Results for 'Jolita Urbanavičienė'

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  1.  29
    Stealing a gift: Kierkegaard's pseudonyms and the Bible.Jolita Pons - 2004 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This book studies the use of biblical quotations in Kierkegaard’s pseudonymous works, as well as Kierkegaard’s hermeneutical methods in general. Kierkegaard’s mode of writing in these works—indeed, the very method of indirect communication—consists in a certain appropriation of the Bible. Kierkegaard thus becomes God’s “plagiarist,” repeating the Bible by reinscribing it into his own texts, where it becomes a part of his philosophical discourse and relates to most of his conceptual constructions.The Bible might also be called a gift, but a (...)
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    Expert Evaluation of Diagnostic Instrument for Personal and Organizational Value Congruence.Jolita Vveinhardt & Evelina Gulbovaitė - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (3):481-501.
    The article aims to evaluate the quality of a newly constructed diagnostic instrument for personal and organizational value congruence. To attain this, an expert evaluation was invoked. The selected experts evaluated the questionnaire scales and their constituent subscales as well as the eligibility of the contained statements for diagnosing of personal and organizational value congruence. It should be emphasized that the experts were provided a possibility of commenting on each of the statements, making observations and providing suggestions in regard to (...)
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    Bullying Trends Inside Sport: When Organized Sport Does Not Attract but Intimidates.Jolita Vveinhardt & Vilija B. Fominiene - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Bullying is acknowledged by scientists as a considerable and still unresolved problem in sport. By triggering stress-related emotions, they determine the behavior of those experiencing bullying and cause various negative effects on their physical and mental health. However, in the presence of the tenacious trend in sports “to put one’s own house in order,” athletes, coaches, teams, and sports organizations themselves often do not emphasize bullying or state that they do not encounter the problem at all, and adheres to the (...)
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    Models of Congruence of Personal and Organizational Values: How Many Points of Contact are There Between Science and Practice?Jolita Vveinhardt & Evelina Gulbovaite - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (1):111-131.
    The paper aims to analyse the structure of the formed models of congruence of personal and organizational values, opportunities of their application in order to conceptualize the guidelines for the formation of an integrated model. The models for analysis were selected from the articles published in international databases with the keywords associated with value congruence models and grouped by the types of models: models that represent the origin of the phenomenon of value congruence and methodology of evaluation, and models, which (...)
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    Філософія соціального підприємництва: Комплексне дослідження явища.Jolita Greblikaite & Regina Andriukaitiene - 2016 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 66:226-231.
    Social entrepreneurship is analysed in different context and different viewpoints. The analysis still is vital and needed to be fulfilled in theoretical conceptual level becauseof different perceptions exist and scientific discussion in the theme still has unclear areas. In this paper it is just briefly emphasised some social entrepreneurship aspects that are important in developing research on synergy of social entrepreneurship, influence in different regions and environments. Especially the results could be applicable to such countries as Lithuania or Ukraine. The (...)
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  6.  17
    Знущання інкорпоруючого мобінгу на робочому місці: Теоретичні основи.Jolita Vveinhardt & Regina Andriukaitiene - 2016 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 66:219-225.
    The problem of mobbing in the workplace incorporating bullying has been looked into for three decades, at the same time searching for ways of reducing harm to organisations and their members made by the phenomenon. In Lithuania, single cases of research into the phenomenon were started only a little more than a decade ago, so both organisations and general public still lack knowledge about the phenomenon. Besides, variations of the definition of mobbing and bullying among the definitions of Lithuanian and (...)
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    Strategies for a Nonviolent Response to Perpetrator Actions: What Can Christianity Offer to Targets of Workplace Mobbing?Jolita Vveinhardt & Mykolas Deikus - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (2):175-195.
    This study sought to identify what strategies Christianity can offer for a morally justifiable, nonviolent response to mobbing actions. A qualitative content analysis of the Gospel of Luke was performed, and Heinz Leymann’s action groups of workplace mobbing were used to create categories. Three strategies of nonviolent response to attacks on communication, personal and professional reputation as well as social exclusion and physical attacks were identified. Their set consists of active efforts to maintain the observers’ support, refusal to engage in (...)
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    Vydūnas: asmenybė ir sveikata.Jolita Giedraitienė (ed.) - 2018 - Kaunas: Obuolys.
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  9. Socialinio teisingumo kaip vertybės raiška politiniame diskurse.Jolita Šliogerienė - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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  10. Negalios sampratos kaita medicininėje sociologijoje.Jolita Viluckienė - 2014 - Filosofija. Sociologija 24 (4).
    Straipsnyje pristatomos negalios tyrimų medicininėje sociologijoje atsiradimo aplinkybės, jų plėtojimo kryptys bei kaitos tendencijos nuo praėjusio šimtmečio iki šių dienų sociologinės minties. Kadangi medicininė sociologija yra bendrosios sociologijos šaka, todėl negalios samprata kito kartu su pastarosios sociologinės minties raida. Jeigu praėjusio amžiaus viduryje vyravo struktūrinio funkcionalizmo paradigma, tai negalia atitinkamai buvo suvokiama iš šios pozityvistinės minties perspektyvos. Vėliau, sustiprėjus interpretacijų įtakai, sociologiniai negalios tyrimai įgavo naują pobūdį. Pagaliau XX a. paskutiniajame dešimtmetyje sociologijoje iškilus tendencijai „atsigręžti“ į kūną, medicininė sociologija įgijo (...)
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    Negalią turinčių IT vartotojų skaitmeninė atskirtis kaip socialinės nelygybės forma.Jolita Viluckienė - 2016 - Filosofija. Sociologija 26 (4).
    Straipsnyje analizuojamas skaitmeninės atskirties reiškinys, į kurį patenka įvairias negalias turintys žmonės, susiduriantys su sisteminėmis interneto prieigos ir naudojimosi informacinėmis technologijomis kliūtimis, tokiomis kaip pagalbinių technologijų neefektyvumas, jų atsilikimas nuo masinių IT plėtros, aukšti šių technologijų įsigijimo kaštai, apmokymo stoka, skirtingi skaitmeninio raštingumo įgūdžiai, o taip pat ir žemas socioekonominis statusas, išsilavinimas bei darbingumo lygis. Skaitmeninė atskirtis kaip socialinės nelygybės forma taip pat nagrinėjama iš socialinės stratifikacijos perspektyvos bei atskleidžiamas IT ir negalios santykis kaip normatyvinis, suteikiantis galios įrankius „nestandartinių“, t. (...)
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  12.  20
    How Do Nepotism and Favouritism Affect Organisational Climate?Jolita Vveinhardt & Rita Bendaraviciene - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study seeks to determine the effect of nepotism and favouritism on organisational climate. Using the method of random sampling, 269 persons working in Lithuanian organisations were surveyed. The received data was analysed via the application of the methods of correlation and linear regression. It was determined that organisational climate is influenced significantly by variables such as the manager’s behaviour, safety and relationships with employees, values and traditions, communication, sharing of information, behaviour of employees, and interrelationships and tolerance of one (...)
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  13.  17
    The Dilemma of Postmodern Business Ethics: Employee Reification in a Perspective of Preserving Human Dignity.Jolita Vveinhardt - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Management practices prevailing in business organizations receive considerable criticism for often treating the employee as one of many resources or an instrument to achieve the organization’s goals. As employee reification has so far been largely investigated in the scientific literature from the perspective of neo-Marxist approach, this article seeks to broaden the discussion by showing how social teaching of the Catholic Church can serve to solve the problem of reification. Although there is no doubt that universal norms of business ethics (...)
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    Galia socialinių darbuotojų ir jų vadovų santykiuose.Jolita Buzaitytė-Kašalynienė, Birutė Švedaitė-Sakalauskė & Lijana Gvaldaitė - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 27 (2).
    Straipsniu siekiama prisidėti prie galios socialiniame darbe diskurso ir tyrimų Lietuvoje plėtojimo. Galia išryškėja santykiuose, todėl tyrimui pasirinkti socialinių darbuotojų ir jų vadovų ryšiai. Remiantis Lietuvos socialinių darbuotojų apklausos rezultatais, aptariamos socialinių darbuotojų santykio su vadovavimu strategijos, t. y. analizuojama, kaip veikimo strategijos susiję su subjektyviai socialinių darbuotojų patiriamais ir / ar suvokiamais vadovų vadovavimo stiliais arba vadovų galios raiškos būdais. Straipsnis parengtas įgyvendinant LR Lietuvos mokslo tarybos finansuotą projektą „Socialinis darbas – tarp priklausomybės ir autonomijos.“ Sutarties Nr. SIN-04/2012/LSS-250000-620.
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    Remote Learning Versus Traditional Learning: Attitudes of University Students.Irena Darginavičienė & Jolita Šliogerienė - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):194-210.
    The years 2020 and 2021 brought new challenges to teaching and learning in the institutions of tertiary education due to the global COVID-19 Pandemic. They have been the devastating years for many teachers. Innumerable difficulties in professional and personal life increased the stress - striving to survive with the least losses. Temporary measures for remote teaching/learning in spring of 2020 extended until summer of 2021 worldwide and seem unlikely to stop in the nearest future. New challenge of novel online activities (...)
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    Складання фінансового звіту у контексті управлінської парадигми.Birutė Petrošiene, Jolita Urkiene & Danguolė Šidlauskiene - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 76:210-220.
    Financial statements are the main source of information showing the performance of an enterprise and its financial state. They are need for business management, analysis, internal and external audit, owners and state, investors, society. The set of financial statements is prepared by summarizing the company's financial year data. To prepare accountability, data is pre-accumulated and grouped in accounting records, synthetic and analytical accounting registers according to general principles: continuity, periodicity, permanence, prudence, monetary measure, accumulation, neutrality, relevance of content, importance of (...)
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    Corporate social responsibility - ethical commitment to the consumer, the environment, the society.Regina Andriukaitiene, Valentyna Voronkova & Jolita Greblikaite - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії:13-15.
    _Relevance_. Organizations' social responsibility in the market is manifested through the quality of the services they provide, consumer information, care for their health, safety and the integration of environmental requirements into the activities of the organizations. Employees are one of the key stakeholders, and their approach is one way of exposing the organization's CSR issues. From the point of view of organizations' economic responsibility, it is important to strive for competitiveness of goods and services, efficient management and economical use of (...)
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