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    Love of God above Self.Jordan Olver - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (1):97-131.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Love of God above SelfJordan OlverIS THERE ANY LOVE that is not ultimately a form of self-love? Anders Nygren famously maintained that for Thomas Aquinas there is not. Nygren was led to this conclusion in large part by Aquinas’s claims that love is an act of the will and that the ultimate end of the will is happiness: if every act of love is on account of happiness as (...)
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    A Personalist Solution to the Problem of Eudaimonism?Jordan Olver - 2015 - Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 11:159-172.
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    Bonum Nostrum: Thomas Aquinas and Love of Others for Their Own Sake.Jordan Olver - 2017 - Review of Metaphysics 70 (4).
    Thomas Aquinas holds that we can love others for their own sake, but it is not clear how such love is possible given his commitment to eudaimonism and to the more general principle that all things seek their perfections as their ultimate end. To explain how nonegoistic love is possible on Thomistic grounds, this article examines the good that is the object of the will, and attempts to determine the relation between this good and the good of the self. The (...)
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