Results for 'José María Rodriíguez García'

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  1.  22
    The regime of translation in miguel antonio caro's Colombia.José María Rodriíguez García - forthcoming - Diacritics.
  2.  29
    Introducción. Ecoética y ecopolítica: ¿nuevos marcos filosóficos para el siglo XXI?José María García Gómez Héras & Javier Romero Muñoz - 1970 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 21:7-10.
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    Introduction: Literary into cultural translation.José María Rodríguez García - forthcoming - Diacritics.
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    La Nunciatura de Madrid en la España del siglo XIX.José María García Escudero - 1986 - Salmanticensis 33 (2):229-250.
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  5. Max Weber y Rilke: la magia del arte en el mundo desencantado.José María González García - 2004 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 30 (2):225-248.
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  6. Docuit me columba." Estudio sobre el uso y función de los signos ("signa") en los "Sancti Augustini in Ioannis euangelium tractatus.José María García González - 2013 - Augustinus 58 (228):63-87.
    San Agustín hace posible el uso de la retórica en la predicación cristiana, tanto en la teoría como en la práctica. Los mismos recursos, pero usados de otra manera. Esto puede analizarse mediante el uso y función de los "signa" en su propia predicación. Los "In Ioannis euangelium tractatus" proporcionan una base sólida para el estudio de los "signa", según los utiliza Agustín.
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    Variability of the Prevalence of Depression in Function of Sociodemographic and Environmental Factors: Ecological Model.José María Llorente, Bárbara Oliván-Blázquez, María Zuñiga-Antón, Bárbara Masluk, Eva Andrés, Javier García-Campayo & Rosa Magallón-Botaya - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Major depression etiopathogenesis is related to a wide variety of genetics, demographic and psychosocial factors, as well as to environmental factors. The objective of this study is to analyze sociodemographic and environmental variables that are related to the prevalence of depression through correlation analysis and to develop a regression model that explains the behavior of this disease from an ecological perspective. This is an ecological, retrospective, cross-sectional study. The target population was 1,148,430 individuals over the age of 16 who were (...)
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  8. En la crisis "pensad con madurez" (1 Cor. 14, 20). Los retos del pluralismo y la experiencia.José María GarcÍa Prada - 2009 - Ciencia Tomista 136 (440):469-494.
    Lo que les pide San Pablo a los corintios es que tengan un pensamiento adulto, maduro, el cual, por su naturaleza misma, es un pensamiento crítico. Lo opuesto al pensamiento maduro no es un pensamiento superficial, sino el pensamiento pueril, frívolo o la deshonestidad intelectual. Creemos que la situación del catolicismo occidental nos reclama el uso de este pensamiento crítico con no menor apremio que la difícil situación de los corintios a los que aconseja Pablo. El propósito de este ensayo (...)
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  9. Los mundos posibles en relación con otros modos discursivos.José María García Prada - 2001 - Estudios Filosóficos 50 (144):227-260.
    Este artículo toma el esquema de J.B.Vico de las tres etapas del discurso (etapa mítico-poética, la conceptual-dialéctica y la descriptiva), y hace la propuesta de si no estaremos ante el ¿ricorso¿ de que habla Vico: esto es, la vuelta desde el discurso descriptivo, predominante en el siglo XX, al discurso imaginativo de la ¿poiética¿ que nos alumbra los ¿mundos posibles¿. El autor argumenta esta hipótesis analizando el fracaso de la tradición de la ¿mímesis¿, la recuperación por Heidegger de la tradición (...)
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  10. Poética de lo posible en los textos : una aproximación ontológica y hermenéutica.José María García Prada - 1998 - Estudios Filosóficos 47 (135):187-214.
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  11. María G. Navarro: Interpretar argumentando.José María García Gómez-Heras - 2011 - Isegoría 44:366-372.
    Escribir hoy en día un libro sobre hermenéutica, que tal hermenéutica se refiera a la desarrollada por G. Gadamer en su conocido Verdad y método y que se pretenda añadir algo nuevo a lo mucho escrito sobre el tema parecería, a primera vista, empresa irrealizable. Que ambas pretensiones inspiren la sólida monografía de María G. Navarro —titulada Interpretar y argumentar— constituye empresa audaz y arriesgada, plena de coraje innovador, que provoca admiración, curiosidad e interés. Contra lo que pudiera parecer (...)
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  12.  23
    Technostress in Spanish University Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Maria Penado Abilleira, María-Luisa Rodicio-García, María Paula Ríos-de Deus & Maria José Mosquera-González - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:617650.
    One of the measures adopted by the government of Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic has been the elimination of face-to-face classes in all universities, requiring that all teachers had to conduct their classes in an online mode. The objective of this article is to study how this adaptation among university teachers affected their job performance due to the technostress (objective and subjective) that they may have suffered. Based on the person-environment misfit theory (P-E fit theory), the sample consisted of 239 (...)
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  13.  29
    Technostress in Spanish University Students: Validation of a Measurement Scale.María Penado Abilleira, María Luisa Rodicio-García, María Paula Ríos-de-Deus & María José Mosquera-González - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  14. Use of the Labour-Intensive Method in the Repair of a Rural Road Serving an Indigenous Community in Jocotán (Guatemala).Rodrigo Ares, José-María Fuentes, Eutiquio Gallego, Francisco Ayuga & Ana-Isabel García - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):315-338.
    Abstract This paper reports the results obtained in an aid project designed to improve transport in the municipal area of Jocotán (Guatemala). The rural road network of an area occupied by indigenous people was analysed and a road chosen for repair using the labour-intensive method–something never done before in this area. The manpower required for the project was provided by the population that would benefit from the project; the involvement of outside contractors and businesses was avoided. All payment for labour (...)
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    Ecología y Utopía: Hacia una ética del trato del Hombre con la Naturaleza.José María García GómezHeras - 1990 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 17:119-141.
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    ¿Ilustración en España?: contrastes entre el "Siglo de las Luces" español y la ilustración centroeuropea.José María García GómezHeras - 2013 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 40:291-306.
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  17. La producción del sentido en los textos.José María García Prada - 1993 - Estudios Filosóficos 42.
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  18. Ciencia y medio ambiente. Urgencia de un saber alternativo sobre la naturaleza.José María García Gómez-Heras - 2006 - In Michael Cheng-Teh Tai, Begoña Román & Cristian Palazzi, Hacia una sociedad responsable: reflexiones desde las éticas aplicadas. [Cabrils, Spain]: Prohom.
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    Ernst Bloch. In memoriam.José María García Gómez-Heras & Jürgen Moltmann - 1977 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 4:281-296.
  20.  11
    El "Liber Creaturarum" de R. Sabunde. Estudio bibliográfico.José María García Gómez-Heras - 1976 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 3:237-272.
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  21.  12
    En torno al estatuto científico-metodológico de la Bioética.José María García Gómez-Heras - 2005 - In López de la Vieja & Ma Teresa, Bioética: entre la medicina y la ética. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad Salamanca. pp. 17.
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    Ecología y utopía: hacia una ética del trato del hombre con la naturaleza.José María García Gómez-Heras - 1990 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 17:119-142.
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    La pregunta por lo religioso y divino.José María García Gómez-Heras - 1974 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 1 (1):83-110.
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  24.  8
    Religión e Ilustración. El proceso de la teología a la filosofía de la religión durante la era del Iluminismo.José María García Gómez-Heras - 1978 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 5:5-40.
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    Técnica y Bioética:¿ bricolage de quirófano? Sobre la tensión entre" poder hacer" y" deber hacer".José María García Gómez-Heras - 2009 - In López de la Vieja & Ma Teresa, Ensayos sobre bioética. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca.
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  26.  12
    Vía hernenéutica de la filosofía: la matriz husserliana.José María García Gómez-Heras - 1987 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 14:5-36.
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  27.  56
    Validation of priority criteria for cataract extraction.Susana García Gutiérrez, Jose Maria Quintana, Amaia Bilbao, Antonio Escobar, Emilio Perea Milla, Belen Elizalde, Marisa Baré & M. P. H. Nerea Fernandez de Larrea Md - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):675-684.
    Rationale, aims and objectives Given the increasing prevalence of cataract and demand for cataract extraction surgery, patients must often wait to undergo this procedure. We validated a previously developed priority scoring system in terms of clinical variables, pre-intervention health status, appropriateness of surgery and gain in visual acuity (VA) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL).Methods Explicit prioritization criteria for cataract extraction created by a variation of the Research and Development (RAND) and University of California Los Angeles appropriateness methodology were retrospectively (...)
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  28.  41
    Introduction: Literary into Cultural Translation.José María Rodríguez-García, RodrÍ, JosÉ Guez-Garc&A. & Mar&Iac - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (3):3-30.
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  29.  43
    The Regime of Translation in Miguel Antonio Caro's Colombia.José María Rodríguez-García, Rodr&, Iacute, Jos& Guez-Garc&A., Eacute, Mar& & Iac - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (3):143-174.
  30.  47
    The Regime of Translation in Miguel Antonio Caro's Colombia.José María Rodríguez-García, RodrÍ, JosÉ Guez-Garc&A. & Mar&Iac - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (3):143-175.
  31.  18
    Welcome to Project MUSE.José María Rodríguez-García - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (3/4).
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    El uso de Twitter para mejorar la competencia de la expresión escrita en el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras.Germán Ruipérez, María Dolores Castrillo & José Carlos García Cabrero - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):159-163.
    Se presenta un estudio empírico sobre la utilización de Twitter como herramienta para la mejora de la competencia de la expresión escrita en el aprendizaje a distancia de alemán como lengua extranjera de estudiantes de los niveles iniciales (A1 y A2 del MCER). Se describirá la metodología utilizada y las principales conclusiones del trabajo de campo.
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  33. Dignidad de la vida y manipulación genética: Bioética, ingeniería genética, ética feminista, deontología médica.José María García Gómez-Heras - 2003 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 59 (3):917-919.
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    KANT, I. : Crítica de la razón práctica. Ed. a cargo de M. Hernández Marcos. Trad. de E. Miñana / M. García Morente. Madrid: Tecnos. [REVIEW]José María García Gómez-Heras - 2019 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 77:234-236.
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    (1 other version)Simplified method based on an intelligent model to obtain the extinction angle of the current for a single-phase half wave controlled rectifier with resistive and inductive load.José Luis Calvo-Rolle, Héctor Quintian-Pardo, Emilio Corchado, María del Carmen Meizoso-López & Ramón Ferreiro García - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (1):37-47.
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    Design and Validation of an Observational Instrument for the Technical-Tactical Actions in Singles Tennis.Gema Torres-Luque, Ángel Iván Fernández-García, David Cabello-Manrique, José María Giménez-Egido & Enrique Ortega-Toro - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Impact of the Optimistic Perspective on the Intention to Create Social Enterprises: A Comparative Study Between Portugal and Spain.Clara Margaça, Brizeida Raquel Hernández-Sánchez, Giuseppina Maria Cardella & José Carlos Sánchez-García - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:680751.
    Social entrepreneurship (SE) enables business consolidation, combined with the production of positive impact and improvements in society. Aligned with 2030 Agenda for the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, it is important to clarify the role of social entrepreneurs, as they are making visible the impact of their creative ideas in several areas, from civic engagement to the environment, health and learning. The main purpose of this study is to specify a model of social entrepreneurial intention (SEI) and (...)
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  38. Sense of Coherence Mediates the Relationship Between Cognitive Reserve and Cognition in Middle-Aged Adults.Gabriele Cattaneo, Javier Solana-Sánchez, Kilian Abellaneda-Pérez, Cristina Portellano-Ortiz, Selma Delgado-Gallén, Vanessa Alviarez Schulze, Catherine Pachón-García, H. Zetterberg, Jose Maria Tormos, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & David Bartrés-Faz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In recent years, supported by new scientific evidence, the conceptualization of cognitive reserve has been progressively enriched and now encompasses not only cognitive stimulating activities or educational level, but also lifestyle activities, such as leisure physical activity and socialization. In this context, there is increasing interest in understanding the role of psychological factors in brain health and cognitive functioning. In a previous study, we have found that these factors mediated the relationship between CR and self-reported cognitive functioning. In this study, (...)
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    Managing ethical aspects of advance directives in emergency care services.Silvia Poveda-Moral, Dolors Rodríguez-Martín, Núria Codern-Bové, Pilar José-María, Pere Sánchez-Valero, Núria Pomares-Quintana, Mireia Vicente-García & Anna Falcó-Pegueroles - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):91-105.
    Background: In Hospital Emergency Department and Emergency Medical Services professionals experience situations in which they face difficulties or barriers to know patient’s advance directives and implement them. Objectives: To analyse the barriers, facilitators, and ethical conflicts perceived by health professionals derived from the management of advance directives in emergency services. Research design, participants, and context: This is a qualitative phenomenological study conducted with purposive sampling including a population of nursing and medical professionals linked to Hospital Emergency Department and Emergency Medical (...)
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  40.  13
    GARCÍA DE LEÁNIZ, I. (ed.), De nobis ipsis silemus. Homenaje a Juan Miguel Palacios, Encuentro, Madrid, 638 pp.José María Torralba - 2010 - Anuario Filosófico 43 (3):648.
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    Molecular and Brain Volume Changes Following Aerobic Exercise, Cognitive and Combined Training in Physically Inactive Healthy Late-Middle-Aged Adults: The Projecte Moviment Randomized Controlled Trial.Alba Castells-Sánchez, Francesca Roig-Coll, Rosalía Dacosta-Aguayo, Noemí Lamonja-Vicente, Pere Torán-Monserrat, Guillem Pera, Alberto García-Molina, José Maria Tormos, Pilar Montero-Alía, Antonio Heras-Tébar, Juan José Soriano-Raya, Cynthia Cáceres, Sira Domènech, Marc Via, Kirk I. Erickson & Maria Mataró - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Behavioral interventions have shown promising neuroprotective effects, but the cascade of molecular, brain and behavioral changes involved in these benefits remains poorly understood. Projecte Moviment is a 12-week multi-domain, single-blind, proof-of-concept randomized controlled trial examining the cognitive effect and underlying mechanisms of an aerobic exercise, computerized cognitive training and a combined groups compared to a waitlist control group. Adherence was > 80% for 82/109 participants recruited. In this study we report intervention-related changes in plasma biomarkers and structural-MRI and how they (...)
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    Association between knowledge and attitudes towards advance directives in emergency services.Anna Falcó-Pegueroles, Mireia Vicente-García, Núria Pomares-Quintana, Pere Sánchez-Valero, Pilar José-Maria de la Casa & Silvia Poveda-Moral - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundImplementing the routine consultation of patient advance directives in hospital emergency departments and emergency medical services has become essential, given that advance directives constitute the frame of reference for care personalisation and respect for patients’ values and preferences related to healthcare. The aim of this study was to assess the levels and relationship of knowledge and attitudes of nursing and medical professionals towards advance directives in hospital emergency departments and emergency medical services, and to determine the correlated and predictor variables (...)
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  43.  26
    Self-Concept as a Mediator of the Relation Between University Students’ Resilience and Academic Achievement.Inmaculada García-Martínez, José María Augusto-Landa, Rocío Quijano-López & Samuel P. León - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Academic achievement is a factor of interest in both psychology and education. Determining which factors have a negative or positive influence on academic performance has produced different investigations. The present study focuses on analyzing the relationship between resilience, emotional intelligence, self-concept and the academic achievement of university students. For this purpose, different self-report tools were administered to a sample of 1,020 university students from Southern Spain. The Structural Equation-based mediational analysis suggests that there is no direct relationship between resilience and (...)
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    (1 other version)Self-Perception of Changes in Routines in Adults and Older Adults Associated to Social Distancing Due to COVID-19—A Study in São Paulo, Brazil.Adriana Machado-Lima, Angélica Castilho Alonso, Débora Gozzo, Gisele Garcia Zanca, Guilherme Carlos Brech, José Maria Montiel, Marta Ferreira Bastos, Priscila Larcher Longo & Sandra Regina Mota-Ortiz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    COVID-19 is an acute respiratory illness with higher mortality in older adults. This condition is spread person-to-person through close contact, and among policies employed to decrease transmission are the improvement of hygiene habits and physical distancing. Although social distancing has been recognized as the best way to prevent the transmission, there are concerns that it may promote increased depression symptoms risk and anxiety, mainly in older adults. This cross-sectional study aimed to verify self-concept of social distancing in adults compared to (...)
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  45.  18
    Aníbal Quijano, A Secret Khipukamayuq. Modernity, the Knot to Untie.José Guadalupe Gandarilla Salgado & María Haydeé García Bravo - 2019 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (15):183-214.
    In the text we approach the trajectory of the Peruvian thinker Aníbal Quijano and how he came to the formulation by which he is known, the explanatory pair modernity / coloniality. We propose a problematizing reading of his intellectual itinerary, recovering a recurrent and highly suggestive metaphor in his approach, the explanatory allegory of the knot. We consider that this figure has multiple potentialities, both in the epistemic-philosophical and political-cultural dimension.
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    Laudatio del profesor Dr. D. Dionisio Borobio García con motivo de su jubilación.José María de Miguel - 2010 - Salmanticensis 57 (1):7-16.
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    Vicente Vicente, María José (coord.) (2023). Las nuevas extremas derechas en el mundo. Tirant lo Blanch. 544 páginas.María José García Solana - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (1):77-79.
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  48.  14
    La crítica de arte en Colombine. El concepto de belleza.María Victoria Gómez Alfeo & Fernando García Rodríguez - 2010 - Arbor 186 (Extra):139-147.
    La relación de Colombine con el arte y con los artistas es continúa en sus tertulias y en sus viajes, en los que busca la obra, y el artista, como manifestación profunda de la cultura que trata de conocer. La defensa del Greco se inscribe en la campaña del periodismo para salvar los cuadros de la capilla de San José. Las valoraciones y descripciones del arte italiano y flamenco, sus notas de viaje, nos proyectan a la relación, siempre defendida, (...)
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  49. Laudatio Del profesor dr. D. dionisio borobio García con motivo de su jubilación (20-11-2009).José María de Miguel Gonzalez - 2010 - Salmanticensis 57 (1):7-16.
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    The Effect of COVID-19 Confinement in Behavioral, Psychological, and Training Patterns of Chess Players.Juan Pedro Fuentes-García, María José Martínez Patiño, Santos Villafaina & Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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