Results for 'Justus Christoph Dithmar'

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    Mr. Lawler on.Justus George Lawler & Christopher Dawson - 1961 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 36 (1):159-160.
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  2. Chapter One. Justus Lipsius and the Post-Machiavellian Prince.Christopher Brooke - 2012 - In Philosophic Pride: Stoicism and Political Thought From Lipsius to Rousseau. Princeton University Press. pp. 12-36.
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    Justus von Liebig und Hermann Kolbe in ihren Briefen, 1846-1873Justus von Liebig Hermann Kolbe Alan J. Rocke Emil Heuser. [REVIEW]Christoph Meinel - 1996 - Isis 87 (1):186-186.
  4. "The Main Light. On the Concept of Poetry": Justus Buchler. [REVIEW]Christopher Norris - 1975 - British Journal of Aesthetics 15 (4):373.
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    Philosophie in Bildern: Von Giorgione bis Magritte (review).Christopher Forlini - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (3):459-460.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.3 (2001) 459-460 [Access article in PDF] Reinhard Brandt. Philosophie in Bildern: Von Giorgione bis Magritte. Hamburg: Dumont, 2000. Pp. 470. Paper, NP. Reinhard Brandt, professor for Philosophiegeschichte, offers in his latest book a multi-faceted history of philosophy and art through his detailed interpretations of major paintings in the European tradition, beginning with Giorgione's "The Three Philosophers" and a young Raphael's "The Dream (...)
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    Hellenistic and Early Modern Philosophy (review).Christopher S. Celenza - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (2):207-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hellenistic and Early Modern PhilosophyChristopher S. CelenzaJon Miller and Brad Inwood, editors. Hellenistic and Early Modern Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Pp. xii + 330. Cloth, $60.00.There are at least two ways of writing the history of philosophy: the first and most common among those self-identified as "philosophers" treats philosophers of the past as if they were in live dialogue with the present. Only the text (...)
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  7. Whitehead Und Russell: Perspektiven, Konvergenzen, Dissonanzen.Christoph Kann & Dennis Sölch (eds.) - 2021 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    Bis vor kurzem wurden die Namen Alfred North Whitehead und Bertrand Russell zumeist in einem Atemzug genannt. Im Anschluss an die gemeinsam verfassten Principia Mathematica gingen beide jedoch dezidiert eigene philosophische Wege. Wahrend Russell maageblich zur Entstehung der analytischen Philosophie beitrug, markiert Whiteheads spate Philosophie den Beginn der bis heute virulenten prozessmetaphysischen Tradition. Stand Whitehead dabei lange im Schatten seines langjahrigen Freundes und Kollegen, zeichnet sich spatestens seit Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts ein bemerkenswerter Umschwung ab. Der vorliegende Band nimmt die (...)
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  8. Meta-emotions.Christoph Jäger & Anne Bartsch - 2006 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 73 (1):179-204.
    This paper explores the phenomenon of meta-emotions. Meta-emotions are emotions people have about their own emotions. We analyze the intentional structure of meta-emotions and show how psychological findings support our account. Acknowledgement of meta-emotions can elucidate a number of important issues in the philosophy of mind and, more specifically, the philosophy and psychology of emotions. Among them are (allegedly) ambivalent or paradoxical emotions, emotional communication, emotional self-regulation, privileged access failure for repressed emotions, and survivor guilt.
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  9. The relation of chemistry to other fields of science: atomism, reductionism, and inversion of reduction.Christoph M. Liegener & Guiseppe Del Re - 1987 - Epistemologia 10 (2):269-284.
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    Die Sakralisierung König Wambas. Zur Debatte um frühmittelalterliche Sakralherrschaft.Christoph Dartmann - 2010 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 44 (1):39-58.
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    13. Legal services in conveyancing: a European comparison.Christoph U. Schmid - 2009 - In Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt (ed.), New Directions in Comparative Law. Edward Elgar. pp. 185.
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    The Concept of Love in Kant’s Virtue Ethics.Christoph Horn - 2008 - In Monika Betzler (ed.), Kant's Ethics of Virtues. De Gruyter. pp. 147-174.
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    Properties and interrelationships of skeptical, weakly skeptical, and credulous inference induced by classes of minimal models.Christoph Beierle, Christian Eichhorn, Gabriele Kern-Isberner & Steven Kutsch - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 297 (C):103489.
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  14. Life and Mind: The Common Tetradic Structure of Organism and Consciousness – a Phenomenological Approach.Christoph Hueck - 2024 - Dialectical Systems: A Forum in Biology, Ecology, and Cognitive Science.
    The question of the holistic structure of an organism is a recurring theme in the philosophy of biology and has been increasingly discussed again in recent years. Organisms have recently been described as complex systems that autonomously create, maintain and reproduce themselves while constantly interacting with their environment. Key focal points include their autopoiesis, autonomy, agency and teleological structure. This perspective marks a significant advancement from the 20th-century viewpoint, which predominantly saw organisms as genetically programmed, randomly generated and blindly selected (...)
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  15. Instrumentalism.Christoph Fehige - 2001 - In Elijah Millgram (ed.), Varieties of Practical Reasoning. MIT Press. pp. 49--76.
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  16. Sustaining a rational disagreement.Christoph Kelp & Igor Douven - 2011 - In Henk W. De Regt, Stephan Hartmann & Samir Okasha (eds.), EPSA Philosophy of Science: Amsterdam 2009. Springer. pp. 101--110.
    Much recent discussion in social epistemology has focussed on the question of whether peers can rationally sustain a disagreement. A growing number of social epistemologists hold that the answer is negative. We point to considerations from the history of science that favor rather the opposite answer. However, we also explain how the other position can appear intuitively attractive.
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    Modalities by perspective: Aristotle, the stoics and a modern reconstruction.Christoph Jedan - 2002 - Sankt Augustin: Academia. Edited by Nico Strobach.
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    Spiegelungen der Gleichheit: politische Philosophie nach Adorno und Derrida.Christoph Menke - 2004 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  19. Self-deception as pseudo-rational regulation of belief.Christoph Michel & Albert Newen - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (3):731-744.
    Self-deception is a special kind of motivational dominance in belief-formation. We develop criteria which set paradigmatic self-deception apart from related phenomena of automanipulation such as pretense and motivational bias. In self-deception rational subjects defend or develop beliefs of high subjective importance in response to strong counterevidence. Self-deceivers make or keep these beliefs tenable by putting prima-facie rational defense-strategies to work against their established standards of rational evaluation. In paradigmatic self-deception, target-beliefs are made tenable via reorganizations of those belief-sets that relate (...)
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  20. Spirit and Life.Christoph Menke - 2006 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 27 (2):159-186.
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    (1 other version)Nietzsche, Naturalism, and Interpretation.Christoph Cox - 1995 - International Studies in Philosophy 27 (3):3-18.
    _Nietzsche: Naturalism and Interpretation_ offers a resolution of one of the most vexing problems in Nietzsche scholarship. As perhaps the most significant predecessor of more recent attempts to formulate a postmetaphysical epistemology and ontology, Nietzsche is considered by many critics to share this problem with his successors: How can an antifoundationalist philosophy avoid vicious relativism and legitimate its claim to provide a platform for the critique of arguments, practices, and institutions? Christoph Cox argues that Nietzsche successfully navigates between relativism (...)
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    Rezension: Gerechte Verteilung medizinischer Ressourcen.Christoph Leitner & Christian J. Feldbacher - 2010 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (23):100-105.
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    Antike Lebenskunst: Glück und Moral von Sokrates bis zu den Neuplatonikern.Christoph Horn - 1998 - C.H.Beck.
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    More than Words: from Language to Society. Wittgenstein, Marx, and Critical Theory.Christoph Demmerling - 2017 - In Dariusz Kubok (ed.), Thinking Critically: What Does It Mean?: The Tradition of Philosophical Criticism and its Forms in the European History of Ideas. De Gruyter. pp. 191-212.
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    Psychological research on heuristics meets the law.Christoph Engel - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (5):747-747.
    Heuristics make decisions not only fast and frugally, but often nearly as well as “full” rationality or even better. Using such heuristics should therefore meet health care standards under liability law. But an independent court often has little chance to verify the necessary information. And judgments based on heuristics might appear to have little legitimacy, given the widespread belief in formal rationality.
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    Peter of Auvergne.Christoph Flüeler - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 957--959.
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    Lumières françaises ou rayonnement européen de la France?: Zur Situation der zeitgenössischen französischen Skulptur an den deutschen Höfen des 18. Jahrhunderts.Christoph Frank - 2006 - In Iwan-M. D.´Aprile & Günther Lottes (eds.), Hofkultur Und Aufgeklärte Öffentlichkeit: Potsdam Im 18. Jahrhundert Im Europäischen Kontext. Akademie Verlag. pp. 77-102.
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    Sprache, Sünde und Wort Gottes.Christoph Gestrich - 1991 - Bijdragen 52 (2):185-200.
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    Despotie, Individualismus, Vereinheitlichung.Christoph Menke - 2018 - In Christoph Demmerling & Thomas Rentsch (eds.), Die Gegenwart der Gerechtigkeit: Diskurse zwischen Recht, praktischer Philosophie und Politik. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. pp. 142-154.
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    3. Gleichheit Und Zwang Eine Hermeneutische Grenze Moderner Selbstreflexion.Christoph Menke - 2000 - In Spiegelungen der Gleichheit. Frankfurt am Main: Akademie Verlag. pp. 87-108.
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  31. Proceso de la decisión, El: una aproximación desde la excepción.Christoph Menke - 1996 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:9-20.
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    Schwerpunkt: Zur Aktualitat der Asthetik von Alexander G. Baumgarten.Christoph Menke - 2001 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 49 (2):229-232.
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    Théorie critique et connaissance tragique.Christoph Menke & Élisabeth Kessler - 1999 - Rue Descartes 23:27-45.
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    Eclecticism rediscovered.Ulrich Johannes Schneider - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (1):173-182.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Eclecticism RediscoveredUlrich Johannes SchneiderMichael Albrecht, Eklektik. Eine Begriffsgeschichte mit Hinweisen auf die Philosophie- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 1994 (Quaestiones 5), 771p.Patrice Vermeren, Victor Cousin. Le Jeu de la Philosophie et de l’Etat, Paris: Editions L’Harmattan, 1995 (Collection “La philosophie en commun”), 390p.Not so long ago eclecticism was held to be little more than a non-systematic form of thinking or constructing, and still today that is the generally accepted (...)
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    Spiegelungen der Gleichheit.Christoph Menke - 2000 - Frankfurt am Main: Akademie Verlag.
    Fragen wir nach den Pflichten und Rechten, die wir einander gegenüber haben, so ist die erste Antwort der Moderne, dass es Pflichten und Rechte der Gleichheit sind: Gleichheit ist die vorrangig nromative Idee der Moderne. Das gilt im Moralischen ebenso wie im Politischen. Gleichheit ist die Grundidee der modernen Moralphilosophie und der modernen Verfassungsstaaten. Die moderne Begründung und Durchsetzung der Gleichheitsidee begleitet jedoch wie ein Schatten eine andere Einstellung: eine Haltung der 'Befragung' der Gleichheit. Diese andere Einstellung betrachtet die Gleichheitsidee (...)
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  36. The influence of people’s culture and prior experiences with Aibo on their attitude towards robots.Christoph Bartneck, Tomohiro Suzuki, Takayuki Kanda & Tatsuya Nomura - 2007 - AI and Society 21 (1-2):217-230.
    This paper presents a cross-cultural study on peoples’ negative attitude toward robots. 467 participants from seven different countries filled in the negative attitude towards robots scale survey which consists of 14 questions in three clusters: attitude towards the interaction with robots, attitude towards social influence of robots and attitude towards emotions in interaction with robots. Around one half of them were recruited at local universities and the other half was approached through Aibo online communities. The participants’ cultural background had a (...)
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    Identität, Charakter und Stil von Bauwerken.Christoph Baumberger & Georg Brun - 2013 - In Architekturphilosophie. Grundlagentexte. Mentis. pp. 141-166.
    In der Architekturtheorie ist häufig von der Identität von Bauwerken oder Städten die Rede. Der Ausdruck „Identität“ bezieht sich dabei auf etwas, was man „spezifischen Charakter“ nennen könnte. Wir schlagen eine symboltheoretische Explikation dieses Identitätsbegriffs vor und zeigen, in welchem Sinn ein Bauwerk verschiedene, sich verändernde oder gar konfligierende Identitäten haben kann. Identitäten von Bauwerken werden oft als mehr oder weniger klar, positiv, angemessen oder stark bewertet. Solche Attribute diskutieren wir, indem wir epistemische, materielle und strukturelle Bewertungen von Identitäten unterscheiden. (...)
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    Syntactic priming of relative clause attachments: persistence of structural configuration in sentence production.Christoph Scheepers - 2003 - Cognition 89 (3):179-205.
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    Disembedded markets as a mirror of society: Blind spots of social theory.Christoph Deutschmann - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (4):368-389.
    In the Marxist tradition, capitalism is understood as a commodified society based on markets. The article argues that the ultimate justification of this position does not lie in any ‘materialistic’ approach, but in the disembedding of markets that was the result of the historical ‘Great Transformation’ analysed by Karl Polanyi. Disembedded markets are not an economic subsystem within society but take the place of the most encompassing social system, which Durkheim had reserved for religion. The article distinguishes between spatial, social, (...)
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  40. Probabilistic Arguments in the Epistemological Approach to Argumentation.Christoph Lumer - 2011 - In Frans H. van Eemeren, Bart Garssen, David Godden & Gordon Mitchell (eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. Rozenberg / Sic Sat. pp. 1141-1154.
    The aim of the paper is to develop general criteria of argumentative validity and adequacy for probabilistic arguments on the basis of the epistemological approach to argumentation. In this approach, as in most other approaches to argumentation, proabilistic arguments have been neglected somewhat. Nonetheless, criteria for several special types of probabilistic arguments have been developed, in particular by Richard Feldman and Christoph Lumer. In the first part (sects. 2-5) the epistemological basis of probabilistic arguments is discussed. With regard to (...)
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    Zeichen und Zeichenhaftigkeit. Einleitung.Christoph Ernst - 2016 - In Jan Wöpking, Christoph Ernst & Birgit Schneider (eds.), Diagrammatik-Reader: Grundlegende Texte Aus Theorie Und Geschichte. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 49-54.
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    7. Positionen auf dem Weg zu einer kritischen Hermeneutik.Christoph König - 2014 - In Philologie der Poesie: Von Goethe Bis Peter Szondi. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 95-101.
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    The Enlightenment Idea of Human Rights in Philosophy and Education and Postmodern Criticism.Christoph Lüth, Dieter Jedan, Thomas Altfelix & Rita E. Guare (eds.) - 2002 - Winkler.
  44. Sprache und Verdinglichung: Wittgenstein, Adorno und das Projekt einer kritischen Theorie.Christoph Demmerling - 1994 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  45. How to interpret human actions (including moral actions).Christoph Lumer - 2010 - In Peter K. Machamer & Gereon Wolters (eds.), Interpretation: Ways of Thinking About the Sciences and the Arts. Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press.
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    Public Goods With Punishment and Abstaining in Finite and Infinite Populations.Christoph Hauert, Arne Traulsen, Hannelore De Silva née Brandt, Martin A. Nowak & Karl Sigmund - 2008 - Biological Theory 3 (2):114-122.
    The evolution and maintenance of cooperation in human and animal societies challenge various disciplines ranging from evolutionary biology to anthropology, social sciences, and economics. In social interactions, cooperators increase the welfare of the group at some cost to themselves whereas defectors attempt to free ride and neither provide benefits nor incur costs. The problem of cooperation becomes even more pronounced when increasing the number of interacting individuals. Punishment and voluntary participation have been identified as possible factors to support cooperation and (...)
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    Vienna lectures on legal philosophy.Christoph Bezemek, Michael Potacs & Alexander Somek (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Hart.
    volume 1: Legal positivism, institutionalism and globalisation -- volume 2: Normativism and anti-normativism in law.
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    Werner Schneiders: Die Globalisierung des Nihilismus.Christoph Böhr - 2021 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 74 (2):154-161.
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    A modern debate over universals? Critical theory versus “essentialism”.Christoph Bode - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (2):229-237.
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  50. Religionsphilosophie in Versen : Alexander Popes An Essay on Man für deutsche Leser.Christoph Bultmann - 2018 - In Walter Sparn, Joar Haga, Sascha Salatowsky, Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann & Wolfgang Schoberth (eds.), Das Projekt der Aufklärung: philosophisch-theologische Debatten von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart: Walter Sparn zum 75. Geburtstag. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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