Klaus Kaiser [17]Karl Kaiser [3]Kevin Kaiser [2]K. Kaiser [2]
Kim Kaiser [2]Kenneth Kim Kaiser [1]Klaus-Dieter Kaiser [1]Kurt Kaiser [1]

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  1. Vorwort der alten Folge zugleich als Vorwort der neuen Folge.Leonard Nelson, Gerhard Hessenberg & Karl Kaiser - 1904 - Abhandlungen der Fries’Schen Schule. Neue Folge 1 (1):III - XII.
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    Über eine verallgemeinerung der robinsonschen modellvervollständigung I.Klaus Kaiser - 1969 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 15 (1‐3):37-48.
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  3. Unification explicative : une théorie adéquate de l’explication métaphysique.Kevin Kaiser - 2021 - Ithaque 28:97-117.
    Le modèle unificationniste de l’explication métaphysique, basé sur les travaux de Kitcher sur l’explication scientifique, offre une alternative intéressante aux modèles présumant la conception supportive de l’explication métaphysique [backing model]. Par contre, le caractère adéquat de ce modèle, i.e. sa capacité à classifier comme métaphysiquement explicative/non-explicative des propositions qui préthéoriquement sont classés comme tel, n’a pas encore été exploré. Pour ce faire, des interprétations pour les relations de détermination et d’appartenance à un ensemble sont fournies. Celles-ci étant potentiellement sujette au (...)
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    (2 other versions)Über eine verallgemeinerung der robinsonschen modellvervollständigung. II. abgeschlossene algebren.Klaus Kaiser - 1969 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 15 (7‐12):123-134.
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  5. Sur le problème de l’induction : une réponse en acier (a Steel answer).Kevin Kaiser - 2018 - Ithaque 23:49-73.
    Le problème de l’induction (humien) a récemment été abordé par Steel dans son article de 2010. Celui-ci soutient que les théories d’apprentissage formelles permettent de justifier logiquement le principe de l’induction, ce dernier assurant la fiabilité logique des méthodes. Cette proposition a été critiquée par Howson en 2011, ce dernier mettant en doute la possibilité même qu’une méthode puisse être logiquement fiable. Bien que Steel ait offert une réponse à cette critique, il n’y répond pas directement. Dans le présent article, (...)
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    (1 other version)On Quasi‐Universal Model Classes.Manfred Armbrust & Klaus Kaiser - 1972 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 18 (25‐30):403-406.
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    (1 other version)On the Maximality of Some Conormal Extensions of a Lattice.Mai Gehrke & Klaus Kaiser - 1987 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 33 (1):13-18.
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    (1 other version)Some nonstandard methods applied to distributive lattices.Mai Gehrke, Matt Insall & Klaus Kaiser - 1990 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 36 (2):123-131.
  9.  70
    Information requisition is the core of guideline‐based medical care: which information is needed for whom?Theresia Gschwandtner, Katharina Kaiser & Silvia Miksch - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):713-721.
  10.  11
    Atlantic Civilization.Karl Kaiser - 2019 - In Ludger Kühnhardt & Tilman Mayer, The Bonn Handbook of Globality: Volume 2. Springer Verlag. pp. 981-986.
    Though based on the historic interaction between Atlantic peoples, the Atlantic Civilization only became a reality after World War II with the East West conflict. It comprised a liberal economic order and democratic states, most of which were linked together in a military alliance and led by the United States. The system is now severely challenged by consequences of globalization and a revival of geopolitics, in particular Russia’s intervention in the Ukraine as well as terrorism and the rise of populism. (...)
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    Cordes, C.: Gesellschaftspolitische Initiativen im Protestantismus. »Berichte des Deutschen Industrieinstitutes zur Sozialpolitik.Kurt Kaiser - 1970 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 14 (1):253-254.
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    Das Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die Verfassungsdiskussion Anfang der 90er-Jahre.Klaus-Dieter Kaiser - 2019 - Polis 23 (1):10-12.
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    Duplicate networks: the Berlin botanical institutions as a ‘clearing house’ for colonial plant material, 1891–1920.Katja Kaiser - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Science 55 (3):279-296.
    For centuries, herbarium specimens were the focus of exchange in global botanical networks. The aim was the ‘complete’ registration of the flora, for which ‘complete’ collections in botanical institutions worldwide were considered to be a necessary basis, although this ardently sought-after ideal was never achieved. The study of colonial plants became a special priority of botanical research in the metropolises. With knowledge of the many treasures of the plant world considered the key to securing wealth and power, political and economic (...)
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  14.  39
    Lattices Acting on Universal Classes.Klaus Kaiser - 1981 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 27 (8-10):127-130.
  15.  9
    (1 other version)On complementedly normal lattices II: Extensions.Klaus Kaiser - 1984 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 30 (36):567-573.
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    Science and Ethical Responsibility.Kim Kaiser - 1984 - Journal of Medical Ethics 10 (4):213-214.
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    "Sin and Sinning.Kyra Marie Kaiser - 1993 - Semiotics:465-477.
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  18.  23
    What's new?: From gene to phenotype in Drosophila and other organisms.Kim Kaiser - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (6):297-301.
    The growing number of cloned eukaryotic genes lacking a defined or proven biological function poses a major challenge in ‘reverse genetics’. A method is described here that permits efficient screening for new lesions in, or close to, genes corresponding to cloned DNA sequences of interest. The technique involves transposon mutagenesis, followed by screening of DNA isolated from a population of mutagenised individuals (or their progeny) for evidence that the population contains at least one individual in which transposon insertion has occurred (...)
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    (1 other version)Abhandlungen der Fries'schen Schule.Arthur O. Lovejoy, G. Hessenberg, K. Kaiser & Leonard Nelson - 1905 - Philosophical Review 14 (5):617.
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    What's new: Conditional cell ablation in Drosophila.J. W. Sentry, M. M. Yang & K. Kaiser - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (7):491-493.
    Targeting of cell ablation agents under the control of tissue‐specific promoters promises to be an important tool for studies of development and function in higher organisms. Temperature‐sensitive cell ablation agents, recently developed for Drosophila, extend control to temporal as well as spatial aspects of toxin expression. Here we discuss achievements to date, together with a novel form of enhancer trap technology with the potential for driving toxin expression in a large range of cell types.
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