151-164.
    It has been argued that there is something morally objectionable about moral realism: for instance, according to realism, we are justified in believing that genocide is wrong only if a certain moral fact obtains, but it is objectionable to hold our moral commitments hostage to metaphysics in this way. In this paper, I argue that no version of this moral argument against realism is likely to succeed. More precisely, minimal realism―the kind of realism on which realist theses are understood as (...)
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