Results for 'Josette Anna Maria Daemen'

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  1. Freedom, security, and the COVID-19 pandemic.Josette Anna Maria Daemen - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    Freedom and security are often portrayed as things that have to be traded off against one another, but this view does not capture the full complexity of the freedom-security relationship. Rather, there seem to be four different ways in which freedom and security connect to each other: freedom can come at the cost of security, security can come at the cost of freedom, freedom can work to the benefit of security, and security can work to the benefit of freedom. This (...)
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    Simone Weil: la provocazione dell'intelligenza.Anna Maria Verna - 1999 - Torino: Segnalibro.
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    Machiavelli's Florentine histoires.Anna Maria Cabrini - 2010 - In John M. Najemy (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Machiavelli. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    A garden of statues and marbles: The soderini collection in the mausoleum of Augustus.Anna Maria Riccomini - 1995 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 58 (1):265-284.
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  5. Presentation and Assent: a Physical and Cognitive Problem in Early Stoicism.Anna-Maria Ioppolo - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (02):433-.
    The Stoic theory of knowledge was founded by Zeno on a perceptual and crudely materialistic base, but subsequently developed into an elaborate theory involving λεκτ which has proved difficult to reconstruct. The evolution of the school, influenced not only by internal differences but also by interaction with the Platonic Academy, certainly contributed to this development. Hence any adequate reconstruction of the Stoic theory of knowledge must take account of the differences among the positions of the different representatives of the school (...)
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  6. Bertrand Russell i Ludwig Wittgenstein: Historia przyjaźni.Anna Maria Borzymowska - 2002 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 44 (4):5-22.
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    Set-Theoretic Semantics for Many-Valued Positional Calculi.Anna Maria Karczewska - 2020 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 68 (4):367-384.
    Semantyka teoriomonogościowa dla wielowartościowych rachunków pozycyjnych Celem artykułu jest zdefiniowanie adekwatnych semantyk teoriomonogościowych dla rachunków pozycyjnych.
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  8. The anguish of assimilation : The case of Italo svevo.Anna Maria Accerboni Pavanello - 2008 - In Pierluigi Barrotta, Anna Laura Lepschy & Emma Bond (eds.), Freud and Italian culture. New York: Peter Lang.
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  9. Butoh : the dance of being, a Jungian interpretation.Anna Maria Costantino - 2016 - In Kathryn Madden (ed.), The unconscious roots of creativity. Asheville, North Carolina: Chiron Publications.
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    Fuzzy modal-like approximation operators based on double residuated lattices.Anna Maria Radzikowska - 2006 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 16 (3-4):485-506.
    In many applications we have a set of objects together with their properties. Since the available information is usually incomplete and/or imprecise, the true knowledge about subsets of objects can be determined approximately only. In this paper, we discuss a fuzzy generalisation of two pairs of relation-based operators suitable for fuzzy set approximations, which have been recently investigated by Düntsch and Gediga. Double residuated lattices, introduced by Orlowska and Radzikowska, are taken as basic algebraic structures. Main properties of these operators (...)
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  11. Evidential Probabilities and Credences.Anna-Maria Asunta Eder - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (1):1 -23.
    Enjoying great popularity in decision theory, epistemology, and philosophy of science, Bayesianism as understood here is fundamentally concerned with epistemically ideal rationality. It assumes a tight connection between evidential probability and ideally rational credence, and usually interprets evidential probability in terms of such credence. Timothy Williamson challenges Bayesianism by arguing that evidential probabilities cannot be adequately interpreted as the credences of an ideal agent. From this and his assumption that evidential probabilities cannot be interpreted as the actual credences of human (...)
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    L’ἐποχή chez Arcésilas : réponse à Thomas Bénatouïl.Anna Maria Ioppolo - 2011 - Philosophie Antique 11:237-245.
    Bien qu’il tende à interpréter l’ἐποχή comme une position personnelle d’Arcésilas, Thomas Bénatouïl admet cependant que cette interprétation n’est pas pleinement justifiée par nos sources, lesquelles, loin d’être unanimes, font également état d’une interprétation exclusivement dialectique de l’ἐποχή περὶ πάντων. Mais s’il en est ainsi, il est également difficile de soutenir qu’Arcésilas utilise un vocabulaire qui lui est propre pour exposer son point de vue ; en conséquence de quoi le mot ἄδη...
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  13. Metafisica e naufragio.Anna Maria Treppiedi - 2007 - Giornale di Metafisica 29 (2):543-562.
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  14. An unpublished letter on the theme of religion from count Lorenzo magalotti to the honourable Robert Boyle in 1672.Anna Maria Crinò - 1982 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 45 (1):271-278.
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  15. Wokół teorii typów: Russell.Anna Maria Borzymowska - 2002 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 44 (4):39-56.
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  16. L'iterazione aggettivale nell'Orlando furioso.Anna Maria Carini - 1963 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 31:19-34.
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  17. La pietra crudele Presenze bibliche nell'opera prima di Margherita Guidacci e Cristina Campo.Anna Maria Tamburini - 2010 - Studium 106 (5):669-694.
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  18. L'esperienza del pensare. Indagine su un paradosso.Anna Maria Treppiedi - 1996 - Giornale di Metafisica 18 (1):113-130.
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  19. Rappresentazione e assenso : un problema fisico e gnoseologico nella dottrina stoica.Anna Maria Ioppolo - 1990 - In Antonina M. Alberti (ed.), Logica, mente e persona: studi sulla filosofia antica. Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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  20. La dottrina della passione in Crisippo.Anna Maria Ioppolo - 1972 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 27 (3):251.
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    Philosophical Methods.Anna-Maria Asunta Eder, Insa Lawler & Raphael Van Riel (eds.) - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3) (Springer).
  22. Why Africa's "weak states" matter: a postcolonial critique of Euro-Western discourse on African statehood and sovereignty.Anna Maria Kraemer - 2020 - In Davina Cooper, Nikita Dhawan & Janet Newman (eds.), Reimagining the state: theoretical challenges and transformative possibilities. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  23. La razón poética de Giambattista Vico.Anna Maria Brigante - 2008 - Universitas Philosophica 25 (51):181-193.
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    Alle origini del pensiero politicio libertino.Anna Maria Battista - 1966 - Milano,: Giuffrè.
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  25. El tema del "Ut pictura poesis" en "El lenguaje indirecto y las voces del silencio": los antecedentes de la nueva ontología de Merleau-Ponty.Anna Maria Brigante - 2009 - Universitas Philosophica 26 (53):89-105.
    En contra de Sartre, el paralelismo que Merleau-Ponty establece entre literatura y pintura en su escrito El lenguaje indirecto y las voces del silencio es una manifestación de su ontología indirecta. Este texto, que puede ser leído como una reconsideración de la frase horaciana ut pictura poesis ―la pintura es como la poesía―, pretende entonces poner en claro cómo es posible la relación interartística entre la literatura ―arte cuyo material es el lenguaje― y la pintura ―arte que se sirve de (...)
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  26. Fuzzy logic and applications: 9th International Workshop, WILF 2011, Trani, Italy, August 29-31, 2011: proceedings.Anna Maria Fanelli, Witold Pedrycz & Alfredo Petrosino (eds.) - 2011 - Heidelberg: Springer.
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  27. Chysippus and the Action Theory of Aristo of Chios.Anna Maria Ioppolo - 2012 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy:197-222.
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    Rosmini: la forza della verità.Anna Maria Tripodi - 2005 - Genova: ECIG.
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  29. Gioco del limite e movimento del pensiero in Jaspers e Gadamer.Anna Maria Treppiedi - 2006 - Giornale di Metafisica 28 (2):461-482.
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    Ability Emotional Intelligence, Attachment Models, and Reflective Functioning.Anna Maria Rosso - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous studies have reported a significant positive association between ability emotional intelligence and attachment security. However, these studies may, to some extent, be misleading because they relied on self-report measures of attachment security. Furthermore, to our knowledge, no study has yet investigated the relationship between ability EI and mentalization, operazionalized as reflective functioning, although EI and RF were assumed to be “conceptual cousins.” In an attempt to overcome some of the limitations of the previous research, the current study investigated the (...)
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    The utopian human right to science and culture: toward the philosophy of excendence in the postmodern society.Anna Maria Andersen Nawrot - 2014 - Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate.
    This book explores the question of whether the ideal right to science and culture exists. It proposes that the human right to science and culture is of a utopian character and argues for the necessity of the existence of such a right by developing a philosophical project situated in postmodernity, based on the assumption of ‘thinking in terms of excendence’. The book offers a new way of thinking about access to knowledge in the postanalogue, postmodern society, and is inspired by (...)
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  32. Nietzsche e l'America.Anna Maria Nieddu - 2008 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 28 (1):190.
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    Gli Accademici “Neωtepoi” Nel Secondo Secolo D. C.Anna Maria Ioppolo - 2002 - Méthexis 15 (1):45-70.
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    A Further Look at Reading the Mind in the Eyes-Child Version: Association With Fluid Intelligence, Receptive Language, and Intergenerational Transmission in Typically Developing School-Aged Children.Anna Maria Rosso & Arianna Riolfo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:586065.
    A number of tasks have been developed to measure the affective theory of mind (ToM), nevertheless, recent studies found that different affective ToM tasks do not correlate with each other, suggesting that further studies on affective ToM and its measurement are needed. More in-depth knowledge of the tools that are available to assess affective ToM is needed to decide which should be used in research and in clinical practice, and how to interpret results. The current study focuses on the Reading (...)
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    Elusive toleration: the relations between Socinians and Remonstrants in the seventeenth century.Anna Maria Laskowska & Jan Waszink - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    This article presents a general overview of the contacts between Polish Socinians and Dutch Remonstrants during the seventeenth century. Many contemporaries regarded Socinianism and Remonstrantism as similar or related confessions and some worked to forge ties between them. At the same time however the Remonstrant leadership opposed such moves for fear that they would confirm a link that was already being exploited by the Remonstrants’ opponents to smear their reputation. In the circumstances the Remonstrants as a group saw no alternative (...)
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  36. La sfida del carattere. Nietzsche lettore di Emerson.Anna Maria Nieddu - 2008 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 28 (2):406.
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  37. Persönlichkeitsstärke entwickeln, gesund erhaltend leben und leisten auf der Grundlage des Frankl'schen Menschenbildes.Anna Maria Pircher-Friedrich und Rolf-Klaus Friedrich - 2017 - In Michael Gutownig, Angelika Trattnig & Viktor E. Frankl (eds.), Sinn und Leben: Annäherung an Viktor E. Frankl. Klagenfurt: Mohorjeva Hermagoras.
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  38. Experts.Anna-Maria Asunta Eder & Peter Brössel - forthcoming - In Kurt Sylvan, Ernest Sosa, Jonathan Dancy & Matthias Steup (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, 3rd edition. Wiley Blackwell.
    This entry provides an opinionated overview of key epistemological debates regarding experts. To comprehend, justify, and enhance our practices of trusting, utilising, and depending on experts' judgments, it is crucial to clarify the characteristics of experts and the means of identifying those who exemplify them. Consequently, this entry examines and evaluates accounts of the main characteristics of experts. Furthermore, it discusses indicators of experts that help recognise experts and considers to what extent they are accessible to other experts and laypersons.
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    Fondamenti della gnoseologia critica contemporanea.Anna Maria Tripodi - 1992 - L'Aquila: Japadre.
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  40. Segno E tempo meta-fisica Del possibile in Henri Bergson.Anna Maria Treppiedi - 2011 - Giornale di Metafisica 33 (1-2):179-196.
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  41. L'eroe mangia: il pasto nella dimensione della hybris eroica.Anna Maria G. Capomacchia - 2004 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 9:9-14.
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    Ist unerfüllter Kinderwunsch ein Leiden? – Der Leidensbegriff im Kontext der Kinderwunschtherapie.Anna Maria Westermann & Ibrahim Alkatout - 2020 - Ethik in der Medizin 32 (2):125-139.
    Der Begriff Leiden ist in der Medizin und in der Bioethik bisher kaum reflektiert und dahingehend in normativer Hinsicht wenig bestimmt. Dennoch bildet das Leiden an einer Unfruchtbarkeit den Ausgangspunkt für die medizintechnischen Interventionen der assistierten reproduktionsmedizinischen Behandlung. Dabei wird implizit angenommen, dass der unerfüllte Kinderwunsch ein Leiden ist. Ob der unerfüllte Kinderwunsch allerdings ein Leiden darstellt, ist bisher nicht eindeutig geklärt worden.Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, die Annahme, dass es sich beim unerfüllten Kinderwunsch um ein Leiden handelt, zu überprüfen. (...)
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  43. A Study on the Foundations of Theories of Epistemic Rationality.Anna-Maria A. Eder - 2016 - Dissertation,
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    Entre tempos e espaços: poliglotismo e policronismo em Iúri Lotman.Anna Maria Lorusso - 2019 - Bakhtiniana 14 (4):85-102.
    ABSTRACT Even if Lotman’s theory has often been presented as a semiotic theory based on categories of space, temporal categories are crucial as well. And as we can speak of polyglotism as one of the main features of culture, we should speak of polychronism as well. In each state of culture, in fact, we find many temporal codes, and the internal dialogue is not only based on codes coming from different spaces (in the normal sense of polyglotism), but also as (...)
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    The good sense of Umberto Eco and the common sense of the Echian Encyclopaedia.Anna Maria Lorusso - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (241):29-44.
    The aim of my contribution is to analyse the role that common sense has played in Umberto Eco’s work. After making clear the distinction between good sense and common sense, and highlighting a number of differences with the Scottish philosophy of common sense, I will consider the uses and functions that common sense assumes in Eco’s philosophy: namely, a phenomenological function, a regulatory function and a communicative function. I will demonstrate how the characterisation of common sense in Eco emphasises the (...)
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    Vittorio benussi and edoardo Weiss on the unconscious (with two appendices).Anna Maria Accerboni Pavanello - 1999 - Axiomathes 10 (1-3):107-126.
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    Arcésilas dans le Lucullus de Cicéron.Anna Maria Loppolo - 2008 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 57 (1):21-44.
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    Lo Stoicismo di Erillo.Anna Maria Ioppolo - 1985 - Phronesis 30 (1):58-78.
  49. Pasquier e Machiavelli.Anna Maria Battista - 1961 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 38:491-516.
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    Sur L’antimachiavélisme Français du XVIe Siècle.Anna Maria Battista - 2009 - Revue de Synthèse 130 (3):501-531.
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