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Jonathan Cottrell [13]Jonathan David Cottrell [1]
  1. A Puzzle about Fictions in the Treatise.Jonathan Cottrell - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (1):47-73.
    in the treatise, hume claims to identify many “fictions of the imagination” among both “vulgar” and philosophical beliefs. To name just a few, these include the fiction of one aggregate composed of many parts,1 the fiction of a material object’s identity through change, and the fiction of a human mind’s identity through change and interruption in its existence. Hume claims that these fictions and others like them are somehow defective: in his words, they are “improper,” “inexact,” or not “strict”. I (...)
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  2. Minds, Composition, and Hume's Skepticism in the Appendix.Jonathan Cottrell - 2015 - Philosophical Review 124 (4):533-569.
    This essay gives a new interpretation of Hume's second thoughts about minds in the Appendix, based on a new interpretation of his view of composition. In Book 1 of the Treatise, Hume argued that, as far as we can conceive it, a mind is a whole composed by all its perceptions. But—this essay argues—he also held that several perceptions form a whole only if the mind to which they belong supplies a “connexion” among them. In order to do so, it (...)
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  3. Hume on mental representation and intentionality.Jonathan David Cottrell - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (7):e12505.
    The past two decades have seen an explosion of literature on Hume's views about mental representation and intentionality. This essay gives a roadmap of this literature, while arguing for two main interpretive claims. First, Hume aims to naturalize all forms of mental representation and intentionality, that is, to explain them in terms of properties and relations that are found throughout the natural world (not just in minds) and that are not, individually, peculiar to representational or intentional things. Second, Hume holds (...)
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  4. Hume’s Answer to Bayle on the Vacuum.Jonathan Cottrell - 2019 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 101 (2):205-236.
    Hume’s discussion of space in the Treatise addresses two main topics: divisibility and vacuum. It is widely recognized that his discussion of divisibility contains an answer to Bayle, whose Dictionary article “Zeno of Elea” presents arguments about divisibility as support for fideism. It is not so widely recognized that, elsewhere in the same article, Bayle presents arguments about vacuum as further support for fideism. This paper aims to show that Hume’s discussion of vacuum contains an answer to these vacuum-based fideistic (...)
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  5. David Hume: Imagination.Jonathan Cottrell - 2015 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This article explains Hume's conception of the imagination and its relations to our other faculties of thought, highlighting the continuities and discontinuities between his views and those of his Early Modern predecessors. It then presents some of the basic functions that Hume thinks the imagination performs, and surveys some highlights of his science of man, showing how he uses the imagination’s basic functions to explain several important mental phenomena; examines “fictions of the imagination,” which have an important place in his (...)
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  6. Hume on space and time : a limited defense.Jonathan Cottrell - 2018 - In Angela Michelle Coventry & Alex Sager (eds.), _The Humean Mind_. New York: Routledge.
  7. Unperceived Existence and Hume's Theory of Ideas.Jonathan Cottrell - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 9.
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    Perceptions, Minds, and Hume's Self-doubts: Comments on Ainslie's Hume's True Scepticism.Jonathan Cottrell - 2019 - Hume Studies 45 (1):109-119.
    In Hume's True Scepticism, Donald C. Ainslie offers a highly original, systematic interpretation of Treatise Book 1, part 4, and of much else in the Treatise besides. Along the way, he provides new solutions to two of the main outstanding problems of Hume scholarship: what is the relationship between Hume's skepticism and his commitment to pursuing a naturalistic science of man? And what "very considerable mistake" about personal identity does Hume mean to report in the Appendix? These are fantastic achievements. (...)
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    T eaching & L earning G uide for: H ume on mental representation and intentionality.Jonathan Cottrell - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (8):e12520.
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    The Philosophical Progress of Hume’s Essays, by Margaret Watkins.Jonathan Cottrell - forthcoming - Mind.
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    The Imagination in Hume’s Philosophy: The Canvas of the Mind by Timothy M. Costelloe. [REVIEW]Jonathan Cottrell - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (3):559-560.
    The imagination has a central place in Hume’s science of human nature: he attributes numerous important features of our mental and social lives to this faculty. However, few studies of his thought have made it their focal topic. The Imagination in Hume’s Philosophy is intended to address “this lack in the literature” (x).
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  12. Representation and Copying in Hume’s Treatise and Later Works.Jonathan Cottrell - 2021 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 8.
    Some of Hume’s central arguments in the Treatise—for example, arguments about causality, the self, and motivation—concern which of our perceptions represent, and what these perceptions can and cannot represent. A growing body of literature aims to reconstruct the theory of mental representation that (it is presumed) underwrites these arguments. The most popular type of interpretation says that, according to Hume’s theory, copying plays a significant role in explaining mental representation. This paper raises two challenges to such interpretations. First, they cannot (...)
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  13. Ideas, Evidence, and Method: Hume's Skepticism and Naturalism Concerning Knowledge and Causation[REVIEW]Jonathan Cottrell - 2017 - Philosophical Review 126 (3):393-398.
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    The Oxford Handbook of Hume. [REVIEW]Jonathan Cottrell - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (3):622-625.