Results for 'Joncarmen V. Mergenthaler'

979 found
  1.  35
    A Qualitative Analysis of Ethical Perspectives on Recruitment and Consent for Human Intracranial Electrophysiology Studies.Joncarmen V. Mergenthaler, Winston Chiong, Daniel Dohan, Josh Feler, Cailin R. Lechner, Philip A. Starr & Jalayne J. Arias - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):57-67.
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    Oliver Sacks — A neurologist explores the lifeworld.Daniela Mergenthaler - 2000 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 3 (3):275-283.
    The neurologist Oliver Sacks has become very famous for his writings. His popularity has scattered all mass medias. In his books, he eloquently tells stories about patients suffering from extraordinary neurological diseases. Since the conceptual framework of Sacks' narratives has been widely unconsidered, this article pursues a more general and systematic approach to his work. Sacks terms his idiographic and phenomenological access to the world of science Romantical Science. With its features, he develops a concept of a Neurology of Identity, (...)
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  3.  11
    Bildpolitik und Autorschaft: Ernst Jüngers Das Antlitz des Weltkrieges.Volker Mergenthaler - 2017 - In Lutz Hagestedt & Andrea Benedetti, Totalität Als Faszination: Systematisierung des Heterogenen Im Werk Ernst Jüngers. De Gruyter. pp. 205-224.
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    Scientific Contribution – Medicine as task – Karl E. Rothschuh’s philosophy of medicine.Daniela Mergenthaler - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 7 (3):253-260.
    Karl E. Rothschuh is one of the most important,but, on an international scale, relativelyunknown representatives of German philosophy ofmedicine in the 20th century. This paperpresents and discusses his central conceptssystematically, especially those ofanthropology, theories of health and disease.Rothschuh distinguishes two methodologicalapproaches to anthropology: a causal analysisthat considers human organism as complex causalsystems, and a so-called bionomicalinvestigation that clarifies the meaning orfunction of single processes in respect to thewhole organism. These two perspectivescomplement each other. From a naturalisticpoint of view, Rothschuh conceptualisesdiseases (...)
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  5.  17
    Kreisfahrten.Hanna Brinkmann & Volker Mergenthaler - 2006 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 51 (2):109-126.
    The following article deals with the arc shot camera technique, which is often dismissed as stylistic play (as the famous director of photography Michael Ballhaus, for instance, has argued). The article will have a look at three films – „Vertigo“, „Casualties of War“, and „Lola rennt“ (›Run Lola, Run‹) – to explore the often underrated aesthetic potential of the arc shot device. My thesis is that we better understand the aesthetic function of camera technique if we view the arc shot (...)
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  6.  30
    What Differentiates Poor- and Good-Outcome Psychotherapy? A Statistical-Mechanics-Inspired Approach to Psychotherapy Research, Part Two: Network Analyses.Giulio de Felice, Alessandro Giuliani, Omar C. G. Gelo, Erhard Mergenthaler, Melissa M. De Smet, Reitske Meganck, Giulia Paoloni, Silvia Andreassi, Guenter K. Schiepek, Andrea Scozzari & Franco F. Orsucci - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  7.  79
    Two conceptions of truth? – Comment.V. Mc Gee - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 124 (1):71 - 104.
    Following Hartry Field in distinguishing disquotational truth from a conception that grounds truth conditions in a community's usage, it is argued that the notions are materially inequivalent (since the latter allows truth-value gaps) and that both are needed. In addition to allowing blanket endorsements ("Everything the Pope says is true"), disquotational truth facilitates mathematical discovery, as when we establish the Gödel sentence by noting that the theorems are all disquotationally true and the disquotational truths are consistent. We require a more (...)
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  8.  72
    Fictions of Restorative Justice, Vincent Geeraets.V. C. Geeraets - 2016 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 10 (2):265-281.
    In this paper, I argue that scholars such as John Braithwaite and Lode Walgrave rely on fictions when presenting their utopian vision of restorative justice. Three claims in particular are shown to be fictitious. Proponents of restorative justice maintain, first, that the offender and the victim voluntarily attend the restorative conference. Second, that the restorative conference enables the offender and the victim to take on active responsibility. Third, that the reparatory tasks on which the parties agree should not be understood (...)
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  9.  45
    Ethology, power, possession: A system theoretical study of the Hungarian transition.V. Csanyi - 1990 - World Futures 29 (1):107-122.
    (1990). Ethology, power, possession: A system theoretical study of the Hungarian transition. World Futures: Vol. 29, Transition in Eastern Europe, pp. 107-122.
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  10. TROISIÈME CENTENAIRE DE LA NAISSANCE DE SPINOZA: COMMUNICATIONS DE MM. Ch. Appuhn, Léon Brunschvicg, Carl Gebhardt.V. Basch - 1932 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 32 (5).
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  11. Les baptisés pour les morts.V. G. C. - 1890 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 23 (2):187.
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  12. Chaadaev.V. V. Lazarev - 1986 - Moskva: "I︠U︡rid. lit-ra".
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    Universum vaĭsheshiki: po "Sobranii︠u︡ kharakteristik kategoriĭ" Prashastapady.V. G. Lysenko - 2003 - Moskva: Vostochnai︠a︡ literatura RAN.
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  14.  4
    Khudozhestvennai︠a︡ kulʹtura i ėsteticheskoe razvitie lichnosti.V. I. Mazepa (ed.) - 1989 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  15. Bontadini, Gustavo.V. Melchiorre - 1990 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 82 (2-3):480-481.
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  16.  29
    Mendel's Program for the Hybridization of Apple Trees.V. Orel & M. Vávra - 1968 - Journal of the History of Biology 1 (2):219 - 224.
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  17. Il percorso culturale ed interiore del giovane La Pira: L'attuazione del Vangelo in un approccio laicale moderno.V. Peri - 1996 - Studium 92 (6).
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  18.  3
    U krai︠a︡ kulʹtury: filosofskie ocherki.V. N. Porus - 2008 - Moskva: Kanon+.
  19. Problemy istoricheskogo materializma.V. I. Pripisnov & Viktor Andreevich Onushchenko (eds.) - 1977 - Dushanbe: Izd-vo "Donish".
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  20. Tvorcheskai︠a︡ aktivnostʹ soznanii︠a︡: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.V. G. Pushkin & G. A. Chemodanov (eds.) - 1986 - Leningrad: Leningradskiĭ gos. pedagog. in-t im. A.I. Gert︠s︡ena.
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  21. Marxism-leninism-the ideological and theoretical basis of practical political activity of the communist-party of czechoslovakia.V. Ruml - 1981 - Filosoficky Casopis 29 (2):137-142.
  22. The leninist theory of socialist revolution and the criticism of its critics.V. Ruml - 1980 - Filosoficky Casopis 28 (1):1-14.
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  23.  27
    The relation of time estimation to certain physiological changes.V. G. Schaefer & A. R. Gilliland - 1938 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 23 (5):545.
  24. The historical experience of czech anarchism.V. Tomek - 1994 - Filosoficky Casopis 42 (5):805-821.
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  25. (2 other versions)L'organizzazione aziendale.V. Tonini - 1969 - Scientia 63 (4):528.
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    (1 other version)Russia and the Problem of Democratic Transition.V. Zaslavsky - 1993 - Télos 1993 (96):26-52.
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    On Husserl's Theory of the Constitution of Objectifying Meaning [Translated title].V. Zatka - 1990 - Filosoficky Casopis (3):333-345.
    This study offers a critical analysis of Husserl's theory of meaning. The author commences by delineating the position and function of Husserl's meaning theory in the sum total of his phenomenological philosophy. He goes on to demonstrate that this theory was conceived as an integral component of Husserl's theory of knowledge. (edited).
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  28.  33
    Goals for American Education. [REVIEW]V. J. McGill - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (5):157-161.
  29.  22
    Aland, K., Die Stellung der Kinder in den frühen christlichen Gemeinden und ihre Taufe. [REVIEW]V. Grossi - 1969 - Augustinianum 9 (1):176-177.
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  30. Christian Illies, The Grounds of Ethical Judgment. New Transcendental Arguments in Moral Philosophy. [REVIEW]V. Hosle - 2004 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 111 (2):253.
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  31. Löwith, K. - Saggi Su Heidegger. [REVIEW]V. Tonini - 1969 - Scientia 63 (104):220.
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  32. Marʼot ʻenayim: ʻena de-oraita: ha-kolel be-tokho liḳuṭim... bi-shemirah me-reʼiyot asurot... ʻal kol ʻinyanin ha-shayakhim la-ʻenayim..Shimʻon Ṿanunu (ed.) - 1996 - Yerushalayim: Sh. Ṿanunu.
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  33.  37
    The Ideal in Law. [REVIEW]K. V. - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (1):152-154.
    This book is divided into four parts with a total of nine chapters, all of which had been previously published, some as far back as 1959. The first part, entitled "Custom versus Ideal: A Case Study in the Evolution of Law and Mores," includes two articles dealing with "The Negro in Our Law." The second part, "Of Obligation: The Citizen and the Law," also contains two articles addressing, independently, the problems of civil disobedience and the relation between the lawyer and (...)
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    V. S. Stepin’s Concept of Post-Non-Classical Science and N. N. Moiseev’s Concept of Universal Evolutionism.V. I. Arshinov & V. G. Budanov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (4):96-112.
    The article is devoted to the memory of Vyacheslav Semenovich Stepin and Nikita Nikolaevich Moiseev, whose multifaceted work was integrally focused on philosophical, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research of the key ideas and principles of universal human-dimensional evolutionism. Other remarkable Russian scientists V.I. Vernadsky, S.P. Kurdyumov, S.P. Kapitsa, D.S. Chernavsky worked in the same tradition of universal evolutionism. While V.I. Vernadsky and N.N. Moiseev had been the originators of that scientific approach, V.S. Stepin provided philosophical foundations for the ideas of those (...)
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  35. Király V. István - Death and History.István Király V. - 2016 - Budapesti Konyv Szemle (2):79-83.
    Recenzio Kiraly V. Istvan Death and History c. konyverol.
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  36. Chelovek v kulʹture: filosofskie, antropologicheskie, regionalʹnye aspekty kulʹtury i russkogo kosmizma: monografii︠a︡.V. V. Lytkin (ed.) - 2022 - Moskva: RU-SCIENCE.
    Glava 1. Osmyslenie "ideala" russkim kosmizmom -- Glava 2. Analiz osnovnykh filosofsko-antropologicheskikh ideĭ v russkoĭ religioznoĭ filosofii -- Glava 3. Idei kosmizma v russkoĭ religioznoĭ filosofii -- Glava 4. V.I. Vernadskiĭ o sootnoshenii nauki, filosofii i religii -- Glava 5. Mifologicheskoe i nauchnoe v izuchenii obraza protopopa Avvakuma -- Glava 6. Ėkonomicheskoe razvitie i nravstvennai︠a︡ degradat︠s︡ii︠a︡ cheloveka i obshchestva v format︠s︡ionnom podkhode Karla Marksa i Fridrikha Ėngelʹsa.
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  37.  4
    Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡ v 5-ti tomakh.V. O. Kudin - 2009 - Kiev: Vipol.
    v. 1. Obrazovanie v sud'bakh narodov. Education in the fates of nations -- v. 2. Razdumyi︠a︡. Thoughts -- v. 3. Krutogori︠a︡mi zhizni. Steep roads of the life -- v. 4. Ėstetika i tvorchestvo. Aesthetics and creativity -- v. 5. T︠S︡ivilizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ v zhizni planety. The civilization in the life of our planet.
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  38. Constantin TONU: István KIRÁLY V., Death and History, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, ISBN: 978-3-659-80237-9, 172 pages, 2015.V. Istvan Kiraly & Constantin Tonu - 2016 - Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory 2 (1).
    Review the Istvan Kiraly V.'s book: Death and History.
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  39. Amerika v filosofii istorii Gegeli︠a︡ i problema "novoĭ ontologii" Ameriki.V. A. Anishin - 1983 - In Artur Vladimirovich Sagadeev, N. S. Kirabaev & V. A. Anishin, Iz istorii filosofii osvobodivshikhsi︠a︡ stran: sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Moskva: Universitet druzhby narodov.
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  40.  14
    Kosmos v proizvedenii︠a︡kh drevnikh filosofov.V. I. Bakina - 2003 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
  41.  15
    Poznanie v dei︠a︡telʹnosti i obshchenii: ot teorii i praktiki k ėksperimentu.V. A. Barabanshchikov, V. N. Nosulenko & E. S. Samoĭlenko (eds.) - 2011 - Moskva: Institut psikhologii RAN.
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  42.  12
    Poznanie v strukture obshchenii︠a︡.V. A. Barabanshchikov & E. S. Samoĭlenko (eds.) - 2008 - Moskva: In-t psikhologii RAN.
  43.  15
    Russian european B.V. Yakovenko.V. N. Belov - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):133-144.
    The article analyzes the creativity of one of the most famous Russian neokantians Boris V. Yakovenko. Despite the fact that the work of Yakovenko becomes the subject of analysis of an increasing number of researchers both in Russia and abroad, it has not yet taken place in a systematic analysis. The article attempts to consider the philosophical creativity of the Russian philosopher systematically, revealing both the main directions of European thought that had the greatest influence on the position of Yakovenko (...)
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  44. Vvedenie v psikhologii︠u︡ polimorfnoĭ individualʹnosti.V. V. Belous - 2000 - Pi︠a︡tigorsk: PGLU.
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  45.  33
    Особливості становлення кельтського варіанту християнства в ірландії в V – на початку VI ст.V. R. Buchovskyi - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 47:119-127.
    Throughout Christianity, its activities are in one way or another connected to the historical reality of its time. Usually, for different epochs, the strength of these bonds was different, but during the Middle Ages, they were significantly stronger than before and after. It is here that perhaps the most important moment was the rise of Christianity, which spread over a relatively short period of time almost throughout Europe. It was then - and never again in all its history - that (...)
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  46. Chelovek v mire tradit︠s︡iĭ: monografii︠a︡.V. I︠U︡ Bystrov - 2001 - Velikiĭ Novgorod: Novgorodskiĭ gos. universitet im. I︠A︡roslava Mudrogo.
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  47. V poiskakh mirovozzrenii︠a︡ XXI veka: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.V. P. Durin (ed.) - 2002 - Khabarovsk: Dalʹnevostochnyĭ gos. universitet puteĭ soobshchenii︠a︡.
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  48. Soznanie v sot︠s︡iokulʹturnom izmerenii.V. P. Filatov & V. A. Kruglikov (eds.) - 1990 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii.
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  49. (1 other version)V. I. Lenin i suchasna fizyka.V. S. Gott - 1960
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    V. Laurent, Le Corpus Des Sceaux De L'empire Byzantin.V. Grumel - 1968 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 61 (1).
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