Results for 'Julia Sjödahl'

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  1.  59
    Leibniz on Causation and Agency.Julia Jorati - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book presents a comprehensive examination of Gottfried Leibniz's views on the nature of agents and their actions. Julia Jorati offers a fresh look at controversial topics including Leibniz's doctrines of teleology, the causation of spontaneous changes within substances, divine concurrence, freedom, and contingency, and also discusses widely neglected issues such as his theories of moral responsibility, control, attributability, and compulsion. Rather than focusing exclusively on human agency, she explores the activities of non-rational substances and the differences between distinctive (...)
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    Developing judgments about peers' obligation to intervene.Julia Marshall, Kellen Mermin-Bunnell & Paul Bloom - 2020 - Cognition 201 (C):104215.
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  3. The Relationship Between Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Stakeholder Pressure and Corporate Sustainability Performance.Julia Wolf - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (3):317-328.
    In 2009, Greenpeace launched an aggressive campaign against Nestlé, accusing the organization of driving rainforest deforestation through its palm oil suppliers. The objective was to damage the brand image of Nestlé and, thereby, force the organization to make its supply chain more sustainable. Prominent cases such as these have led to the prevailing view that sustainable supply chain management is primarily reactive and propelled by external pressures. This research, in contrast, assumes that SSCM can contribute positively to the reputation of (...)
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  4. Should I pretend I'm perfect?Julia Staffel - 2017 - Res Philosophica 94 (2):301-324.
    Ideal agents are role models whose perfection in some normative domain we try to approximate. But which form should this striving take? It is well known that following ideal rules of practical reasoning can have disastrous results for non-ideal agents. Yet, this issue has not been explored with respect to rules of theoretical reasoning. I show how we can extend Bayesian models of ideally rational agents in order to pose and answer the question of whether non-ideal agents should form new (...)
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    Replies to Fitelson and Konek.Julia Staffel - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (10):3155-3167.
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    From Beethoven to Bowie: Identity Framing, Social Justice and the Sound of Law.Julia J. A. Shaw - 2018 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 31 (2):301-324.
    Music is an inescapable part of social, cultural and political life, and has played a powerful role in mobilising support for popular movements demanding social justice. The impact of David Bowie, Prince and Bob Dylan, for example, on diversity awareness and legislative reform relating to sexuality, gender and racial equality respectively is still felt; with the latter receiving a Nobel Prize in 2016 for ‘having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition’. The influence of these composers and (...)
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  7. Editorial: The Review Process.Julia L. Driver & Connie S. Rosati - 2019 - Ethics 130 (1):1-4.
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    Experimentally Induced Language Modes and Regular Code-Switching Habits Boost Bilinguals’ Executive Performance: Evidence From a Within-Subject Paradigm.Julia Hofweber, Theodoros Marinis & Jeanine Treffers-Daller - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Predicting the unpredictable: critical analysis and practical implications of predictive anticipatory activity.Julia A. Mossbridge, Patrizio Tressoldi, Jessica Utts, John A. Ives, Dean Radin & Wayne B. Jonas - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  10. Conceptual Analysis for Nanoscience.Julia Bursten, Jill Millstone & Michael J. Hartmann - 2016 - Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7:1917-1918.
    A short overview, written for a primarily scientific audience, of how conceptual analysis and philosophy of science can assist in nanoscience research.
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    (1 other version)Rethinking Integration of Epistemic Strategies in Social Understanding: Examining the Central Role of Mindreading in Pluralist Accounts.Julia Wolf, Sabrina Coninx & Albert Newen - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (7):1-29.
    In recent years, theories of social understanding have moved away from arguing that just one epistemic strategy, such as theory-based inference or simulation constitutes our ability of social understanding. Empirical observations speak against any monistic view and have given rise to pluralistic accounts arguing that humans rely on a large variety of epistemic strategies in social understanding. We agree with this promising pluralist approach, but highlight two open questions: what is the residual role of mindreading, i.e. the indirect attribution of (...)
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    Durkheim in World Society: Roger Cotterrell’s Concept of Transnational Law.Julia Eckert - 2019 - Ratio Juris 32 (4):498-508.
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  13. Aristotle and the Later Tradition: Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 1991.Henry Blumenthal & Julia Annas (eds.) - 1991 - Clarendon Press.
    This volume contains papers by a group of leading experts on Aristotle and the later Aristotelian tradition of Neoplatonism. The discussion ranges from Aristotle's treatment of Parmenides, the most important pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, to Neoplatonic and medieval use of Aristotle, for which Aristotle himself set guidelines in his discussions of his predecessors. Traces of these guidelines can be seen in the work of Plotinus, and that of the later Greek commentators on Aristotle. The study of these commentators, and the recognition (...)
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  14. Sources of the filaha farisiyya.Julia Ma Carabaza & Expiracion Garcia - 2009 - Al-Qantara 30 (2):623-654.
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    The role of religious beliefs in ethics committee consultations for conflict over life-sustaining treatment.Julia I. Bandini, Andrew Courtwright, Angelika A. Zollfrank, Ellen M. Robinson & Wendy Cadge - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (6):353-358.
    Previous research has suggested that individuals who identify as being more religious request more aggressive medical treatment at end of life. These requests may generate disagreement over life-sustaining treatment (LST). Outside of anecdotal observation, however, the actual role of religion in conflict over LST has been underexplored. Because ethics committees are often consulted to help mediate these conflicts, the ethics consultation experience provides a unique context in which to investigate this question. The purpose of this paper was to examine the (...)
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  16.  42
    Conceptualizing Endometriosis Pain Through Metaphors.Julia M. Abraham & V. Rajasekaran - 2023 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 66 (3):478-491.
    ABSTRACT:Biomedical and philosophical traditions postulate the experience of pain either as quantifiable or as sociocultural phenomena. This critical assessment offers a close reading of Lara Parker’s Vagina Problems: Endometriosis, Painful Sex, and Other Taboo Topics (2020) and Abby Norman’s Ask Me About My Uterus: A Quest to Make Doctors Believe in Women’s Pain (2018), analyzing the authors’ use of language as a tool to comprehend and communicate pain. Norman’s and Parker’s memoirs narrate the lived experience of endometriosis, a condition diagnosed (...)
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    A word on standardization in longitudinal studies: don't.Julia Moeller - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  18.  19
    Formen der Solidarität: Eine Begriffssystematik.Julia Masurkewitz-Möller - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Solidarität wird in Krisenzeiten sowie bei Ungerechtigkeit und Marginalisierung gefordert. Sie tritt dabei in unterschiedlichen Reichweiten und Akteurskonstellationen auf und basiert auf verschiedenen Motiven und Ausgangslagen. Julia Masurkewitz-Möller nimmt sich dieser Vielfalt an und erarbeitet eine Systematisierung der Solidarität, die Ordnung in den begrifflichen Dschungel des Konzepts bringt. Sie zeigt, dass verschiedene Solidaritätsformen trotz ihrer Unterschiede einen gemeinsamen Kern und eine Beziehung zueinander haben - und damit die Transformationen von Solidaritätsformen möglich machen.
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    The Paradox of False Belief Understanding: The Role of Cognitive and Situational Factors for the Development of Social Cognition.Julia Wolf - 2021 - De Gruyter.
    Our ability to understand others is one of the most central parts of human life, but explaining how this ability develops remains a controversial issue, exercising psychologists and philosophers alike. Within this literature the Paradox of False Belief Understanding remains one of the main open challenges. Based on an up to date overview of the empirical and theoretical literature, this book highlights the significance of this paradox for our understanding of the development of social cognition and provides a new explanation (...)
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    Synaesthesia in a logographic language: The colouring of Chinese characters and Pinyin/Bopomo spellings.Julia Simner, Wan-Yu Hung & Richard Shillcock - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1376-1392.
    Studies of linguistic synaesthesias in English have shown a range of fine-grained language mechanisms governing the associations between colours on the one hand, and graphemes, phonemes and words on the other. However, virtually nothing is known about how synaesthetic colouring might operate in non-alphabetic systems. The current study shows how synaesthetic speakers of Mandarin Chinese come to colour the logographic units of their language. Both native and non-native Chinese speakers experienced synaesthetic colours for characters, and for words spelled in the (...)
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  21.  7
    Happiness and the Demands of Virtue.Julia Annas - 1993 - In The Morality of Happiness. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Ancient ethical theories produce differing accounts of happiness, depending on their position on the nature and importance of virtue. These are important debates, recognizably on the same topic as modern debates about the nature and importance of morality. In the ancient debates Aristotelian and Stoic views can both draw on compelling arguments, and no simple resolution is obvious.
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    Happiness, Success and What Matters.Julia Annas - 1993 - In The Morality of Happiness. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Ancient ethical theories all assume that we are seeking our happiness when we try to live a moral life. This produces considerable revision of the intuitive content of happiness, different theories making more or less revisionary transformations of its content.
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    The “rules” of synesthesia.Julia Simner - 2013 - In Julia Simner & Edward M. Hubbard (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia. Oxford University Press. pp. 149.
    Until relatively recently, researchers believed that synaesthetic sensations and their triggers were arbitrarily paired, and entirely idiosyncratic from one synaesthete to the next. Put differently, they believed that no two synaesthetes would have similar experiences from the same set of triggers, unless this had occurred by chance. This position likely arose because, prior to the internet, it was extremely difficult to recruit more than a small handful of synaesthete participants, and on the surface, synaesthetes do tend to disagree on their (...)
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  24.  21
    La generosa sabiduría de Alberto Sánchez Álvarez-Insúa.Labrador Ben & Julia María - 2011 - Isegoría 45:776-779.
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    Bioethics, globalization, and politics.M. Julia Bertomeu - 2009 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2 (1):33-51.
    Bioethics has evolved from a non-institutional, ideal, and ahistorical model toward a more political, institutional, and historically anchored one. This change is healthy and has, in part, been a product of the devastating consequences of globalization. I illustrate the distinct moments in the evolution of bioethics with an analysis of three discussions within the discipline: the debate on autonomy and the right to health and some of the issues raised by biotechnology, especially by the patenting of genetic material.
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    (1 other version)Correction to: Transformative experience and the shark problem.Tim Campbell & Julia Mosquera - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (11):3567-3568.
    In the original publication of the article.
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    H. Tristram Engelhardt Junior: A Moral Friend and Moral Stranger.Julia Tao Lai Po-Wah - 2018 - Conatus 3 (2):111.
    This paper is a tribute to H.T. Engelhardt Jr. for the intellectual resources he provided to challenge cosmopolitan liberalism as the foundation for an overarching global bioethics in the post-modern world. It is a also a tribute to the moral pluralism and cultural diversity which he argued so forcefully in all his works and which have inspired the flourishing of fierce bioethical debates across the world, including in the non-Western and Asian societies.
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    Changes in auditory frequency guide visual–spatial attention.Julia A. Mossbridge, Marcia Grabowecky & Satoru Suzuki - 2011 - Cognition 121 (1):133-139.
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    Debating Critical Theory: Engagements with Axel Honneth.Julia Christ, Kristina Lepold, Daniel Loick & Titus Stahl (eds.) - 2020 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Bringing together leading scholars in contemporary social and political philosophy, this volume takes up the central themes of Axel Honneth’s work as a starting point for debating the present and future of critical theory, as a form of socially grounded philosophy for analyzing and critiquing society today.
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    Form und Funktion: Eine kritische Betrachtung zeitgenössischer Designästhetik.Julia-Constance Dissel - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (3):410-424.
    This essay deals with the terms “form” and “function” as well as their relationship insofar as they are still used in philosophical and design-theory discourse to determine the aesthetic dimension of designed artefacts, especially of everyday objects, and often also to distinguish them from objects of art. I discuss whether our common understanding of these terms and their relationship is an appropriate instrument for such determinations. What is up for discussion here are not only conceptions of functional beauty with regard (...)
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    Philosophy in the Age of Science? Inquiries into Philosophical Progess, Method, and Societal Relevance.Julia Hermann, Jeroen Hopster, Wouter Kalf & Michael Klenk (eds.) - 2020 - Fordham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Current academic philosophy is being challenged from several angles. Subdisciplinary specialisations often make it challenging to articulate philosophy’s relevance for the societal questions of our day. Additionally, the success of the ‘scientific method’ puts pressure on philosophers to articulate their methods and specify how these can be successful. How does philosophical progress come about? What can philosophy contribute to our understanding of today’s world? Moreover, can it also contribute to resolving urgent societal challenges, such as anthropogenic climate change? This edited (...)
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    “Because Work Time Is Life Time” – Employees’ Perceptions of Individual Overemployment, Its Causes and Its Consequences.Julia Hiemer & Maike Andresen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    “In my head, I have a cleaning lady:” Symbol form and symbolic intention in the everyday use of money.Julia Keller, Karl Chan-Brown & Marie McNabb - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (235):119-151.
    Money is a symbol. Beginning with this simple notion, we have completed a qualitative study of how money exists in people’s everyday lives and how it is used symbolically. A review of the financial, economic, psychological, and semiotic literature shows that even though money is written and talked about exhaustively, little symbol theory appears in economic writing, and we rarely found money mentioned in semiotic texts. We used a qualitative, phenomenological approach to identify critical thematic elements and underlying structures of (...)
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    Fichte’s Ethics.Julia Peters - 2019 - Philosophical Review 128 (4):515-519.
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    War, Health and Ecosystem: Generative Metaphors in Cybersecurity Governance.Julia Slupska - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (3):463-482.
    Policy-makers involved in cybersecurity governance should pay close attention to the ‘generative metaphors’ they use to describe and understand new technologies. Generative metaphors structure our understanding of policy problems by imposing mental models of both the problem and possible solutions. As a result, they can also constrain ethical reasoning about new technologies, by uncritically carrying over assumptions about moral roles and obligations from an existing domain. The discussion of global governance of cybersecurity problems has to date been dominated by the (...)
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  36.  35
    Précis zu: Faultless Disagreement.Julia Zakkou - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 74 (2):274-277.
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    In the Circle of Non-Vengeance.Julia V. Sineokaya - 2017 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 55 (5):350-363.
    The topic of this article is the principle of non-vengeance, or a denial of the spirit of revenge [der Geist der Rache – Ger.], and how it is conceptualized in Friedrich Nietzsche and Lev Shestov. Both thinkers make this principle central to their philosophical discussions. However, they have different motives and ways of realizing the principle in their theories. Nietzsche’s approach is manifested in his idea of the eternal recurrence, while for Shestov, the principle is rooted in his interpretation of (...)
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  38. En torno a los relatos de las dos Españas.Santos Juliá Díaz - 2006 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 27:220-224.
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    Rituals of White Privilege: Keith Lamont Scott and the Erasure of Black Suffering.Julia Robinson Moore & Shannon Sullivan - 2018 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 39 (1):34-52.
    In the twenty-first century, 70.6 percent of Americans self-identify as Christians,1 58 percent of them still segregate themselves by race on Sunday mornings, and white Protestants make up the majority of this 58 percent.2 These facts belie the claim, popularized after Barack Obama's 2008 presidential election, that America is living in a postracial society3 And yet, the role played by religion in white people's lived experiences of race, racism, and white class privilege in the United States tends to be neglected (...)
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  40.  24
    What Constitutes Research Ethics in Sport and Exercise Science?Julia West, Karen Bill & Louise Martin - 2010 - Research Ethics 6 (4):147-153.
    Prior to any research data collection a proposal outlining methods and protocols is required to undergo ethical scrutiny. The issues surrounding a research ethics review process within sport and exercise science departments are not dissimilar to other subject areas. In particular, the ethical review process may be unclear to the researcher and can either present a difficult and time-consuming challenge or be merely perceived as a tick-box exercise. The aim of this study was to explore and compare research ethics processes (...)
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    El pensamiento de Kant en algunas teorías recientes de justicia social.María Julia Bertomeu - 2000 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 45 (4):573-582.
    Neste artigo, a autora aborda a questão da possibilidade de uma teoria da justiça social que seja compatível com a totalidade do sistema kantiano, examinando diversas posições acerca dessa problemática, seguindo-se a essa parte a exposição de sua própria posição no tocante a essa questão.
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    Introduction.Laurie-Anne Galiby & Julia Tinland - 2022 - Dialogue 61 (1):1-4.
    Les 25 et 26 mars 2021, en pleine pandémie de Covid-19, ont eu lieu deux journées d’études organisées par Sorbonne Université sur la thématique des patients experts, des patients partenaires et de leur intégration dans divers dispositifs de participation en santé. Elles ont réuni des chercheurs canadiens et européens autour du développement de la démocratie en santé, dont les principaux modèles sont issus de ces deux régions. Cette nouvelle forme de gouvernance de la santé invite à la collaboration entre les (...)
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  43. Metafísica analítica; introduccíon.Julián Sanz del Río - 1968 - Barcelona,: Ediciones de Cultura Popular. Edited by Eloy[From Old Catalog] TerróN.
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    Rethinking Human Rights in the Global South: Development and Colonial Power.Julia Suárez-Krabbe - 2015 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    An analysis of the evolution of the overlapping histories of human rights and development, and an exploration of the alternatives, through the lens of indigenous and other southern theories and epistemologies.
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    Generative and active engagement in learning neuroscience: A comparison of self-derivation and rephrase.Julia T. Wilson & Patricia J. Bauer - 2024 - Cognition 245 (C):105709.
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    Sattelzeit’: the invention of ‘premodern history’ in the 1970s.Julia Angster - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    In her historicisation of the concept of the ‘Sattelzeit,’ Julia Angster argues that the term does not represent a meaningful definition of a specific historical epoch. Instead, it serves as source material for analysing the notions of West German historians during the 1970s. Although their conception of the ‘Sattelzeit’ built on the work of R. Koselleck, it simplifies his concept by transforming an analytical tool of conceptual history into a starting point for social history. It enabled the conception of (...)
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    Listening for Whiteness: Hearing Racial Politics in Undergraduate School Music.Julia Eklund Koza - 2008 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 16 (2):145-155.
    This article describes how admissions auditions at schools of music may demonstrate and participate in what critical race theorist, Gloria Ladson-Billings, calls the full social funding of race. Julia Eklund Koza argues that the construction of musical difference, which is an effect of power and is accomplished by the materialization of styles of music, plays a role in the systemic inclusion or exclusion of people whose bodies have already been raced through a similar process of sorting and ordering. Focusing (...)
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    Naturalizar la razón?: alcance y límites del naturalismo evolucionista.Julián Pacho - 1995 - Madrid: Siglo XXI de España Editores.
    ¿Cómo es que un sistema cognitivo del que se dice no habría surgido para conocer, sino para sobrevivir, ha venido a conocer tantas cosas evolutivamente inútiles y -por qué descartarlo hoy- hasta nocivas para la supervivencia de la especie? El saber filosófico despierta, dirán Aristóteles o Hegel, una vez satisfecho lo necesario para la existencia. Puede incluso que la superfluidad sea esencial a la cultura, pues lo superfluo es para el hombre, según la expresión de Voltaire, «cette chose si nécessaire!». (...)
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  49. No "mere accumulation of material" : land as evidence in early Americanist anthropology.Julia E. Rodriguez - 2022 - In Sarah Ehlers & Stefan Esselborn (eds.), Evidence in action between science and society: constructing, validating and contesting knowledge. New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Idea de la metafiśica.Julián Marías - 1954 - [Buenos Aires]: Editorial Columba.
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